June 4, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 4, 1970 |
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' " ng duled Fireman's
YATES June meeting will by l~lla in the muck, lat: Friday. He - 'dents toBy DORA HEARING Debbie Brehmeyer's graduation. Shelton spent at the Lud birthday wascelebrated.
~'ell, after a brief McAuliffe at her home. walked the rest of the way to the MATLOCK The Fireman's Ball The guests present were Mrs. Rossmaier home. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of
irerep°rter is backFor some folks last weekendMarina, whereupon the owner will be this Saturday nieht Frances Schocning and girls of Mrs. Joan Pike and two girls Tacoma spent a few days here
..... % Y ai Aberdeew Mr and Mrs LeRoy came by plane from South with Mrs. Augusta Portman and
v tully all refreshed was a three day Holiday starting Ted Ness contacted the County ~ancmg irom '~ p.m. to _ a.m." " ' • .
!0.again. The excuse on Friday. That was also the day and a crew was sent out to correct Matlock. Boothe and sons Dave and WadeCarohna to spend a few weeks then they all went to Tacoma
lack of a column Mother Nature chose to protectthe sad situation. A handful of Matlock Gran~,e will have an and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Bridges with her folks Mr. and Mrs. Friday.
.... ~ ~ .~ .:,,, and daughter of South Bend MrRobert Trenckmann Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier
n l learned that the her lovely woodlands against man men worked into the wee hours open mectma fills rrluay IHgnt. , .. -- . " ; "
~me OUt a day early and his fires with a beautiful day of the morning Saturday putting a The public is welcome. There will an~ Mrs. Mike Bren~ll~yerG~na R E Bradberr and Carl and sons of Olympia and Mr. and
te to get a column full of spring showers, strip of gravel on after the grader ~_ , . ba! vand Mr. and • r'. . . ' y Mrs. Larry Chamberlin and family
ue a speaker oi1 iLtxcs. - . • .
PaPer. Even if I h .......... ~ m~t Brehmever and baby oI Gnsdale" Portman are still m the Mason of Shelton were Sunday guests at
1 ne ulnocnle LILIt • - " ' - -
"tition of thde It was on that same Fridayplowed a layer of mud aside.
......... be tlall Harvey Sin-leton of Seattle Bob General Hospital. the Lud Rossmaier home.
that Haskell ttill residents or Islanders this week extend ~amraav mtgt~t at the torah..~ " . .- ~ ..... ' ..............
• -- " ..... ~ "" M L'tnlD and xlr 'tna Nlrsvern mr and r~ars, harm t.mKmS and Mr. and Mrs. Zanker and family
review of Mason anyone else having an occasion to their sincere thanks and a big With seven tames o~ cams. tum~ ..... -
~i~°liday would travel that road weren't think i'ng bouquet of roses to Tom Tierney score went to ~.nn C%h and tdRemsbc,~ and Karl and David daughters Sandy and Coleen lest of Federal Way were week end
~; ...... ~ " -' ~ " t t Knipschield of Shelton Mr. a ~d Tuesday to visit Mrs. Calkm sguests at the Wells Mayer home.
g else anyway, too kindly of the County crews,for the numerous hours of work vauey, wnocn,e to #kD.rl t_aSll LI "IL " '- .................
,-, ........ . Mrs Herb Brehemever Sr. Mrs iatner ill eastern washington, on They brought Mr. Mayers
Perfectly honest I that Thursday evening left that he performed at the Island v_a vauey and low score to LOgS .... • • - e " "
:e~[leve from this same hill, presently under Cemetery. Tom had everything so x~ DS~r
t.Our or five hours construction, without a smidgen shipshape that the Community A;ch~nant~ ~llhcl lBr~.~.~l][],.~l.r N: eIllc)tn~tllitnse~h anillndTrM~S,, Clal:~. X:hYeyn(;{ni~ed ::al~;llf~ic]:~t~ heredaughterto spenJanea month.Mayer of Montana
' Was like finding of gravel for the three day Club found it wasn't necessary to Mrs (i~en Brccdlo\c ~s h(,si /l~d Robinson and the tterberthere. Visitors at the Archie Kelley
agul!ty conscience) ttoliday weekend. Those afore hosics; " " Brehmeyer Jr. family. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Anderson o| home last week were Clyde
u~p, A - ,, " , ...... Mrs Marie tiers.hey and Mr Port Orchard were Friday dinner Pearsall and son Roy on
• nd like that m e n t i o n e d s p r i n g r a i n s get together a work party prior to
that we Wouldn'ttransformed the new cut and fill Memorial Day this year. Thanks Mr. ano .hrs. t~er~,crt -,el M'rs Carl Cash from Seaside" guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wednesday evening, Harold
again Tom, your efforts are very Brehmever. Jr. hosted a party at ....... ,, ,.
SUn if it Weren't for stretch of construction into a ski ,.~ r " . ~ ,, , . ,..', . Ore were Tuesday droner guests [lelH1. LeGarde on Saturday and Mrs.
and rain once in a slope of pure unadulterated much appreciated. ~.~ v,lan~c ,,an fast vrmav ' . -- .......
