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The Madrona Barracks of the
Veterans of World War I and their
auxihary entertained the entire
district in the Memorial hall on
May 17 from noon until 4 p.m.
Attending were 160 veterans
and their wives from Port
Angeles, Port Townsend, Belfair,
North Kitsap, Retsil, Bremerton
and Port Orchard.
Sixteen tables were decorated
with flower filled May baskets
made by Clara Rosenberg.
Individual mint cups fashioned in
the form of small May baskets
were made by ladies of the
Officers elected for the
coming year were Louise Larson
of North Kitsap, district
president; Leila Rodewald of
Shelton, senior vice-president; and
Agnes Simmons of Bremerton,
junior vice-president.
Keenan Receives
Science Degree
MR. AND MRS. LEON SCOTT announce the engagement of
their daughter Holly Jill, to Lewis Franklin Dean, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Max Dean. The wedding will take place June 12 at
Faith Lutheran Church.
Belfair VWWI
Schedule Meeting
Veterans of World War I will
meet at 12:30 p.m. Sunday for a
potluck luncheon and regular
meeting in the Masonic Lodge in
Final plans for the
Department convention will be
McNaulty Initiated
In Phi Beta Kappa
Norman Richard McNulty Jr.
was among the graduating seniors
to be initiated into Phi Beta
Kappa at the University of
Washington last Thursday.
BA Received
Robert Michael Johnson,
Shelton, Washington, was
graduated with a bachelor of arts
degree from Whitworth College,
Spokane, Washington, on May 24.
Winners Named
N orth-South winners at
Monday night's meeting of the
Shelton Duplicate Bridge club
were Vic King and Norm Hulbert,
and Jane Bennett and Col.
East-West winners were Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Umphenour, and,
with tied score, Bill Batchelor and
Mary Keller, and Eva Aamodt and
Bob Stratton.
Speakers Meet
The Shelton Toastmasters
Club met at 6:45 a.m. last
Thursday in the Timbers
restaurant with 14 members
present. Attending as a guest was
form er member John
Ken Frank was scheduled as
toastmaster for today's meeting,
and Irv McArthur will serve on
June 11.
MRS. HAZEL PURVES announces the engagement of her
daughter Linda Ellen to Sterling Maurice Pearson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Edwards of Seattle. Linda's father is George
C. Purves. The bride-to-be will be graduated from Shelton
High School. Her fiance is a 1964 graduate of Garfield High
School and is currently employed at the Shelton Post Office.
A winter wedding is planned.
Edward J. Keenan of Union
received a bachelor of science
degree from Creighton University
at commencement exercises
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert H. Keenan, Box 240AA,
Union. Keenan majored in biology.
Mrs. Julie Brauner
Julie Brauner
Is Honored
Mrs. Juhe Brauner, a
Washington State University
=enle¢ 4ram Fe~l Way.;, has
been initiated into Phi Beta
Kappa, national liberal arts
scholastic honorary.
Eligibility requires a 3.25 grade
point average on a scale of 4.0.
Membership is determined during
the student's senior year by a
vote of the faculty.
A bacteriology major, Mrs.
Brauner is a member of Phi Kappa
Phi, national scholastic honorary,
the president's list, honor roll,
and was named an outstanding
senior scholar in the College of
Sciences and Arts.
In addition, she was the
recipient of a Phi Kappa Phi
scholarship and a George Van
Fleet, Jr. Memorial Scholarship.
Mrs. Brauner, a 1966 graduate
of Federal Way High School,
a t t e n ded Pacific Lutheran
University in 1966-67. She will
work as a veterinary pathologist
next year at WSU, and hopes to
become a research technician.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Brotche. Jr., Star
Rt. 2, Shelton.
Sale Scheduled
The Belfair Fire Auxiliary will
sponsor their annual rummage
sale in the PUD auditorium on
June 12 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Proceeds go toward the
financing of Christmas boxes for
servicemen and for the purchase
of thongs to be sent to a hospital
in Guam.
Game Night Set
The Hood Canal Improvement
Club will hold their last game
night of the season at 8 p.m.
Friday in the Union Fire Hall.
LM Klan Picnic __. ,_ _
Set For Sunday
The LM Klan Picnic will be
held from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. on
Sunday in Kneeland Park. Potluck
lunch will be served, and each
person should bring his own table
announet s the opening
oFa Music Studio
Private instructions in
Beginning & Advanced
Phone 877-5262"
Wedding Coverage at Dean's
star9 at $45.00. Call him at 426-3272
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 4, 1970
Engagement Is Announced
A September 26 wedding is
planned for Kris Petersen,
daughter of Mrs. Gladys Petersen
and the late Fred H. Petersen of
Poulsbo, and Charles (Ed) Currier
Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Currier Sr. of Bremerton.
The bride-to-be was graduated
from North Kitsap in 1968, and
attended Olympic College. She is
now employed at the First
National Bank in Poulsbo.
The prospective bridegroom is
a Shelton High School graduate
and currently employed at Wiliy's
Richfield in Poulsbo.
Church Plans Bible School
Daily Vacation Bible School is
just two weeks away at the First
Baptist Church, 5th & Cota. The
Theme emphasis this year will be
to teach boys and girls from
Kindergarten through sixth grade
to know that"God Cares For You
They will meet each morning
from 9 a.m. until noon, for a
session of singing, stories, lessons,
handcraft, contests and games.
