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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 4, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 4, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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E, left, chairman of the Fire District ] 1 receives a check for $750 from Lt. Warren the State Patrol Academy as the academy's to the district for providing fire protection. In tion, the academy was covered under a Shelton Port District makes to the Fire Protection. The academy is now located on state which is not taxable and is not covered by the COntribution. The state contribution amounts to Same amount it would pay if the property were on Its. Call Can Bring Security Answers n apply for socialout an application for monthly efits OVer the benfits, change your address for Skinner, social delivery of your social security aanager, urged checks if you are moving, and, of ~lton to take course, answer your questions new service, about the whole social security Call 943-7200. program, including Medicare. YOurself a trip to So try a phone call first. suggested. "Most Chances are that we can take care business can be of your social security questions ..r the telephone,without the need for you to visit we can help you fill the office." Urry! Supplies may be limited! II Prices good Thursday through Saturday Only Regularly $1.59 Ut Regularly $3.33 384's Reg. $1.95 ohnson & Johnson Cotton Ba s l O0's. Reg. 79¢ 100's. Reg. 98¢ lb.,.,. _ IlQmember Graduation CQrds by Norcross Qnd Our Complete Gift rtment for the Familyl HONOR OPen9:30 to 7:30 weekdays and g:30 to 6 P.m. Saturday Closed Memorial Day nklin 426-3327 Shelton High School onlg Is ion By SIGRID CRABTREE elite, and Lois Pearsall. Tonight is the b'~g night for 263 Judges for the contest were seniors as they recieve their Lowell Stewart, and Jon Day, diplomas and take their first step Biology teachers, and Don into the big world of life. The last Gardner and Jana Barnett. day of school for the seniors was Nancy Waggoner was named May 29 and they got out at noon the poet for the saghalie which is for Baccalaureate practice, the school annual. At the Baccalaureate was held May 31 in beginning of the year the staff of the Shelton Gymnasium. the yearbook held a poetry After graduation ceremonies the senior party will be held at Top of The Ocean in Tacoma until about 6 a.m. with breakfast being served. There will be games and prises on the bus going to the party and at the party. The Springfield Rifle will be providing music for dancing from 11:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. A buffet supper will also be served. Kathy Pill, sophomore, won first prize in the SHS Science Fair with her experiment of how amphetmines affect guppies. The first place prize was $20. Second place went to Cindy Standley, senior, for her preparation of a heron skeleton. Richard James, sophomore won the third place $5 prize for his paper on the evolotion of man. Honorable mention awards went to Debbie Shawver, Larry contest for a poem which would appear in the Saghalie and carry the theme throughout the yearbook. Nancy's poem won. Her prize is a Saghalie with her name embossed in gold and a pin which was awarded at the awards assembly held last Wednesday. Larry Nelson received the Teacher Appreciation award from the Key Club. Sixty-seven sophomores were tapped for the Margaret Baldwin Chapter of the National Honor Society at the awards assembly. Sophomores who are tapped must have a "B" or better average in school and must maintain that and an active record in school activites and clubs to be installed as members next year. And the newly installed members of Honor Society were given their membership cards. Awards and letter for the Campg Forests Are In Now Open National Forests are preparing for the opening of the summer recreation season here with a new Road from Lake Cushman Road to Washington Pass. All campgrounds are open and spring sports were also given out at the assembly. Baseball awards were given out by Coach Ron Ellis, Track awards and letters were given out by Coach Bill Brickert who also gave out the girls track letters as Miss Hill could not be at the assembly. Golf awards were given out by Andy Tuson. Don Cox received the Inspirational award from the band and Joyce Fisher recieved the outstanding musician award. Bruce Kreger received the dedication of the Saghalie as the teacher who the senior class felt had most benefitted the senior class. Next years' pep staff was also announced atthe awa[ds assembly. They willbe yell leaders, DebbieCox,Junior: Valerie Strickland, freshman: Georgia Clayton, junior: and Pare Tabor, sophomore. Song queens Julie Archer, junior; Dee Williamson junior: Kathy Stickley, sophomore, and Terri Bostrom sophomore. The retiring pep staff included seniors Mary Tabor, Karen Cole, Chris Systma, Linda Kriebs, and Patsy Miltenberger. Dee Williamson and Debbie Cox were also on the pep staff last year. Mary Tabor was named girl of the year at the awards assembly held last Wednesday in the Shelton gym. Mary was girl of the month under the title of Friendliness