• • 7 .-., • . ,,, .at the Max (ash home. Mrs. Key. Kay uoermer ano w~te Larry Case and Mrs. Hazel
:the same is true for mud. And while we are passing out evenmg m honor o~ their aau..nter ........ -.. •
re, the readers in the Traveling the hill was virtually bouquets there is another one ~ Hershey is Mr. Cash's sister,and baby oI rmnsvx!Le were McCollum on Sunday.
~hklnYkrarnbling. At next to impossible and what those that even though it is late due to Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Tuesday dinner guests at Mr. andI~
SOme of you motorists trying to go up the hill, lack of a couple of columns is . visited Friday with Mrs. Irene Mrs. Steve Dudics.
llssed the columns without the aid of a ski lift, were none-the less appreciated. Permit For Wahl and family anti Mrs. FayMr. and Mrs. Ernest Kroll and HOP
I I_/ / a / / Nye of Centralia" family of Hansville were week end
Remember Earth Day when
~ °r two last month, saying to themselves was Americans all across this nation DuiKneaa AsKea Saturday the Arthur Sharpc guests at the Steve Dudlcs home.
Women's Club, the unprintable, family and James Rossmaier and Matlock Ladms Club met
Application has been recieved ,,iris of Olympia and Mr and Mrs Wednesday with Mrs. Lottie Ford
~ri0r to the summer Sooner or later it was bound made a united effort to clean up
to happen. You guessed it, one our environment? 1 wonder how . ~, ~ ~ - " , ]
by the U S Army Corps oI t duldrcn at hostess Mrs Opal Asche s
hostess for this motorist Paul Lansky of Tacoma many of you that are reading this • • Carl Goodburn ant " " • " " ~",'. • '
Engineers Seattle office from Mrs.
became hopelessly bogged downcolumn right now did your part. Mary E. Ninnis. 2134 King Street,~
Well, we know of one gal, that did Shelton, for a Deaprtment of the ~t~ ~1
get out with a big sack and pick Army permit to construct a 1~\ ~ II
up the litter on the road to bulkhead and fill to develop a i\ " lie
• Jarrell's Cove. And even though building site for a private residence ~ [][
t,on Bi| e School ,~ late in arriving, Helen Louise, on HoodCanalnearUnion. |1 ..... ...1~.. 1~
we thing you deserve a great big "HI:V OiD~
d B Interested parties are requested
Inne r Church ,~ you for whal more of us .... II TRANSFER FREE Jl I -
to submit, m wntmg, any III /l ~"
should have helped you do. comments or objections that they ¥o ur savinqs account can be t|
3L$0N Gret Simmons attended a may have to the proposed work. i1 Yo u: savings '| Fa(for~
~afly vacation Hail and Farewell potluck luncheon last Thursday The determination as to whether I[ transferred from anywhere in the U.S. II
h be held at the Mr. and Mrs. Mark (?otter bade honoring Anita Hall, who left last
a permit will be issued will be --~ _ ,--
t ro+ w,,, + Mrs ,+z who +d ben Weed. +re ,n Du++o +erm+ her +,++ on race va,u tio +l+g°f + a,l '' 'o ++ 'o .oo ou' ++oo+ ''" $ 1e$
• a.nl. to 2 p.m their house guest for the past Two days earlier, on Tuesday effect of the proposed work on ~l .... ~ '- • -- '--" \~
or children from month, lives in South Pasadena, Gret was a guest of Anna navigation fish and wildlife, ~/ Blue will do the rest. \~ Contest
h:v .sixth grad,: Calif. Runacres when she entertained conservation pollution, and the II \I
a,lable. May 29 the (7otters welcomed the Shelton Garden Club at her pfblciCirn C°;~c~;~td / \
,re to bring their Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jones and home near the Colonial House in gen~hls te;~l~tb
and made part of the record
'Will be provided their daughter, Robin. The Jones' Shelton. Most of those who have New end Used
who live in Portland, spent the lived in this area for any length of " ~l~m~~ay throug~ Ttlursday ~"
Fridays and State Paydays until 6 p.m.
:nts for the week. weekend with the (:otters at their time are probably familiar with ATHLeTe'S FOOT , ~ ~ 100 Cars, Pickups
e Biblestories
aionarystories,Lilliwaup beach home. her home which every spring is a INCREASED e •
blaze of color when the rhodies Apply .o,.,-,.,o..-.-L ..,,, 000.00| I :nnit l and Trucks
Special events Community Club and azaleas are in bloom. It is a take hold to cheek itch burnmg m ml ~ .LIL~L UIULW IJULILJ
• . #'~,"~ _. v~qw£m~ ......
With an evening Don't forget the Lilliwaup sight I hope all of you will have a skmMINUTESsloughsln off3 tOwatch5 daYSl.4EALTHyinfected ~__ _ " --" from $125
Y~ For more Community (;tub Pot Luck chance to see sometime if you skin replace it[ If not delighted IN ~'~,~[~1~I]~
+,.+ .... t;,. Now ,t "Jlllll~SHEL]ON--l-irst.~ v