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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 3, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 3, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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? Page 4 WRITER SENOS IHTERESTIRG REPORT ON EARLY.DAY SKOKOMISH IHD{AHS F, ditor, The Journal iy become apparent to them, so Dear Sir: lhat they will avail themselves of 'I have discovered some Indi~.n the advantages offered them. Then 'tools nl~,.de by some I::'aeific Beaeh with the care of an agent, tO see Indians and with t]'Je][n was a book (.bat the laws preventing drinking t)ublislled in 1879 by the Semetary a~e properly enforced, and their S LTON-- ASON JOURNAE-- Publlahe tn "Ohde ma. own, U.S.A.", S'helton, Wa hlng on ::51/:! ...... ::"::' 7!: ........................ :I When the mansion was con- and 105 howitizers. ':~ :: : .......... .: . ,, st(acted in 1908, no doubt it wasIt is a very imposing display of ~:~: :: .......... : ' : i: ' :: : J :: a thing of beauty butit certainly military strength. Coming off the : couldn't be expected to remain a otherwise barren highway, one joy forever. It is like the Ad- comes into the outskirts of Santo. dam's family house on TV with Domingo. Oddly enough, the out- its dust-catching draperies, nar- skirts to me had a similar resem- row, steep stairways and cluttered blance to Sonth Tacoma, as ap- cupboards. Since the Capitol corn- preached on the old highway from plex was built around it in the Olympia. One sees car lots, groc- late twenties, the old house is ery stores, etc. The civilians are no longer in a residential district, going about their daily business, It stands on the hill like a sore some of the girls smile, some don't thumb, catching the pungent od- and there is a well-armed soldier ors from the pulp mills and mud about every 100 feet• Proceeding flats, along, we came to the Duarte Probably the only thing worth Bridge, the bridge tha.t was as- moving into a new mansion for saulted by the division when theyi ::;I the sake ef tradition is the silver first arrived here. It was about service winch was used on the 4 o'clock in the afterno,m when U.S.S. Olympia, the flag ship of BY MABEL KIDD Visiting DAYTON -Doris Hiekson came Land home hon]e front Colorado with her Marvin motl:er, Mrs. Janles Hiekson, ar- Mrs. Jack riving on Thm's.lay. She left by Mr. and Mrs, l)htne from McCord Air base Men- Mrs. Kenneth day evening lor Charleston Air-. :Lund, Mrs, f()ree 13asc, Monday visitors in the ! Matson llickson lmme wer'(L Mr. and Mrs, Kelly and Allen lqi(!ks(m and children Lake Friday N:,hv:atzeL Mrs, Clara Bezley home of •tnd 'l'm:L Shelton and Mr. andbits were Mr, we hit the bridge, and all along Mrs. Willi'un Rietdorf. )'is of of the l'ni0riof It i~ 'l report fl'onl ('hi lit'ell nla('e o altend school, .............. ]oh,-,,- r,~.. ~. whn i= o,-nnlnxrort uruuJze* ,. .c . ~ " ': ~ '. ; .. " ~ : . " . - ~. . ' . wolnmoaore ~eorge uewey auring the oanas or the river are tne ..... ., "--"" ........... ,~-.,.,~-- ,- . }:tll llne ln(tlan Agents lroYoTAleno lllrEt~et' (it'aln nee(1 ne mille on ....... ' '-~ , ...... " ' .. b., Jehn Anderson ana ~.r.a x,.. i wrawley ake: '/, "~ . : ". i~ ' C~ .'" ~1 av ' o te t ~d th y rece'ved nish ~l e" (n "'a * - .... ' ' ' : " ' ' , ._ ~ . , ( .............. : • , ,_ • . • , e t ) zvt y .t, J_~• As such they allblendtogether ~ : .... Mrs. Robert Bent was honored M, nnd l ;,IS )t II[IIin(in le(l n tile Do( ~. tilt!pa[eyl[S i te~ nave )teen so Tea was selved " "he ~all icon3 r ' " ~ ' : ""~ '- " ........ • 'f ~ " l • c~ "' ' m t ~ ' • xery colorfully with tneblueness ~vlay 2;) at '-1 Stork Showe~ at Day- . tO whmh ~s a. htt•le dl fe 'ent thau al y long e::peelmo lotthe lands they under the Ozeoh"sto,,-lO .... ha,, . :'. . ~ ..... ~ 4•..a~ , • ...... • motoled _ , • r , r ' , ...................... ,-O1: tile aver ~'rom the Drloge, we ~': ton nan hostesses were Mls T .I hale seen. Having been born arM ; re occup3mg md ~hich have ~;~.~ r+ .~.. ~. ~. ........ a ,.. " l1 .......... Darlene up P .... • ' u~.,,v,~, st ,,*u~ **avv ~t::*ncu ~u contlfllled one' h CO ' • r ard to t e mmand A T,bbtts attd Mrs Pete Roberts r~is~d m Shelton I was very nmch been Hlolcd to them Their habits +h~ +~.+ +~.. u,~X ..,..-,a . : ......... il _. . - . . .. , her home for mr.(rest( d m lhe repmt and 1 1are'generally Feed As a rule they ........ a .. ~...~a.^a,, ..# ....... p), t. Ot one ot tne oat)aliens, 'ITIIS i l [.JIILSLS ~e)(. Mesaames D,ek Leon- Monday c • ,., ,, ,. • " .. .ev=,' =.,, as .unue=u~ ,,. ,vumen be a uarte " i 1ted ill r • " " --- - the map, fm(hng that Sheltonare lemperate and industrious; e'~"qnued + ..... • d~a''+ "~"d-" p q . ,s s .oca . . the ii ad, Charles S]mth, Gale Albrecht, home were nn sl h~ve been n,nled Oakl ind at their chihh'en attend school regu- ,~,~'{~,.~ ~., ~".2~'~'~,~.,~*.'"~'2..~"~h near) of ~own.m the nowaenmct i i Jess Stites and John Anderson. Creekoaum • I " " • - .. ....... ~ ............. , ................ wolleg'e of St Don Bosco Donna Anderson Helen Lecmard - that tnne. larly; some of thmr young men to see in the fashions tile ladle~ " ll ..... '_ . . Cleary, The report in an f()llows: late' learning the various tradeswore ..... From the bridge to the head- li ann raemory ~mltn were prize win- Vearl Be( Sl~okonlish Agency, Wash. l ianght by the employers, and are ..~' . . quarters, the different buildings onli ners. -- - - -~t~ 'rnme ate always some peopm the lOU e wel d l ll r monday ~ A,m.•l~ lug9 'doirw w('dl and they mi~'itt, and- .'" ' .- . . ' t "e ri d ed with bul- Monda) Dave Rayson picked u d ----~.~, .... -' " ~' " ' • . ~ ' .... '. P r an . thOUgh m vmy mowa wad ale lets Observin from the "re i Bake . Sir' .[ have no doubt would in a few .... . ...... . • g j p I NEW CITIZENS---Mary Dobson, right nresents small United h s mother, Mrs. J. W. Rayson Mr and - • .' ruue pores and i am USllally £flelr no ic ' "- ' " , -- " ' I have the honor herewith to I years .become a productive cla=s of .,,.+,.., ,~..~ ..,a ...... , .... i;^a ,.. t ed that theze were many States flags to Mrs. Nancy Yates, a native of Canada and her son, m Tacoma at her daughter s, Mrs. and Linda ( transmit my ninth annual report c.itizens were they not losing their ~'~'~;h"~ I~"{'n= ut~ f~vtn,"¢~t'~fu~'~¢u=~'~ more soldiers now_.They wele on Richard, who became U. S. citizens in naturalization proceedings Clyde Barton, and they visited in Allen Tibbit of the Skol~omish. Indian Agency, confidence in the government's ev- ~mlle'~l~he~:'[wo'comn'ani~u~ ]"n w~l~h .eve}w col[nel, root~op, all~., even in Mason ~ounty Superior C,ourt Friday. Judge Hewitt Henry Renton with Mr. and Mrs. Law- -Dining w] .............. 'er -ivi l- lhem titles to their~ .,, ~ .-- y.-- .= m the Dell towers el the oinerent admlnis+ered th " h r rence Baile Then to Bellevue The ........ xn(nans under my cnau'ge { ~, ~ a ....... .... hm ,,_~_,,~--0,, ,.-~h~ ~,....~''" ~..--" ~-.~"" ~,...~-~'~ . , . ' .. ' ..... , . . e oath of c t zensh, p to Mrs. Yates. R c a d auto- , . . Y' wele the J are composed for the most narL Domes ............ .,._ ~=_ cnulcnes xott see [nem w~[n Din- mat ca y became a U S c t zen with his mother's natura zat on to VlSlt her httle new great-grand- nd • t ...... .- .... sne graoDeo ~an~itlllS o[ the UUlil- , ' , " " • i Raymo . of two tribes, the Skokomish 0r They have good comfortable tv sandwiches and cooldes arch" ocula*s,machine gun), gzenade- M!ss Dobson made the presentation of the flags on behalf of the , daughter, Eileen, born to Mr. and ~,,,,a~v i Twanqs nunlberin~r about ~50 wh)lhe tses small patches of land di~t,'~ n,~ui,,~" ,,~, ~,,, ~ "~u~,,..