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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 4, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 4, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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S outhside Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal M tl"ee-'ng -----"---'-- ....... ......... - Has accompanied by a two dollar NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CRPUIIORS of the said court, (2.00) recording fee and filed ON PROPOSED PLATS NO. 4115 NO. 4114 NO. 4113 proof of such serv At $ 1 9 with the Department of Water IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT (4) months after t C Resources within thirty (30) days COLONY SURF NO. 6 O F T H E S T A T E O F O F T H E S T A T E O F O F T H E S T A T E O F publication of thi from June 4, 1970. Said proposed Plat is locatedWASH I N GTON FOR MASON WAS H IN GTON FOR MASON WASH I NGTON FOR MASON same will be barred By MRS. RAY KRATCHA home of Esther Horton May 20. Witness my hand and official-in a portion of the Southwest 1/4 COUNTY. COUNTY. COUNTY IN PROBATE. Date of first pl seal this 13th day of April, 1970. of Section 9, Township 23 North, In the Matter of the Estate of In the Matter of the Estate of IN THE MATTER OF THE 21 1970. SOUTHSIDE May 19 the Live The next meeting will beat GLENH. FIEDLER Range 3 West, W.M., in Mason HAZEL D. HANSMEIER, CHARLES JAMIESON ESTATE OF VIVIAN M. '/s/GeorgeM. r Wires 4-H Club had a meeting at Alma Hurst's no date has been Assistant Director, County, Washington. Complete Deceased. CHAMBERS, Deceased. NINEMIRE, Deceased. Personal Repre the Southside School. set. Division of Water Management metes and bounds description is T he unders gned is the The undersigned is the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN GLENN E. CORR.t D e p a r tmen tof Water shown on a copy of the proposedappointed and qualified personalappointed and qualified personalthat the undersigned has been Attorney for Estatq President Lori Goldsby called ,..~.--~---------------------- Resources. Plat on file in the County representative of said estate, representative of said estate, appointed and has qualified as the Bell Building personal representative of the 121 South I~ourth the meeting to order. Legal Publications 5/28-6/4-2tPlanning Director's Office in the Persons having claims against the Persons having claims against the ~!iii!egi~ilii ~ ::Jree~fu~;~i~ Leader Mrs. Betty Wolf led ___~------- Courthouse at Shelton, deceased are required toservethedeceased are required toservetheEstate of V I V I AN M. Shelton, Washington=: the 4-H pledge and flag salute.~~------------- COUNTY ROAD P-ROJ-ECT Washington. same in duplicate duly verified,same n duplicate, duly verified, BEARD'S COVE NO. 4 on the undersigned or the on the undersigned or the Secretary Debbie Goldsby COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 683 (CONTINUED PUBLIC attorney of record at the address attorney of record at the address took roll and read the minutesof NO.684 In the matter of C.R.P. No. HEARING) stated below and file the same stated below and file the same the last meeting. In the matter of C.R.P. No. 683 to be constructed on Mason Said proposed Plat is located with the Clerk of this Court, with the Clerk of this Court, Treasurer Kathy Bailey took 684 to be constructed on MasonCounty Road No. 6013 known in a portion of the North ~2 of the together with proof of such together with proof of such County Road No. 6213 known locally as the Mason Lake NW Southeast L." in Section 30, service within four months afterservice within four months after dues. locally as the Benson Lake Road, Road, and more specifically Township 23 North, Range 1 . May 21, 1970, or the same will be May 21 1970, or the same will be In old business they talked and more specifically located in located in Sections 5, 7, 8, 18,West, W.M. in Mason County, forever barred, forever ioarred.