June 5, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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WW" .GrlSdavle Tea Honors Mrs. G. L.
(‘alllt' Y:Bl'idge Club lGiorgini Tuesday
w e°rge Grisdale Sr. err-1 _ ‘
m A114 the, Ang1eside Bridge‘ To acquaint Mrs. G. L. Giorgini
3y and her home last Thursday, with Shelton ladies, Mrs. William
,aiightei'si - ,a luncheon at the 001.}! Stevenson gave. a tea in her
dinc drO “Se‘three tables of cards; or Tuesday afternoon. Blue iris
thc May at the Grisdale home with pink tapers decorated the
rel; Fred Diem and Mrs_;tea table while Lady Hillington
_Loop winning honorsgroses and white tapers centered
Lovell and Mrs, James , the buffet table.
Mrs. Don Clark poured. Guests
Mrs: were Mrs. Jean Parker, Mrs.
Wedlng Wednesday
dge at which Mrs, Ha11Lindroth, Mrs. Richard Grenberg,
n honors. Mrs. Lovell 1 Mrs. Robert Trenekmann, Mrs.
. H, Frisken were;Bryon Case, Mrs. Edwin Lovell,
he club. ers. Mary Crosby, Mrs. August-
_ ‘ ine Goldschmid, Mrs. William Bur—
Ié‘ldl‘fon ford of Shelton and Mrs. Jack
Olney of Seattle.
Hickson entertain-g _____
(136 club members on 1 Sheltonitcs Attend
fining. Honors at the acht Club Party
v, .31 17 _
' , e“ of bridge Were won, Shelton people making up part
Ping 9°m ary Cormier, Mrs. of the 16-boat Yacht Club party
Happme lett and Mrs. Ada Hurst! cruise were Mr. and Mrs. Roy
DES'G , ems Were served at the , Kimbel on the Gypsy, Mr. and
L BOUQ ' ers. William McKenzie, Mr. and
lyWhere'. ' Mrs. Bruce Wilcox and Gary, Mr.
I ‘” W‘#' and Mrs. Osterberg, Mr. and Mrs.
H. G. Angle, Herbie and Dickie,
iardware and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimbel.
Saturday they cruised to Ger-
ald's Cove and held a dance in the
evening at the Harstine Island
iconimunity hall, then Sunday go-
ing to Spencor Cove where a
weiner roast was held for the chil-
! ___
:Hatchcr Family Holds
iReunion on Sunday
Twenty-five members of the
Hatcher family from Tacoma,
lPortland and Shelton gathered at
Priest Point Park on Sunday for
a family reunion.
Special At
V .
all ,,P.._aper
. fins-tar
Pack, enough Sidewall and
Border for Small Room
89¢: 98¢ — 1.19
CEILING “been ROLL ______________ ._ 10¢ to 16¢
Washable and Non-Fading
.1 ‘Q
Blood Bank Drive Slated
[For June 5—6 by Legion
iican Lake Hospital on July 16.
,elected: president, Mrs.
Earl; first vice president, Mrs. M.
Entertained with two ta- 1 Charles R. Lewis, Mrs. Arthur C. Melcum; second
vice president,
’Mrs. Leigh Duffield; .secretary,
Mary Dobson; treasurer, Mrs. Vin
’Connolly; historian, Mrs. Ed Fau-
bert; chaplain, Mrs.
Olsen; executive board, Mrs. Wil—
liiam Witsiers, Mrs. E. F. Mar-
tin, Mrs. M. A. Cloth'i'er, Mrs.
Maurice Needham and Mrs. M. C.
Delegate to the district confer-
ence in Tacoma June 4 is Mrs. E.
F. Martin with Mrs. Warren Earl
Delegates to the department
convention to be held in Seattle
August 20, 21 and 22 are Mrs.
Warren Earl, Mrs. W. A. Wit-
siers and Mrs. E. F. Martin. A1-
ternates are Miss Mary Dobson,
Mrs. M. C. Melcum and Mrs.
Sherman Soule.
Members tied tags for the
Blood Bank Drive which the Le—
gion is sponsoring June 5 and 6.
Shelton Woman’s Chorus
Schedules Next Meeting
Members of the Shelton Wom-
an's Chorus will meet with Mrs.
Bernice Stewart on Tuesday at
7:30 p. m.
Graduation Party
Held Friday Eve.
Miss Jean BroWn Was honored
with a graduation arty at the
'home of her gran parents last
Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Er—
ling Olsen were hosts.
