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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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= ::i ¸ :L ii ¸ CPL. James A. Archer, Shelton, was re- the Navy Achievement Medal in Vietnam. Military Police with the Plrst Marine him here is Col. Fagen, who made the pre- medal. General Advises of the the Better banker Gen- Dl- Spo- Vqarner Land Sales glade Gor- kane or Olympia also may have recent land- information on some companies. County 2. Inspect the lot yourself, or Suggesting have an independent person do pur- it for you. Property. 3. Have the purchase contract checked by an attorney before you sign it. A modest legal fee may save hundreds - or even thousands - of dollars. The land-fraud action was filed by an Olympia couple who pur- chased Arizona property on a "money-back guarentee." Later, they found the land to be a "rocky, barren waste." Their suit to get their money back was dismissed because sales promoters had gone out of business, turning over their ac- counts to an acceptance firm. That firm, the court ruled, could not be held responsible for the terms of the purchase contract. Gorton noted that money-back guarantees are only as good as the party making the offer. "Because we have learned of so many problems with certain out-of-state land developers, we urge every prospective buyer to beware," Gorton stated. yer Warner, K.p. serving USS Lof. 71 in the eStablish. a Navy by i i i ,,c.s, To IS eli-Down Time--Mell Chev- 01ds Is ShJdied I No route corridor for an ac- cess highway to the proposed Evergreen State College has been chosen by the State Highways Department. Studies to determine the best corridor from U. S. Highway 101 west of Olympia to the new col- lege will be conducted by the department throughout the sum- mer and this fall. A plan for the proposed route is expected to be ready by this winter for presentation to the Highway Corn. mission. Funds providedby the Leglsla- ture include only engineering and right-of-way costs. No con- struction on the planned highway will be done during the next two years. A vicinity map, prepared for information to acquire funds, was circulated showing the general area in question. This map has no definite route plan and is by no means binding. When plans are completed, the proposed highway will be a limit- ed access facility from an inter- change on U. S. 101, probably between the Mud Bay and Black Lake interchanges. The exact lo- cation of the new interchange has not been determined. The college access highway will be built entirely with state funds and will receive no federal par- ticipaflon. The interchange with U. S. 101 will be constructed to meet federal standards, however. Fores÷ers Name Officers Year End Savings on 69's Ron Ring, Chairman of the Southwest Washington Chapter of the Society of American Forest- ers, recently announced t h e names of the new officers who will serve for the next two years. Elected as Cairman was Jack Winn, Consulting Forester from Olympia, and Start Blinks, of Weyerhaeuser in Chehalis, who is the new Vice-Chairman. • The Chapter will hold its final meeting of the current season See These Y.E.S. Men How for the Lowest Prices AfRT NICKLAUS WALLY DUNDAS 69 Delta 88 Holiday Sedan 69 Impala Sports Sedan CHEVS PICKUPS 68 Custom El Camino 68 Camaro Sport Coupe ls5 h.p., Radio, Steering, 13,000 miles, N,C. War. V8, P-Glide, Steering, Vinyl Roof, Radio, N.C. Warranty. Now $269S .... ,, 67 Camaro Sport Coupe V8, P-Glide, Radio, Console, N.C. Warranty S200s on June 7, when there will be 67 Caprice Sedan a family picrdc at the Simpson Timber Company's Mason Lake Air, 396 V8, Turbo, Steering, Windows, Brakes, Recreational site. Vinyl Roof, Radial Tires, Tilt Steering, N.C. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 Warranty. i " "OW" 6S Nova 4-Door S129S • , ON HIS DAY... oyl.,Radlo, P-Gllde L)ESERVES E BEST! 'i nels and comfort, have DIXON, a R=mdoft nd shoes. Made with a black oomposl- SOle and hard In TIJuana Brass i tllun s _m DARREL AND!REWS ART MELL Uhll .. •  r.flq VA,.qVlllleb q(:l[ tt Nk%le '. Regular $4396 Regular $3867 Now '3494 Now '3112 llaturday I sho, ar D In the a. Made of I and brushed Imp, novelty d heel, Olr Of lry SmOoth Either Style on,, s15 99 "the family, i shoe store IIIIIIIIII 107 S. 4th Shelton 66 Chev I/2 Ton 6 oyl., 3 speed, HD Bumper, Was $1595 Now S1495 @ 65 Chevelle Wagon OK 300 Deluxe, 6-oyllnder, 3-speed, Radio, WM $1295 Now $O0S 64 Impala Sport Coupe V8, P-Glide, Steering, Radio S13SS 63 Impala Sport Sedan 327 V8, Radio, P-Glide, Steering, Brakes 63 Bel Air 4-Door 62 Monza Coupe 4-8peed S89S ssgs 6X 4-Door $27.S V8, P-Glide $3 Bel Air 4 Dr. S19S P-Glide . • 66 Ford Pickup 352 VB, Automatic, Radio, Ok. Was $1795 Now $1695 64 Dodge 1/2 Ton 6 oyl. 3 speed, WaD $1296 Now $1049 64 Chev 1/2 Ton Fleetside 6 oyl. 3 speed, Radio, HD Bumper, Was $1495. $139S 62 Chev I/2 Ton Sl0eS Radio, 6 oyL, 3 speed, HD Bumper 62 Chev I/2 Ton w/Gem Top 61 Chev 1 T. w/duals $119S 61 GMC I/2 T. Fleetside 6 cyl. 4 speed, HD Bumper, Was $1195 VW Camper S1295 66 Buick Cust.LeSabre Cpe. FM Radio, Dyne, Steering, Brakes, Tilt Wheel, vlnyl Roof. OK $1945 63 Buick Skylark Sport Cpe. Dyne, Radio, Steering, Windows, Buckets Now $1095 6S Pontiac 2-dr. Catalina V8, Radio, Stick, Vinyl Roof OK $1395 63 Tempest 4-Dr. V8, Hydra 61 Star Chief 4 Dr. $59S 61 Bonneville Htp. Cpe. Hydra, Steering, Brakes FORDS 67 Galaxle SO0 4 Dr. VS, Steering, Radio, Crulsomatio, Vinyl interior. Transferable N.C. Warranty. $11895 66 Custom SO0 4 Dr. 352 VB, Radio, Steering, Crulsomatlo. OK $139S 66 Futura 4 Dr. V8, Crulsomatlo, Radio OK $S 64 T Bird Conv. Full Power, Air OK $1499 6S Rambler 4 Door 8 cyl. Radio, Automatic OK SNS 61 Mercury Htp. Coupe V8, Automatio, Radio, Steering 61 Lancer Htp. Cpe. sags 67 Ply. Fury III Htp. 4 Dr. VS, Radio, Steering, Automatic, Vinyl Roof Trim. N. C. Warranty HJS 6S Valiant Wagon $1L19S $3 Plymouth Conv. $19S 64 Stude, Comm. 4 Dr. 6 O-Drive 61 Cadillac Coupe 60 GMC I/2 T. S89S Full Power Inoludlno 8eats, Window Was $1095. New Paint Now $895 59 Chev 1 T. Crew Bus $39S MELL 50 Cbev 1/2 T" PUS i S0 Chev I/2 T. PU 295 $145 69 Chev 3/4 Camper Special CHI[00F 57 GMC 1/2 T. PU S9S mS with 10 Seourit¥ Camper i 56 Ford 3/4 V-8 4-sp. $$9S , SECURITY C )LI )I t Pickup Cabs. Campers OVER 100 Quick Parts & Service Monday thru Saturday Cars • Pickups • Trucks "'SINCE 1927" First and Grove SHELTON 4200A200 i ii -- i i ii ii I i ii I .... ii ii Lease Cars, Trucks, Pickups Rental Cars M.I.C. Ins, i  I .... i i i i i,, Thursday, June 5, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal .. Page 9