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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 4, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 4, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Red Estate bedroom or NEED WANT A D, OLD at the edge huge living formal Y style nook. your i00 TERMS' HISTORYi for family each with ~edrooms. Yet the 25 per nplete FOR om house If you Ionthly plan. mg for, COrner modern room IiI price ca rry 3room home area. .=d and ry style room yOU. we'll all the baths, 2 and bwn. Call lation and ;500.00 b need for furnished ready by 'rocessed. 4 miles area. some grapes needs ig. An Oomy, home I down. interest home Way and mobile sy terms Real Estate PURDY REALTY Wynwood Center- P.O. Box 410 Gig Harbor -- 857-2121 In Shelton, on Hillcrest we have 3 homes all rented on large city lot. City water and sewer. Large Storage Bldg. All this can be purchased for $13,950 and Easy terms. 5 acres tracts on Hiway 3 between Shelton and AIlyn. Excellent for homes or investment asking only $4,950 and $100.00 down. Large city lot on Brockdale Road near new high school site for $1,950. Call Julius Stock, 426-6705 days; 426-691 i evenings and weekends. Legal Publications NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NO. 4118 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of CORA V. CHAPAS, Deceased. A petition has been filed in this Court asking that letters of Administration be issued to Virginia M. Fay in this estate. It will be heard on June 19, 1970, at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtroom of said Court. Lodga Kimbel MASON COUNTY CLERK By: Teckla Vermillion DEPUTY CLERK ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 1251/z N. 5th Shelton, Washington 98584 6/4-1t Real Estate Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT NO. 4089 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of WALTER W. ALLEN, Deceased. NOTICE is given that the Final Account and Petition for Distribution has been filed with the Clerk of the above Court and the Executrix seeks settlement of the account, distribution of the estate, and discharge, which matters have been set for hearing on June 26, 1970, at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtroom of said Court in the County Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. MARIE McCULLOUGH, Executrix ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney for Estate 125 1/z N. 5th Shelton, Washington 98584 6/4-1t Real Estate I Mr. Realy State says: II KOMMERCIAL KORNER!! Check out this 100' x 120' "Korner" lot on Mt. View. Ask for Mr. Himlie. Dave Thacher SPENCER LAKE!! See this brand new listing on 100' of choice, level, no-bank waterfront on this popular lake. Easy terms too. Bring a friend and buy it today at $15,000. Have fun and watch your investment grow. PHILLIPS LAKE... Another waterfront dandy. This one has 97' of choice frontage plus a solid old 2 bedroom home with room for lots of summer overnighters upstairs. Compare at $13,750. BACHELOR PAD!! Here's a little house on a little lot for a little price.., we can show you quick. It's close to the office. 2 OR 4??? You can have your choice in the number of bedrooms you need in this expandable Mt. View home. You'll agree that $21,900 makes this an excellent buy. MOBILE HOME SITE!!! 5 ACRES!!! Talk about a spot to put that new mobile home. It's located close in on Mill Creek Road. Terms or cash at $5,500.00 ANGLESIDE... A secluded location for this 2 bedroom home with family room. We think you'll like all you'll get for only $11,700.00. Mince Himlie $17,750.00 See this spacious 3 bedroom Mt. View home with extra 1/2 bath then make your choice of terms... Wilma Downing HAMMERSLEY INLET... A choice sandy beach is just one more plus feature for this low bank lot near Arcadia Point. Only $t40 per foot...investors - terms... ASSUMPTION... About $1,800 is all it would take to assume the low interest FHA loan on this clean 3 bedroom South Hill home. The full basement and secluded yard are just two of it's attractive features. The monthly payment of $112.55 even includes the reserve for taxes and insurance. Available now. 30 AC R ES-- $600 PER ACRE- This is not stump land, but prime farm land located near Mary M. Knight School in the Matlock area. County road frontage. CLOSE TO SCHOOL- Attractive Mt. View rambler in excellent condition and location, 3 bedrooms, spacious living room with