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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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US | N E $ S Olympic Notional Pork Facilities Are Mostly Open • Nearly all v' "t -use f, c/Fries ing at Heart O'the Hills, Fair- through Lbor Day. A daily fee SCram King V•C., Closed June week. With the exception of the Conservation Streams and high lakes brand new refrigerators. Slide to today and save . . T e d Strozyk, manager of MILLER'S SHOE DEPT., says to gift dad with comfort in dress shoes and a special price at the same time. Better scamper in today . . . That's ....... 30 ....... for this week, but remember what Victor Hugo said of common sense: "Com- mon sense is in spite of, not the result of, education". --DL Eagles Auxiliary Has Ins÷alia÷ion • Special guests at the May 13 meeting of the Shelton Eagles Auxiliary were State President Martha Blair; Grand C:nductor Ernie Polan and Mother Mildred Fels. The auxiliary celebrated its 42nd birthday. A birthday cake was baked by Agnes Bartch. Those honored were the charter members, past presidents and mothers. A check was presented to Mrs. Bartch for the kidney fund. Corsages and gifts were pre- sented to the state president, grand chaplin and the two moth- ers, senior mother Clara Stuck and thJs year's mother ttattie Shonkwiler. Officers for the coming year who were installed during the program are Shirley Keith, jun- ior past president; Mazie DePoe, president; Gertrude DePoe, vice- president; Linda Gingrich, chap lain; Virginia Dundas, secretary; Bertha Ford, treasurer; Mable Cammack, outside guard; Kathy Howard, inside guard and Hattie Shonkwiler, trustee. irl D a '$256,000 instal- Production equip- Timber Corn- Board Plant in by Presi- Jr. Seattle, IBP said the instal- roll embossing broaden Simp- to include new and special board. The for the fast- home market, nnlmanded 17 per on's new home Simpson pro- excellent mar- of the lead- Plants in the miles of the plant man- g equipment expected to installation of this year• follows an made this dollar in- Board tanrer- sawdust .This SaWdLL? and free other uses. new 1,000 equipped "defiber" it down The utilization ComPleted this ts are in- Board time, on their for full- a SUmmer fall. They could ever fall or make it most ira- seniors, so all do wise- this Week- marvelous ;mattering alE, . . OF SHEL. man- [re Prices all rything. Bet- ture 'era stock . has agen- .so YOU better /or those low on his • SO dlllmlllllHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIlfllllmllglllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllmP Tides 'flNmHfllHIIHflfllfllHIIgHIIlflllllllfllmlglllllmlllflHmlflmllfllll FRIDAY, JUNE 6 Low .................. 5:17 a.m. 6.2 t. High ................. 9:47 a.m. 8.6 ft. Low .................. 4:29 p.m. 1.0 ft. High ................. 11:53 p.m. 12.7 ft. SATUItDAY, JUNE "/ Low .................. 6:29 a.m. 4.9 t. High .................. 11:29 a.m. 8.0 ft. I.z)w .................. 5:29 p.m. 2.7 ft. SUNDAY, JUNE 8 High ................. 0:35 a.m. 12.5 It. Low .................. 7:29 a.m. 3.4 ft. High ................. 1:17 p.m. 8.1 ft. Low .................. 6:35 p.m. 4.2 ft. MONDAY, JUNE 9 High ............. ; .... 1:17 a.m. 12.2 ft. Low .................. 8:23 a.m. 2.0 ft. High .................. 2:53 p.m. 8.8 ft. Low .................. 7:41 p.m. 5.7 ft. TUESDAY, JUNE 10 High .................. 1:53 a.m. 11.9 ft. Low .................. 9:05 a.m. 0.8 ft, High .................. 4:11 p.m. 9.7 ft. Low ................. 8:47 p.m. 6.7 ft. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 High .................. 