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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 4, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 4, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE RATES 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 1 0 cents for each additional word over 1§. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday :L For hie COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17tfn For Sale USED LOWREY Holiday deluxe organ. Cost new $1295.00 now $895. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota. 4/23tfn NEW WOMAN'S Suede dress SIMPLICITY MOWERS and jacket, never worn, size 14, cost tillers. See now at Mike's $72. sell for $55. 426-6163 days, McCulloch Sales and Service. 426-4563 evenings. Z5/14-6/4 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/281fn TREE TOPPING. Also firewood for sale, $2000 per cord. Phone FOR SALE -- Large selection of 426-3532. reconditioned ranges, Mc 1/29tfn refrigerators, washers, dryers ............... Cells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tfn FREE KODAK'FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163.5/26tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn PEP AND energy gone? Get in the swing for Spring with Slim Gym. Call collect Olympia 352-9429 or 352-8830. Dealers also wanted.E5/14-6/4 WALL - TO - WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O11/18tfn COLOR T.V. HAY FOR sale McDonalds farm, Kamilche Valley. Phone 426-3740. Mcl 1/Gtfn See at For Sale SOUND Olympic Hiway. So. 426-4282 Shelton 5/8 Plywood ....... 1/2 Plywood ...... 3/4 Plywood ....... 3/8 Plywood ....... | 235 lb. Asphalt Shingles 15-Yr. Bonded .. Aluminum Sliding $ Door w/screen ...... Sporting Goods '64 300 Honda dream, licensed, " like new. Phone 426-6783. T6/4-11 25 FT Cruiser 145 HP Palmer fresh water cooled, sleeps 4. Stainless tanks, trim tabs, depth finder etc. George Anderson Rte. 2 Box 319 426-8892. 6/4-11 36 8 FT. FIBREGLASS boat also 3 hp Evinrude motor. Phone Hoodsport 877-5508 after 5 p.m. H6/4 66 GREEVES--250cc, trials and enduro. Perfect condition, $450.00. Phone 426-1066. C6/4-11 Instruction Beginner's Tap 10 a.m. Hood 78 Canal School auditorium. Call 877-5713 for information. D1/15 Sporting Goods ATTENTION--BIKE RIDERS Large bike accessory inventory arriving daily. We intend to stock or have access to your every need. Street, trail and custom. Why pay more? YOO HOD Ski Doo Open 'til 9 evenings - 7 days a week. Tanglewilde Shopping Center. 491-8477 4/14tfn POOL TABLES Slate. Guaranteed for life. $90 accessory kit included. Now $525 installed. Others from $120. Pacific Billiard Supply 3942 Pacifice Ave., Lacey, Wash. Open Man. Thru Fri. 12:30- 7 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone 491-8044 4/23 tfn Miscellaneous FREE HOUSE at Union to person removing from existing location. Hood Canal Real Estate. 898-2145. 6/4 Wanted to Rent WANT TO rent--large garage, shed or barn, to rebuild antique car. 426-4407 mornings only. $6/4 For Rent WATERFRONT one bedroom unfurnished apartment for rent. Hoodsport area. References required. Call Hoodsport 877-5312. S9/18tfn TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment, newly redecorated. For Rent Real FOR RENT duplex. One COUNTRYLIVIN bedroom, oil furnace, full park like acres basement. 1018 East Ell|nor. No Need more la pets. Contact Ken Rose 426-6548 acres available. or 753-5030. RG/4tfn and Homes. 4 6/4-25 Real Estate Wanted FOR SALE bY plus newly home, 426-2558.H EXCHANGE -- What you have -- Income for what you want. Kurt Mann, furnished Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. business offices, 8/18tfn Selling to avoid phone 426-6117. FOR SALE or lease 10 room house and commercial lot one or INCOME both 2125 Olympic Hwy. N. B6/4 rental units on studded a, RELIABLE BUYER wants 10 beautiful Mill acres, creek, some pasture, Maple put $200 pe pocket. $55; Valley Land and Homes 426-1203 acreage availa evenings.5/14-6/4 Land and evenings. 