~~" ~J ~ ~___..~ about the hot dog sale. Section 3, Township 21 N. Range Township 21 N. Range 2 W.W.M. Washington.' Complete metes and Maxine Weber Charlotte A. Chambers [] ~ I; It 2 W.W.M. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED bounds description is shown on a423 Linden Drive 1223 South 7th 4-H camp themes will be IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY copy of the proposed Plat on file Lewiston, Idaho 83501 Shelton, Washington 98584 based on "Cartoons" the the club BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their in the County Planning Director's ROBERT L. SNYDER ROBERT L. SNYDER will do "Peanuts." COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to apply 20' BST Class intention to apply 3rd coat BST "A" to 0.5 mile (Bennett) apply Office in the Courthouse at Attorney for Estate Attorney for Estate Shelton, Washington. 125~'z N. 5th 1251/2 N. 5th _ 2 the next meeting will be June 3rd coat BST to 2.1 miles N O T I C E IS F U RTH E R Shelton, Washington 98584 Shelton, Washington to 1.2 mile and that said work is (Simpson Re. area, Mason Lake • 1 GIVEN: That said Hearing will be 5/21-28-6/4-3t 5/21-28-6/4-3t Foursquare • to be performed by day labor in Est. No. 3, @ Marina) and that held at 7:00 P.M., Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck of accordance vvitn the Washington -- I Cole road went with Mr. and Mrs. State Standard Specifications for said work is to be performed by June I 7, ] 9 70 (or as soon .... NO-TIcE--~; ....... N~-I~-OFHEARING Church [ Alliance C11 Road and Bridge Construction asday labor in accordance with thethereafteras possible), in the ........ ''IN" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Charles McCaulcy of'tacoma to adopted byMasonCounty. Washington State Standard I~UI~LILI'Ie'/~o~fBtY:GliVE~,~ THAT Hoquiam and spent theweekend BE I T F U RTHER Specifications for Road and office of the County a with Mr. arid Mrs. Richard RESOLVED that the above Bridge Construction as adopted Commissioners, and any person .1 tNO:!CiE/SeaHER issThersBo~ fdas°~l cC°Untty 910 East Oearborn I SundaySchoO!.-.'i year roao program or tne ~ ty o • . ' McCaulcy and two children and described County Road Project is by Mason County. having an interest in the matter t a a p ,D g ...... ( ~ Washington will hold a public LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor I O,vni gvvorshiP:: necessary and proper, and the B E I T F U R Z H E R may appear at the Hearin§ to be Shelton will be held on Tuesday, ~eoa'~]'~gt h'ou tshee"i r°ff~ e~tt the Sunday School .... 9:4b a.m. I A~" ~c;:::" Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stuck ol estimated costs of said project are RESOLVED that the above heard for or against said proposal, June 23rd 1970 at 2'00 pm n • ' [ MorningWo~ship . . 11:00a.m. I EveningSerwce --L' described County Road Project isafter which, the Planning the City Commission room at Wga~(~'ng~%'e%uMr°r~d~Y:J~"~em8.'C.Y.'s& Cadets ...... 6-00p m I Prayer ~4ourPra er Hour (wed.}wed.) i Hoquiam. herewith set out in detailas necessary and proper, and the Commission will recomrnend City Hall in Shelton Washington. f~, +~, ......... { +~,~ ~,'~'~X¢'~ I EveningSelvice .... 7:00 p.m. I ..o, .rE. Southside Itorncmakcrs had follows: 0 estimated costs of said project are approval or disapproval of these '"vvrltten": or ora'l oojec~lons ........... ......... .... LB, Wed)..7.'00 p.m. ~ ,, an outing May 19. Road Construction $2,500.0 herewith set out in detailas Plats to the Board of County ShOUld............ De riled wlIn me Lliy adoption of an Ordinance Commissioners. ...... . regulating transportation of minor TOTAL $2,500.00 follows: Commission. at satonearingo~ forest products in Mason County._~ ~ ~u They went over It) Olympia The County Road Project Road Construction $7,500.00 DATED this 27th day of May, prior thereto and went through the ('apih)l herein described is HE REBY TOTAL $7,500.00 i 9 7 0. M A S O N C O U N T Y " Any interested person may (;reenh(,uscandMuseu,n. DECLARED to be a public The County Road Project PLANNING COMMISSION Al~va.-iKe'rCatt° appear atsaidHearingtobeheard NORTHSlDE BAPTIST CHUIi( r "rhosc goi ng were Monna necessity, and the County Road herei n described is HEREBY By/s/James E. Connolly L y L either for o~ against the adoption. Phone 426-382/ , ,~ Engineer isHEREBY ORDERED DECLARED to be a public 6/4-1t 6/4-11-2t DATED at Shelton, 123W. CSt. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. PaulBUl "j ........ Washington, this 2nd day of June, Sunday School ......................... "_." "L" 13 Ileinis, JoAnn Ilerrick, Ruth AND AUTHORIZED to report necessity, and the County Road COUNTY ROAD PROJEct .hi i,,~. ~,,=~,hi, 1970. BOARD OF COUNTY Chambers, Evelyn Krielcl,, Jane and proceed thereon as by law Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED UE MY UUB:il COMMISSIONERS OF Worship ......................... lla''"'~ :.] Ilcndrick and Shirley Stitch. provided. AND AUTHORIZED to report NO.687 Training Uni°n ........................ "-"'sl :~1 Friendship Club mcl at the ADOPTED this 25th day of and proceed thereonas by law In the matter of C.R.P. No. • M A S O N C O U N T Y , May 1970. 687 to be constructed on Mason II~lllqP I~l PRd"IIIP WASHINGTON. _ Midweek Service ......... lug. ,, B O A R D O F C O U N T Y provided, tillii iall[PI, le~llr Ruth E. Boysen Auditor & a ADOPTED this 251h day of Countv Road No. 101 known ~-- =ii, =vi,,, Clerk of the Board of Mason -- -"" Kenneth Welch COMMISSIONERS May, 1970. locally asthe Ford Road, and more County Commissioners OF MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY specifically located in Section 9, 0nlyy0ucanpreventforestflres " " "6/4-1t FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCI WASHINGTON COMMISSIONERS Township 20 N. Range 6 W.W.M. Arcadia and Lake Boulevard IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister 1.~ Returns On Carrier MartmAuseth OF MASON COUNTY, BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY BibleSchoo .... 9 45a.m. FamllyService• ' '~ Chairman WASHINGTON ~ L~p, ~'~, M Navy Air,nan Kenneth C. William O. Hunter Martin Auseth COMMISSIONERS that it is their ason County Worship ....... ,1 oo am ~ ~( ,,~ I Wednesday B~ble Study and Prayer - I:,~ Welsh, hushand of the I{)rlncrAttest: Chairman intention to apply 3rd coat BST Ruth E. Boysen William O. Hunter to 1.00 mile and that said work is ~.r ygilB - ~-~~ i ~j - ~~-b/e at- ~ :00 ~erl ~ Mis~ Audrey A. I':wms, ghclhm, Clerk of the Board 6/4 It Attest: to be performed by day labor in has returned I~) Ihc tl.S. ah(lard accordance with the Washington | iv ml blj ll lP:l:)lp:) tbc aircralt carrier IJSS Runlzcr Ruth E. Boysen I Cthr0 ~ '~i after m()re than :.;even m~)nlhs COUNTY--ROAD PROO.I-ECT Clerk of the Board 6/4 It State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as ~.~ f',~M~'*~~~ First Chur f Christ, Scie NO. 685 adopted by Mason County. with the Seventh I"lcct in the In the matter of C.R.P No. B E I T F U R T H E R ~_ ~ l 302 A de St., Shelton, Wash. Wcxtcrn Pacilic. 685 to be co%tructed on Mason ORDINANCE NO. 808 RESOLVED that the above This was lhc carricr'~ fifth County Road No. 4164 known A N O R D I N A N C E described County Road Project is l Sunday School ll:00a.m. Church ll:00a comhat dcph}ymcnt in the (;ulf locally as the Skokomish Valley D E C L A R I N G A N necessary and proper, and the / Wednesday evening testimony meetings8:0OI Road, and more specifically EMERGENCY WHICH COULD extimated costs of said project are / Reading room located in church. Reading r0°['~. of "i(mkm. located in Sections 17 & 18, NOT HAVE BEEN FORESEEN herewith set out in detail as L 1 l~r.