~ launchers Dazoogas, etc. She ton Bus ness and Profess ona Women's Club ~Mrs Jim Rae This is the seven- ...~u';7~a " ' . " -- ' .... ' ... .... a ........... ~ ~,~ .... ' = ~,,,~-t-.~,- • • " : teenth • • • . ~loomlle,u make~ then' hem( on tile reserva- clearedwhmh ]s very, productive, lunch, I was tempted to kink' hel They, are continually. . scanning ........................................... : gleat-g)andchlld of Mr and ...... no ~,,~ lion, and the S'Klallams, number- and a. good start made for further in the shins but didn't Maybe the area for signs of rebel activity• • A . m. • --. • Mrs. Rayson. . ~s p/ .... ,. ing about 525, who live at a dLs- advancement, but they will not,she contributed ~'enerouslv "to the All around these soldiers are the |A|l/ ~[]~|IA~'~I~ 'O'~AAA~i~ Du~•~A Mr. and Mrs Otto Baumann of ~.atter~nw~* tance from the agency Both tribes m~less forced to do so clear up Wishin~ Well ..... local people the natives, going |'~ UW-Mg! rlUUKX~lil~ n[l~i|,~i~ {Everett visited'with Mr and Mrs A sweeu~ were. _oartms ..... lo the..same, treaty. . any more. .land m~ttl .they. know . It occures to me _.h_tt a we should about their business milling ~ O : Ned Jacobsen Sunday and got ac- ~oy .arm M] are. under the same ob]lgatmns, whether ~t ~s to be thin(s, or whe- all be reminded of our heritage arotmd the streets, etc. We pulled II~ ||• ~ I RI I • BB i • i quainted with their ~randsan h~alts of and entitled to the same privileg- the)' they are to be moved to some as citizens of United States Onl'~y up to the battalion headquarters ~ |~I~TT|n~( ~i~' iil~ ||~1' Hl~l~ll~l~l~lflWl~ i Chad ° ~ ' man, The es; but ,~wing to the circumstance It,)her reservation.. I very much here can just anybody attend a and General York went inside. • VI LLHI| up IIUUU U!L ] Sunday, Mr and Mrs Don Ruth Pa°m~d$ 2al of ti~e rese)'w~tiot.~ h;;v~g ~:tent~o- ~'~gr~4tl:itleis~' tong relay m g')vmg Tea in the Governors mansion, sit After I got out of my jeep, I By Doml'O'Neil 40 friends and neighbors dropped i erf°rd and child,'en were the guests the,', Bria, rated in the hea't e ~ 'Y. / • '~ ' ..'. in on a session of the legislature, i spied a fruit vendor selling pine- HOODSPOR,~ --' . ] in with best wishes for' the cou { of the Clyde Scroghams for birth- Grandpa(el belonging to the former and 100 White men will not go on to the eomnmnicatc with everybody in I apples to the soldiers I proceeded . x -- ~usmess is I . ._ ~ . . ~" . . " ' -" I day cake an,~ ~ ....... *^ ~^,^ ~- - ntiles away from homes of the[puhlic domain and clear up ]and one language, be an individual[over to the vendor and purchased bw°:nm, ting in Hoo.dsport! And it P~e~e~Vtatl:~il~ng.E~astgara c~t tl-,e[brate the bir~h~ta~y~of~.s~Scrog-" Ivyl£naaP~ lalter, only the Skokomish Indians [ and make improvements thereon American in a DoDulation of near- ] (ne. Afterwards. I located ~ friend .-... De lon~, Demre Barnacle I "~. . ..~ ~'. r~lct ara ~ate.' pour- [ ham • • aria ~v~ ". ~. ' ~elvcs to an ..... ~oD's ousiness booms Bat nacle ea cotter l~ose'lnl I.~ain was in i ' Mr ano have. availed them.;• ..5 . Y unless they have a legal guarantee ly two million and not just a cog ]of mine who is attached to this Bob Dunham' alone- "" -" "" ' [ charge of the ~unch bowl while I Mr and Mrs Harold Kidd en ha,,,,~ Lo : ext(:n~ of the advantages offered I 0f title a~:~d why should we expecl in a machine. This thought I would downtown headquarters He was . ~, wire three I ..... ~ ~' i ~ .