fireplace, big lot with covered patio and fenced back yard. A good buy at $18,500.00. Dick Boiling NOT JUST A HOUSE!! If you are looking for a home you don't want just a house. This is one of the most comfortable and well cared for 2-level homes in Shelton. Built about 16 years ago and loved from the beginning and it shows it. This 3 bedroom home is priced at $23,000 with good contract terms to suit your needs. Do look at this excellent home. ON SKOOKUM INLET-- solid, older home, electric heat and fireplace, full of charm overlooking 165' of frontage on Skookum Inlet, good well, some outbuildings. Buy it today for just $27,500.00. SUBURBAN- This newer home is located in the Island Lake area, is vacant and just waiting for a new happy owner. 3 Bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, a big family room and a kitchen that Morn will love are the highlights. The price is $22,500 and financing is readily available. Let us take your smaller home in on trade. Okay? Dick Knauf IT'S NEW... Be first to see this brand new listing on a brand new home... You'll fall in love with this unique home, complete with a sunken living room. Hurry!! HOW 'BOUT TH IS??? Another brand new home near town on 21/2 acres. Priced at $27,500 and we invite comparison. 3 bedrooms, family room, 2 baths and a finished 2-car garage. Carl Johnson NEW LISTINGlll Big Lot 3 Bedrooms Large Family Room $15,750.00 Easy FHA terms IIII Z AP!! Don't ask to see it if you are not prepared to lose your heart to this very charming and excitingly different 3 bedroom home. It has everything. Big family room, very nice private dressing room, extras all in the very best of taste. Listed at the very good price of $28,750 too! Take a look at it if you dare! EASY TERMS!! If you're short of down payment see this spacious Angleside home. Lots of storage and plenty of elbow room, 3 bedrooms, a carpeted living room, and even a rec room. FHA appraised at $18,250 with good terms! ! "Skip" Ness 17 ! 7 Olympic Highway N. Phone 426-2646 EVENINGS CALL: DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 DICK BOLLING, Closing Broker 426-8162 VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6501 Legal Publication NOTICE OF GROUND WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 10826 STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES, OLYMPIA. TAKE NOTICE: That THEO VALJEAN AND ELMA WHITE GUISE of Hoodsport, Washington on April 30, 1970, ]"lied application for permit to withdraw public ground waters through a well situated within Railroad Ave. right of way abutting and westerly of Block 7 of the plat of Lilliwaup Falls of Section 30, Township 23 N., Range 3 W. W.M., in Mason County, in the amount of 200 gallons per minute, subject to existing rights continuously, each year for the purpose of community domestic supply. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Water Resources within thirty (30) days from June 11, 1970. Witness my hand and official seal this 15th day of May, 1970. GLEN H. FIEDLER Assistant Director Division of Water Management Department of Water Resources 6/4-11-2t Real Estate LaBI$$ONIER£ Legal Publications ADVERTISEMENT FOR SUB-BIDS Sub-bids will be received until 4:00 p.m. June 4, 1970 by D-A Construction Co., at the New Belfair Elementary School jobsite, Telephone CR5-3223, for earth removal, grading, and allied work relating to the Belfair Elementary School playfield, Belfair, Washington for North Mason School District No. 403. Bids to be sent by mail should be addressed to D-A Construction Company, P. O. Box 140, Union, Washington. Plans for bidding purposes may be obtained from D-A Construction Co. at the elementary school jobsite. All plans shall be returned to the Contractor when sub-bid is submitted. The Board of Directors of North Mason School District No. 403 reserves the right to investigate all sub-bidders regarding their qualifications to perform the work, and to award the sub-contract to whomsoever it wishes, to reject any. and all bids, and to waive any informalities or irregularities in any bid or in the bidding. Work is scheduled to start approximately June 10 and to be completed on or before June 25, 1970. BY ORDER OF: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS N O RTH MASON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 403 By Jerry Reid CLERK OF THE BOARD 5/28-6/4-2t Real Estate Real Estate WATERFRONT & TIDELANDS, HOOD CANAL: Lovely 2 bedroom home, fireplace, hardwood floors, part basement, garage and much more. Also back land and tidelands with oysters and clams. High Bank. $26,000. 