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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GRADUATION EXERCISES were held at Garrett IIeyns High School at the Wash- ington Corrections Center last Wednesday evening, Iiere, I)r. tterbert Hergert, chair- Don't miss out on Penneys fabulous Summer Dress learanc'e °'low, 3.88 ;;;';, s.aa Orig. 10.00, NOW, 7.88 Thl, exc/tlng Penney even/im now under way with fontoltic sovings on this entire collection of fovorite Summer styles. You'll find the colors, faics and silhouettes you'll need for every occasion during the sunny months ahNd. Tke ccl skqam of things to came tmdlle yOUr favorite lsslc stls the season's-newest looks. From totknd to dolney, in crt m to €ltrCW fa6ricl... you won't find a wider selecfloa anywherel At thew prices, treat yeurf to mere Ikon oeml $kop Daily TEl 8:30 • Charge it man of the Shelton School Board, presents a diploma to one of the graduates. On the left is George Hermes, principal of the high school. GHHS Has Graduation Ceremony Sixty graduates of Garrett Heyns High School at the Wash- ington Corrections Center receiv- ed diplomas in ceremonies last Wednesday night. An additional 89 received dip- Iomas but were not present for graduation. Speaker for the graduation certes was Judge Charles Z. Smith of Seattle. The class was presented by Shelton School Supt. Louis Grin- nell and the diplomas were pre- sented by Dr. Herbert Hergert, :hairman of the Shelton School oard, • The Shelton High School Band and choir and the Center Glee Club provided music for the cere- monies. Ernest Timpani, superintendent of the Corrections Center, wel- comed the guests. The invocation and benediction were led by Chaplain William Carnea. Evergreen College Slates Ground Breaking Ceremony I Ground breaking activity on the campus of The Evergreen State College at Olympia is scheduled to get under way June 9. The start of site clearing and road building work on the 990 acre campus, located northwest of the Capital City on Eld In- let of Puget Sound, will be pre- ceded by a brief ground break- ing ceremony, scheduled to be- gin at 10:30 a.m. Gay. Daniel J. Evans, mem- bers of Washington's congres- sional delegation, state legisla- tors and other public officials will participate in the ceremony. Construction of the first build- ing on the campus - the lit)- rary - will begin about five County Sets Ferry Sale I The Mason Coumy Commis- sion, at its meeting Monday, set 10 a.m. June 23 for the sale of the Harstine Ferry and the sur- plus engine. This is the day after the sche- duled dedication of the bridge. The sale will be conducted by County Treasurer John Cole. The Commissioners, after a dis- cussion with the county engineer and C. W. Strekenbach, decided not to sell the float and walkway as had originally been planned. The decision came after the commission was tohi the cost of removal and clean-up wouki pro- bably be more than was realized from the sale of the items. There are some lights and other service faciUtes which will be removed and used elsewhere. nu)nths after the start of site clearing and road building work. The Evergreen State College, authorized by the 1967 State Leg- islature, is scheduled to open its doors to approximately 1,200 students in September. Jaycees Hear Speaker Tuesday • th'nry Minor, guest speaker at the Shelton Jaycee meeting Tuesday night, told about his ex- periences with the French Resist- anee in World War II. Bob Trail was presented the Jaycee of the Month award for May, Certificates of appreciation were presented to Jayettes Lin- da Dahlstrom, Barbara Weber and Ellen Andres for their as- sistance on the R. AND R. man- uals and in the Community Sur- vey. Pat Swat[as was awarded a Water District certificate of appreciation as the wife of the Jaycee's Top Man Miler Jerry Swartos. Fine Assessments To Be Increased • Assessments on traffic fines for driver education will t)e in- creased from $3 on each $20 of fine to $5 on each $20, it was anflouiwed tllJs week fl'Olil the Mason County Justice Cx)urt of- rice. The driver education assess- menLs will be made on all traf- fic violations on highways. I Hearings On Wafer (00ual Sla÷ec • A public hearing to consider The proposed standards, or ability or pollution J  est.ab]ishment of water quality classifications, for the rivers, concerned. Th e standards for rivers and lakes streams and lakes are based on range from ass in the lower Puget Sound area present and future use and to nary to Class C and vicinity will be held June 10, enhance the quality of water lake class has at Olympia. wherever possible. The Water lisbed. The public is invited Pollution C o n t r o 1 Commission Following the to pre- sent testimony on the proposed draws