There will be a special
Missions-time featuring a
missionary who is home from
Venezuela, Miss Edith Johnson. A
circus atmosphere will prevail
over the different areas with
"Jo-Jo" the clown making a daily
Any child in the community
is welcome to attend.
Pre-registration will be June 7 &
June 14, during the Sunday
School hour. For added
information call 426-1467 or
DANCING IN SALLY SHARPE'S recital at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Junior High Auditorium are, left to right, Holly
Manke, Kathie Stickley, Debbie Parsons, Janet Myers, and
Marilyn Martin.
at Capital Savings...
No fuss or bother for Capital savers.
Come in with your check--no
charge--s0 long as it's cleared and
doesn't exceed your savings balance.
NEW HOURS: 8:30 to 5:30 Monday through Thursday
Fridays and State Paydays until 6 P.m.
TO $20,000.00 •
~.~IH.~," SHELTON -- First tit Railroad,'426-8211
Home Office: Olympia
Olympia -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton
Girl Grads
Are Invited
To Olympia
All graduating high school
Senior girls and their mothers,
from Mason and Thurston
counties, are invited to attend the
Olympia City Panhellenic
Morning Coffee June 13th.
The annual affair will be held
from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the
home of Mrs. Philip Schmidt, 330
Schmidt Place, Olympia.
Panhellenic alumnae and
college girls will answer questions
about rushing and other aspects
of a young woman's role on
campus. A highlight of the coffee
will be a style show of college
campus wear, coordinated by Mrs.
F. J. Breidenbach. College girls
from several campuses will model
and also speak on sorority life and
on their impressions as college
All interested girls are
encouraged to attend and may
obtain further information or
reservations from Mrs. Eldon
Marsha 11 3 5 7-7 5 10.
Sarah L. Kreger
Receives Award
A Shelton sophomore at
Eastern Washington State College,
Sarah L. Kreger, has received a
participation award from the
EWSC Women's Recreation
Association for her work in
Orchesis, the EWSC modern
dance club.
Mrs. Kreger, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce E. Kreger, Route
1, Union, is a graduate of Shelton
High School and is majoring in
mathematics at EWSC.
4-H Sale Planned
"Babes in the Woods," a 4-H
group, is sponsoring a "Mini
Market" rummage sale to be held
at the Dayton Hall, June 6, from
10:00 to 5:00. There will be
garden items, clothing, a penny
table a white elephant sale,
antiques, art exhibits, a bake sale,
and free coffee.
Proceeds will go toward the
club members camp fees and into
the club treasury.
Anyone who would like to
donate rummage may call
New and Used
100 Cars, Pickups
and Trucks
from $12S
i~!- i~i:
Vickie Pierce
rHi h
Drama is the greatest interest
of Vickie Pierce. She was recently
voted best supporting actress in
the state-wide Wata Drama
Festival, and she is planning
summer attendance at the Cirque
Theater, a drama school held for
several weeks annually in Port
Her subjects in school are
senior English, sociology, civics
and advanced drama, and she is a
student assistant for French. She
has belonged to the French Club
for three years, and as a senior she
has been a member of AFS and of
the Future Homemakers of
America; she is a Thespian. She
was a member of Job's Daughters
during her sophomore and junior
years. She was employed last
summer at the Beacon Point
resort. Vickie loves the outdoors
and outdoor activities.
She is
Mrs. R. A.
older sister
Shelton High
born in Shelt
and her home
has always
She plan'
W ashington
will enroll as a
degrees at
University are
1334 E.
Larry R. D
Dr., Ba
Veil, Rt. 3,
r,, ,,r ,,~ .
by Ann Bennington, Garden center
The insecticide does its work by be
into the plants and moving through(
system in the natural flow of sap. Thus
is there, ready to destroy sucking
plant juices. And too, once inside
granular type of insecticide tends to per
time, very often as long as six weeks.
Garden plants, after being treated,
meal to most sucking insects. These
equipped with hollow needle-like rno
which they sting plants to drink from
So you can see how these unwelcome
themselves to death when they choose
systematic insecticide treated plants.
"Miller's Systemic Rose, Shrub and
is so easy to use. First pull back any
direct contact with the soil Then
granular systemic on the root zones of
flowers to be treated, work lightly intO
water in.
Under normal growing conditions,
the plants will take place in seven to
which the plants are protected and wil
some time.
"Miller's Systemic Rose, Shrub al
contains De-Systan and a 9-9-9
elements and in this particular
components aid each other. The
fast and efficient up-take of the inset
turn, protects the plant from insects
use of the plant food. This p
beneficial insects nor is it affected
watering. :
It can be used on
Rhododendrons, Azaleas,
Chrysanthemums, Carnations,
and others.
Insects controlled by "Miller's
Insecticide" are aphides, spider mites
leaf miners, leafhoppers, lace bug,
and pine tip moths. This
place in your gardening and you will
the results. ""*
Whenever you use these special
be sure you read the entire label
manufacturers recommendations.
chemical can be worse than sick
ou can have beautiful flowers and silt
lot less work when you
insecticides. These help you
flowers and shrubs because of the man