1/3 ACRE: •Fenced, landscaped and the garden is planted. Lovely flowering trees, and evergreens, a small oasis in a quiet residential section of Shelton. There is a compact immaculate 2 bedroom home with advantages too numerous to mention here. Call today and we'll help arrange financing. $16,500. 10 ACRES: With a lovely home in the woods. Knotty pine panelling throughout highlight this lovely h ome which includes a good fireplace and even a garage. 5 ACRES: Mill Creek Swimming' Hole included with this 5 bedroom home, double garage, workshop, small barn and just a few minutes from town. We'll even go FHA or VA so come see it today. 1.1 ACRE: Pasture and barn for pony or beef; landscaped yard, fruit trees, beautifully maintained 3 bedroom home with a full basement. Many many extras and the price is right at $17,500. 10 ACRES, 20 ACRES, or the whole 40: The price varies with the size but is tess than $1,000 an acre. Beautiful acreage between Shelton and Olympia with frontage on two good roads and easily subdivided. Good building sites. Call for terms. 3 ACRES: Arcadia Road building site on a hillside above the road. Close to town so let's lake a look! EDGE OF TOWN: Brand new home carpeted, 3 bedrooms, ll/z baths, wooded setting and so spacious you must see it to believe it. PHILLIPS LAKE WATERFRONT 75' x 250' . ..... $7,950, terms. MOBILE HOME SITES Your own large lot on a clear secluded lake, just 3 miles north of Shelton, water and power. Prices start at $2,300, 15% down, easy terms. Call Ed"Ski" Lizakowski 426-6572 REID REALTY 857-2161 Purdy 1618 O'ympic Highway South 426-1600 SUBURBAN LIVING AT ITS BEST Practically new 3 bedrooms-- living room with large heat-o-lator fireplace--kitchen with lots of cupboards--dining area~one bath--drapes and carpets--lots of room =n this compact home--detached room for a party room--large yard--close to school and grange hall. Kamilche. $18,500. ANGLESIDE LOCATION A deceiving house--looks small but is extra large--lovely carpeted living room with fireplace--formal dining room--spic and span sunny kitchen=two bedrooms down and bath--two large bedrooms up--full b asement--landscaped yard. $18,500. WANTED: Rural residents for a brand new home about 4 miles south of Shelton. Better call soon. INVESTMENTS: 2 sets of 3 rental units both furnished and both all rented. One set is downtown near school and stores for $18,500. The other is on south edge of town. Garages with both and all furniture, and appliances are included. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house f urnished or unfurnished, nice yard and garage. $110.00. Also 1 bedroom furnished apartment $60.00 Damage or Cleaning Deposit required on both. Call 426-1641 Bev Thomason 426-8615 ;$OHIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. NESTLED IN THE TREES Almost like new-modern designed 3 large bedroom home--full b a t h--l/z bath roughed in--spacious paneled living r DO m--f i r eplace--dining area--gourmet designed kitchen with d i s h wa sher--stove--refrig- erator--lovely landscaped yard--double carport and garage--Also an extra bonus--a nice rental in the back--which has never been empty. SPENCER LAKE LOTS t00' lot $15,000. Owner wilt hold contract. View lots and mobile home lots--4 acres $13,500. Access to water. DOWNTOWN LOCATION 2 bedroom house--completely rececorated--$6500 cash. SUE M. OANIELS, Broker 426-1600 Walter George Associate Broker 426-3530 II |1 | "THE ACTION OFFICE" Opposite Dairy Queen REALTY 226 1st St., Shelton MASON LAKE 60' x 400' Waterfront Lot. Ready to Build On! $12,500.00 NICE CLEAR KNOLL on this 10 Acres. Balance wooded. Creek, Good Well. 6 mi. West of Shelton. Open to cash OFFER for Equity! $12,500.00 205' SALT WATER BEACH. 3 Bedroom Home and 1Vz ACRES. $33,500.00 150' NO--BANK HAMMERSLY INLET. Waterfront with TIDELANDS. 