& FrL. Wed. evemnu" ..... --.---------------- Township 21 N. Range 4 W.W.M. AT THE TIME OF THE follows: _ __ Auto Glass I Contracting . IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED ADOPTION OF THE 1970 Road Construction $2,500.Ou I I |CUSTOM QUALITY BUILDING• I Legal Publkations BY THE BOARD O FCOUNTY BUDGET, ESTABLISHING TOTAL $2,500.00 l- F i h C I 13 COMMISSIONERS that it istheir F U N D S T O M E E T The County Road Project I Expertlnstallation I |HOME PLANNING AND| I I Ic°MPLETE BLUE PRINTS" I intention to apply 3rd coat BST EXPENDITURES NECESSARY herein described is HEREBY S ermen's U COUNTY ROAD PROJECT to 1.6 mile and that said work isFOR THE OPERATION OF DECLARED to be a public I JIMPAULEY,,NC I I MichaelJ. ByrneBIdg. Co. I / P.U.D. AUDITORIUM-3rd&Cota I~1~ 1~k~fl. NO. 682 to be performed by day labor in THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. necessity, and the County Road / In the matter of C.R.P. No. accordance with the Washington BE IT ORDAINED AND Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED II 5th & Railroad Ph 426-8231 II|| BONDED AND LICENSED426"6435 |1 I.~1~" ~ 682 to be constructed on Mason State Standard Specifications for ENACTED by the City AND AUTHORIZED to report |, " | ]REMODELING CABINS ] [From9:15a.m. tolO:30a.m, every Sunday County Road No. 3111 known Road and Bridge Construction as Commission of the City of and proceed thereon as by law locally as the Hartstene adopted by Mason County. Shelton as follows: provided. | SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1970 ',l~"~ North-South Road, and more B E I T F U R T H E R 1. That sufficient funds are ADOPTED this 251h day of Auto Repairing I Cosmetics I | Bible Study: REV. JERRY LARSON "~"~---~ specifically located in Sections 11, RESOLVED that the above not available to meet the May, 1970. described County Road Project isexpenditures required by Chapter BOA R D OF COU NTY I --Major Overhauls I I HOLIDAY MAGICCOSMETICS| / Speaker: TO BE ANNOUNCED 12, 1, 2, Township 2'O No. Range necessary and proper, and the 6, L aws of 1 9 70 First COMMISSIONERS I --Brakes & Ignition I I Free Demonstrations on I 2W.W.M. IX IS HEREBY RESOLVED estimated costs of said projectare Extraordinary Session, Laws of OF MASON COUNTY, I -Welding & Tune-ups I I Skin Careand Basic l L i BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY herewith set out in detail as the State of Washington, relating WASHINGTON I ....... Special winterizing ! I ' and Correct i. Makeup ! COMMISSIONERS that it is theirfollow;- to the obligation of the City to Martin Auseth Road Construction$8,000.00 pay all medical benefits on behalf Chairman I ED'S SERVICE I I DONAWAY ENTERPRISES I St. David's Church ; intention to apply 20' BST Class TOTAL $8,000.00 of the members of the Police William O. Hunter "A" to 2.0 miles and that said ! 219So. 1st 426-1212 ! | 428 Henry St. 426-1317 I Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washingt°n work is to be performed by (day The County Road Project Department as by said Chapter Attest: labor) in accordance with herein described is HEREBY required and that such Ruth E. Boysen Washington State Standard DECLARED to be a public expenditures were not and could Clerk of the Board 6/4 it Drugs I I i 1:00 a.m.- Family Service Specifications for Road and necessity, and the County Road not have been reasonably foreseen Beauty Bridge Construction as adopted Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED at the t,me ot the adoption and i I --Helena Rubinstein I Cosmehcs by Mason County. AND AUTHORIZED to report making of the 1970 budget. NOT-ICE T-~-O--~E---D-~ORS I -Complete Hair Care I I - . I I 7:30 A.M.