June 3, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page 18
SON COUNTY 3OURNAH- Published in "Ohvgs masfown U.IL'A." Shelton Washin
.... For Sale
48" saw with lwo power plants.
_Call aficr 6 p.m. 426-8731. W 5/13 tfn
~qcCULI:,i-JCil- Cil:~iNgX~S---~--,i~-~i
pOl'Ce}lt down, balance :12 monthly
payments. Low interest O.A.C.
Cookcs, 219 So. First, 426-2412.
For Sale Used (Jars
ttEART Y'UND MEMORIAL contribu- NEW--~D--US~b-"J]g--~'P-S'~-'-wa-gonE,
tions may be sent to Memorial chair- pickups and universals. Cooke's, 219
ms, Mrs. Maybell Dan]sis, 1129 Bay- So. 1st. Phone 426-2412. 4/22 tfn
view. Shelton. 3/11 6/10 i'9-56-c~iE~.-0--d-(To-F-iiitr}ltt)'i;7-i~-~,yiihdSK
WINDOWS ~" Pl&hFL=-i/hd--ca~,f/iSnL stick shift, $450. Radio, heater. Ph.
height 4 ft., widths 7 ft. and less 426-6539. P 5/6 tfn
crystal glass. Phone 426-6262.
FOR TRADE -- Five-speed bicycle.
in exeelleet condition, for 8 or 10
ft. pranL Phone 426-3479between
4 and 6 l).m. P 6/3
Lost & Found
I i m i I
Real Estate ,, Real Estate Real Estate
OWNER MUST SELL three large l'YWO BEDROOM HOlVI"~ on Arcadia lBy OWN~R--~_~-H~od'--C~ana~. tw, bed DO YoUR
bedroom, l~& bath, large living room I Avenue Lar e living room and kit- -- .... .. - - " matter
~, ~ ~ ..... ~ ...... [ room home. Furnace, Ilrel)lace,
with fireplace. Large convenient kit- cnen. ~ooa locauuu. ~u~ to sLores I r-uest lieu'( ~11 a~ ~ • .... ices Co.,
to t. ...... S ~, ~=*,~,N cas,1 or ~e.'.ns.
then, utility, exta~a room. all on one and school. See appreciate this
h .... ., cta~n o.q423.99~ ] 50 ft. waterfrontage. Phone Hoods- ---------
picl~VClMts.wlthPriceVlcw reducedaZ::r°ss toWnfromtoF.H.A,Olym- "'*~ "" *~'~ ...... M~'12/3 tfn " port 877-5555. E 3/51 tfn Ii'¢)1~ SALE
B 5113 tfn ~--"RENAULT for sale, $350. S~'e . ~...~7.1 of $10.500 to $9.950. Call
at the J'ournal. S 5/27 tfn LOST -- Gold tassel type earring. H 2/25 tfn
FOR SALE -- Rental property. One 3- 10 ACRES, l.ogged oft, ranch, mostlyPhone
4/22 tfn bedr'oom, one 2-bedroom. and one fenced, two bedroon~ house with wa-
Fort A FREE HOUR of beauty call Wanted --- :1960 Ford Fairlane 500" Cimin drops. Pllone 426-6116. Shel- 1-bedroom house. Good condition ter and lights on highway, Route 3, FOUR
for a Merle Nornmn Cosmetic dem-! 2-door, V-8, stick shift. Radio. goo~i __t_o~__a_:~:¶[a: ................ W.._.6/_3 NORTtICLI]~F. eight rooms, living, close to school and business district. Box 394, Arcadia Road. No agents. Larg
~i:-~}~,~--~,+°nstrati°a" ...... Elalnes~ phonsE426-45828/4, "=*~'~ T_.IMBl,ltl.ir millings WAN.limberTfgD~ --wantedS~C°n~' dwith gr°wll~oP"_ t:ly~S,oller, good426.4788.condition. $800 5/20°r best6/3 LOSTon Hillcrest,'-- 15-inchpleasetrUck callWl-me1426-6584.and tii:c appraisedr°°ms'dining' threefanfily'p/.ice.batils.kitchen'BcautifulSell foUrforshrubs.FHAbed- ----------2328 Adams St. _._---------Ph°ne 42@-4288.p 7/16 tfn I'WO--BED-Tt0-~-'HOM~--]--ful]-- -l~a-s¢:S 2/4 tfn __$9,50(
-'~'~t)~i~'~f~_ ~,~x~_.~4. ~ervlpe- __4n~ without land. Highest cash prices 1957 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON, H 6/3 Phone 426-4839. R 5/27 trnHOME IN~:~TRY -- Fi~es, meat, recreation room, with two FOR |