up the proposed stand- state-wide hearings,'a.s water quality standards for irrtra- ards after conferirng with fish- ing of adopti0n_al state surface waters and lakes, cries, game, health and water The hearing will begin at 9 a.m., resource management agencies, ration for all m---  in the main conference room, Among the principle rivers and and lakes will be M2 W General Administration Building, their tributaries to be consider- ter. on the capitol grounds, ed at the Olympia hearing are The estahlishmept d Director James P. Behlke, Chehalis, North, Humptulips, He- for intrastate Washing-ton Water Pollution Con- trol Commission, said the hear- quiam, Wishakah, Nvaukum, is another protecting and State. ing will consider all rivers and Wynooehee, Satsop, Cloquallum, quality in the streams not affected by tidal in- Black, Skookumchuck, Deschutes, 1968, the fluence and lakes in all of Pierce Nisqually, Puyallup, Carbon and state and co. and Thurston counties and in White. adopted folk :: portions of Grays Harbor, Pacific, Mason and Lewis counties. The proposed standards will not liar public allow any increase in pollution The interstate The hearing will be the fourth of the rivers and lakes. Water ters in a series to be held throughout quality standards are a series of of all the the State this year. The first hear- numerical limits and physical State. The ing was heJd in March at Mount and biological indicators of water covers the Vernon, the second in Port Ange- quality marking the relative use- and lakes. les in April, and the third was in Lngview in May. Sells Its Bonds • The Farmer's Home Adminis- tration was the only bidder on $275,000 in bonds sold by the Bel- fair Water District this week. The Water District commission will hold a special meeting to accept the bid so that construc- tion on the water system can be started immediately. A contract for" the work has been let to Roekstad Construe- tion Cx). and work will begin as soon as final steps to assure funds are taken. Canal Woman's serving FATHER'S DAY BREAKFASt Potlatch Clubhouse JUNE 15, 1969 8:00 aem. to 12 noon $1.25 adults 50' HURRY for this Frigidair0 Month SPECIAL OFFEm J No Plans A. J. Curtis, owner of the building which housed Mac's Cor- net Tavern and Lem Warren Refrlgeratlon, whleh burned last month, said this week he has still not decided what to do about re- building. The State Liquor Board had contacted hhn, he said, but their demands were quite heavy and he atill waJ looking into the idea. I i s  I Frigidaire Range with Removable See-Through Oven Door I No stretching. You can get at all I oven corners easily to cut down Cook-Master Oven Control Like having a cook! Starts, stops, the oven automatically. Cooks your meal while you're away. New Easy-View Controls Check surface units from across the room. Read them at a glance. New Frigidaire exclusive, i  (j:)  - u i i U l i Refrigerator w!th New Up-Front Lnghtmg l • Frost.Proofl You'll never defrost again! No space lost to frost. • Up-Front lighting. Puts everything in plain view. • 126-1b. size top freezer. The extra room you want. • Twin vegetable Hydrators. Hold up to 23.4 qts, i lii . ..,,., compartment, too. Conve- nientl Holds a full pound. *294 Model FPD 146TN No protective shield necessary. the only natural protein and keratin nail sand|lion, GM FREE DELIVERY er. U. S. Patent #3-257-280 mm For beautiful, healthy nails in just two weeks, simply brush on rrp once daily. Helps pre- vent splitting, breaking, peel- ing, chipping. Not a hardening coat, Not a Formaldehyde product. The only patented nail conditioner formula. Naturally strengthen3 and beautifies nails. Result9 guaranteed or your money back. e, Page 2 - Shelton-Maaon County Journal - Thursday, June 5, 1969 5-year Warranty backed by General Motors! [-year Warranty on entire Range for re- pair of any detect without charge, plus 4-year Protection Plan (parts only) for furnishing replacement for any defective Surface Heating Unit, Surface Heating Unit Switch, or Oven Heating Unit. * 194 Model RDG-35P 30" electric Model WA2N Frigidaire 2-speed Jet Action Washer at a Budget Price • Regular plus Delicate settings • Deep Action Agitator • 2 Jet-Away Rinses • Durable Press Care for no.iron fabrics • Cold Water Wash Setting =184 FPCD.159VN 15.9 cu. ft. Frigidaire with 198-1b. size freezer! All Frost.proof! • Frost-Proof! You'll neveril i frost againf • Just 32" w • Flip-Quick Ice Ejector T !a! easyf • Removable trays for, eggs! '437 I Even !his L0we t Pric ar r er h s ours Friid g e Dy_ = fie Pr Press Care • uur . ,,,, Care helps Dur It;; items keep thel ".if promise .-N.0-s 0°l k screen in tbe 0.o.0r ' "- setting for fluffing. CREDIT AVAILABLE Of Shelton • 426-2611 "Building Mason County"