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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Former Employees h a t" s To Hold Reunion at Kneeland Park on Sunday -i--.=.4._._. 2-5 p.m.f, an L-- __ bermen Mercantile Store em- ployees. All families coming should bring their own table service, hot dish, salad or desert. Coffee will be served. For any further information contact Mable Burk at 426-8160 or Colleen Gephart at 426-1681. LANCE Cancels Summer Meetings , LANCE will postpone all sum- mer meetings to September 8. Those organizations sympathetic to he council's objectives should send delegates at this time. The group met on the second Mon- day of each month in the Hood Canal Junior High School. The Club's objective reads, "Local Action for Natural Clean Environment". i i:/ i/¸ STRAWBERRY ANGEL TORTE sounds delicious, looks too good to eat and tastes wonderful. This timely recipe was given to us by Rosmaxy James, a resident of Shelton the past year. Rosemary Meets Summer Wi÷h S÷rawberry Dish Fresh strawberries are in sea- sc and today's recipe for Straw- berry Angel Torte presents them at their best. This is an easy dessert to prepare and the mem- bers of Remary James' family consider it a favorite. The James family moved to Shelton almost a year ago when Bill retired from the Seattle Fire Department. He now works for Simpson Timber OO. They have four grown children, and two sos, Rich, 14, and Paul, 11, still at home. Rosemary enjoys gardening and knitting arKi likes to play bridge. Since moving to Shelton she has become a member of St. Edward's Women's Club, the Mason General Hospital Auxin iary and Welcome Wagon Club. Recently she had a pleasant experience when she worked as a tour hostess during party of Legislature. STRAWBERRY ANGEL TORTE 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin Vs C. cold water 2 C. crushed strawberries 3 T. lemon juice 1 C. sugar tsp. salt 2 C. cream, whipped angel food cake. $e4n gelatin in ookl water, dissolve over hot water. Add strawberries, lemon juice, sugar and salt. Cfill until partially set. Fold in whipped cream. Fill 9x13 pan with cut-up cake. Cover with strawberry mixture. Chill until set. Serves 12. CHILDREN are generally attract- ed to anything that resembles candy in bottles or cans. Aspir- ins have become a prime poi ..... sorter of children. Garden Club Changes Da÷e I The Shelton G a rd e n Club ride should meet in e Square has changed R's June meeting to next Wednesday at noon in the Walker Park home of Mrs. Mary Ashford. Officers elected at the May meeting will be In- stalled. Mrs. Madellne Brtdger and Mrs. Hazel Hansmeier will serve aa assistant hostesses at the pot-, luck luncheon. It was rluested that guests bring their own table service. Those needing directions or a at 11:45 a.m. Dallas Clark acted as guest speaker at the May meeting in Mrs. Ilma Jenner's home. He dis- cussed the culture, propogating and fertilizing requirements of a dozen different Azalea and Rhododendron blooms cn display. Mrs. James Southerland and Mrs. Katherine Mclntyre assisted wlth serving tea to the excep- tionally large attendance. LINDA ANN CHARRIER graduated from lmanuel Hospital School of Nursing in Portland, Ore., on June 2, at 7:30 p.m. In addition to her Registered Nursing de- gree she received an award of merit for excellence in Or- thopedic Nursing. She is now employed at Emanuel Hospital. Miss Charrter graduated from Shelton High School in 1966. EMILY MEYER MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARCHER will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary with an open house clambake at the Harstine Island home of George Howard on Saturday from 2-9 p.m. Kathleen (daughter), Maxine Waite (sister) end Donna Coleman will host the beach party. The couple was married in Hugo, Okla., on June 7, 1944 and have lived in Mason County for the past 20 years. They have five chil- dren: Kthleen, in college, James A., in Vietnam, and Doug- las, Nancy and John, all at home. Family and friends are invited but asked to bring no gifts. JAN ARMSTRONG StephensHonored Terry M. Stephens, a senior at Eastern Washlngton State Col- lege, has won the EWSC geo- logy department award as fl outstanding student in that de- paxnent for the 1968- acad- emic year. Stephens, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Stephens, 