af~z:~ ~.~lOO~,~ ~¢e=, r o011~, a~-~10~, for large or sluall tracts. Telel)hone recent engine overhaul, stick 6. Ph. ._.._~.. fireplaces on Lake Nahwatzel, at Five
................ ons~rauons, 352-9886. Evenings 943-2051, or write 426-6877 or 426-8384. M 5/20-27 For Rent VS~ S~E-oN'~I-~D-CA-N~L--~--Two bedroomsdrllled well,down,new dormltor~Septic system,up, two $16,500. Phone 426-6885 or Taylor 4- ter 5 P
R t17 tfn Littleroek Milling Company, P.O. l'956"-~V'R--()~T--~T~T----~-~t-£(~N: ~-=~d~, ..... e" " " bedroonl furnished (~bin at Stetson's 4~-8443. 2/11 tin 2838 Kent. A 814 t.fn WI----~-~ ~]~
"CHRISTMASTO~/N U S A." rubber .Box 8, Littlcrock, Washington, rebuilt ,~-t--w ..........~o ;GATEWAY APTt~ -- ~xmnmn~u bach- near Lilllwaup. Front steps right on
~h,,, 39_a.~39,~ ~ ,,~, ,f, ] elor apt. m downtown area. MI ut,l- the beach. $7.500. 1/3 down. Call ~'n-~e ~R'-~-'T--pr~ bank w
stamps fox' sale at 'the "gourmal. $1.~i 6/3-24 -- " ......... * .............
,each. 227 W_e~t Cots. ld/1 tfn :WANTl~D~-~----5{(~li~tbl-(.T-7~md~i~z-~-~v~ii" ._:_"_y_~"_L._2"~'__'~ ~-y" " "?~-~' I ities furnished. Adults. Inquire 119 Poulsho Prospect 9-4[,)06. neighborhood, half block to school. Split-level four bedroom home. Own- Phone
1958 BISCAYNE Chsvrolet --- Four- Cedar St. Phone 426-4895 or 426-4481. M 5/27 tfn Good rental property. Phone 426- er can handle contract. Ph. 426-3575.
2484. N 10/22 tfn, J 2/11 tfn
~fO01ong~rL~ANwith-PU~PFairbank~moreMorseWaterDumvsand periencelnalmgemenLhelpfuiCapabllitieS'but not necessary.Sales ex- door V-8 automatic for sale, Phone[ G 5/13 tfn ~~~'~, ibOUR__~i;~i~R_OTD_~S__o_ff_~;i~e_l.e~)el~_.t.ii.d: NEW THREE bedroom houses for sale
See them at Shelton Electric ~'o,:t~alm'y discu,scd at first Jntervie.w. 426-3742._ K 4/l_tf_n ~4~{EI~--BEi~R(DO1V[--]i-0~-e'7-. beautifu1
419 P~_ilx.oaa. 8/18 tfn Wrlie brief personal history resunm '57 CHF~-'-P~I[--UP V-87--Canoov [Lilliwaup Cove, pine panelled, fire- comfortable 5 room home. Den, firm-i place, basement rec. room. Two-car to be moved..$3200. You finfsb. As-
place, drilled well, good beach, susie i garage withboat shed,corner lot. ross from KMAS. Phone 426-3127 New 3
FOR SALE-'--U'U~cd stem slates ,q,,Cto Box 53 Fern Hill Station, Tacoma, Call after 6 p.m: 426-6620. B 5"/27 place, picture wiodow~, piano, .T.V., furniture. Ownc.r will s-ell equity 426-.t222. S 6/3 tfn
pulleys and shafts. A'll~type~.~l~WaML All replies answered. - ......................................................... I c.mpmte~y nn'nmneu, Avallaole$4,500 cash, or $4,750 terms. Assmno B 2/11 tfn
sage. Shelton Junk Co., F[/'st and 5/27 6/31951 FORD V-8 PICKUP, :~-ton, four[ school year. $85 month. References.,$50 montbly pymt. on contract bal- WATERFRONT--7~-Twiy-b~I¥°i~i~--~{: bath, '
speed, very good nlotor. Phone 426. [ 5='hone Hoodsport 877-5457. ante of $7990. Write Box A e/o The tags, furnished, except refrigerator, mountl
_~i/L phgne_ 426-8626. 9/8 ttn WANT~iJ-iYZXTd(,T~awZl~i~s-.-iOpiiiqc: 2278. M 4/29 tfn I Me 5/13 6/3 F.H.A,
