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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County-City Record Weather New Marriage BUILDING PERMITS set of keys found at the dock Permits approved by at Allyn. Cotmty Planner's of- Ramen Walker rcl)orted two • e past week were rods and reels missing. home, R.W. Henningson reported van- Moore, retaining dalism to machinery. Clark, sum- SHELTON POLICE ,000; Laurie Luo- k cabin, $3,000; Bea- Gregory St,.enson reported a , ames office, $5,200; stereo tape player taken. Vehicles driven by Loren Shirk cabin, $3,203; and Shirley Giles collided at recreation cabin, llighway 101 and Cascade. Michael Lee reported a window cabin, $2,000; broken in the armory. vacation ca- A vehicle driven by Albert C3aurchill, va- MiklethunJr .turne d over off h'a Rinker, Pioneer Way. $6,000; Eve- A.O. Charl;on reported a lic- recreation cabin, ense plate taken. summer ca- A vehicle driven by Raymond Tweed, move Goodrich collided with a Northern $2,500; Pacific train at Front St. and :ation cottage, Railroad Ave. SUmmer Mrs. Everett Nichols reported Upton, re- a bicycle taken, Robert Mrs. Hedges reported tires on $2,090; Harry a car slashed. $500. Art Pleines reported a bicycle taken. A vehicle owned by David the docket in Schaffer was hit by another re- Court be- hicle while the Schaffer vehicle Correa during was parked along the street. Were: CITY BUILDING PERMITS Patrol Building permits approved by 212 Laurel St., the city of Shelton during the driving, $59 past week were to Gladys Shanks, St. Rt. boat shed, $960; LeRoy Bowman, failure to carport, $576; Raymond Smith, fine; Hat- fence, $190. Box 458, SUPERIOR COURT vehicle license, New Cases on person, City of Shclton against William Budde, appeal of police court con- 111 Country viction. , no over- Larry W. Haddock and Gloria Edward Jean Howe, marriage license 636, Belfair, waiwr. license, $18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Velkov P. O. Box against Rudolph Szalas, personal ell- • • injury. license, State Tax Commission against ares, St. Rt. Marie Korski, doing business as speeding, $18 Jack's Cafe, unpaid taxes. Charles Petzold against Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Archer, caller- St. Rt. tion on note. illegal park- Coral Sea, closed war. Carl Sea, war- Donaldson, operator's Roush Ug reported a ca- reported a house rela°rted a purse reported a house reported a boat rePOrted damage re- two pro. vancla. a burg. rePOrted she reported and and fit. to mail reported a Pauley Dodge 1.967 CHEVELLE 4-Door. Cleaa .... $1395 1964 DART 4-Door. Low Mileage .... $895 1964 FORD CUSTOM 2-Dr. Hdt. Clean ........ $895 1963 MaNiA .. $495 1961 DODGE LANCER 4-Door .... $395 1966 OPEL Station Low e . $1095 1955 CHEV 2-Door Hardtop. Stick shift ........ $295 See 'em at Front ,& Railroad 4264183 Arrivals Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in Mason County this past week were : Larry W. Haddock, 17, Shelton, and Gloria J. Howe, 15, Shelton. R,:hert R. Smith, 32, Cosmopo- lis, and Josephine Denees, 37, Cosmopolis. Gene Purvis, 19, Shelton, and Latrine Swisher, 17, Shelton. Edward Michalat, 23, Elma, and Sheila Holtorf, 18, Shelton. David Raymond, 21, Bremer- ton, and Raelyn Palon, 17, Brem- erton. Dale A. ttall, 27, Shelton, and Bonnie Wagner, 26, Shelton. ttigh Low Precip. May 29 58 50 .75 May 30 61 49 ,61 May 31 64 44 .01 June 1 74 48 0 June 2 82 45 0 June 3 82 54 0 June 4 88 54 0 Readings are for a 24-hour per- tad ending at 8 a.m. as reported t)y the ITT Rayonier Inc. weather station. FIVE-DAY FORECAST Temperature Thursday thru Monday will average four degrees Mx)ve normal Olympia normal 71 an(I 75. R.ainfall is expec'ed to average less than normal with chance of a few showers about Sunday. NEW ARRIVAL • Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Jones, Rt. 3, Box 286, a bvy, May 29. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bun- nell, St. Rt. 1, Box 188 X, a boy, May 30. Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Camp- bell, P. O. Box 642, a boy, May 31. Mr. and Mrs. Stew:nson L. Boad, Rt. 1, Box 41 C, a boy, June 2. Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Chap- man, Rt. 2, Box 566, a girl, June 2. Retired Man Dies In Shelfon • Oscar F. (Bill) Rogers, Rt. 3, died in his home Monday at the age of 63. He lived in Mason County for the past 8 months. Prior to retirement he worked for the Evans Plywood Co. in Aberdeen for 42 years. He was born May 2, 1906 in Harlan County, Kentucky, and was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Aberdeen. Srvices were held yesterday in the Aberden Elerding Mor- tuary at 1 p.m. under the direc- tion of the Masonic I.xdge. Cre- marion followed. He is sm-viveLd by his wife, Rose N., of Shelton; two sons, Charles E. Rogrrs, of Bellevue, W. H.. (t3ob) Rogers, of Shelton; four grandchildren and two sis- ters. Father's Day Sunday, June 15 See Miller's for these Famous Brand Names! SPORT SHIRTS by Kingsmen, Hartog, Van Heusen, Mr. Jack, Jockey, Campus, Pendleton. by UNDER WEAR and T-SHIRTS A Giant Selection of Styles, Munsingwear Colors and Fabrics in Quality and Jockey Brands you trust. S5 O0 We stink Tails, V-Neck, Tapered ,, • a nd u p and High Crews .s Well as standard. tt SUMMER JACKETS Famous Pacific Trail and Campus, in Nylon, poplin and Orlon Laminates. / 0 and up SOCKS by Keepers and J. S.I. . Cottons, Acrylans Wools, Nylons. From Very Casual to Very Dressy. A style for Every Dad. Slto$2 Resident Dies • Lawrence L. Putvin, Rt. 3, Box 305 A, died Sunday in the Mason General Hospital at the age of 58. He was born March 4, 1911 in Cx)opville, Wash. Prior to his retirement he worked for the Puget Sound Naval Ship Yards in Bremerton. Mr. Putvin has lived in this area for he past 30 years and was a member of the Mt. Olive Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wife, Mildred, at home; four sons, Lawrence, D on a 1 d, Raymond and Richard, all of Shelton; three daughters, Mrs. Audrey ttansen, of Puyallup, Mrs. Ar- leen Kellerman, Olympia, Mrs. Rosanne Reynolds, of ShaRon; and 18 grandchildren.,, : :,. Graveside services were held in Shclton Memorial Park Wed- nesday a" 11 a.m. P, astor Ed- lnond Zschoehe officiated. TX)- nations 'are to be made to dia- betis research. Charles Sytsma Succumbs At 86 • Charles E. Sytsma, Arcadia Road, died Saturday in a Ta- coma hospital at the age of 86. He was born Nov. 25, 1882 in DesMoines, Iowa. A reCtired carpenter, Mr. Sytsma, resided in Mason CounW for the past 46 years. He is survived by his wife, Adeline, of Siaelton; one on, Elmer, of Shelton; one daugh- ter, Mrs. Margaret Niemi, of Olympia, and three grandchild- ran. At the request of the family no services will be held. On Carrier • Boilerman Second Class Gary A. Bearden, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bearden of Hoods- port is serving aboard the attack • aircraft carrier USS Constella. tion off the coast of California. Open Every Friday "rill 8:30 P.M. IDOI/)IPD K I Dopp-Kit /or Go-Go l)ads Travel toiletries stow away at Dad's instant beck and call in famous unfitted Dopp-Kit. Holds up to 50 % more than fitted kits same size. He'll like its patented expandable fea- ture, adjusts size to content. TROUSERS Looking for on Idea? We feature LEVI in a mul- Try Wembly Ties Bar Accessories titude of styles and fabrics, i! rrom the original Blue Levi , to Dressy style Prest Slac:ks. Desk Accessories from S49S to Sl 298 . Men's Stationery I II Hi HiD 1 Hi l d WAYS -- ' TO BUY! Cash-Charge "For it's I q 3rd& Railroad" La' Awa' June 5, 1,969 Shelton-Mason € Journal, i l