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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Wins Limerick G01f Tourney Blazer 1969 Basketball Two Iniured ! .SAVE EVEnY DAY AT I Stall I s o   o o,- o. o cor-o ,o, ,oom o* o,,a. o Ooo Fina stics In Acciden÷ rL.* e low gross for the two-year-old course with 120 of Shelton blushingly carried the I Two young Hoquiam men re- "  " ,P. Brown of men and women playing each "honors" for the highest score Field Free Avg. ceived injuries when the car in m ,.mr 18 during day, including many not entered on Number 2. which they were riding left the I ROADK!NG TIRE _ CexU.trY Club's in torunament play. Sharing honor for the women Goals Throws TP per Arcadia Point Road nine miles i C_  golf tourna- Forthe men, Gary Giacomini of were Josephine Boyd of Seattle A M Pet. A M Pet. Fouls Game east of Sheiton Friday. ¢ ,yaie was card- Seattle came in second for low for second low net for nine, Col- The driver of the vehicle, Okano 45 17 38 25 12 48 46 25 4.2 ! f Michael McDougall, 21, suffered 1, :tlt-Wlea, Doris Chris-'l  Shelton. Dtmmittgr°ss fOrof18BurienhOles inWiththeMyrvinsame Kent.l°wed by Mildren C. Berry of "YVlite 34 15 44 30 13 43 43 39 3.9 a bruised left elbow and a cut Itrned In the , . .... spot for low net Claude Collier . Long drlves on Number 9 went. , Bacon I00 29 29 53 23 43 81 38 7.4 over his right eye. A passenger,  4-J-2 e ll'L.lles, Esthe. D...^_ and I.oonard Berry, both of Kent, m order, to Dorm Christey of Steven Cenelich, 19, suffered a StlbleTlow.  ...... " tied for second low net for nine; Seattle. Ardis Joslin, McCleary, Walker 98 41 42 51 33 65 115 27 10.5 possible neck injury. Both were , (ll.l _ net for 18 with a four-wa tie for third and Barbara Olson of ea taken to Mason General Hospital. ,l]y__ , Y Sttle. M. Johnson 45 15 33 30 17 57 47 39 4.3 ,'Oncleh, wife between Bob and Ed Scheidt of Ethel E. Breedlove of Shelton J. Johnsen 2 0 00 0 0 00 0 3 0.0 The car was westbound on the qllb0-,l:4ark Antoncic. h Federal Way, Ray Phillips of counted the highest score on No. Armstrong 2 1 50 2 0 00 2 3 0.2 Arcadia Point Road and failed / |. for nine Shelton and Oren Peterson of 2, the course's longest for hikers, to negotiate a turn €o the left,  4 PLY POLYESTER *- i:''" rm Sday a' blue Federal Way. let alone golfers. Robinson 1 0 00 2 1 50 1 2 0.1 struck a ditch and rolled over, Longest drives, in order, were according to the Washington State plus won by Emmett Grandy of Port Patrol. 2 PLY FIBERGLASS Orchard, Lloyd Gausta of Gig Harbor, George Gregory of Seat- i tle, Don Pauley, Shelton; Mac . Mason  1.  t the Estate of ; ..d2. e a,point- ":  repro- -lllY? t the de- 'ffq_ _ . serve the .i[:h, Uly verified, ,,",,4E¢,_ *- t alter. .#  :ne With to ether uue 5, 1969, ] forever bar- 98584 6/'12-19 3t )ITOR8 of the ¢aeon serve the TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY COUNTRY LIVING: Recrea- tional lot at Fawn Lake with 3 bedroom house just complet- ed. About 4 miles from town and a real buy at $16,500. Don't miss out on this one. LaBis- soniere Agency, ph. 426-1641. 6/5 Pirates' Tryout Set In Centralia The Pittsburgh Pirates' an- nual search for baseball talent in the Northwest will be con- dueled with tryouts as follows: Centralia, Wash. Friday, June 6th, Fort Borst Park; Everett, Washington - Satur- day, June 7th; Memorial Stad- ium; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all players from 16 to 21 years of age. They arc asked to bring their own personal FOR SALE: Like new cozy two bedroom, garage, will go FHA with minimum down $9,900. 1612 Division. 