[~'OR SALE -- La~-o' selection of re: ,,:; paid. Alr¢ ]eni~th. Phone days ,1ournal. 5/27 6/3 No dogs. $40. Phone 87%5528, Lilli-
c,m,liuoned ranges, refrigerators Chelmlls 748-~1800, evenings 748-3530. -~:6ii-S--Li-~i,f'()i(-TI~--Al;~:,-Z--~-:;{i;-iiy-][, W--A~-I~-OI-YSE--FOR--~.EN~rT-dowhtS~;fi .......................................... waup. A 6/3
~l~lt.shcrs, drycrs, l~ells & Valley AP.: C 2/]1 tfn,~65 Volb ....... e,, -~(,i'~ m ..... i-,~ or h)calton clean d~T storage. Phone FOR gALE -- Tlu~e hedroom older
........ ¢, ............. ~,.. , . ' ' llonle on two lots. Wall-to-wall car- WATERFRONT .-- Pickering Passag~
p ance t:enter. 6/5 t.fn W~i/iAT" ~l~;i4J~=:P~. TI-M-I-~ t-~mn ni)w ~'~i after 6 p.m. Martin Cla,'k, Skok¢)mish 426-8211. L 3/4 tfn peting in living ~u)om. $6,500. Call lovely two bedrooms, den, separate
gEl{; .OUR :F1NE stock of fireplace tune-up Your sewing machine? IUl Valley, Star ate. 1, :Box 70A. GATEWAY APAHTMENTS -- Unfur- after 6 p.m. 426-852.t. N 5/27 tfn dining room, fireplace, w/w car-
equ*pment. From fireglc~ to Frank-your hem's for only $3.75. Any make l 5/276/10 nisiled. Downtown. Large, modm~n:
lin stoves, grates to glass doors .... • nmchd Singer Sewing Center. Ph.' wtth one b(~dl-oonl. Utilities furnish(,H ~[-Oi:)-ER~--}i'-W-'O--'BB~i)ROO~'~--]Iom~, pets, two covered patios, 1)dr. drilled
well, All else.trio. Walnut l)aneling.We have a cash buyer Io0k-
except lights. Adults. Inquire 159 E. htrge living room, 2-ear garage, guest 50 ft. priwfle beach with all tide- ing for a 2 bedroom home in
.(!~3rls"~S Tile, and Fireplaee. Mr. (:)lymp]a 357-7586. 4/1 tfn. "~0~--~g--G'~-~ TM Cedar St. d26-4895 or 426-4481. house, large front yard, back yard lands. Wooded lot, nlCdiunl high
v=:v~ew: ......................... 11/15 tfn T.ADY WANTS W()P~K--of-aiiy kind:] ' ..... ~ ..... , G 5/6 tfn witil patio and firepls(~. 1~ acres, bank stairway Io bosch. Eleven the downtown area. Must be
l)(~N'l' SIqI.L ST' t~ave yom:--tll)-j~})12 Call 426-4378 evenings. V 4/16 tfnBOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- [F(~)R-]~I~-l~'i~--7:7-q'~;,ii{i~,[li:;~iiii~ furnished Six miles out 13ayshore. $53,500. Ph. milesfrom Shelton on AJlyn high-
~!h~,'y cleared by !~'ieaning Services :H()MN :1H,]PAlft WORK:Yci~./'p(mtry: ment at Waifs Marine Supply, on within walking distance to
~.o,nl,tny, puone 426-4376 or d26-8i38. ~ von~(.nl and brick work, roofing, beautiful ~lood Canal. Phone Hoods- ]~.oo:!e, (h)wnl.wn. Phone 42(;-8.185 al;- 426-3721. M 5/13 tfn way. Take Thomas r(,ad, folh,w
...... .................................... 1/7 tfn " Osi)(,rne GeneralContracting. oort 'rR 7-5244. 1/19 ~ ter 1l nan. S 5/20 tfn ( -"--=--==:=-===:=~==---==-===-=:-=-- = signs..By (,wner $16,800. Will cons]- the stores and priced under
................. apartn,en . O,,e d,,r ,oat and ,note," or W,'il
N~A~V M()*3N mobile home,d Nation's J Ph)ne d26-62,11 O 4-1 tlmLICENSI,:D, ,~quil,l,ed 'H) ft. Charter l~~a~ak~ Route 1 Box 212 Grap view, Wash. $5,000. --- Call Vines Himlie
o ~s~ sorter, your nest huy. DcTray's ~ " =-~:,~%--m--Y-h .TV~ -~X bedroom, fm'ni~he(l, lnqtfire 718 ' ' R 5/27 6/'3 today.
