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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 3, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 3, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AreaW0mnls We are sad- passing of Monday mor- Oener~l th)s- illness, Born July 4, entire area, atLend- ~.hool pri(n lived in for the pasl served for leader and Years assisted his Wilderness Hill, stu'vivors Jerri Lee, 14, and one sister, Mrs. their of Lake ano funeral set'- ~Sday at 2 p.m. t-Icm~e and the Shelton coukt cooper- Were well of Memorial seaplanes provided • water, dale to Summer sea- Cottages a "lived-in" leave of the ocean bea- Weather over delighted the and Delores for that's ~eaded for the Friday ities began break- day was lerch, swim- siting with Oilvra and Were also on the campsite Joe's Plans le School the First prepar- includes and fun for five- une 25. Will be tnain au- :he school begin- primary, L~niors, Lois is ~an ) Jeri pr ided Th. ~un- on their 1/2 hotlr Y fur£her 426-8556. be held County, School wo Weeks a thought and mis- and, of Shelton "05 P.m., carol)ins area for Saturday night ~,'~t\re them a chance to coordinate a ctivil ies wit h the MeGilvras. Sun- ,lay, ,hlhie i.ook tile boys tll) to, !he \Vt~stport jetty where ihey fished for ling cod. Upon their re- iurn to Grapeview Sllnday eve- ning', tim ltickses and l~.ehar(ls joined forces to clean their "haul" and Monday night were again re- grouped. Armed with knives and larks they then reaped the bene- fits of their efforts over Hicks' ,linner tahle; a clam and fish din- ner fit for a gourmet! ,SON COUNTY,S We are sorry to learn that one of ()Ill' alas( aciive oel;ogenarians, \Valter Eekert was admitted l,) I, H0spiN Monday note nf the "Song (if IAfc" Tails. The American flag used in the cereDlony Veils Ilion, hy directive of Con~manding officer Captqill James B. Oslmrn, serlL to C.\V.O. St.oudt's oldest son, \Villiam ,1. ,qia.u(lt Jr., along with un official photograph of the ceremony. It was a busy week and week- end for the AI Okoneks. Last Thnrsday Hilda's sister and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer' Wes- serling of Gig Harbor spent tile day with tilem. Friday Hilda's brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Reino Ross of Union City drove over and stol)ped by Seattle, l)iek- Marian Wick and grandson 1)o)1 to spell(1 tile weekend V¢iIil tJlelU. ltilda had just returned from spen- ding a week with Marian, helping out while she was reellpe]'atil~g from recent stlrgery. Snn(l:~y the Okoneks, Rnsses and Wicks were joined by Hild~Fs sis- ter, Mrs. Irene Welch with chil- dren Kathleen "tad Pat of Seattle ,'~S well as .limmy Ok(reek and 1,](I OkoneI~ who dl',)ve out from Si)(,I- ton wit.h their families Io enjoy Sunday dinner, fanfily-style; prc- pare(t by Grandma. Drop-in guests, the l~rod Fos- ters of Seattle who tall'chased Mrs. and Hild:l that Susie is doing just fine living in ~helion now. S1)(mding Saturday and Sunday with lhe \Vnl!er Clayl~(,n, Sr. was Mrs. \Vall(,r l)-(qI y of Seattle. Sol: ,] ill/ alld (l~lllglll_or ]~,[a I'y ca llle ahllg and \,isit.,,,(I wi|h friends. \Vcel:end gilesl :It the M. J. Roll- illSOIl lob{ideil(!(, WllS Jim Cham- pollx, ])anlly's second cntlsin..lira is "l sludcni al lile University of \VHsl}iI/:?,'IOII lllId apparently a very fill• one ifl as DIIICil as he has won :~ Nal|onal S(:ienee Ironndation Se]l(darshitl lo Slanford Univer- sity, l",ioehenaistry heine," his se- h,(":e(I field of silldy. David George. Baeeal,'mreate ser- vices Were held at the Norlh Ma- N(in gynll~asimn last Sim(tsy eve- ninlr'" ;|t 8 lJ,nl, illl(I g'l'll(tll~l~i()ll (t113' has ])cell set fill' ,lilac ,~, Shelton ' High School's l-~aeeal- aureqie will be S,.ulday ('venit~g, 8 ll.m., ai the Shetton GynmaMum with gTadllatioll tile folh)wing l,'ri- day evt,nitlg ;1( 7:30 t).l/L Elaille Zehe is qllr Shellon graduate this ye'u' and in a class of 249 students is among ti~e