426-8527. K 6/5 equipment, .............................................................. forms, etc. DRESSMAKING, If you need new summer clothes or altera- tions, call me at 426-2043. M 6/5-26 3 BEDROOM HOME w/fireplace, carpeting, drapes, gas furnace almost new, h block to grade school. Owner transferred -- See it today. $2100 will take over 6'/% FHA with payments under $100 per month inc. taxes and insurance. LaBisson- iere Agency, phone 426-1641. 6/5 gloves, shoes, uni- These tryouts are being held with the cooperation of the Cen- tralia Park Department and the Athletic Department of Eve- rett School District No. 2. American Legion players are asked o have a letter of ap- proval from their Legion Coach or Post Commander to partici- pate. Pirate Area Scouting Super- visor, Babe Barberis, will direct the tryouts. M.M.K. FIREMAN'S BALL Matlock Grange Hall SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Dancing from 9:30 to 2 a.m. Music by "'4 GUYS WITH GRACE" $1.50 donation per person Thompson 4 1 25 2 1 50 Herrel 0 0 00 5 2 40 Jim Johnson 1 0 00 0 0 00 Hamstreet 0 0 00 0 0 00 Nutt 18 5 28 4 0 00 Totals 431 148 34 240 120 54 GAMES Shelton 49, Miller 37 Jefferson 36, Shelton 33 Shelton 39, Hoquiam 30 Shelton 49, Washington 38 Shelton 39, Washington 38 Miller 29, Shelton 24 Shelton 38, Centralia 34 Shelton 39, Hopkins 29 Hopkins 41, Shelton 31 Shelton 42, Centralia 32 Season record 8 wins, 3 losses 3 0 0.3 2 1 0.2 0 1 0.0 0 0 0.0 10 6 1.0 425 39.0 GLENDA'S AIRPORT IN & OUT Featuring 29 c Burgers Try our € Fish Basket! Fountain Service Operated by Carl & Glenda Ettlin Open Sunday to Thursday, 10 a.m. - 12 midnight Open Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m.. 3 a.m, • • , Orders to Go -., Phone 426-1456 Located next to Airport Grocery I , HI H 3t In Vietnam Bill Beman, a Shelton resident before entering the Army, is now serving in Vietnam, his sis- ter Mrs. Mary Coopride said this week. She said he intends to return to Mason County to make his home after completing his mili- tary service in August. He is serving with a tank unit. He has been awarded two Bronze Stars and the V Bar Commenda- tion for his service in Vietnam, his sister said. PAY HIS WAY? Let careless drivers pay the insurance rates tey deserve. Our Auto-Rite olicy gives sa£e drivers w, "safe driver" rates. o save yourself a lot of trouble and a fair amount o money. Drive safely, enjoy an Auto-Rite policy. A HGLE GEHCY Angle Building 401 Railroad 42.6-8272 F- 78- 14"-- 34.95 Excise tax included I III dl CUSTO (**": ' HITCHES 9.95-- 16.95 I I I IIIIII I I SHOCK OVERLOAD SPRINGS 5.95-- 7.95 (750 lb.) (1000 lb.) Load Levelers 29.95 pr. j II III Rebuilt Generators MOST12 VOLT 14.95 ex. I II I IIII ,DISCOUNT TO EVER, YONE Now Open ONE MILE EAST OF UNION THE CONSTRUCTION MEN ARE STILL HERE, but we're now open 7 days a week to serve your boating needs. Open YEAR AROUND. Monday thru, Thursday 9 to 6; Friday and Saturday, 9 to 7:30 and Sundays, 9 to 5. HOOD CANAL YACHT BASIH UNION, WASHINGTOH Storage Moorage Standard Oil Products Products are featured at dockside for your boating on Hood Canal. Wet moorage is now available at the Storage facilities are under construotion and will Service Shop Boat Lift Our boat lift will soon be in operation and wit handle loads to 8,000 pounds for launching and hauling out. Factory trained service experts are on duty in our well equipped service shop to handle engine problems. I II I III I Sales e Boats e Trailers Motors Sport Gear The outstanding, reliable names in the marine world will be found in our sales showroom. Select just the boat for you from Johnson, Century, Slickcraft, MFG, Checkmate High Performance, and Oslo class sailboats from Norway; Holsclaw trailers, motors from Johnson, OMC, and MerCruiser; Connolly water skis and gear, dinghys and salt water tackle for your enjoyment.