6/4-25 Real Estate INCOME PR' 40% advanced. Chester J. Wiltse, Window Discounts . • • phone Hoodsport 877-5262. 5/21 18 FT. BOAT, 50 horse Johnson, anywhere in the country to one with new trailer. Very reasonable, of our brand new kitchenette BIKINI WONDERLAND! Very ELEMENTARY TEACHER Call 426-8808.D5/14tfn units. W/W carpeting, tiled bath. nice, two bedroom home, across100 FEET Everything furnished including street from ocean beaches nearbedroom home, _~_________~._ specialized in remedial teaching TRAIL BREAKER To go maid service. From $100.00. Westport. Maple Valley Land and boathouse will tutor during summer. Phone anywhere bike. Hood Canal Hallmark Inn, First and Railroad. Homes. 426-1203 evenings.Point. ~NI)r~i(es 426-6136 after 4:00 p.m. M a r i n a -- U n i o n. C a I I426-1671.4/2tfn 6/4-25 736-6006. tfn 2 CEDAR CABIN boats one 18 Light and comfortable, $75.00 ---=--_--_-_-_-_-_-_-- six fu Private Instruction in piano~ ft. one 16 ft. Good condition, per month. Edgewood Apts. Phone 877-5437 Hoodsport 426-8584. S5/28tfn 5 ACRES, community beach, business offices, phone 426-6117. o~gan, voice. Beginning .B5/14-6/4 ............. Harstine Island, $8,500. PhoneSelling to avoid WE WILL move you free from Tacoma SK2-1028. L6/4-7/23 St. D5/21-6/11 MOBILE HOME FURNITURE- Olsen Furniture H6/4-25 898-2252.H5/14tfn We specialize in quality compact ~~-_--_-._-._-v ...... BEAUTIFUL LARGE one ANGLESIDE SPLiT--level, large furniture for your mobile home. 4th & Cota 426-4702 YOUR SINGER Representative-- LIFE SAVING classes will beginNEW 14 FT. Glass Runabout, bedroom apartment, partly yard, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. will be inSheltononTuesdayand June 8. For information call Holsclaw trailer, 2 motors andfurnished, fireplace and garage, and 2 baths, $24,500. Call controls, $945. Kelly's Furniture All utilities and heat furnished. 426-8059. B6/4-25 SOVCI~e 426-4702.4/14tfn SET OF Walkie-Talkie for sale.Thursday for Sale and Service. 426-2507. W6/4 Never been used, electronic Contact locally Kay's Draperies, ! 4V2 acres 2 h.C --~-----~~LOSE WEIGHT Safely with signaler, $95.00. Call 426-2333. 129 Railroad Ave., Shelton, YMCA CERTIFIED Scuba Course Co. 426-2411 K5/28 pets.C°uple Phone°r single afterPers°n 5°nly'p.m.N° ..... LAKE LOT at Colony Surf. Lot new septic Ii Dex-A-Diet and remove excess E5/28-6/4 426-6207. Singer Center on the beginning soon. 426-4589. 426-3560. W6/4tfn 3, Block 3. Write P.O. Box 177, fluid with FLUIDEX. Only 98c .................. Mall, South Sound, Lacey, Wash., 55/21-4/11 Mobile Homes s k a g w a y , A I a s k a , drilled well all 99840.C5/14-6/4 Substantial down. and $1.69 at Nell's Pharmacy. EARLY AMERICAN Spinet 491-3400. ~'-'- ........ -"-----------"=-~" FO-R-'-SALE--~Aobi~e--Home ! MAPLEWOOD FOURPLEXES-I Do you like lots O4/16-9/3 Console piano. Excellent, assume low monthly payments. Phone HOUSES, TRAILER roofs and Pets, Livestock Columbia Deluxe, all electric, | McCLEARY I INVEST NOW 18 acres $9,000 all New 3000 sq. ft. T-U-R-QU-0-/SE---K O H L E R adjustor, BR2-5282, Tacoma. garages painted. Call 426-3000 for Maple Valley Land and Homes. baths big, bi.g r_es¢ bed-daveno $50, green swing T5/28-6/4 free estimate. W6/4-25 10x60' expando and tip-out. | Three apts. left. All quality| or part. Close in, easy terms. Phone 426-6297. 5/21-6/11 I includes: Two bedroom, w/wI 426-1203 evenings. 5/14-6/4 lots of caDm.e:Lc" rocker $20. Small irrigation pump ~~ K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle I carpets, drapes, elec. heat, elec. I m a t c h . pr,_s~ $25, 10 H.P. long shaft Johnson outboard motor, $40. Metal top years experience. I do my own clipping and pet grooming. CallSELF-CONTAINED Travel | fireplace, Westinghouse range,I I refrigerator, T.V. cable, carport I HOUSE NEEDS a lot of work, $25,000.00. Rea utility cabinet with drawers $10 .......... work. Free estimates. Shelton,Mrs. Kimball for appointment, trailer, 1960, 17 ft. Corvette,I and storage room, laundryI good foundation, must have 426-3448. A5/28-6/4 --L...