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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 4, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 4, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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J.. Legal Pubkdi0ns Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal PublicationsLegal Publications Legal NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S NATIONAL FOREST NOTICE OF HEARING centerline of SR 3 tea point Commission at its office in theand defend the above entitled" NOTICE FRANCHISE APPLICATION SALE OF REAL ESTATE TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC Franchise Application opposite approx. Mile Post Highways-Licenses Building, action in the Superior Court of OR PRC O NO. 1549 Under General Execution N A T I O N A L F O R E S T, No. 5205 Station 6.25; thence crossingOlympia, Washington, on the the State of Washington for RENEWAL& AMENDED Cause No. 162070 WYNOOCHEE PROJECT R/W In the matter of the to the south side of SR 3 at 15th day of June, 1970, at 1:30Kitsap County aforesaid; and BONNIE In t he M a t ter of the In the Superior Court of the SALE. Application of Pacific Northwest approx. Mile Post Station 6.25 p.m., or as soon thereafter as answer the Complaint of the Said propose¢ Application of Pacific Northwest State of Washington for PierceLocated withinT. 22 and 23N., Bell Telephone Co. for a franchise to a point 30' south of the hearing may be had. plaintiff and serve a copy of your in a portion o Bell Telephone Co. for a franchise County. R. 7W. partially surveyed. Public t o c onstruct, operate and centerline of SR 3; thence D A T E D a t O I y m p i a,answer upon the undersigned Section 13, Tow1 to construct, operate and N EI L SHAFFER, d/b/a notice is hereby given that maintain buried telephone cable continuing in an easterly Washington,this 17th day of Attorneys for plaintiff at their Range 4 West, 1 maintain aerial telephone cable SHAFFER INVESTMENT pursuant to the provisions of upon a portion of State Route direction at a point 30' south April, 1970. offices below stated; and in case County, Washin! upon a portion of State Route COMPANY, Plaintiff vs. Section 5 of Public Law 273, No. 3, in Mason County, of and parallel to the centerline W. M. Foster Assistant of yourfailuresotodo, judgmentmetes and boun( ROBERT E. SCHILLINGER and 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, Washington. of SR3 to a point opposite Director for Highway will be rendered against you shown on a copy No. 3, in Mason County, MARION SCHILLINGER, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the WHEREAS, the Pacific approx, Mile Post Station 5.36; Development according to the demand of thePlat on file Washington. 5/21-28-6/4-3t Complaint, which has been filed Planning Directol WIlE R EAS, the Pacific husband and wife, Defendent. Cooperative Agreement forthe Northwest Bell Telephone Co., a thence southerly to a point 5' Northwest Bell Telephone Co., Under and by virtue of a Management of the Participatingcorporation, has filed with the north of the south right of way ----- with the Clerk of the Court. C o u r t h o u se a has filed with the Washington general execution issued out of Forest Properties in the Shelton Washington State Highway line and continuing in a The purpose of this action is Wash ngton. State Highway Commission, and under the seal of the Superior Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit Commission. under the provisionsgenerally easterly direction at a SUMMONS BY to forfeit a real estate contract N O T I C E I! under the provisions of ChapterCourt of the State of Washington, entered into by and between theof Chapter 47.44 RCW and point 5' north of the south PUBLICATION and quiet title in plaintiff to the GIVEN: That sail' 47.44 RCW and amendments in and for said County, onthe6th United States of America andtheamendments thereto, an right of way line to a point NO. 10410 following described real property held at 7:00 p.n thereto, an application for a day of May, 1970, upon a Simpson Timber Company, dated application for a franchise to opposite approx. Mile Post IN THE SUPERIOR COURT situated in Mason County, June 17 197] franchise to construct, operate judgment rendered in said CourtDecember 12, 1946, an estimated construct, operate and maintain Station 7; thence in a northerly O F T H E S T A T E O F Washington: thereafter' as P~! and maintain aerial telephone on the 27th day of October, 1 320 M board feet of timber buried telephone cable line upon . direction to a point 18' South WASH I NGTON FOR MASON Lot 49 of Third Addition too f f i c e o f 11 cable line upon a portion of State 1 964, in favor of NElL marked or otherwise designated a portion of State Route No. 3, in of the centerline of SR 3 at aCOUNTY. Collins Lake, as recorded in Commissioners, ;i., Route No. 3, in Mason County, SHAFFER. d/b/a SHAFFER for cutting will be sold to Mason County, Washington, for a point opposite approx. Mile FAIRVlEW ESTATES, INC., Volume 6 of Plats, page 132; having an intere!t Washington, for a period of INVESTMENT COMPANY and Simpson Timber Company, period of twenty-five (25) years, Post Station 7; thence a Washington corporation situate in Mason County, may appear at ttl twenty-five (25) years, at the a g a inst R O B E R T E. Seattle, Washington, on June 30, at the following locations: continuing in a generally ' vs Plaintiff, Washington. ;~atrdrfOr~a~lail'! following locations: SCHILLINGER and MARION 1970. The minimum acceptable easterly