~ : . . Y: ...... - v~ ,. by the government for their bene- Indians to do s;)? In another yee.r like to impress on my children, monitoring a radio at "the time, omer conspirators; J:~ck Beigh I~ev" wemey Gain welcomed peo- ! ~et~tmnea at a .mr maay ~at- from. the~I r~', / ,,.. 4,~ ,.. -:,, ~..--::^ m~. ......... rand-hildre" "n"~ "-~ ~'~ *~........ ~"~ ........... .~ ._ _, ...... irorn Olympia While Ross from pie a~ me adO(. m'uay evening in none( ot Mrs. ~s- finally Ca, x*~, ] tile ~l•t=fl[.y ~%rlll g2~pll'C, lll~ ~UV~;tlI" ~ ~ ,IX a U ,~. ~'~ ~.~ ~UUn~ ~*U~ We mauu.~eu tU u**p m a xew .. ............ " " I A ,,-,',~ o,- "~o~ .,,..,,. .... ~.. .,. I ther Kidd Guests were Mr ~voh ,,rigid,h|" .lu Efforts have tepeat.edly been ntent; urill ttlen be under no treaty people of our great nation words to each other anyway a.~a, cum, . ana walter r~ea fronl . .~-.~ 2ve...,~ a ..... s ,,, ....... " I ~ tr.'aa ...... ^-~ ;~- " . .. " $2-~''" "~.LP-'-*--^ made, and different means t,'ied, ohligalion to aid then, farther. If Anita, DuFFer { He mentioned that ttzin~ had ~e°w°°~P°i;~esasre spearheading the {~;2negsat~2olt~e2:ang'on~.'a~oSel;t i~ia~: vtr. ana ears, .arry bi:'n%Ja~u to induce the Sklallams t(i ntovethey }rove titles Lo their homes -----------------------~ been rather nuiet that da~ but • . ,', which they hope tel ', , . ,', , t l _ " . , . , onto the rese~wation but: without Ithcy will improve them; if not GOUGED WERE TtIE¥" the rebels "~usuall- ~o,,e~e8 (],- nave in tull swing within the next ~,a.s neamy nine years ago when i, ~unoay callersin the home of spent last ........... .m.. ~. ~..... ~.4 u ...... ; ~r, / ,., -:--- ..e ...^-~ -. :. lear^ and drift • " I _ _ •.... a .. v " ~"(we weeks I [ne Yocu ns willingly welcomed I lvlr alia Mrs. Joe ~rown were Mrs granapar~ ~uuCu~S. .,.**e,Y a,,~t: uJ. ~,tnuC ~:-I S,, /,*.airy u~ LnUH* ~a Ju • ~ a Editor Tile Journal I aronna ,t:'au in the atternoon It '" ' • • • '. ' • "' ' -, , o Ie , The estabhsh ~ ]~Iatk Phflhps mid then home and lames Cunnmgham and Ken of mer JaeO~ ~tr,mg that, ratll~r than leaxejaimlessly about, ekingut a ba' r~a,,. ~,. " ]wasnt lo~ afterwards that 'the = '' nentw*llgobythe], '. ~_. ,. "' ... ~" 22. I:;~_," .... " n-~ r~lil their own e,mnlry and have the i existenee, with no object in view, ~; ~" ". .... I crack of. rifles and the deen clat- name of. Barnacle Bob's pickled [~!sea 1am as tnel~, ox~rn son. fn.e i~x.c~L,,~vlls. ~Jewey_~e.nnettt, Miss *"~ ^'~:t we ~eel t e Fo ~- a ot urns lla~e oeclcte(l ]20 use tnelr ~va wlnso an(] Keltn l~ellrl move~ uu lse o:f ]and /roe 'on the reserva- except the gratification of their . n rest ~'estivm iS[ter of machi)le r'uns reached m,, Oysters and is located in a brand- .~: • ~c 7 ... _ ." . I ..... ; ..... ett ...... tion, they ha, re in fi~any instances [present desires, real race an(] something to be en- [ears o . a spanking, new building in the vic- ]g~ money to ouy.t~!looo(le{mz~ns ~e{.mn, atta mr, ana Mrs, A. O. netted ce o 0 ea o eVeI one AlWa S In the Inlt of azanas ioI 1;ael) yal 0 Tne I ~cnullenilauer aE DZO ~-~ bought iand near h(n~m; rather t During the past year theyhave J y ' Y 'Y • '~ Y. " ] Y;t ......'- .............. " " y the fish hatchery and I 2{i:'. _.. " i;;' ~, ' ' ' . ' ' , _ " ' _ .... th,m It ~ve hlmbt t and tools fur-. '0 ~' "ods of fencehave past many people zrom out ofthe ..... ~.. ,,~ ~r,~,.,...~ .~ic~ the Stmtise Motel It is fully Howe~s v,m, mossom eacn year as I Donna Hulbert, Federal Way nappy u~2 • ":. -~.. ~ ,, ., ,~,~,/.h,. {n.ld( a,b ut ,,,00J .... 2, '. • county have been encouraged to iciear so qmckly. The fruit vendur eo'uinned w{tl ......... -~ ~+.~, +~.,'2 Ia permanent relninaer to the Yo-~ was home for th~ In ........ t,~a~ Mrs. jo nlsnefl ii]enl on llle r(L1e.'~,~..... ('lelLl'e( aDO)It ~D acres oi lan(1, set .. , m • . . ~- r. ........ ,~