2:23 a.m. 11.5 ft. Iw .................. 9:47 a.m. -1.1 ft. High .................. 5:11 p.m. 10.6 ft. Low .................. 9:53 p.m. 7.5 ft. THURSDAY, JUNE 12 High .................. 2:59 a.m. 111 It Low , ............. 10:23 a.m. -1.7 ft High .................. 5:59 pm 113 ft Low .................. 10:47 p.m. 7.9 ft. LIFE INS. " J Dick Kerwood 00IELD UNDERWRIT00R i Life. F,,mily - Mortgage t Medical , 1 Bus. 943-1214 - Res. 491.257 I 5804 Paolflo Avenue Leery, Wuhington 1%1n dad's this Utne on aw's the ,/. on a off" at PLI- oi×m and ready May 30, Supt. Bennett T. (;ale announced this r(m(ls to Ler Park, Obstruction Point, and Hurricane Ridge Pic- nic Area all roads were otxm. It is anticipated these will be crmditione(t for opening by late Jtmc. Major trail; have been opened to the snowline and are passable to hikers. However, horse travel is not rccomnaended for all trails hut Park Rangers can advise which trails can be used. The snowline at present varies great- ly, depending on exposure. None cf the passes are open as yet. lMging, food and related ser- vices for Park visitors are avail- able on a year-round basis at Fairhohn Resort. La PLsh Ocean Park offers lodging. Lake C-'res- cent L')g Cabin Resort and Trail- er Park has been oI)en for some timt offering a(:(',mmlodations, food and related services. Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort is now open but food services will not be fully awdlable until June 14. Lake Crescent L(×|ge opened for ser- vice May 30, Hurricane Ridge was (>l)ened May 33, but as usual, on a day-use basis only. The Lake Quin;tult tesort Motel a n (l O'Conner's I)chaerie on the north shore of Quinault Lake are open and ready. All auto campgrounds will be in operation for the season with the (,xception of Deer Park, Dose- wallips, and Olympic fiat Springs where lingering snow patches pre- clude driving into the camP- kq'ounds. However, there is some bare ground, making walk-in camping possible. As in the past, fees will be charged for camp- holm, Soleduck, Mora, Hoh and Kalaloch Campgrounds in accor- dance with the Land and Water Act. The annual permit or "Golden Eagle Passport" which sells for $7 is a real bargain for the re- peat camper as it is good for the campgrounds in the U. S. Nati nal Forests as well as other National Parks. These pass- ports can be obtained at Park Headquarters in Port Angeles or in Park campgrounds where they are required from Memorial Day Louis Diemer÷ Dies In Tacoma • Louis G. Diemert, 729 Pine, died Sunday in the Tacoma Gen- eral Hospital at the age of 58. He was a resident of Mason County for the past 17 years and was empl:.yed as a machine oper- ator for Simpson Timber Co. He was born on Jan. 9, 1911 in Eckleson, N. D. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rose M. Diemert, Shelton; one son, Rodney L. Diemert, Shel- ton; three daughters, Mrs. Shir- ley R. Sallee, Shelton, Miss Bev- erly Diemert, Shelton, Mrs. Eve- lyn M. Roberts, of Seattle; six grandchilcren, two brothers and seven sisters. Rosary was held Wednesday night at 7 p.m. in the Batstone Funeral Home. Mass will be cele- brated today at 10 a.m. in the St. Edwards Catholic Church with Father Gabriel Donohue officiat- ing. Burial will follow in the Holy Cross Cemetery at the Shel- ton Memorial Park. is charged those not wishing to purchase the Golden Eagle Pass- port. in Olympic National Park were opened to fishing May 18 with the exception of Quillayute River which will open July 1 through Nov. 30. Closed waters consist of the Morse Creek watershed, ex- cept Lake Angeles, P. J. Lake and that section of Kalaloch Creek utilized for a domestic wa- ter supply. Ice still covers most of the high lakes and may per- sist until late July. The following schedule of inter- pretive activities will be in force as shown : VISITOR CENTERS Pioneer Meml. Museum, Open June 7, 8, 14 and 15. Huh Rain Forest V.C. Open June 7, 8, 14 and 15. INSTAN('ES of lead poisoning have been decreasing the past few years but if you have young children at home beware of paint, which contains lead. Children will eat almost anything. 