- Holy Communion Prescr~phons L The'ration and Prayl B E I T F U R T H E R and proceed thereon as by law 2. That $5,000.00 is the NO. 4117 | -Wigs-Wiglets-Switches | | -- . . I rle r n c Hypo Allergic Cosmetics RESOLVED that the above provided, amount required to meet this IN THE SUPERIOR COURT I -Me No ma Cosmeti~ I I - I described County Road Project isADOPTED this 25th day of emergency. O F T H E S T A T E O F necessary and proper, and the May, 1970. 3. It is hereby declared that WASHINGTON FOR MASON i --Free Demonstrations | | NELL'S PHARMACY i estimated costs of said project areB O A R D O F C O U N T Y an emergency exists under COUNTY | ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON i | 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 i herewith set out in detail as COMMISSIONERS provisions of R.C.W. 35.33.090In the Matter of the Estate of 16th & Laurel 426-4582i I i r F ith L th Ch reclardinq such expenditures and ISABEL M. DUNOYIER, U| follows: OF MASON COUNTY, the City Treasurer is authorized Deceased. a u eran Road Construction $9,000.00 WASHINGTON TOTAL $9,000.00 Martin Auseth to make such expenditures for The undersigned is the Bicycles . Floor Coverings I / The County Road Project Chairman such purpose, appointed and qualified personal herein described is HEREBY William O. Hunter INTRODUCED in regular representative of said estate. I New andRe-Built II I/ 7tha,dFr,,k,,n DECLARED to be a public Attest: Commission Meeting this 26th Persons having daims againsttheI Factory Trained Mechanic I I --Linoleum --Carpeting I/ WORSHIP: 8:3O and 11:00a.rn. necessity, and the County Road Ruth E. Boysen day of May, 1970. deceased are required to serve the I complete Line of New~ Parts I I --Til~_,,,,. --I~',~rm;,'=.v.,,,,~.u Il Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED Clerk of the Board 6/4 It P A S S E D i n r e g u I a r same in duplicate, duly verified, | and Accessor'es I I I CHURCH SCHOOL" 9"30 a.m. Commission Meeting this 2nd day on the undersigned or the I SWANSON'S BIKE SHOP • I i[ Christian Worship, Fellowship, EducltiOn'51 AND AUTHORIZED to report of June, 1970. attorney of record at the address • I I REX FLOOR COVERING I ' pho¢ and proceed thereon as by law er on I ew vn ~zb zz~z 1 3 blocks east of Airport Groc y | I" . - j Kenneth Robinson, Pastor provided. NOTICE OF F.A. Travis stated below and file the same I open 7 days week, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. • IM" Vi ......... i ADOPTED this 25th day of SURFACE WATER RIGHT Mayor with the Clerk of this Court, Lspring Road Phone426-4989 | I I --~ May, 1970. BOARD OF APPLICATION No. 22090 David Kneeland together with proof of such COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STATE OF WASHINGTON Commissioner of Finance service within four months after . . Masonry O F M A S O N C OU NTY, Department of Water Resources, Glen Watson May 28, 1970, or the same will be Building Supplies I , I r Commissioner of Public forever barred. | --Sherwin-Williams | I -Fireplaces I / United Methodist Chur¢ WASH INGTON Olympia. Martin Auseth TAKE NOTICE: That James T. Works DORR K. DENOYER, JR. | Paints-Carpets-Wallpaper | i --All Brick and I Chairman L u m I e y o f B r e m e r t o n, Attest: 1239 Birch Street William O. Hunter Washington on March 27, 1970 Alma Catto Shelton, Washington 98584 | -Complete Building Supplies | | Block Work | 1 G and King Streets Attest: filed application for permit to City Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER i --Plastering & Supplies i i i / REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, Ministlr Ruth E. Boysen divert the public waters of Tiger Approved as to form: Attorney for Estate I Nye Co. Building Supply J | MASON'S MASONRY | | 9:00 and l 1.:00 a.m. Worship servi Clerk of the Board 6/4 It Lake, tributary of --, in the B. Franklin Heuston 125 % N. 5th I Free Delivery | I Phone 426-2278 I [ amount of. 0.01 cubic foot per City Attorney 6/4 It Shelton, Washington 98584 II 426-8224 On Cole Road I I I 