5 ACRES Upland. TWO Immaculate Homes. Beautifully Landscaped. QUALITY PLUS and Only $40,000.00 860' NO--BANK WATERFRONT with GOOD Older HOME and 16 ACRES UPLAND. $125,000.00 John Brush, Broker 458-7100 CALL 426-1141 for Details AI Windell Assoc. Broker 426-3132 Purce Guise Jim Roush 877-5439 426-8522 Legal Publkations CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Port of Shelton, 105 S. 4th Street, Shelton, Washington, until 11:30 a.m. on June 25, 1970, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for: Watermain Replacement at Sanderson Field The major items of construction are as follows: 2,370 l.f. trench excavation and backfill 2,110 l.f furnish and install 8" A.C. pipe 260 1.f furnish and install 6" A.C. pipe 140 1.f. furnish and install 2" plastic pipe 950 t.f. pavement restoration Contractural documents may be obtained at the office of Howard Godat & Associates, 207 No. Washington, Olympia, Washington, upon deposit of $5.00. All deposits will be refunded upon return of the documents in good condition. Work shall commence within ten (10) days after date of "Notice to Proceed" is issued to the Contractor and shall be completed within thirty (30) working days thereafter. All proposals must be made on the regular blank forms furnished and must be accompanied by cash, certified check, or bid bond, in the amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid. Such accompanying certification will be returned to all unsuccessful bidders upon completion of the award of the contract or the rejection of the bids. The bid bond shall be made payable to the Port of Shelton. The Port of Shelton reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities. Dated at Shelton, Washington this 4th day of June, 1970. PORT OF SHELTON 6/4-11-2t ROAD BULLETIN Beginning Monday, June 1, traffic on the Matlock-Brady Road will be subject to delays of half an hour between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Evers Bridge 6~/2 miles south of Matlock. This situation will prevail through Friday, June 5. Extensive reconstruction of the bridge is scheduled. A later bulletin will be issued when total closure of the route and detour of traffic is necessary. J. C. Bridger, P.E. County Engineer 6/4-1t Real Estate -- I HIGHLAND ESTATES Live in the country near town. Full one acre tracts, water and power in, ready to build. One of our better home site developments. 10 minutes to Evergreen College. Prices start at $3150, $100 down -- $30 per month. Savage Services,, Inc, Star Route 2, Box 189 Phone 426-8584 2/26tfn ANGLE AGENCY Join The Wise Ones... Invest In Property! PRICED TO SELL 2 bedroom, full basement, on Hillcrest. King size yard. $9200. PLENTY OF ROOM FOR COUNTRY LIVING Yet you're only four miles from town. Garden, orchard, country kitchen, large rooms, guest house or rental apartment, on the water and only $25,750. READY TO BU ILD? WE HAVE THE LAND Just decide where you want to build. We have some excellent home sites. On Hammersley Inlet, $153 per foot, and it's low bank. On Hood Canal $183 per foot, with terms. In town, on Mt. View, a big lot only $2200. Recreation building sites all over the county. Lakes, salt water, forest lots. From $1950.00. 3 BEDROOM ON ISLAND LAKE This immaculate- lakeside home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, shop room, covered deck, professionally landscaped yard, dishwasher, disposal, carpeting. Shown by appointment to qualified buyers. $29,950. FARM HOUSE Here's a 12Vz acre farm with a comfortable two bedroom home. There's a year round spring and part of the land is wooded. Plenty of room to run your own beef and horses for the kids. A good value at $18,800. 9 ACRES ON THE WATER This ideal property has everything. It's 9 acres and has 230 ft. salt water frontage. The orchard, outbuildings and three bedroom house are ideally located. $43,000. Let us show it to you now. WANT MORE ROOM CHECK THESE SITES 9Vz acres in country, below $1000 per acre. Developed building sites, an acre + or--start at $3150. ANGLE AGENCY Since 1890 Real Estate & Insurance HERB ANGLE - DICK ANGLE JACK STEWART - PAUL WOOD BARBARA NELSON Evenings 4264134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 Legal Publkations NOTICE OF LIMITED ACCESS HEARING WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, OLYMPIA, WASH I NGTON. STATE ROUTE 101, COLE ROAD INTERCHANGE TO NORTH S HELTON INTERCHANGE (MP 349.58 TO M P 344.91 ) HEARING ON THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1970 AT 9:00 A.M. IN THE EVE R G R E E N ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AUDITORIUM EIGHTH AND PINE STREETS AT SHELTON, WASHINGTON You are hereby notified that on the fourteenth day of May, 1970, the Director of Highways proposed the designation of portions of State Route 101, Cole Road Interchange to North Shelton Interchange, (MP 349.58 to MP 344.91), more particularly: Between Highway