7 and 8; Open June 14 and 15. Evening CaJnpflre Progrsms Heart O'the Hills, June 7, 8, 14 and 15 at 9 p.m. Huh, June 7 and 14 only at 9 p.m. The regular full summer pro- gram will begin July 1, through- out the Park. Weekly all-day hikes to Chil- ean Memorial from Rialto Beach; up the Huh Valley; and from Hurricane Ridge to Heart O'the Hills via Lake Angeles will de- pend upon the snow and weather conditions. Additional specific information on raods, trails and public fac- ilities in Olympic National Park is available at Park Headquarters Pioneer Memorial Museum (both at Port Angeles) and at several outlying ranger stations. IF YOUR BACK-YARD barbecue is rained out, don't bring the charcoal broiler inside, unless you plan to use it in the fireplace. Carbon monoxide poisioning might be the result. 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY III 2-Door Hardtop hite w/Blue Vinyl trim. Ful :.quipped. Driven 6,500 Miles Priced to sell at sff5 Klmbel Motors In Appreciation to ; DAD Fqter Service/Better Ouolityl  liliW Jhelton Asphalt Plant I= NOW IN OPERATION! s54" SPECIAL FATHER'S DAY SALE FAMOUS TYkrt0M'E" RECLINERS • LUXURY• STYLE • VALUE.COMFORT Budget priced--covered in genuine Naugahyde% Constructed with kiln dried hardwoods. Solid, heavy shredded foam back. Outstanding construction and luxurious in size and deep down comfort. An unbeat- able value. ONLY 8 ,s s84" Evergreen $?;r/:':t:i:S:d Flashlight Guaranteed to light Instantly for 12 Months or more! Super Vitamin Offer! SUPER AYTINAL The G01d Medal Vitamin For Adults and Teenagers Bottle of 50 When You Buy 100 150 in all! .. 98 It's bargain days for you--get a free spare with every pair. Your legs benefit from exclusive support that relaxes like a leg massage--your pocket-book benefits from big savings. We have your exact size.., fashion colors too I 0nly lil.=q.., furs pair and you csn get ½ pair free SPANT • DEODORIZES • Prevents MOLD and MILDEW r = "av" ng . *'"' dangerous many staph disease and germs strep including influenza virus and •, A rocking and reclining chair that pleases OrlVe f ths modern style re The neat, trim look o " . .... " everyone. Expert workmanship allows this \\; k:it / | on environmental surfaces. fl attractive addition tO a uen • cliner makes it a Rocker-Rec ner to slip easily from rocker, to Beautifully styled Spanish Recliner with heavy \\;ililousehold Germ] I x ett ta ored foam roll arms or TV room. E p Y " . f sitting position, to TV yew ng, to full recline, frame and spindle arms, You'll love the dra. n ufted double welteo oam back with burro t .... - Break.away mechanism with seat and back op. matic look of the authenic Mediterranean dis- XP,ZVeN'rS ,o1 | _ r in dee leatherlpameo expanoed Upholste ed P " crating independently, A handsome addition to tress finish, Meticulously tailored and styled vinyl, any home. to blend perfectly with any decor., ..............  r ' * N  2' * / ./ Reflulmly S2._l? • ParkmgL The Fumi00r00. : i I $''" ot$ ,  ',,,:...J:;) NOW I,,3Y Jill KIMIE|llL KINGS ' ....... " :, i- : 8 ONSTRUCTIO N _ "J" & Olympic Hwy. N Shelton • 426-3264 • Shelton * ,,,, Zv*rmn * : Thursdayr June 5, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5