The evening was spent dancing
{and playing cards, with refresh-
ments served during the evening.
l Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Law-
lrcncc Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
:McIrvin, Mrs. Howard Clark, Mr.
land Mrs. Pete Bloomfield, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Brown and family,
,lVIr. and Mrs. Leonard and chil-
ldren, Catherine and Leona, Mr.
,and Mrs. Walt Bloomfield;~ Mr.
land Mrs. Charles Bloomfield and
family, Mr. and Mrs. George
Bloomfield and Mrs. Martin
iBrownficld and family.
Second of Pinochle
Partys Slated Tuesday
The second in the series of pin-
oc‘nle partys being sponsored by
the Capitol Hill Club will be held
on Tuesday, June 9, at the Har-
old Ridley home on Capitol Hill.
Prizes for the winners.
The next meeting of the W0-
men’s Club will be held at the
home of Mrs. Virginia Leman on
Thursday, June 11. Cootie will be
played and members are to bring
small gifts.
! Visit in Bellingham
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Johnson
spent Friday night With their
‘Marysville driving on to Belling-
,ham Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
,Vrne s muss—ofl: THE a,
1y 5 :90 ‘74 5:031}
and Health.
of Magnesia
IOU Bayer Aspirin
50¢ Pesodent Toot
56¢ "F‘liicLUM
CEREAL .......... ”
75¢ LlS'l'ERINE “it
ANTISEPTIC ...... ..
66¢ ALKA
sen-zen .......... ..
50¢ TEK
TOOTH enusu
50¢ CALox
room powoen
150 Lydia Pinkham Veg. ., . . . .
50 Im-Thiamin Chloride Tabs . . 39¢
50¢ PHILIPS 39¢ ,
MM “AGNES” Full color Pint: Enlaméa fr m
,. ,. r9 0
. w A 4; . ‘
ZEDNSISEFTTLLN 35an or 35mm R‘dmhrome
Transparencies 1
color. for mounting iu,your album
carrying in yo'ur billfold
use to which
shots. Simply sclect your
miniature Kodachrome transpar-
encxes and leave them with us for
amazm‘g new M
Prices are reason
of two sizes . ; ‘f2X”
cz- “SX” for 5 x
prints. See samples 11
We Deliver
12:30 p. m. and 6:30 p. m.
Except in The case of Emergency For-
The Protection of Public Life,
U.S. P. .. pt. 29¢
h PoWder 39¢
Now you, can. have prints in full
, ‘or for am;
pm snap-
you now
inicolor Prints.
able. Your choice
.. for 2% x 31/
m‘ch enlarge
ere today.
Regular meeting of American
Legion Auxiliary was held Tues-
June 2. Poppy report was
read and accepted. Members were
told that the Auxiliary will give
another birthday party at Amer-
This being the last meeting un-
til fall the following officers werel
Warren i
Helen For—
sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Ole:
daughter, Mrs. H. L. Tryon inl
_--_ filiELTQEMASQN, CQUN ,. -_ -a ..
m-‘u—OMM- m-a- m m—am-um mun-x awe-mm
lm-‘wmmml Mnmrmnmm
LILLIAN WARREN, Spciei'y Editor
PHONE 10')
Nebel—Kremmel W’edding Public Tea To Raise
Held in South Bend Funds For Service Men
At a pretty yet simple wedding 1 A public tea will be held Thurs-
at the Saint Lawrence Catholic‘ day. June 11 from 2 to 4 o’clock
Church of South Bend, Miss , in the afternoon at the Memorial,
Phyllis Kremm‘el’ and Lt. Merle ,Hall under the supervision of the
Nobel were united in marriage: Shelton Women's Chorus and the
Sunday, May 31. The bride is the' Shelton Music Study Club with
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. C.!the proceeds going to the state
Kremmel of that city and the fund to buy much needed portable
groom is the son of Mrs. Robert phonographs. records and small
E. Brown of Shelton. musical instruments for our men
Father Maurice Lee solemnized in service.
the service at 10 o'clock in the Mrs, Anna Kneeland of the
mOI‘ning- White flowers Pmdom‘ Chorus received word from Helen
mated in the ChUI‘Ch decorations- ' Crom Snelling, state chairman for
A lovely gown 0f White marqm' ‘ recreational equipment for service
settle Styled With a Square meekwmen, asking them to sponsor a
line. long sleeves and full skirt ‘benefit tea. Also anyone having a l
was worn by the Charming bride. phonograph, records or instru-l
Her illusion veil was fingertip ments to contribute are asked tol
length. She carried a formal bou- notify Mrs. Kneeiand or Mrs1
quet of gardenias and white or- John Dotson, who will call for
chids. Her only attendant was her the amides,
.SiSteI‘y MiSS MargaTEt Kremmelii Several musical numbers are
wearing 01'Chid marqmsette Styl‘mK planned for the Tea, to be given
similar to the bride’s gown. She'
I ‘each half hour. The public is ask—
carrled pmk roses and wore mat— ed to bring their own sugar. Mrs.
ching flowers in her hair.
