June 3, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 3, 1965 |
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1965 ITELTON--MA 0N COUN PY 30UI NAL--Puhliahed in "Ohr stmastown, U.g.AY, ghelton, Washington Pate 7
are the Hi'ghclimber athletes who
ic League baseball championship last week
tsap, 6-3, in the final game. Front row: Lee
Bob Bryant, Rob Mills, Denny Bailey, Tim
W7 L Rf Ra
...... " 3 32 24
........ 6 4.36 31
i ........... 6 4 48 23
"'"7 ..... 5 5 44 47
...... :--. 3 7 32 54
7 31 44
fifth inning base-
)op Field
Rose• Middle row: manager Steve Steinberg, manager Bob Miller,
Rich Mackey, Jim Richards, Dan Caesar, Jon Armstrong, manager
Wally Hicks. Back row: Coach Larry Weir, Ron Landis, Ron
Cole, Ed DDawsan, Larry Powell. Missing: Dale Huffman.
W L rf v'a
Bucoda ...................... 2 0 15 5
S H O~,LTON ............. I 1 10 8
MeCleary .................. 1 1 8 10
Aberdeen .................. 0 2 5 15
Correctmns Center .. 0 0 0 0
Lasl Sund}~y
Shclton 2-8. McCleary 3-5
Bucodn 9-6. Aberdeen 1-4
Next Sunday
Colts TV (Tacomal at Shelton
(non-league). 1 p.m., 2 games
For downright thrill-packed
baseball you simply can't ffeat
Ihat dished out at Loop Field last
Sis(lay in the Timber League in
augural twm bill staged by Shel-
ton and McCleary.
The home-field Loggers gained
a split in the Vlay's action in Lrue
Horatio Alger fashion, when 230-
pound Denny Temple stepped to
the plate with the bases full, two
out, last inning, his team a run
behind at 5-4.
line drige into the football stands
for a grand-slam homer and the
Loggers came out winners by 8-5,
after scoring six runs to over-
come a 5-2 deficit. In the opener
McCleary scored a rim in the sec-
ond extra imting for a 3-2 triumph
in another sizzler. Only a gummed
up squeeze bunt in the seventh
frame prevented Shelton from
,Dinning that one too.
3ust prior to Temple's drama+tic
drive McCleary pitcher Joe Torn-
.'luist had purposely walked Logger
catcher Jack Mallory to fill the
bases in time-worn baseball strat-
MIKE JOHNS+ON- joined an elite
and limited body of High(limber
athletes who have won state
championships when he won the
pole vault at Pullman Saturday
with a record 14' 3,~" leap. Be-
fore him came Des Koch, dis-
cus champion in 1950, and Bruce
Nelson, broad jump titlist in
1940, both with state records
also. The picture above shows
Johnson starting up on the pin-
nacle pole voult of hi~ career to
date, a 14' 5" sho~ in con=pc+
tition against Port Angeles in
mid-April. The picture was shot
by Lane Prerno, Shetton high
school journalist.
oat at the plate on Denny Bailey's third at file same time. After Pow- The Loggers had scored two
i single through the middle which ell walked he stole second, and . 2~+-
scored Mills. Bailey tool( second Landis scored when Wallace drop- runs earlier in the inning when
Brian Snyder drew a life on his ~
on the play at home and scoredpod the return throw at the plate. 2ropped fly in left and three suc-
when Bob'Bryant's deep fly to Each team earned but one run,
center was dropped f,n' a two-base each bagged six hits with Central ~eeding walks to Ron 3onker, Tom ~1
]position to .~:core on Ron Landis' of Shelton's were of infield va- to relieve Mike Murphy. Tornqttist
infield hit after Ron Cole had riety, but Aardahl gave seven got Terry Kadoun on a strikeout
walked for the second time. walks compared to but one by arid Ron ARIf on a fly which
i A .reaching. one-handed stab of Marshall. sc0t'ed Jonker to come within one
Rose's hard smash to rightfield ; 'rile VICTORY gave lhe
saved three more runs and ended Climbers a 7-3 league record and out of victory. Then the strategy
]5 school ' The Cou,~ars retaliated with Frender .'Ill `2 0 01Mills rf 4 1 1
!Mike Rul)le's home rlm smash in- Goit 21) 3 I lll)-P, url'iend 0 0 0
Won " -- i to the football stands ill dead Ruble cr a 2 31Marslmlt p-v +1 0 ILARRY WEIR coached the only
am t~y tJt.e : center in the sixth and when Bob Walhw(, e 3 0 1t BaJh+y d"a t' 1two Highclimber teams which
ida"~tuly i Wallace followed with a clothes- Aardahl p `2 0 0] Bryant 2b-ss 3 1 l won Olympic League champion-
t I"~• . i line single to left Weir fetched Kendall .~;s ,2 0 01Cole c-2bI 1 0 ships this 1964-65 school term--+
++ '~ sopno- I '" ' '+ I
ted tl- +,--~ , Rose in from tlie outfield to 'es- +{ol'nltlli rf 2 0 0IL:mdis lb 2 1 1 wrestling an¢i baseoall.
aver Cen't+~: ]cue Marshall. Rose pitched to one Higgs n a 0 llDnwstm If 1 II 0
~ngs o ...~f.a.Jlbatter and got two outs, on a
}'ore fsY, tnOu~, i neatly exccul.ed double play from J,a,.obs lb 3 0 0I R,,se If-I) 3 0 ] ....................
Totals 20 3 6]Powell `21) 0 1 0 SUMMARY: tlR-Ruble, lib--Ruble.
"~ ..... !Bryan( to Cole to Landis. He was Arlnstr, nl~ 2b 1 0 0Pb-Ro:~e. RBl+Rul:de, lkdley, Landis.
re lock,s ,.. I nicked for a harmless single with M:wlcey ss 1 0 0 SB-Powell 2, Mills. Burfiend, Mar-
',entral ope~: I two out in the seventh. " a Caesar 10 0 shall. E-Bryan1, Mackey, Rubh,, Wal-
:e'arned lit'st (~i~]NTRAL'S TWO opening it]- Tot:ds 21 6 6' lace, Kendall. DP-Kendall t,,~ ./acol,b;
)n retaliated ning runs were the result of con- n-+-fa1!ned fo|' Mnck(!v ill fifth, Bryant to Cnle to Landis. SO-Mar-
~!nted a duo secutive errars l)y Shelton's key- I)--,'an for Mills in sixth shall 2. Rose 1, Aardahl 8. I~F~-A|tr-
:tie Climbersstone defenders. With one out SCORE I;1' NNINGS dahl 7.Mar:droll 1. RRF-Marshall 1,
2~'. the Collgat's got a pair of singles Central ........................ 2 0 00 fl l 0--,'~ Aa|'(hthl 1. IP-Marshail 5 1/3. Winner-
i,o the framofrom Jim Goit and Ruble, then hils .................. 2 0 I(I 0 2 1-..-6 Mal,shull. WP-A-ardahl 2. Pl:]-Waliaca
!a and was "vValhtce hit a tailor-made doable Shelton ....................... 0 2 00 ,I 0 x-412. LOP,-Sh,lton 6. Centrnl 3. U-Free-
to second play ball to shortstop Mackcy but hits .................. 0 0 I0 ;~ 2 .'