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages -- 6 p.m.. second subject to existing rights, 5/28-6/4-11-3t A Guide To Poisonous Plants ELEPHANT'S EAR (Coloca$ia antiquorum) The entire plant i~. toxic. Like the plants Caladium and Dumbcane, this broad-leafed ornamental, contains sharp calcium oxalate crystals which penetrate oral tissue, causing severe pain and swelling. May be fatal if air passages are blocked. Should you experience a case of plant poisoning, or suSPected plant I poisoning, immediately notify your physician or take the victim to the nearest hospital. If posslble be prepared to identify the plant or save evidence. Neil's Pharmacy from May 1 to October 1 each year for the purpose of irrigation that the approximate point of diversion is located within Government Lot 2 of Section 5, Township 23 N., Range 1, W.W.M., in Mason County. Any objections must be 1969 Toyota. 1968 Toyota. 1962 Dodge, 6 cyl. auto... 1963 Corvair 4 speed .... 1957 Buick Convert. Like new... 1965 Dodge special V-8, auto., ready to go.. Camper Front & Railro~l - 426-8183 SUMMER SESSION 1970 June 15-Aug. 7 Friday June 12, 1970-Room 325 ST. MARTIN'S 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Take advantage now of expanded offerings in Accounting, Art, Chemistry, Drama, Economics, Education, English,Modern Languages, Government, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Speech, Theology. Whether your're working on a 5th year, towards a specific degree or for self.improvement, St. Martin's welcomes you. For further information call today: Keith Larkin - 491-4700 Director of Summer Session St. Martin's College Emergency Pit. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin .St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 Bulldozer Service *Clearing *Leveling *Excavating JOHN MAKOVINEY Bulldozing Phone 426-1289 Cable TV For Car Waxing Service Call ISIMONIZE PASTE WAX JOB ON AUTOS ...$5.95 Trailers, Campers, Boats and Air Planes at comparative prices. PHONE 426-6527 :hain Sews-- New and Used -- Rentals Oregon Chains & Accessories Small motor tune-up & repairs Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily Mike's McCulloch shop 2215 Olympic Hwy. N..426-4639 Concrete l_Ready.mix Concrete 1] --Concrete Culverts & Blocks --Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone ---Fireplace Screens & Tools GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 Refrigeration Service Domestic and Commercial 20 Years Experience 24 Hour Service CARL'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE Phone 426-8537 Rental Service Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 22]6 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 ;hoes Famous KNAPP Shoes Sat-Test * Dress * Casual Sports * Work Men 's--Women's--Children's Sizes up to 18D Personal Shoe Counselors and Fitters Don Anderson Joe Knight 426-2294 _ 426-1080 Travel --Air - Rail - Steamship --Bus - Hotels - Tours No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426-4134 THIS SPACE CAN BE HAD llolt' (I/)r)lll roll? MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN MISSOURI SYNOD 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1970 ..t': Sunday School and Bible ClISS ,~;II. Divine Services at 8:15 and 10:-¢ Theme: "HOW WELL IS YOUR SOUL First Baptist (CONSERVATIVE) & Cota Sts. Hey. Jerry Larson, TH.M" Sunday, June 7, 1970 11:00 a.m. "GOD'S PROFIT AND LOSS SYSTEM" John 12:20-25 9:30 a.m. Bible School 6:30 p.m. Jr. High Youth Group 7:30 p.m. "SHAPING UP THE SAINTS" SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 1521 Monroe St. .Mason VACATION BIBLE JUNE 1- 12 MONDAY THRUi i' TIME: 6:45 p.m. - 8:30 AGES: 3 years- 10th Sunday School .. :: :: Morning Worship ................. Christ's Ambassadors ................... Evangelistic Service ................... Page 14 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 4, 1970