---U~-&-rs- phone 426-3406.6/4 426-8988.8/3 ltfn street.$800"00"W6/4-25See at 2019 Calla nan||building'swimming pool,fencedunderground I h ea ted I anytime.$3000"00H4/?t fnCaSh" Call 426-2112 . offireplace'Nearlyground,neWreal 3.~n~pr 8' X 40' Trailer house. ]940 ~D~ GOING ON VACATION? Leave Ford, show condition. Call residential and commercial, your dog with us if over 20 Ibs. - .... Work Wanted I wiring, surrounding sidewalksl | privacy in the courtyard.| secluded near Lost Lake, $4,000 Olympia 943-2204 evenings or FOR SALE. 1962 Volvo B-18 Mailing, taping, and texturing. MeI-Ru Kennels 426-2387. land decorative stonefencesforl 10 ACRE bargain! Wooded, $18,500. Shelton 426-8133 after 6 p.m. or Sport Coupe. As is $250 cash orCeilings glittered. Textured N8/14tfn | Unfurnished start at $120.00.1 cash. $5,000 terms. Also 10 acres Phillips t=ake ce°! weekends. Priced for quick sale. best offer 877-5806.06/4 acoustical. Free estimates. Dan I Furnished start at $150.00. WeI 660 ft. blacktop, level, wooded, and comtorz°"'A" Adsero. 426-8117.6/4-25 FREE! GUINEA pigs. Nice pets.CHILD CARE wanted--licensed, I hold the keys to modern living| $6,500 cash, $8,000 terms. Maple septic tank, goO~ Y6/4-25 WILL TRADE 1963 Jeep night. Fenced yard. Phone I combined with the uniqueI Valley Land and Homes. gas heat. Mus~ G.E. 21 inch table model T.V., Wagoneer, four wheel drive, radio, ~AW-S-~~ Phone 426-4346 V5/21-6/11 experienced, reliable. Day or I pleasures of a small town. Call/ 426-1203 evenings 6/4-25 appreciateD. Good condition, $40. Call heater, good condition tar speedy, accurate. Precision TROPICAL FISH--large variety, 426-2540 A5/21-6/11 I IV(c.:~,lea,ry 495-3722 ~it~JI 877-5837 Hoodsport. SG/4tfn economical car or $850.00. Phone grinding. Now at Saeger Motorelephants, whales, clowns, and 426-6125. H5/14-6/4 Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. regulars. Marion's Acquarius, EXPERIENCED WOMAN wants 1 49~398. No pets and ~ = "'CASH TALKS" 3 acre tracts ~ 1/15tfn 1221 Birch, phone 426-6148. baby-sitting, in my home, fenced I months lease required.. ~ $4500 each. 5/21-6/11o yard' preferrably 2 years °r °lder" i Ma, p/~l J/ 25 acres, 3 mi. from Shelton. livingANTIQUEroomFURNITURE'set--perfect3 piece FORD-1965 LTD, 4 door, BA--T-I-/RO--0M-AND KITCHEN W 426-4866. M4/30tfn Some timber, county road. 5 acre tractS near condition, other household65,000 miles. One owner. Call Development potential. Make $6950each. articles. Antique dishes. Union 898-2474. J5/28-6/18 remodeling. Roofing, patios, ~/OO II your own lake. $15,000. I carports, Smaller jobs also. Call HIGH SCHOOL girl wants i AP ~ , 426.4772 or 426.67476/4 11 IVCI' 426-6838. H6/4 1963 Ford Galaxie 8, 4 door, Osborne s 426-6241.01/25tfn ~rvl(eS babysitting in your home. I Summer days. 426-2270. A5/28 ExcellentRegrigerat°rcondition.and ElectricMakeRange.offer. 426-6055.stick shift,55/215450.00.tfn 426-6233 or SHELTON MOTORS, expert ~--~---------- ...... (~,rt/')'~,~/~, Sta~)lRO, Phone426-1528. E5/28-6/18 body and fender repair and BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light ~G--E 1 5/21tfn | TWO RENTAL houses. One 2 painting. Free estimates, grading, back filling, sewagestudent needs odd jobs. Big or bedroom. One 3 bedroom. $8,000 each. Substantial discount for EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN, S11/13tfn systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz small, call 426-8893 evenings.QUALITY TWO bedroom partly cash. 426-4193. D4/2tfn STUDIO MODEL Lowrey Starlet. good running, 1959 Pontiac, first Kadoun, phone 426-6893. M6/4-11 furnished apartment in McCleary. DAY & SONS INSURANCE--LOWEST Rates 7/22tfn available for all your needs. ~-----_---. Laundry facilities, swimming Arnold and Smith Agency, Mt. ELECTROLUX SALES & pool, etc. $125. 