Mobile 71(mm~. 1617 Fones Road WINDOWS STREAt~E~.. .~oo .l~ ~,, boa.l. Ra(li(,. depth finder. Moored Norli~ Sixth Sireei. D 4/29 ~A'n ............
_..(Dylnpia~ t'hone 352-2907. D /0/15 tfll' reach? Call CL(;an]zlg Services Co., al Wcstp(wt, ,$3,500 cash. Phone .i26-
TICY:"OUR -(~ATAL(JS-'-~'-E-ITITi(~I--Z2 phones 426-4376 or 426-8138. 31(15. It 5/'-'-7 trn v~-ffir, i~q~7--iteea-xpL-26eh~05ia-, Southside
unfurnished, garage,yard. Call La- ,'d. thr,'e bedrooms, two IoLn. $:),600, ..................
$2500 down payment. Phone ~26-
'Many thousands of items to choose ............................................ __1(? tin 1965~IN1"I~J~-travel tr-allcrs mxd Sky- Bisacniere Agem:y, 426-4666 or 4~6-2 bedroom, full basement, top 81i3. B 5/27 tfn
~rom: Large de,counts. We p~y WSLL DO baby-sitting and typing ]ark horse trailers on sale now at438¢1 D 3/29 tfn
~rc]gnt. Shelton Marine Supply, Hi~l- in my home, Hillcrest area. ,126- Shelton Union Service Station, 332 ~,,~)~E~f~SV'~5"TS~-~.--T~-l~dr'~ni~ condition, panoramic view, land- T~rOUCan'! Beat The
.. crest M 8/8 tin 4286 , R 2/18 t~n So. 1st St. R 10/15 tin furnished. Large rooms, lots of c~os- scaped with creek $12,000 - terms. ISLAND LAKE rot cranmer fun or
yeRr round living, 115 ft. of water~
USt~D-~0'"-EIA,'CTRHY-i;m:i~(ai/d 8~'[. WANT'ED-----L'--i2~i];[--an~l--'harneas-'fof GUN-SMI'TI~l~N~-~-new-anh-'usca-guns~ ets. Clean and neat, $55 per month, front ~bie for one or two f~m- Journal Want Ads
refrigerat,)r, good condition. Phone
.... 42674160 evenings, R 5/20-27
1)ELUXE Kt, H~VlNATOI~-(ile(lri range
fro' sale. Ctdl after 2 p.m. Phone 426-
_fl613. O 5/2(I 6/3
]I()MEMADE, CANDlEr'S-by AI. Peanut
I)ritt](;, a Sl)eeialty. /tinny others
avsilable. Ostlernow! Plmne 426-
8267. E 5)20 tfn
i~X i i~iTxs--7---~b 7.iii=FCt ii..~, iii~iii ' i~6 his;
CHC| ILH. [t11(1 forlel|l (lecoral[ ve, 9~r~(
~t,id up. ]',,111 t)t,nlS $2.00 dozen un-
]}~ll)ll!(t. Wilh cash d(;zcql hlbers (('x-
burro. Phone 426-8903. A 5/6 6/'3
W~.NTED -- Cedar logs. V'ersapanel,
Port of Shqlton industrial Park,
John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426.
J 2118 tfn
in state. Robert Sliumatc, 2642 Eimt
State, Olympia, Wash. 357-5358,
. S 2/11 tfn
~.U-Tb---P~;i~.N'TING $40 a~a up-7Al-~~
house trailers, boats, ~ etc, Pho~
426-4322. Inquire 120~4 Cots St.
, R ~/9 tfn
(~l)l: peal p,:,ms) will give two free 15tONING DONE -- 90C an ~-o~-~'-, oa%
I!,>m pore tubers. Tim Garden Shop, day service l! desired. Call 4~6-45~3.
