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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 3, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 3, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SI:I L'PON--MAS0N COUNTY'JOURNAL--Published In "Chz ,, tr.,ostmrn U.S.A.", helton, rCashlngton Rock Held r) iGa|.(len Club and Min- ]es t() spollso].~ ' Fk)wer and aturday and1 will be heldI y and inday in the F 0.:d -tth Show this year] non-competi- :~- flower grow- mpete in hmti- five decoral ive MAY 15 WEDDING RITE FOR DORIS GII£ ANI) WHJL>!i,J,JLEhS '" ' publi(,. They a Cht- Echo; Branch [ .apane~]e M~ n- : ahd Dreaming COntainer as a n by 11 s.m. lhing more in- I either of the shove, M'I'S. -7032 or Mrs. free. AII New d ~ires |rantee. (, Hwy. No. ST. EDWARD'S CATHOLIC church was the May 15 scene of a wedding service for Miss Doris K. Gill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Gill ,of Lilliwaup, and Will L. Rodger% son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitley L. Rodgers, Shelton. The Immediate family of the couple attended the 6 p.m. double ring rite performed by Father Marion. Miss Juanita L. Rima and Stu Biehl were the couple's only attendants. A reception followed in the Little Skookum hall where about 100 of the couple's friends greeted them. Mrs. Gill is employed by Rayonier, Inc. Her husband, a Shelton High school graduate, is with the U. S. Army. Heart Surgeon Is l Speaker For WSNA Washington 2tate Nurses' As- sociation, District 22 held a nil, host dinner fo- Its May meeting "~'~ in Heinie's Broiler. " along on all your Y 'n' carefree dairy Ioods IS DAIRY PRODUgTS COMMISSION, SEATTLE A musical combo-vocal trio from the high school furnished enter- tainment during the dinner hour. Dr. Dean Crystal, well-known open heart surgeon from Seattle. was guest speaker. He told of his recent trip to India to a mission hospital and fUns,rated with col- ored slides. Installation of officers followed, with Nancy Cunningham succeed- ing Betty Smith as president; Margaret Klingler, newly elected vice president; Nancy Yatcs, sec- retary; and Frances Fox, treasur- er. Canal Club Slates Pancake Breakfast A Father's Day pancake break- fast will be a treat to mother as well as father if she takes him out to the Potlatch clubhouse of the Hood Canal Woman's Club June 20. Members of the club will be on hand to start the day in fes- tive style anytime from 9 a,m. to 2 p.m. Mrs. D. H. Pierce is breakfast committee chairman mad has plan- ed a, hearty breakfast for the occasion. It will include juice, ham and eggs, hotcakes and coffee. i'~%. SP -- SPEGiAL PURGNISE -- i:!% ;: MVIEW ALUMINUM WINDOWS $9.95 Many other sizes also available in this 10.45 special purchase window, but a full line 1~.95 is ahvays stocked in regular HI-LITE 15.95 line of windows at competitive prices. SPECIAL PURCHASE Knotty Pine Paneling .............. only $120 per M ible Patio Doors with Tempered Glass 6' x 6'10" -- $79.00 PURCHASE of SIMPSON Striated Fissured Ceiling Tile -- Reg. 22¢ NOW ONLY 17¢ per foot SLAT FOLDING DOORS -- that doorway easily and nicely. Width -- $6.45 48" width --- $7.95 i Of Shellon 1st a PJ.e "Building Mason County" 426.4393 New Canal Amaranth Officers lns afled mn Open Ceremony May 21 Canal Com't No. 79, Order of Ana'n'anth, held a puhlic iustalla- tion at S t).m. May 21 in lhe Me- sonic. Ten~ple in Union. A large crowd witnessed the oi)e~l cer,mm- hies ,is Mrs. Mattie Bacldjmd and Fred Martin, retiring royal nmt- ron and patron, gave up their of- fices to tile incoming royal m'{t- ron and patron, Mrs. Edna l lathes and .loc Iihmtley. The 1 incrownillg Re l'f~lllOlliL~s were conducted with Mrs. Mild- red Fo]'I)~-~s acting as UrlCrowllillL~ lnatron; Mrs. Elnllla Hammond as standard bearer; Mrs, Hattie Pic,'ce, Laurel court, as marslml in the east; Mrs. Emily Comoise, past royal matron Ever'Jrect] c, mrt