Dotson expressed her hopes that!
Sam Nebel was his brother’s
Shelton would make a good turn-i
best man and Frank McCleod was out for this worthy cause, '
After the ceremony an infor- Lake Isab‘ma Club
mal reception was held at theiplf’j" Year The??? .- ,
Kremrfiel home. A tired cake, top_§ Your Hobby was deCided as
ped with the traditional bride and the Lake Isabella club theme for
groom and enhanced with how the coming year at their last
t f . ~ meeting held on May 28 at the
3331518,," thecfgdegrggg home of Mrs. Mildred Scott at
Frank Heath and Mrs. E. T. Haz- Kimildw' . t
eltine assisted with the serving. ms TuCker was appom ed
{publicity chairman. Cora Drake,
chairman of sick committee and
Gertrude Lambert, club historian.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Imogene
Combs on Wednesday, June 10.
A pot luck lunch at noon. Mrs.
Combs has promised a very inter—
Mrs. Nebel graduated from
South Bend high school, attend-
ed Washington State College and
has been employed at Rayonier
Inc. The groom is a second lieu-
tenant in the U. S. Army, just
returning from officers school and
is a graduate of the University of
Washington. The couple will make
their home at Paine Field where
Lt. Nebel is stationed.
' For traveling the bride wore a
light blue suit with/brown acces-
sories and gardenia corsage. They
are now at home at 2321 Coby St.
Attending from Shelton were
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Anderson,
Mrs. William Christian, Miss
Irene Rivers, Miss Lois Heaton,
Miss Charlotte Frank, Miss Geor-
gia Valentine, Dr. Jud Halloway,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hooper, Dr.
and Mrs. Edwin Lovell and Carol
Jo, Harvey Beal and Miss Natalie,
esting time.
Recital Given At
Collier Home Friday
Mrs. Donovan Palmer gave a
recital at the home of Mrs. B. N.
Collier last Friday evening, May
29, with the families of the pu-
pils in attendance.
Those taking part were Shirley
Anderson, Lorraine Andrews, Win-
nifred Collier, Marjorie Constable,
Mary Anne Latham, Norman Lee
Morgan, Terry Lynn Skelsey,
Merridee 'Wivell and Dale Palmer.
Dorthea Hurst and Winnifred
Collier were. called on for an ex-
temporanious vocal duet. Carol
and Doris Hunter and Joy Look
were to have been on the pro-
gram, but were prevented by ill-
Various colored slides were
shown of the Olympics and Shel-
ton. Refreshments were served by
ers. Collier and Mrs. Palmer.
ers. Joe D. rim
1 Entertains Tuesday
Bill‘s. Joe D. Hill
W.C.T.U. Holds
Regular Meeting
The Women’s Christian Tem-,
perance Union met at the homel
of Mrs. Grant C. Angle on Fri-
day for a 1 o‘clock luncheon. Mrs.
Maurice Needham was the assist-
ing hostess.
A meeting was held with Mrs.
L. D. Hack reading an article on
TWenty-one Indians pledging their
loyalty to U.S.A. and buying
. thousands of dollars of bonds. but
lwith their pledge said they didn’t
|want to buy bonds to feed liquor
to soldiers in training. They want—
ed their money to help strictly
with military purposes.
Mrs. C. C. Anderson, who is go—
ing on a trip soon was presented
a gift. ml
Those present were Mrs. Ander—
ison, Mrs. Grace. Springer.
McDonald and Mrs. Joyce Remme
at a 1 o’clock luncheon at her
home on Tuesday, May 26. The
occasion was in recognition of the
i1 dies‘ help on the Minute Man
inonald Moore Marries
‘Portland Girl Saturday
Donald Moore, son of Mrs. R.
son, Mrs. Mary Boyer, Mrs. i ,
Booth, Mrs. Burnett, Mrs. Walter l “7' Luu‘el' and M155
Elliott, Mrs. Hack, Mrs. Alfred 1 Ross of Portland were married
Killmer, Mrs. Ed Miller, Mrs. Ne— m U,th City on Saturday’ May
na Roberts, Mrs. Spamming, Mrs. i253. ’lhe groom who attended local
W. H. Snelgmve’ Mrs. Clive Troy , schools is a graduate of Linficld
and the hostesses_ iCollege and recently returned
{from Boston.