• )I ,
toe. 1. T~ox 48. 2 ~:~ miles sontll, L9/11~ tin
Olympia l:lighway. 6/6 tin BX-P,N~, L6a~lng- -~-fi'e~':, i~diF]d--U-~
]tEI,'I,H GI~ RATER S [ -i~8o~h-bl~ -r6u n d
stalls; all carpentry work. Dan G.
oak t~bles, heaters---wood, oil, gas, Badgley Bull.tiers, at. 1, Box 204,
cookstoves--gas, wood. ele('trlc Mis- McCleary, Wash., phone 495-3365.
cellaneous articles of all kinds._= B 2/4 tin
JTerb's Sec~)nd Hand Store Half
riffle north Sheltou on 101. Phone 426. WX-NYED-~(5-BUY"~----~0-t-g--Gdtd[-PI~
35;!2:. ......... H 4/1' tfn Union 898-2133. D 5/27 6/3
• SALE; ..... .... GK
li fl, boat aud trailer. Call ,t26-480,1. ktubber Welucre. Mt, View. Ill0 tin
FUl Dirt
Art Indahl
PIL 877-5454 Hood port, Wash.
Construction &
Lane House Moving
I~hene ,126-8147
4/22 tfn
All Tyi)es
E crgr (n
Second Hand Store
4 rni, West on
Dayton Road
Lillian Wilson
6/:1 - 6,/17
No Daily Gimmicks
I,~'vcryday is Save Day aL Lhc
Solnld Millwork Co. for all
kinds of Jguildi~)g Matcl'ials of
Good Quality aL Low Prices.
25 kinds of prcfinishcd pan-
eling, Cedar Sidings, hunbcr,
Arizona Stone, Vermont Slate,
large stock of plywood, Johns-
Manville Roofing, Ceiling Tih:,
doors, door hardware, crystal
glass, mahogany mouldings,
nails, S. S. sinks, wrought iron
patio table hardware, almn-
inmn windows, Olympic Stain,
fibre-glass, chain saw.~ and oth-
er products.
Whore the Snlart People Buy.
7"-, Mile So. of Shclton
on Olympic Hiway
OpcraLcd by
and teehmclan. "Regular Care 1 re-
vents Costly Rqpair". Chll Olympia
~3-371~ or 857-0622, or Shelton 4'~6-
8267. G 3/1= t~n
call Cleaning Services Company, plL
'426-4376 or 426-8138. 1/7 gn
L~T'S MAM~ a date to decorate. For
expert pmnting and wall pap~ring,
ca~t Bemaett ~*alntimg Gompa~y,
a:~6-8~4~ B 11JS t~n
~8 ~'~P-~-D, trimmed, removed,
~,arry'a Tree Burgeon I~urvme. 42~-
3/18 tZn
Jim Pauiey Inc. but k~atlroact Ave.
•'none a,i~i-~2B1, e/~l tt.t~
~t-OOFING, b|own rocR we01 ln~ula*
taon ~uaranteea. Ph. a.~-6~17. 6/~0 tin
-iiii-pi - V " g6ii'giLiii: ih:%i,
cnzmneys, pla~ters, call 14, IlL ~.tmon,
HAVIfl GUN Vtr[LL 8PRA'YI Exterior
ant1 imermr, l~Tee estunates. Wor~
~;uaranLeea. ~ennett Ma~attng ~Jo,
z'houo .~6-.8")~. hi.tO tin
accurate prectulon glindlnff i~ow at
¢3tmger J~utor klnop. kizltcrest, t~nuau
LXWN ' Mi iW i~G-,-'i;tii~.--'yi(i:d -{vbriC
J)(~|)ell(i~t :)It (:t)]l,.!ge ~Ludcnt. Clt]l ,)26-
,IZUl cvcmngs, 1," 5/27 till
SO11, custom tracLor work. Jonns
Creek ~and & Gravel Co., phone 425-
3052. ~/12 Ltn
DXVE~- BUi;LI)(iZi-N-G-2:: Limd Ci6ii?,
illg, road building, exc(tvatiug, grad-
ing, terracing, leveling. Dave /)irk,
426-4360, Shelton, D 4/]5 tfn
Fets, Live, tock
NEW SUPPLY of turtles and fish are
in. Also greeting cards of all kinds,
6c apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378.
V 3/19 tfn
erieal~ EMdmo (Spitz) pUl)l)ie~, l'h.
426-;t788, or 426-6152, tv 5/6 tfn
gTUD'SERV-iCE-'--Ch-~-pT(~h'Sb, point
t~lalllCse, Phone Tacoma Gl~ 5-2336,
N 1/21 tin
~III,2,TI~Nb-I,ON~"ii~O~"SXI~E _2 'l'wiJ"
year old Hlarc, SJ00. Call t26-6794.
V 6/3 tfu
WANTED---22-'A--good--lioiiic-" for 'a
spayed feloale cat abt,ut 8 file,
Good ilunter. L. K. Webb, SLar
ate. No. Box 71, Lilliwaup, North
bask of IIa,nula lianuna river.