as mar'shal in the west: Mrs. E:'- na ~{al'l, iFt as Cl'OV~'|I bearer 1111(1 Mrs~ Frances Radlke a;~ lllllgi(:i;in. Tile flower attcndgnts W('t't! r(~y:|l matrons of 1964-65. Dm'ing the intermission dislin- guished guests were ifllrodlmod, followed by music on the o,'?,'an hy Mrs. F'ra.nce:~ R;~.dtke and whis~- ling by Mrs. Maybelle \Villsen. Installing officer was Ray Chamblin~ Destiny court, p'tst Krand royal pat:rOll; in,tailing marshal, Mrs. Emily Cent,oil';e: ill- stalling aide, Lout La.tsou, L:nu'el C,)Ul'I;; installing secretary, Mrs. Ella MeCulloeh; installing prelate, PATRICIA DUNN MARRIED IN SPRING)RITE HLLD IN SLAII:LE MR. AND MRS. STEPHEN TOWNER Methodists Fete Graduates With Sunday Brunch The home of Dr. and Mrs. 13. N~ Collier provided the setting for' a Sunday hrunch to h(mor Methodist graduatin.,e4 seniors May 23. Twen- ty seniors enjoyed an nfternoon ot food, sailing and entrevtainnlent sponsored by the Woman's Society of Chi'istian Stab, ice of the chur(~h under the direction of Mrs. Ivan Nenensch',vatlder and Mrs. Don Woods. The students shared thei|' plans fro' the future and were inspired by an address from Rev. Horace ~{Oallts, Students ill attendance were ,Tim Potter, Ka|'en Parr, Pat Steinh(ng, Sandy Bolmes, David Miltenber- ger, Bob Bennett, Janet ~][arall- ville, Terry Turner, Pat Pa~ker, Ken Belling, ,]oe Gruver Jim Ri- chards, Tom Lowe, Mike Mills, Chei,yl Bead, Denny Bailey, Jeff Haskins, Steve Clnsc, Foster Orr and Judy Johnson. Mtm~bms of the committee plan- ning th:~ outing were ~lesdl:lnles Rolland Lowe, Bernie Bailey, Le- Roy Bead, John Steinberg, Frank Maranville and ,Toseph Miltenher- R U M MAG E .SAI, E The Little Sko0k(h{~ B;!y Com., mLlnity Club will hold a rmmua°'e sale from 9 a.rn. uhtil'5 p.m. tills Friday iu the PUD auditorimau Ilellatr HI-Wal Maureen O'Hara Rossarb' Brazzi "Battle at.the Villa Fig Rlta": ,, Tony Curtis ~, i~ Natalie Wobd ~'t'~. "Sex and tl~e Si0gle Girl"~ "Diamond Head" e an a "Susa i Slade" ~ , .~ • ~,~) Shocking, Documentaries ,~,.~ "Slave Trade in the h~ ....... World Today" ~3 "Woman of the World" ~,~ Open 8:()0 .... Start Dusl¢ Register Now for Frc~ CaF gel,, ,el court, phen Arthur Towncr exchanged Coronation ceremonte~, were con-rings and vows in the Queen Anne ducted by Mrs. Roberta Kaiser asMethodist church in Seattle April eoronating matron; Des Haines, 24. Parents of the couple are Mr. honored marshal; Mrs. Georgia and Mrs. A. Roy Dunn, Shelton, Helhnan, standard bearer; Mrs. and Commander (Ret.) ~nd Mrs. Gordon Stolze, Bremerton court, Eh, erna Go,ham Towner, Brie.r, marshal in the east; Mrs. HattieWash. Rev. Robert Waller per- Pierce, Laurel court, marshal informed the ceremony. the west; Mrs. Mildred Forbes, . Escorted to the "altar hy her crown bearer; Francis Akers, father, the bride was gowned in sword bearer. Tile flower arch at- ---:- .... tendants and sword hearers were "gl 1965-66 royal matrons and pat- Ea es To Install tons; tile sells,, Mrs. Loui Larson. lective officers for are Officers I uesday Mrs. Edna Haines, royal matron; Joe Huntley, reval patron; asso-Eagles Aerie No. 2079 will in- elate matron, Mrs. Frieda Snfith; stall officers at a public ins,alia- associate patron, Martin Smith; lion with the Eagles Anxiliary at Mrs. Ray Clmmblin installing ':: "= * * '~ .... nmsician," Mrs. Lout Larson, L::uI-' Miss Patrieia Am~ Dram,and Ste- a lnodified empire semi-sheath bf silk organza. The circlet necldine bodice and skirt were accented with appliques of Alencon lace en,.