707 Cedar St., is a ,graduate of Shel ton High School. Monthly Meet Se'f Jl The next regular business meeting of the  AuxWary will be held tomorrow in tim Memorial hall t 8 p.m. Th will be the only local meeting scheduled for th month. The district ceswantion wig be held in Olympia Saturday. Election of officers will take place, SPRING ([,EANING time is here again and one place that de- finitely should not be neglected is the medicine cabinet. Check to see that medicines are not over-age. If any are, throw them out. They could make you feel better but also might make you feel a lot worse. Page 6 - Shelton-Mason Count,, Journal - Thursday, June 5, 1969 TO DAY' S00om¢ Nancy BurneH \\; reds William O. Mayes and crystals accented the skirt of the dress. The Victorian neck- line was complimented with an heirloom necklace of sapphires belonging to the bride's maternal grandmother. The chapel length train with trim identical to the dress was fastened to the shoulders of the gown. The floor length, illusion veil fell from a band of fresh pink and yellow roses. She car- ried a cascade of pink and yel- low roses with stephanotis and ivy for her bridal bouquet. Sister of the bride, Nlcolin Burnett, of New York, N. Y., assisted in a white-lace bonded on blue-cotton, A-line floor-length gown. She wore a head band of the same material and carried two long-stemmed pink roses. The bridesmaids, Barbara Nor- ton, Seattle, and Mrs. Warren MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM O. MAYES Nancy Burnett, of Shelton, wed William O. Mayes, of Vien- na, Va., on May 17, at 4 p.m. in the Shelton United Methodist Church. Rev. Horace Mounts per- formed the double ring cere- mony. She is the daughter of Mrs. Donald Holloway and Willis Bur- neff, both of Shelton. He is the son of Mrs. Magdeline Lee, of Camp Verde, Ariz., and the late Elmer Mayes. Altar bouquets of pink and yellow roses and yellow mums decorated the church with pink and yellow bows tied around white candies. The bride's father gave her away in marriage. She wore a floor-length, A-line gown appli- qued with rese-patterned lace on the bodice, sleeves and hem line. Embroidered clusters of pearls Bergh, Olympia, were dressed similar to the Maid of Honor with white-lace bonded to pink cotton. They carried one long- stemmed yellow rose each. Rose Marie Mayes, sister of the groom living in Camp Verde, served as candle lighter. She wore an A-line, street-length gown of white-lace bonded on yellow cotton. A band of pink roses was entwined around her wrist. Uncle of the groom, John Her- man, of Kent, acted as best man. Don Barden, brother-in-law of the groom, Leavenworth, Wash., and Loui I.atrsen, Shelton, seat- ed the guests. Ben Larson performed as mus- ician and soloist. The bride's mother attended her daughter's wedding in a llght-blue, three-piece suit with three-quarter I e n g t h sleeves. Bone accessories and an orchid corsage accompanied the ouffR. Mother of the groom wore a light-green, three-piece suit with three-quarter I e n g t h sleeves. White accessories and an orchid corsage accented her costume. A reception followed the wed- cling in the church. A bouquet of pink roses and yellow mums decorated the tea table. The guests enjoyed a three- tiered, Wedding cake topped with a nosegay of pink and yellow roses. Serving were : Mrs. Goerge Cardinal, tea; Mrs. Frank Wolf, coffee; Mrs. Don Barden, sister of the groom, cake; and Sally Wolf, punch. Michele and Michael Lee, brother and sister of the groom passed out groom's cake. Mrs. Mike Kriefels attended the guest book. The couple plan to make their home in Vienna, Va. They are both employed by the govern- ment in Washington D. C. TERESA SHIRK JUDY DENOYER CAROLYN RHODES Nurse Scholars0000ip Winners Announced , The Ladies Auxiliary of the and installed officers May 26, Mason General Hospital at a luncheon in the Methodis awarded nursing scholarships Church, Jehovah's Witnesses Extends Invitation To World Conference World headquarters of Jeho- vah's Witnesses has extended an initation to the entire congre- gation here in SheRon to attend the conference scheduled for July 13 - 20 in Vancouvr, B. C. Delegates from this area will join the expected 35,000 who will flock to Vancouver from coun- tries around the globe for