Engineer's Station L 600+00.0 in the Southwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter, Section 32, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., and Highway Engineer's Station LR 846+71.0 on the north line of the Southwest Quarter, Southeast Quarter, Section 12, Township 20 North, Range 4 West, W.M., a distance of 4.67 miles in Mason County as a limited access highway facility; and In accordance with Section 47.52 of the Revised Code of Washington, and any acts supplemental thereto, as an owner whose property is affected by the highway which it is proposed to establish as a limited access highway facility, as a county, city or town, or as an interested citizen of the county, city or town within which the proposed facility is located, you are hereby notified that a hearing as to such proposal will be held on Thursday, June 11, 1970 at 9:00 a.m. in the Evergreen Elementary School Auditorium, 8th and Pine Streets, at Shelton, Washington. At such hearing, all persons entering an appearance may introduce either in person, or by counsel, evidence and statements or counter-proposals bearing upon the reasonableness of such proposal in accordance with the above laws. It is the purpose of this notice and of the hearing to provide for the fullest exchange of information possible, regarding the effect on the community of the project being considered, through full discussion and examination of the planning done to date. Representatives of the Department of Highways will be available on Thursday, May 28, 1970, between 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Hall, 2nd and Franklin Streets at Shelton, Washington, to informally answer questions or explain the operation of the plan. You are further notified that copies of the plan tot the proposed limited access highway facility are available for your inspection in the office of the Department of Highway's District Engineer at 5720 Capitol Boulevard in Tumwater, Washington. STATE OF WASHINGTON WASH INGTON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION By LORENZ GOETZ, Secretary for the Washington State Highway Commission 5/21-1t 6/4-1t TIMBER SALE NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, BINGHAM 1969 NO. 1 SALE, located within T. 21 and 22N., R. 6W., W.M., partially surveyed. Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the Cooperative Agreement for the Management of the Participating Forest Properties in the Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of America and the Simpson Timber Company, dated December 12, 1946, an estimated 11,200 M board feet of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutting will be sold to Simpson Timber Company, Seattle, Washington, on June 22, 1970. The minimum acceptable bid per M board feet is: Douglas-fir $38.50; western hemlock and other coniferous species $15.80. In addition there is within the sale area an unestimated volume of all species of hardwood logs which will be paid for at $1.00 per M board feet. Additional deposit required for slash disposal is $1.07 per M board feet for all species. A total volume of 300 thousand board feet in addition to that which is surplus to needs of domestic users and processors as stated herein, if any, is exempted from domestic processing. Bidders are advised that violations of the Domestic Processing requirement constitutes breach of contract and may result in contract cancellation, or in refusal to award timber sales to the violator, or debarment or suspension from bidding on future timber sales. If successful bidder notifies Forest Service prior to award that he will not export all or part of the exempted volume, the exempted volume in the contract will be adjusted accordingly, so that the uncommitted export exemption may be assigned to one or more subsequent sales. If requested by the State of Washington or by Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, or by any person deemed to have a reasonable interest in the proposed sale, or in its terms, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 12th day of June 1970 at 2-00 p.m., PDT. Requests for public hearing will not be considered unless received in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington, on or before June 4, 1970. Dated May 15, 1970. Wynne M. Maule, Forest Supervisor, OI/topic National Forest. 5/21-28-6/4-11-4t Thursday, June 4, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page ]9 4