495-3?22. View. 426-3317.5/28-6/18 Service. Electrolux bags available.Help Wanted R4/9tfn Free delivery. Call Jack Manley NEW CREATIVE stitchery classes 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. ~-----------------------------------~-~ GATEWAY APARTMENTS for adults and children begin M8/15tfn QUANTITY CAFETERIA COOK furnished, modern downtown. soon. Enroll now 426-6627. wanted. Apply in person to Water and heat furnished, adults Georgia Zatkovich, at Reed High 426-4481, 218 No. 1st.G5/14tfn School Cafeteria. S4/30 tfn WOMEN WANTED to demonstrate fabulous new wigs. Call 426-1448 $5/14-6/4 MOBILE HOME Space in quiet, new, downtown park. 426-3242. B 10/2tfn THREE BEDROOM home on Mountain View. Newly decorated. In quiet area. Nice Back yard. Car Port. Rent $125. Call after 5:15 p.m. 426-4815. $5/28-6/4 WANT RETIRED woman to baby sit. Furnish own transportation call 426-1488 or 426-8501 for interview. T5/28 Lawns, Gardens, Farm work--2 machines no job too large or small. BREAKFAST AND Dinner cook TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apply in person. Alderbrook Close to school. Phone 426-8750 GS/28tfn 426-3242. B6/4-25 4/9tfn SWIMMING POOLS Septic Tank bulldozing, backhoe and dump truck service Surge water conditioners. 426-6539 Shelton, 5/14 tfn Dozers & Backhoes Gravel & Crushed Rock Expert Operators BOB KIMBEL CONSTR. 426.4243 1/22 tfn D-7 & D-2, LOADER 8 YD. DUMP TRUCK FILL DIRT Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tfn ALCOHOLISM Information and Referral Center 428 Birch St. Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S 2/12tfn NEED CASH? We buy or consign almost anything. Tropics Ballroom Auction, Olympia 357-9949. D2/26 tfn Wanted SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st and Mill. Always buying copper, brass, radiators and batteries. Call 426-8626. S6/26tfn WANT TO buy--baby crib, must be in good condition. Phone 426-8436. $6/4 Piano to store for use of same You move. 426-8938 after 5 p.m., all day Wednesday. LS/21tfn Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances 625 So. 1st 426-2411 New price $525, now $395 with bench. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota, 426-4302.6/4tfn Williams & r Clark Const. Buck G. Clark 426-4726 evenings after 8:30 and weekends 5/21-6/11 FOR RENT 2 bedroom trailer with Cabana $85. Two bedroom furnished duplex, utilities also furnished. $90.426-4329. $6/4 1- 2 Bedroom Apartments $110 Appliances, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Garbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mountain View Phone 426-8663 12/5tfn MT. VIEW ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 3/19tfn FOR RENT--Duplex apartment, fireplace, garage, near school, view. References. Phone 426-4428. J5/14tfn SHELTON HOLIDAY House-for rent two bedroom unfurnished apartment. See Manager at 604 Franklin. 426-2549 or 943-7100, Olympia. C5/28tfn FOR RENT= Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/9tfn FURNISHED STUDIO apartment, livingroom, all electric kitchen, dressing room and bath. Includes all utilities except lights. Lawton Apartments 723 Pine.L4/16tfn - Recreational Pro RECREATIONAL SPECIAL! PROPERTI ES .... OWNER MOVING .... Now this is Located In past ads we have mentioned nearly that if you pick the area--we've the probably the lot that is just The home right for your needs as well as with 2 bedr your pocketbook. We do have and lovely over 70 of the top lots in the large fr best developments on the enjoy a market today. The Boeing water layoff brought many our way carpetin where the owner is willing to panelled sell at original cost. As an example--how about a your faro beautiful waterfront lot on Lake Limmerick with 70' Plenty house on frontage at only $7950. If you land. Che~ need a place to escape to on weekends, we're the people toprices aren't, see. FHA APPROVED .... IMMEDIATE POSSESSION .... An excellent 2 bedroom home with fireplace, nice yard, and separate garage with shop and family sewing room. This is one of those homes that come along3 large very seldom since the upkeep formal has been tops. Low patio, downpaymefit and you're in an that is exceptionally comfy home. $16,500. 