W 6/3
Used Cars
1Ut;5 ~COUT, four-wheel drive, full
,'al,, I';l(lio,
tup rack. 1hone 426-4128
('l' rt26"82[J2, blC 5/26/1U
i,'(.)li- 8A Llg - --- J)Js -cii c-i._ V: g -driP]h-d;
.jusLover httu[etL $150,I hollo 426-
6317. C~ 5/27 6/3
l?i ) tt- S A-LE-L:=~i fi57"- i~ ;~ i;a.-Gth;d -c-6ii:
dillon. } hone `126-6510. -B 5/20 tfn
~-0"~T.b-'--~TCK.U1 -- Runs re--af
guod. Phone 426-4(189. B 5/20-27
"61 V-W'-CAMPER, fully equipped, plus
ext,'a.~, l'3xcellcnt condition, $1595.
Phone Uuiua 898-2448. B 5/20 6/10
4*~pecd, $295. Phone 426-8521.
K 4/~:} tfn
scopes and reAoading. Dean's Gun:References required. Phone 426-8584. flies' enjoy~e~/t. (:}all 426-8589 any-
Shop, Unton, Wash. Phone 898-2133. S 8/18 t~n Two bedroom, 2 baths, new con- time. L 7/16 tfn
D 3/4 tfn F~-,~-~-mmmun~y-'-~ub dltion plus guest house. Great ...............................
AT-'T-~-T~BU--~-D~=R--S--~--iS House anytime. For information call Mountain and Canal view, spring
ft. cabin cruiser, hull framing 90% 426-8959 or 426-2406. M 6/18 tfnwater, also tidelands with lots of lSLAND LAKE
complete. $95. Includes $40 worth of FO--i~REN,~-Z-'Tr~ii;-r-~p-a~e--ci-os;--to oysters $20,500. Many extras with this 3 bed-
plywood to finish. Phone 426-8521. downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8 tfn room home. 85 ft. frontage with
K 4/22 tfn ~i~- REi~T--~\-i~lii:iiisiied---kpiir}mefit 4 bedroom, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces,large dock. ,Permanent play
~'~C~2ih-=~o,-~-Vo;-,-~g,, downtown. Carlon Apartments. Phone
With trailer. Phone 426-6337 after 426-3015. 4/I5 tfn dock and beach privileges. Closeto equipment in large play yard.
_5._p:u}- ..................... H--5/20.6/3 ~RN-IS~IE-D ~ND" -UN~ Alderbrook. $19,900 terms. 426-3265. P 6/3
FOR SALE --- 11 ft. boat. 25 h.p. one bedroom apartments, two blocks
Johnson rooter and trailer, $175. from bank, shopping center. Appll- Beautiful, ncw spacious 2 bed-
TWO horse, tandem trailer, with top, daces, heat, hot water, garbage ser- [ room home with dock and float,
$400. Phone 426-2558. It 6/3-17 vice• furnished. Tiled sinks, bath= I HOMES
B'0A-T-~--M'()TOi~-'~an-d---Tt~'A-IL-E~:~--i~')r" tubs, showers. Ample storage. Qulet, I75 ft. frontage, close to Rau's
clean, attractive surroundings. Also l $24,750 = terms. Just FHA app.raised at $15,000.
salc. ,t26-3367. H 5/20 6/3-10
19-FT~-BELI.,B()Yi-nb~J-aTd-(:itbiu-cruis: 3 large bedrooms, ll/2 baths, fire-
er. Call 426-20"J6. W 5/27 tfn place, 2 car garage and an ex-
cellent location on Angleside. $750
i~ down will handle everything. If
Miseel eous you want a nicer home better see
this one.
PILI~ :1S SOFT dud lofty . . . colors
I'(~tain bril]ian(:e ill csrp('ts clcal]c(~
with ]&lueL ustl'e. Rent eJeetricroom modern, new apartments onI 3 bedroom and guest house, Cozy and neat. This two bed-
,~haml)oocr, $1.00.C(,a.~t-to-Coast Mt.. View. . ........ Wall-to-wail ca~petini~, I fireplaces" on 90 ft. of beach, room home has features well above
sLore. C 6/3 araperms, launury lacllltles, appl- .. .... the average. Plush carpets in the
CAltl) OF 'rtlANKS antes private parldng and prwatelArtesian Well and wonderful viewliving room and master bedroom.