1 The young couple spent their
Wedding trip at the mean beaches
and around the Olympic Loop, vis-
iting his family in Shelton on
Thursday and _Friday, a family
reception being held Thursday.
They will make their home in
Navy Mothers Hold
Installation Here
At the regular meeting of the
Navy Mothers Club this week im-
pressive installation ceremonies
were held with Recruiting Officer
C. R. Matthis. conducting. portiand.
The Eagles Auxiliary drill
team captain presented the club
a beautiful bouquet of flowers
which were won by Clara Look.
She gave them to Mr. Matthis.
The club voted to have a tag
sale on July 3, with the proceeds
going into- a fund for the relief
of Navy men’s families in Shel—
ton. The next meeting will be 3.
Margaret Nowell on Angleside,
June 10.
.I I
N. B. Club Meets
With Mrs. Okerstrom
day, May 28 at the home of Mrs.
luncheon. The business m‘eeting
dis‘c'Ontlhu‘e the meetings for the
summer months.
was held at the home of Mrs.
lsented Mrs. Addie Bishop with a
beautiful set of dishes.
Deigh, Mrs. Lydia Goodwin, Mrs.
Gertrude Morgan, Mrs. Ellen:
VV.S.C.S. Schedule
Wednesday Meeting
The W.S.C.S. will hold their
regular meeting in the church
parlors on Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Loui Larson
and Mrs. Charles Runacres are the
hostesses for the afternoon. Mrs.
W. A. Brodt will give the devo-
tions and Mrs. D. R. Pittinger
The topic is “Social Influences ofl
a China College.” Mrs. W. F. Rob-
erts ’Will tell of the work of the
White Shield Home in Tacoma.
Solos will be given by Mrs. Ber—
nice Stewart and Mrs. Loui Lar-
son. in (a,
Dupont Lady Honored
Guest At Shower 1 .
Mrs. Everett Reichman and
Mrs. Burnett Farmer entertained
Tuesday evening at the home of
the former with a buffet supper
honoring Mrs. William Garwood
of Dupont, Wash.
Tables were decorated with
garends of red roses and rose ta.—
perS. Guests included Mrs. Ed-
ward Kiel, Mrs. Robert Stein, Mrs.
Shirley Wekell, Mrs. Pager Kief—
fer and Miss Amelia Vigns of
Tacoma, VVash., Misses Gertrude
Humling and Olive Silvertson of
Fort Lewis.
Mrs. Garwood
lovely gifts.
social meeting at the home of
The N. B. Club met on Thurs-
Nita Okerstrom for a 12 o’clock
was held and it Was decided to
At the preceding meeting which
Gertrude Morgan, the club pr'e-
Those present were Mrs. Alice
Price, Mrs. May Morgan, Mrs.
June Milliken, Mrs. Greva Toby,
Mrs. Addie Bishop and the host-
ess, Mrs. Okerstrom.
Spend Holiday With
Brother in Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eells, Ed-
win Eells and Mrs. Fay Robin-
son of Olympia, spent the Mem-
orial Day week—end with Mr. and Port Townsend. Bill Miller of S6-
Mrs. Roy Eells. Chester, EdWin attle. accompanied by Miss Eliz-
and Roy Eells are brothers and abeth Oezindam of Tacoma, spent
Mrs. Robinson, whose husband islsunday With their Parents; Mn
now in the service is their cousin. ‘ and Mrs. H. E. Miller.
received many
Visits Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Miller of
Whitman’s Sampler
$1.50 and $3.00
I of Arcadiai ,
‘Road entertained Mrs. Katc Cru- l 1}
Mrs. ! ‘3‘
will have charge of the lesson.!
Hood Canal W'omen’s Club
Hold Final Business Meet
The Hood Canal Women‘s Club
met on May 21 for the final bus-
iness meeting of the year, with
the president, Mrs. H. R, Dickinv
son, presiding.
Mrs. Gertrude Ayers having re—
signed as secretary and Mrs. M.
C. Stark as treasurer, the board
approved the appointments of the
president, of Mrs. Stark as sec-
retary and Mrs. Joe Vail as treas-
urer. These officers, together with
Mrs. Pierce, president, Mrs. Rob—
inson, first vice president and Mrs.
Margaret Anderson, second vice
president, were installed.
It was voted to hold one meet-
ing a. month for the ensuing year;
Club Building fund to be invested.
in its entirety in war bonds; and
credentials for the State Federa-
ticn convention, to be held in June
in Spokane, were voted for Miss,
Gertrude Inez Streator, of Seat-
tle, club member, who will attend
to receive the “Torch,” highest
honor in the Federated study
group, Epsilon Sigma Omicron. It
is a special honor to this Mason
County club that Miss Streator is
the first club woman in this state
to receive the honor on earned
credits, as all former recipients
have been honorary.
Club members enjoyed the
Musical Breakfast. held at Alder-
bi‘ook Inn, June 1. li‘utilrei'l ar—
tists were John and Gene Sund-
slim. of Seattle, who irade their
first local appearance.
Visit Wenatchee
, Miss Eulalie Stephens and Miss
Jean McDonald visited relatives
at chatchec over the week end.
39¢ Size 10¢ Size Free
Value 49¢
a. a-.--_,---...... .. . aPage Three
W“ “V I x—u‘ "— “
Certificate of Award ‘
Given Lincoln P.-T.A. i Entertains Friends
The Lincoln Parent-Teachers! I '
Association are proudly display-’ MISS ,Shll‘ley~ Gerhardt ellter‘
ing their Certificate of Award, for; tamed Blght g‘lrls at her home
filling all required goals of the; last week at a party honoring
State Association 100 per cent. jNedra and Nita Oppelt and Miss
This was only attained til-rough1 Gerhardt‘s birthday. Miss Ger-
,cooperation of the parents and! hardt was home Friday and Sat-
1 \
teachers through many years.‘ , .
Last year the; received h0n0r_lurday from Seattle where she is
. Miss Shirley Gerhardt
able mention, but to their know-l attending the Seattle School of
ledge this is the first certificate.
l Commerce.
Know The Answers To This
new 9012
Q...Does a flying moth destroy fabriCs’?
A. A 'flying moth does not eat.
Q. What insect does destroy fabrics?
A. The moth worm does the damage. Moih worms cost
housewives two hunderd millions of dollars in damage
every year.
Q. How much does a Moth worm eat.
A. Two thousand times its own weight.
Q. How can I protect my clothes?
A. With Di-choricide. It kills all form of moth life and has
been used successfully by house wives for more than
10 years.
Try Di-Chloricide Today
60¢ SiZe .............................. ._ lb. 49¢
2.25 Size ____________________ ._ 5-lb. 1.95
Our Price 39¢
Fine R a y o .
Satin, easy t-
wash! L a c e-
S t u r d y littl
up" tops.
B R I E F S 0
combed cotton
. Broadcloth-
For Sports! l
Absorbent . . .
combed cotton
i Long- cweabi-xi‘
. Soft!
Economy Prices!
Smart Designs!
Practical Styles for Summer
Soft, dressmaker types for
leisure hours casual
dresses for business . .
tailored frocks for active
sports! Colorful prints, dots.
h .
As ouiside amusements are curiailed, home
must be mode a center of cliraciionl As
budgets are curtailed by necessary taxes
and war bond buying, we must learn to
buy more carefully.
Get ucquainlecl with your Penney stove—-
for home, family and budgell
Our Famous We‘a r-‘i ested
81" x 99”
The pride of thrifty
housewives! S h e e t s
that have been wear—
testcd in thousands of
homes. and have been
proved outstandingly
serviceable! S n o w y-
white . . ,. smooth . . .
firmly woi'cn!
81” x 108”- .... .. 1.69
Pillow Cases... 37¢
Pillow Tubing .. 37¢‘
Stack Your Shelves With
Thick . . . Absorbent . . .
Here‘s the buy of the Week!
Big fluffy terry towels . . . so
Keep Cool Men! "
98¢ and 1.98
Smart New Styles
Soft. c001 rayon in
smart tailored styles
,, colorful . . . they'll do their hit
‘to give your bathroom new‘life!
or soft feminine mo-
dels! sWhite, and pas- .
tcls. 32 to 40.
Women’s Slacks
Igdcuffed botltom style
a 21 er sm . i
Sport pellilorg.0 g 3'
Wrapped or Zipper
Front Styles!
Newest and Smartest in
Light in WPlEht fiayr l3
co or . . you in
th . t ' t . d
ho‘ixsseecozrtlsaras pplreltliy Pas
spring *' buds!
They‘re here? In all your fav—
orite patterns in the brightest
and gayest of summer colors!
Smartest Choice for Summer
Men’s Towncraft
1.65 '
Great time—savers for your busy ,
summer life! Right for your You can be sure that in a cool,
most active 8 orts . . . neat as crisp white Towncrait you'll al-
a pin for _s opping, lounging ways look smart—even on hot
or entertaining! humid clays!