during October. She was also on the pep staff and was queen cheerleader, she is in the band and in pep club. Among her other permit fee system and reports on are receiving moderate use. Honors she was also selected conditions of roads, trails and Recreation traffic is not Homecoming queen and was a campgrounds, recommended to Steelhead and member of the Forest Festival The Golden Eagle Charge Elk Horn campgrounds since the Court. program for use of federal section of road is under Other Girls of the Months were recreation facilities has expired construction. Chris Systma, personality, Sue and has been replaced with a Fishing was reported poor in Morris, wisdom, Toni Slavich, regional system which will allow streams but good in Lake leadership, Eva Hanssen, sincerity, permit holders to use seven sites Cushman. Linda Bevis, service, and Jean The Shelton Ranger District Deffinbaugh, honesty. in the Olympia National Forestreported all major recreation and 225 others on national forests roads open. The South Fork Girls' Club , in Washington and Oregon. Skokomish Trail is open with Kathy Kelley was named Girls The Hoodsport Ranger District reports all district roads open except Road 261 from the end of the blacktop to the forest boundary. Heavy logging traffic is reported during the week on the Lake Cushman Road to the Nettleton Road and on Nettleton spring maintenance work being done. The Wynoochee River Trail has not yet been maintained and there are many windfalls across the road near the Park Boundary. Snow in the Park makes the trail difficult to follow. Campgrounds are open and being used. Club president for the 70-71 school year at the awards assembly last Wednesday. Hood Canal School Yell School For Next Year Are Selected Hood Canal P.T.A. president Blanche Boggs thanks the many people who worked on the float for the parade. A complete frame was built around the school pick-up and in its final stages depicted a large wave breaking over a treasure chest with school princess Cheryl Molinero seated in the chest. Perhaps not complete, however, the following worked on the float: Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. Lois Culik, Mrs. Stairs, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grubb, Mr. and Mrs. John Denison, Mrs. Boggs, Mrs. Molinero, Craig Grubb, Billy Robbins, Tony Molinero, John Boggs and John Pill. John Pill drove the float during the parade with Jack Grubb keeping him company. Yell Leaders After weeks of practice by interested girls for song and yell leaders the following choices were made last week for next year. Girls chosen for song queens for next year's ninth grade are Linda Jones, Sheryl James, Sheryl Sund, eighth grade Nanci Dean, Rhonda Endicott, Teresa West. AI Egg, a member of the Mason County Recreation Association spoke to the Hood Canal Associated Student Body on the associations three-year plan to develop the 25 acres on John's Prairie. There would be four baseball fields, soccer, volleyball, horseshoe pits, picnic area, with one building at the center containing restrooms and concession stand. TO AN ISLAND Don't want to be bothered dressing for dinner? Drive to your "A&W--- an island of refreshment" where you can relax and eat in your car or order food to go. Either way the service is fast and the food is great. So, visit us soon... ready or not. 1729 Olympic Hwy. N., Mt. View MERGENE LYON, center, was selected as Missionette Queen, and Melody Lyon, left, and Beverly Brenn, right as Missionette Princesses by the Assembly of God Church. The announcement of the queen and two princesses was made at a mother-daughter banquet at the church attended by 45 women and girls. The girls presented a program for their mothers after the dinner. The Office of Dr. Stanley B. Covert, M.D., Will be Closed Between June 8 and June 28, Inclusive, Due to Vacation. SELF-CLEAN 30" HOTPOINT RANGE • Self-Clean oven cleans itself auto- matically, electrically • Automatic oven and timer • Fluorescent cooktop light • Infinite-Heat surface unit controls • Two high-speed surface umts MODEL RB755 WIT $30 SET OF WEAR-EVER TEFLON-COATED COOKwARE • From the exciting new Cerama L=ne with Teflon II • Dishwasher safe PRING OFFER LIMITED U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Loren W. Gee, 25, has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service in combat action in Vietnam. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Gee, who have lived near Toledo, for the past three years. The medal was presented to Gee as a result of his service recently in Vietnam while engaging hostile forces as a helicopter pilot. He was assigned with Battery C., 4th Battalion, 77th Artillery, 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile), at the time. Gee is a 1963 graduate of Shelton High School and a 1967 graduate of Washington State University. During his three-year tenure in the Army, he has also been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and has received five awards of the Air Medal. Hew and Used 100 Cars, Pickups and Trucks from $125 O / --ACT N OW ! Bill I I Thursday, June 4, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13