May we extend to our many friendslocke(~ storage space. Heated swim-1527.000 terms.
and ne.ighbors and especially to,,the mlng pool. $99.50 month. Contact] " All newly repainted and pretty-as
Dr. and the nurses of the Shelton manager. Phone 426-8100. ~11/26 tfnI,. -- - • ' a picture. There are excellent
Gen(,ral Hospital, our deep ]hooks for FOR :RENT-~ TWo bedr()o-m"furfiishcd ] In ltOodSDOrt grounds' all fenced. A roomy gar-
lhe f|owers and syozl)at|li/~s given us
durng (,ur be/'cavemcnt, cottage overh)oking Hood Canal. "*
Nrs. E. A. Hazelquist aad fmnily Want older couple or sfllgle person. [ A real buy, real roomy 4 room age and many other exceptional
Phone 426-3532 or Union 898-2457. [home =~d It,t W~hln uu~tbi~ diS. features. Let's go have a look,
................. ~ a/~ tfn ....................... = ""
WARM ROOM Food I.,oekers for rel}t. ---------------~- "" "" tance of Post Office and stores
L(mlke's Service (Dayton Crossroads) MILL .CREEK MOTEL has one and -¢,5 000 $.erms Choice location just a few blocks
phone d26-6779. 6/3 tfn two Deuroom cottages. ~Jall 426-4420. ~ ' " from downtown, but like you
Highway 101 south. S 6/11 tin . .
~F)0~-EI~g~SpTN-d--Xi~0~ 2 bedroom home, large Utll!ty, were out in the country. Frui~
IMMEDIATELY two rooms. Disims, linens, utilities garage and concrete patio - top trees, play area, outdoor fireplace,
supplied 426-2081 -B 5/27 tt'n ~.ai+i,,.g7 7Ks +=,me and lots of room for whatever you
AVAILABLE fOR RENT -- Two l,,~'droom dupl.x want. The 3 bedroom home fea-
one mile toward Olympia on high- tures fireplace, dining room, new
At the beautiful new way. Photo; 426-2232. B 5/27 tfn North of HoodsDort sunny kitchen, and a full base-
HOLIDAY HOUSE Mt Vi~.w 3 bedroom, fireplace, 100 ft. mcnt. An ideal family home priced
1 bedroom garden court "- ..... __ low bank beach, 2 ear garage, at $9,950. It's an excellent buy,
apartment. ELWOOD ~IANOl~ trees and view $37,500. Terms are available.._____
Sparkling new, carpets, drapes, AP~RT~EENTS d view lots with New and modern. We have a
Westinghouse appliances,off- Low price
street parking. NOW Available beach a¢cees $1,400 and up, number of brand new homes avail-
able now for your inspection. 3
Drive by 7th & Cedar Street. • Unfurnished bedroom models from $15,000 to
Just a few steps from
complete shopping
Sorry, No Pets!
$89.50 per month,
To all my friends and custo-
mcrs: I'm now 2 blocks off the
Freeway! Drive ~ mile on free-
way detour. Take the 1st road
to the right towards Lake I~a-
Rt. 1, BOX 48
5/'27 - 6/10
Open 9 till 9 all through
Utis week.
Malty Small Flowering Plants
and Flowers
Rt. 1, Box 48
........................ W"---" ...................... L ..
Hammond Organs
Kimball Pianos
6herman & Clay, 205 W. 5th
Olympia• Phone 352-3791
Phone 426-3376
4/15 tfn
@ 2-bedroom
@ Wall-to-wall carpeting
• Draperiea
• Laundry faollities
• Appliances
• Private parking
• Private Storage
• Swimming Pool
Contact Manager, 426-3100
HOOD CANAL $19,500. LOW down. FHA terms
available. These are fine homes.
Hoodsport Ph. 877-5211
200 feet. of good beach. Large
daylight basement home that
6ARDi:N SHOP needs some finishing touohes but
easily done. The way thiS propel,.
• Rt. 1, Box 48 ty sells here the waterfront alone
She]ton 426-3710 could well be worth this amount.
Better have a look. A top invest.
2 blocks off Freeway on the
Lake Isabella Road (old
Real Estate Highway to Olympia)
me nt buy.
Large home on Hammersley In-
let. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, guest room,
To Sellle Eslale
3 Bedroom Honm
Plasl.crcd, brick front, and full
bascnlcnt oa large eorncr lot
with view.
Total Price $11,000
We have several modern units
which can be purchased with
$500 down on FHA terms.
2 Bedroom Apt.-- Furnished ---
$50 per month.