- broidered with crystal and pearl. The full back fell in a cathedral- length train. Iter illusion veil was caught to a camelot style pillbox and she carried Eucharis lilies and stephanotis with pearls and cucy- leptus foliage. Matron of honor was Mrs. WiN liana Lang. Bridesmaids were the Misses Kathy l~Telly, Arlene Mar- ronc, ChtlJ'lene Marl'one and Mrs. ,Tames Cunningham. Best m'm for the bridegroom was Michael Gerhard. Rieky An- gle and Robert Dunn, brother of the hride, were candle lighters and Richard and Charles Towner, bro- secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Nieholson: S ll.m. next Tuesday in the airport thers of the groom, with Roy treasurer. Mrs. Mamie glare; con- hall. Dunn Jr.. the bride's brother, and ductress. Mrs. Shii'lcy Cowan; as- Aerie officers being installed in- \Villiam Lnng were ushers. sociate conductress. Mrs. F'lorenee elude Fred Stuck. Jr. past worthy Music was by Wallace Seely and Heintze; tmtstee one year, Franc~s President; Curtis Camnmck. wof Mrs. Frm~k Dalton. Akers; three-year trustee.Fred Ihy president; Ray Morkcrt, wox'- Serving at the reception which Martin. thy vice president; Gilhert Molletl, was held in the Highland Man- Appointive officers are: Marshalworthy chaplain; Vernon Stuck. sion following the ceremony were in the east, Mrs. Mattie Back- wm%hy condueto,'; Frank Marhu', Mesdames Ira Towner, Faith Ri- lund; marslml in the west, Mrs. secretary; Winston Asche, treasur- chardsnn, Doyle Barnett, Richard ~l~is Pierce; standard besrer, Mrs. er. "[ Angle and Eber Angle. Mrs. James Emma Hammon4; prelate, rll~i $ '*~ ' , . ........ ~:5, Ed,. 1~tads. tr|lstee for .dhreeI Ortkes ~ttended the guest hook. Tui'ner; musicimL Mrs. Frfi.nces yea~'S; Earl Leggett. trustee for The Towners arc maMng their Radtke: truth, Mrs. Erna MarLin: faith, Mrs. Maybelle Willson; wis- two years; AI Lord. Iruslee for home in Anaheim Calif. following dom. Mrs. Evn Simmon.~:: charity, Mrs. Esther Chrisi:ensen; histof fan, Mrs. Ma.rie Turner; warder, ~Govdon Stolze; sentinel, Harry Mawson; flower attendants. Mrs. Bessie Mawson and Mrs. Emma Lee. Tile progrmns and guest hook attendants were Sandi Smith and Cheryl Cowan of Job's Daughters. Gift table attendant was Mrs. Kitty "Williams. Mrs, Susie Cheat- ham and Mrs, Doris Beardcn were in charge of refreshments. Presiding at the punch bowl were Mrs. Addle Schuflcr and Mrs. Emma Lee. Mrs. Mamie Kaare. grand representative to Calf for nia, and Mrs. Evelyn Nicholson poured. FORMER RESIDENT HONORED HERE MRS. IDA JELLUM Friends and relatives of Mrs, Ida Jellum surprised her May 22 with an open honse at the tlome of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Wag- ner, on the occasion of her 85th bi~'thday. Mrs. Jellum now lives in Seattle but made Iter heine in Sh'elton for ma~y years and is a frequent Visitor here, Pink and white flowers and a beautiful birthday cake decm'ated the tea table. Fifty gnests were served throughout the afternoon. Pourlng for the occasion were Mrs. ,John Webber and Mrs. Bruce McLean, Mrs. Marshall Vail and Mrs. R. F. Swanberg cut and served the cake and ice cream. Hostesses besides Mrs. Wagner were Mrs. Jellum's granddangh- ter. Mrs. Marshall Vail of Renton, and her daughter-in-law from Se- attle, Mrs. R. F. Swanberg. Nieces and nephews coming from Carnation and Seattle were also gnest.~ for the event OES SOCIAL CLIJB IA~NC, HI,ON MEETIN(~ Welcome Chnpter No. 40. OES Social Club will meet next Tues- day fnr a 12:30 n.m hmcheon in the home of Mrs. Marie Story. Anyone needing t rPdlspor tatir~n ~hould meet at Mrs, Hack's. I , ! !lceagam by , .i:i'i;." ;: .( " one year: tester Dorsett. inner n wedding" trip whiah took them .- ..... g'uard: and Ernest St,,ck, ontsidc through the Hawaiian Islands of Hillcrest Phone, 426=4522 guard. Oahu "rod Kauai. ..... ...................... " , , , , ~., . .. ,~ ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 - 9 P.M. DAILY ALL DAY (10 A.M.- 9 P.M.) FRIDAY • SATURDAY SUNDAY IN THESE A lovely woodland setting less than five minutes .f ,om downtown Shelton. Turn right at Airport G oe, ery on Shelton Spring Road. ,.-,, .... OONSTRUOTIOH ............ 3 UNDER 0 5y Weslgate Builders offered exclusively through Cont et SUE DANIELS, phone 426-4666 or 426-3434