direction at a point 18' By John A. Bishop SCHILLINGER, husband and bid per M board feet is: Beginning at a point on the south of and parallel to the LEE E. BJORK and PHYLLIS Attorney for Plaintiff Commission wl Beginning at a point on the wife judgment debtors for the Douglas-fir, $72.70; western north side of SR 3 as now centerline of SR 3 to a point J. BJORK, hiswife, 3421KitsapWay, Suite E approval or dis sum of Seven Hundred Seventy hemlock and other coniferous located and of record in the opposite approximate Mile Defendants. Bremerton Professional Plat to the B~ south side of SR 3 as now Seven and 60/100 ($777.60) species, $39.50; western redcedar, office of the Director of Post Station 12.14 located in T H E S T A T E O F Building Commissioners. located and of record in the WASHINGTON TO: Bremerton, Washington DATED this office of the Director of Dollars, together with attorneys $33.10; all species hardwood, Highways at Clympia, the SE1/4 of the SE]/4 of Section Highways at Olympia, fees, interest, costs and increased $14.25. Additional deposit Washington, saidpoint being 10, Township 21 North, Range LEE E. BJORKand PHYLLIS 98310 1970. Washinc~ton said point being costs, and to me directed and required for slash disposal is opposite approx. Mile Post 2 West. W.M.,in Mason County, J. B JeRK, his wife, Defendants: Telephone ESsex 7-7691 M A S O N Mile delivered, I did no the 12th day None. All Included Timber shall Station 4.46 located in the Washington. Y O U A R E H E R E BY 5/7-14-_21-28-6/4-11-6t PLANNING t;O opposttepost Stationappr°ximate0.77, (Corporate of May, 1970, levy upon all the be given Domestic Processing. NWl/4 of the NEI/4 of Section 3, SUMMONED TO APPEAR within .... -- By James E. Limits of Shelton) located in right, title and interest of said Bidders are advised that violations Township 20 North, Range 3 NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS sixty (60) days after the first by O.E. the SW V4 of the SE ¼ of judgment debtors in and to theof the Domestic Processing West, W.M., thence in a HEREBY GIVEN: publication of this Summons, Stnoke~y ~oys. Section 1 7, Township 20 following described property to requirement constitutes breach of generally easterly direction at a That a hearing will be held on to-wit: within sixty (60) days satisfy said judgment, to-wit:contract and may result in point varying between 16' andsaid application by the after the 7th day of May, 1970, ]Rveryoneloseswhenaforestburns! North, Range 3 West, W.M.; Washington State Highway thence in a generally easterly The South 2-1/2 acres, more contract cancellation, ur in refusal 20' north of and parallel to the direction at a point 25' south or less, of the South seven to award timber sales to the of and parallel to the centerline (7) acres of the East Ten violator, or debarment or of SR 3 to a point opposite (10) acres of the South suspension from bidding on approximate Mile Post Station fifteen (15) acres of the future timber sales. If requested 1.46; thence crossing to the Southwest quarter (SWl/4) by the State of Washington or by of the Southeast quarter Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, north side of SR 3 on an angle (SE 1/4) of Section (20) to a point 25' north of the centerline of SR 3 opposite Twenty, Township Twenty approximate Mile Post 1.5; Three (23) North, Range thence in an easterly direction O n e ( 1 ) we s t, W.M. at a point 25' north of and excepting therefrom road parallel to the centerline of SR rights-of-way. 3 to a point opposite NOW THEREFORE, approximate Mile Post StationNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 1.85; thence crossing on an That on Friday the 12th day ot angle to the south side of SR 3 June, 1970, at 10 o'clock in the opposite approximate Mile Forenoon of said day, I will sell Post Station 1.9 to a point 25' the above described property, or south of the centerline of SRso much thereof as may be Olympia. Washinqton. on or 3; thence continuing in a necessary to satisfy said before June 15, 1970. Dated generally easterly direction at a judgment, together with May 26, 1970, Wynne M. Maule, point 25' south of and parallel attorney's fees, interest, costs and Forest Supervisor, Olympic to the centerline of SR 3 to a increased costs, in all amounting National Forest. point opposite approximate to the sum of One Thousand, 6/4-11-18-25-4t Mile Post Station 11.8 and Three Hundred Fifty-Nine and leaving the right of way; thence 39/100 ($1,359.39) Dollars. Plus COUNTY ROAD PROJECT commencing again at a point Sheriff's Costs. NO. 679 opposite approximate Mile Said sale will take place at the In the matter of C.R.P. No. Post Station 16 and continuing East door of the Court House at 679 to be constructed on Mason along the left side of SR 3 at a Shelton in said County and State, County Road No. 5770 known point 25' left of and parallel to and will be at public auction, for locally as the Manzanita Drive the centerline of SR 3 to a cash in hand to the highest and Road, and more specifically point opposite approximate best bidder, located in Sections 4 & 5, Mile Post Station 18.3 located in the SW V4 of the NE % of Section 20, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M. in Mason County, Washington. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a hearing will be held on said application by the Washington State Highway Commission at its office in the Highways--Licenses Building, Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 12th day of May, 1970. JOHN D. ROBINSON Sheriff of said County By Ann Rose, Chief Civil Deputy A'LAN S. HUTCHINSON Attorney for Plaintiff 943 Tacoma AVe., South Tacoma, Washington 5/14-21-28-6/4-4t or by any person deemed to have a reasonable interest in the proposed sale, or in its terms, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 26th day of June 1970 at 2:00 p.m., PDT. Requests for public hearing will not be considered unless received in the office of the Forest Suoervisor. Federal Buildina. Township 21 N., Range 3 W.W.M. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to apply 22-ft. BST 3rd coat to 0.7 mile BST Class "A" (2 coats) to 0.5 mile and that said work is to be performed by (day labor) in accordance with the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted Olympia, Washington, on the COUNTY ROAD PROJECT by Mason County. 15th day of June, 1970, at 1:30 NO.686 B E I T F U R T H E R in the matter of C R P No RESOLVED that the above p.m., or as soon thereafter as 686 to-~ constructed on'l~ason described County Road Project is hearing had. .~A~'~4F~O at Olympia, County Road No. 1583 known necessary, and proper, a.nd.the IocaP~' as thai Cole Road att¢l - efpClr~ie~a..IQoSTS o!" sel~dproject: ace Washmgton,~his 17th day of' m,~r~=nJ=~'i~r~llv Inrat~=~l ;ni'l~erewith Set oL;t in detail as April, 1970 ........ , ......... ~ ......... follows Sections 32, 33, Township 20 N. W. M. Foster Assistant Director for Highway Development 5/21o28-6/4-3t NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 10870 STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES, OLYMPIA TAKE NOTICE: That EDWARD A. MACOMBER of Oakville, Washington on May 12, 1970 filed application for permit to withdraw public ground waters through a well situated within Government Lot 1 of Section 23, Township 20 N., Range 3 W.W.M., in Mason County, in the Range 3 W.W.M. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to apply 3rd coat BST to 1.25 miles and that said work is to be performed by day labor in accordance with the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described County Road Project is necessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out in detail as follows: Road Construction $2,500.00 TOTAL $2,500.00 The County Road Project herein described is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law provided. ADOPTED this 25th day of May, 1970. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Martin Auseth Chairman William O. Hunter Attest: Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board amount of 40 gallons per minute, subject to existing rights continuously, each year for the purpose of domestic supply. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from June 11, 1970. Witness my hand and official seal this 28th day of May, 1970. GLEN H. FIEDLER Assistant Director Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources 6/4-11-2t All Replacement Parts you fop ANY Small En 6/4-1t need Swift serv/ce on a full line of NAPA Small ~.nlrine Parts-for any repair from a tune-up to overhaul-on any popular engine in the 2 to 12 H.P. range-plus wheels, replacement blades, and other =~e~ories...All made to the high NAPA atandardl of quality and guaranteed to equal or exceed original equipment specifications. Also-parts for all makes and models of ears, trucks and farm tractors; plus outboard and inboard mar/ne engines. LAWNMOW]CLg ]ILOWIHm ~CTOIB AUXXLZAP.LII! 229 South I st. Road Construction $3,500.00 TOTAL $3,500.00 The County Road Project herein described is HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law provided. ADOPTED this 25th day of May, 1970. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASH INGTON Martin Auseth Chairman William O. Hunter Attest: Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board 6/4-1t / i The new Lawn-Boy MAG 19 Is excellent for the small lawn. Fast, sure starts with exclusive primer, twin-spark ignition and patented gear system. With grass catcher and 5 position handle with standup lock for storage. Variable speed settings. Model 5269. Also available I$ the MAG 19 (without grass catcher), Model 5239. Both are available at ..... MOTOR SHOP 1306 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4602 i!ii!~!¸;~¸~ / , The Journal is now compiling its fifth annual Visitor's Guide fO MaSbn unique opportunity for you to tell the story of your business, product or service to the thou- sands of summer visitors who will soon arrive to enjoy our beau- tiful woods and water. A call to us at 426-4412 will provide you with information about this pictorial supplement to the journal which for four years has received wide acclaim and distribution throughout the world. Or, if you prefer, you may use the coupon below. Shelton-Mason County Journal Box 430 Shelton, WashinKton 98584 I Yes, I am interested in telling the story of my business in the fifth annual Visitor's Guide to Mason County. Please provide me with the particulars. Name ............................................................. Position.: .............................. Business ....................................................................................................... Address ......................................................................................................... ............................................................................... o ....................... Phone ........................................................................................................... i / i,;% .... • ~ iii i~i , -: iGi~iiT~:::::~:':':':;:t:;::':,:'~>'::;7;~%~" ;'~Tf;t...