ReM Estate & Ins,
McCleary 495-3398;
Eves 495-3259
2 Bedroom House at
535 Ell]nor Street
ate. 1, Box 45, Elma, Wash.
Phone Elma 482-3953
G 5/27-6/3
They Really Get Results
Journal Want Ads
SNAPDRAGONS dw. & tall
Many bedding Annuals by doz-
ens and individuals. Good se-
leotion of canned trees and
;hrubs. Jap. Maples, Lace Leaf
Pink Dogwood, Junipers,
Peonies, Rockery plants,
Golden Chain, Hanging
Baskets of Fuchsias,
Geraniums and combinations.
Check the Bargain Box
Everything ~= Priced!
Exceptionally Good
Sofa ............................
7-pc. Living Room Group---
Daveno, Chair, 3 Tables,
2 Lamps
Like New ....................
Swivel Rockers
Save $20,00 ................ $~,50~Id%
Franklin Heater
Cast Iron ................. ...
7-pc. Chrome Dinette
(new Ghairs) $595°
4th &Cota 426-4702
breakfast area, and dining room.
Large basement, and located just
a mile or so from town on a nice
piece of beach. $28,500 is the full
price with terms to suit the buy-
120 fcct in Walker Park. This
property needs a bulkhead and
fill for a home site, but a good
summer place n,ow. I don't know
of any other frontage this close
in at $25 per foot. Better see this
Several nice lots on Spencer
Lake. This is a fine lake with val.
ucs going up all the time. We
have now 350 feet available ,ef a
property that has long been want-
ed by many. Priced from,S35.00
to $57.50 per foot, Just in time
for summer,
We've sold most of the acreage
)ieces we've had recently, but still
have some good ones left.
(1) 5 acres with 330 feet of ex-
cellent creek frontage and a 2 bcd.
room home. $6,000.
(2) 20 acres about 3 miles out,
nice building site, $5,000 on terms
you can name.
We want your listing on acre~:
ages. We have now a long list of
prospects anxious to buy your
property. Why not call now,
Phone 426-6363 @
126 Railroad
Eves. oalh
A. Roy Dunn ....426.4601
Mary Vo~ ........ 426-8074
All Used Appliances have a
written warranty when sold.
They have been reconditioned
and cleaned. We stand behind
our guarantee.
for wOO
Turn Right
Refrigerators 725.
Turquoise Kelvinator
Completely deluxe-cross 72 ACRE
top freezer. 7 room
Hotpoint auto-defrost fireplace,
refrigerator slide en, large
parlor, 2
out shelves-cross top freezer.
Family size Frigidaire
Large capacity-cross top
Freezer. Priced to sell quick.
,Pi~k Frigidaire apartment Brand
size refrigerator. ,
Door storage-cross top freezer"
Many more refrigerators suit-
able for whatever
your need may be. Fully 5 ACRE
guaranteed. In
l'0OIYi, del%
Freezer room.
Norge upright freezer. Slide
out baskets-shelves in the door.
Completely reconditioned and
Laundry Equil)ment
Hotpoint automatic washer,
Push butt,on - 2 cycles -
3 wash temp.
Deluxe Kelvinator
Automatic Washer.
Complete choice of cycles.
Yellow RCA Whirlpool
Auto.matic washer.
Completely deluxe. Choice
of cycles and water temps.
See to appreciate.
Many more automatics in
our used department, all
sold with a guarantee.
We have several dryers,
priced from $50.00. We
iV, eVe
have some dryers that re-a:
quire no venting also. h
2 built-In G.E. Dishwashers
1 white, 1 wood paneled.
Large capacity. You install -
for sale reasonable.
Scotsman Flaker Ice
Machine. 2 good ranges,
Commercial Cases.
127 S. 2nd St.
"It's the Scrvice after the Sale
That Counts,"
119 SO,
PHONE 426.3530
~ l~ctlroolll ]l'OlllC, close to 8c]1001S
electric heat; owner will sell under
76 Acres, apln.oximately 35 cleared,
$12,500.00. Terms.
2,1 Acres. 23 cleared, fenced, good
full l)rice $19,o00.00. Tcrnls.
Owner )nusL sell 2 large h)t.s, 95
hotllC, sonic ftlrniturc, closc to
try, $3,150.00 cash.
155 feeL en Hamnterslcy Inlet. $65,00
150 fecL waterfront, close Lo LOWS.
400 feel south Hood Canal,
£ooL. Terms.
(8) Private lake plus 30 acres, seine