reli .... gious training and direct commu- nication with others of the faith. Local families will be traveling by many different means to at- tend this mammoth convention, and no doubt will be including boUday plans for before and af. ter the gathering. For such a large assembly ap- proximately 7,000 volunteer work- ers will be needed. To care for the comfort of the visitors, twen- ty different deparh'nents are or- ganized. Among these will be the department to provide rooms, and another to prepare to serve more than 170,000 meals at convention site for the conveni- ence of those attending. Many from the Jehovah's Witnesses group here will join the volun- teers in Vancouver to make the assembly a success. The four nursing scholarships went to Emily Meyer, Belfatr; Teresa Shirk, Bo]falr; Judy De. noyer, Shelton; and Carolyn Rhodes, Shelton. Jan Armstrong of elkm, was selected as alter- nate. All girls in Mason County are elgible for this financial as- sistance. Betty Timpani headed the in- stallation of officers as incom- ing president. Other new officers include Gladys Johnson, vice- president, Betty I.u Nelson, first vice-president, Beverly Edson, secretary, and Laura Hermes, treasurer. In addition the Auxiliary an- nounced the winner of their bene- fit drawing. Mrs. Pearl Dutcher won the cloth doll and 50 dllar bill. (see picture on this page) MRS. PEARL DUTCHER RECEIVES her cloth doll and 50 dollar bill as Winner of the recent benefit drawing sponsored by the Idies Auxiliary of Mason County Gener Hospital. Mrs. Betty Timpaad, newly in- stalled Auxiliaxy president, awards the prize. Mrs. Harriet Campeau sold the most chances during the ticket drive. JOYCE POWELL High School Of all the graduang seniors at Shelton High School this week, Joyce Poweli is probably ce of the most anxious to get started on her plans for the immediate future. Joyce is looking forward to a visit in Texas this summer and is especially anticipating her first airplane flight. At the end of the summer she will start school at Centralia Junior College. She had consid- ered education as her major but discovered in her teachers orient- ation class this year she may prefer something else. Her have been and Joyce ters term as when she is a A 5 feet Joyce has She likes and water She was in Shelton of Jack Jan, is ad married Christian Women To Hold Luncheon Me , The Christian Women's lunch- con Monday will feature a report on Shelto's summer reereatio program by Arnold Fox with Mrs. Richard Silence, of Eugene, Ore., as guest speaker. Dining begins at noon in the Timbers' Ban- quet room, A mixed trio will en- tertain. All Mason County women are Welcome. For reservations call by Friday Connie Tracts, 426Al15, Mable Goodwin, 426-3555 or Eve- lyn Bedell, 426-2444. DDgFAYION8 for safe use are on insecticides. Be sure to follow the directions closely or the bugs in your garden may not be the only ones poisoned. hold meeting in the Earl Lake Dr. This combine by ports. the be ter Colib'g, All of the to tion. contact A FORUM ABOUT MATURE "'WOlwl MAY.DECeMBER (OU]PI to Dear MI ]lookfleld: some My daughter, who is 19, start- varietY ed going steady about a year ago with a man she met at the dyes office. We all approved of him, a even though he said he was 31. for a Now he tells us that he is really of 521 He certainly doesn't look it. is What do you suggest? " used L. M., Baltimore. quire Dear L. M. : safely I suggest you ask him if he has fotmd the fountain of youth. Even if he says he has, he's still too old for your daughter. * * * Dmr I CROWNING GLORY of I would like some help on beau- ty problems, especially hair styles. What do you suggest about coloring hair when it tar Der to turn gray? I am 46 and have ofte always had coarse hair. lip, W. M., Portland. De W. M.: My first suggestion is to get thee to a geod hair sty/tst. A good one is worth his weight in gold to many women. Your best hair style will depend on the texture of your hair and the shape of your face. There are many products on /he market to dye, tone down, or blend gray and streaked hair, one. # There are also products straightening hair, but  ceu is best left to a trained Hay, beautician. Produc far charging hair and color range from permanent field, tints - which are not recommend- Mare ed for ha t poor vondlUon - Stre e