2 FOR 1 fire RENTAL PROPERTIES a go( • " same These are both 1 bedroom dr|vetO homes with a low price tag at $4,000. Have been continually rented and could supplement your retirement income nicely. Owner is willing to entertain nearly any offer on the terms. Check with us today--don't Enjoy miss these good buys as they up the come and go. new 3 MOUNTAIN VIEW be 2 OR 3 BEDROOM retreat, ..... family Has been used as a 2 bedroom panelliw home with family room but might ( does have wardrobe closets in larger room so could be used as a 3rd bedroom. The home is rambler styled and does have a good enclosed yard with plenty of space for the kids to play. Nice covered patio area and carport with attached shop--tool storage area. $14,950. Fora real have to e) home. have a eel TOP PRO e 1 10 RAILROAD AVENUE Evenings Call: DON BROWN - 426-6388 A. ROY BEAUTY PARTIES, Studio Girl Cosmetics and wigs. For information call Carole Peterson 426-4651. P6/4-11 GARAGE AND plant sale. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 5, Friday, at 416 So. 7th St. C6/4 MOONLIGHT RUMMAGE Sale June 5, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.I.O.O.F. Hall above Coast to Coast Store. 6/4 30 IN. x 40 IN. heavy mirror $20. Ceramic bathroom sink (faucets included) lavatory, shower head and faucets, soap dish--S40.00. Evenings 426-4563 days 426-6163. Z6/4-25 GREETING CARDS, ribbons, candles, gifts, etc. half price and less 2125 Olympic Hwy. N. B6/4 GARAGE SALE beginning June 5 8 a.m.-8 p.m. 1626 Monroe. Mc6/4 YOU SAVED and slaved for wall to wall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lustre. Rent e,ectric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast 6/4 PRIVATE PATIO sale--Miscellaneous furniture, pool table, bottles, electric range, rugs, drapes, curtains, clothes, dishes. Much more! Friday-Saturday, 12-8 p.m. 426-2466. Walker Park Road. Watch for signs. J6/4 FOREST FESTIVAL Parade pictures in color available at Ziegler's Camera Shop. 124 No. 2nd. Order now. Z6/4-25 NICE WALNUT two keyboard Thomas organ. $353.00 or low monthly payments. Write Mr. Say|lie, 10334 Aurora North, Seattle, Wash. 98133. P5/28-6/4 Rough or Surfaced We have the material to make many of the hard-to-get tite knot cedar items; bulk head planking; 6 x 6 base treated power poles; cedar, fir and pine beam stock. LUMBER CO.,inc. Route 2, Box 120 426-8673 Shelton 6 miles from Shelton on the Bremer ton Highway. 6/4-11-2t reasonable cash offer takes it. Phone 426-2181. W6/4 AMBULANCE, 1961 Pontiac Ambulance will trade for house trailer or good pickup. Call 426-6383. H6/4 1952 W ILLYS Jeep, 4--wheel drive, hubs. Call 426-3573. L6/4-25 1962 VW, new engine, clutch, pressure plate, interior. $650.00. phone 426-4652 before June 24. H6/4 BACKHOE SERVICE Services SEPTIC TANKS CLEARING DITCHING EXCAVATING GRADING Call Evenings or Weekends Phone 426-4160 BILL B. NOLL 3/12tfn TREE SERVICE DANGEROUS TREES SAFELY REMOVED Topping Trimming Hedges Clearing FREE ESTIMATES TERMS C. C. COLLINS 357-9971 tfn Sand & Gravel Crushed Rock Septic Tanks Ready Mix Rroplace Supplies and Building Materials at 7th & Park 426-3344 5/7tfn D5/21-6/11 ROTO-VATING Satisfaction Guaranteed 426-2857 Evenings 4(23tfn LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-6147 1/27 tfn BOB OGDEN Installation Service Carpeting -- Formica -- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3155, 3/6 tfn Paving Contractor ASPHALT PAVI NG --Driveways --Parking Lots Bob limbel Const. 426-4243 -- Shelton PAINTING and DRY WALt RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426.87'r3 7/4 tfn Trucks & Trailers BOB KIMBEL 1/22 tfn , WELL DRILLING Bill Neal 426-2719 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 4, 1970