Tol) Ten st:hoh~sti- tally. Two siu(tents fronl Grapeview took part in North Mason High School's Spring Concert last Fri- I,;ACI! YI,',All with the end ofday: Ruth Isaacson, a nlenlher eL Mav and the advent of June comesthe Junior High Choir and ])avid Ch';{duation Day. Graduating from George of the Senior High Choir. North Mason Higll School this For D'lve, who is now graduating, year will be l)avid Gatlin and ibis was the last of a mmlher of leoncerls, as he has taken part every year. Don'l forget, Grapeview mom- llli0s Ollr annua ] sc II('lol picnic, !sponscn'ed by tlte Motlmrs" Chlb, will 1)e heht Tuesday, ,ht)l(~ g, at Belfair Stale ParR. Molhe~s will meet at t.he se]Iool at 9 ~l.lU. LAKE f, gS MAN RESORT Panora, nvie Dinh~g Room Featuring SEAFOOD, CHICKEN, CHAR-BROILED STEAKS prepared Io perfeclion by our own chef "TEX PAYTON" OPEN 6 to 10 P.M. DALLY -- Except Monday tile Clinic Hospilal in Shelton ing up the Okonek's duugllter Mrs. Susie Syrjala's place "~ssu)'e(1 A1 .......... ....~. May 24 -fiLer doing battle with ......................................................................................................................................................', . ............................................................................................................................................................................ , a heavy cough for several weeks. I However the )'(,st and treairlnent ~seem to be effective in tlmt Ee- Ikert appears to be progressing nieely. Get well soonl Son Danny's graduation from lhe Mountain Home iligh School took Mrs. Louise Ewart to Idaho May 25. Leaving Grapeview Mon- day, Louise arrived in Mountain Home that evening and Tuesday, was joined by son .Iohn who drove down from Idaho St.ate University at Poeotello. Together they at- tended Dan's graduation Tuesday evening. Wednesday, John headed back to I.S.U. while Danny chauf- feured his mother back to Grape- view and the eager arms of Nancy Peggy, Roger and four footed Fuzzy who had been guests of the Don Query household. Mother's return was just in lime for Roger's fourth birthday which occurred Friday. Helping :Roger celehrate this notable oc- i (-asian were Ginny Query and Kris- : tofer NicMaus--and their morales. too. Particularly cute was the cleverly fashioned Teddy-bear cake fashioned by Ernestine Nieklaus tot the birthday boy's pleasure. THAT FLASHY little piece of foot-gear in the form of a cast sporting about on her left foot these past two weeks is one of the fringe benefits reaped from her recent orthopedic surgery. Un- dergoing the fool and ankle surg- ery May 21 at the Providence Hos- pital in Seattle, Cheryl expects to be lugging the cumbersome cast about for three to four weeks whereupon they will give her a brand new one. After imving spent abeuL three months here with daughter and family, the Jack Milners, Mrs. Ev- elyn Pearson returned to her home in Aberdeen ~aturday. On the way back home the Milners' vehicle made a brief stop in Shelton to pick up Miss Marit Vaula, Shelton High School Foreign Exchange Student. After spending Saturday night here in Grapeview as Pain's guest, Marl(, whose home is in Norway, no doubt likened our to- cale to parts of her native land. April 25, 11 a.m. Central Stand- ard Time the remains of C.W.O. -W2 William Jacob Stoudt, USN (Ret.) were spread upon the peaeefnl waters of the Pacific Oc- ean after a solemn service at- tended by the officers and crew of U.S.D.A. CHOICE CHUCR STE Your Choice U.S.D.A. Ch,oice BONELESS Cross Rib Cut U.S.D.A. Choice U.S.D.A. Choice RATH'S Fresh Lean , • Round Bone Chuck • 12 oz. Pkg. (7¢ Coupon Enclosed) Ground Hourly• Boneless Beef Lhe USS Simon Lake, AS-33, as it approached a point approximat- • • ely 195 miles souti~west of Cabo Velas. Costa Rica. The setwice was conducted by Chaplain B. L. Simmons, LL. Corn- ~ ~ • • • . mander. A cortege, consisting ofI~:': ":#;~t.'~ '~t~m~N, "~",'~N,~::':u:v:,:,::~:~'~vm~a~.,',~ ~,,a: