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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Jell-we!l Gelatins Nine 3-oz. C Pineapple Juice , Flavors Pkg. aLIF Cake Mixes Mrs. Wrightrs 18.oz. 9C :fl&apos;::yAroduct 44:::sS1 °° New Formula Pkg. LmiB <+>\> Family Flour AllPurpose Kitchen Craft lO00lobg 8 8 C Chunk Tuna Sea Trader Light Meat 4'00+°Zcans $1 °° Fruit Cocktail .*:uW: 5 "c+Z00 qua Lo Lani Crushed, J 13 RT-oz. sloe Pineapple Chunk or Tidbits . Cans or Whole Kernel Cream Corn ,o+++. Tomato Catsup .*o°W: More Sa/eway Values. r Highway Clings Peaches Hie. orS,+.. Pea rs town Hoo. Premium Bartlett Appl Town Sl00 esauce House 4 '*+'Jo,s Town I' ,.,+ ;o. S100 Asparagus Hoo.+co, ." Cans Garden- Tomatoes + 4+°zcans Sl00 Whole " ,owoHoo.. ,++o. Sl00 oeets Med+ o Cans Gr+n,,e$ Town  5 ,+co,. Sl00 Green Beans ,o+ Sl00 House 5 16oz Cons TOWN HOUSE 4+++::+ +'°° I Soups ++++o0, 39 ¢ I Tomato ! d € I '0/4a:Z" I U • , Chicken Needle, | Ch+le.el . Rice or Crenm | Vegetable l Of Chicken or l el hgm l Crelnm el l Wllk Imen J Mushr+om l 10 ], 4x. Cen l I0+ ], 4z. €.e I ]3IC I 15€ I 6 '6°z Sl°°co.s 5 "°z" SlO0 Btls. +o, 39  Grapefruit Juice.o+ Can Orange " " owoHo.e .oz. JUICesweetorNaturol Can 49 c Town House 46,oz Tomato Juice++omouo,,,+ con 29 + Apple Juice To+n House 4g-oz. In Decanter Btl. 39_ c Town House 40+oz Grape Juice InDeconter Btl, 49  Town House 40-oz. € Prune Juice InDeconter Bfl 49 Town House 46 oz Blended Juice o.uro, oo 47  C&H Sugar Powdered, Brown or Dark Brown 2::0025 c OPEN SUNDAY lOa.m, to 7 +n +,00 Beef Round Steak Margarine CarnOil 4 .;+.: 1 .. . Town House . 16-oz, $100 /omatoes S,eed ,9 Cons J Sauerkraut TZ 6 '';. SlO0 Corned Beef .o°, ';j 55 c £ . , I Town House 15 !4 -oz. .LC Ieet I'lasn Corned Can I'P I . I1 • Town House +12-oz. '#"C loast oeeT W,thGrovy Can ,3Y e, / ,, I Sea 16-oz. "TLI c I"lnK almon Trader Con / r I .1". i'./ • SeaTroder 4/a.oz+ d,,,, c .ot!€ nrJmp T,ny can 4/ Whole Oysters TrS:;er 8C°:n 39 c Salad Dressing creNaUm]ly :39 c IOround Chuck 00remium 69 c .. Quality lb. Sirloin Tip BoneleSs Beef $1 2 9 Ch°ice Stea k lb. U Pork Steak Loan--Meaty lb. V I r ( Frozen Food Special,,: Ice Cream Lucerne Chocolate, Vanilla, Neapolitan, Chaco- I' " • • I  n _1 Sky ark -€ late Marshmallow, Maple Nut, Butter Brickle,  a I S I n IN UT area a S,,ced , Mint Chocolate Chip, Macademio Nut, Straw- . ......  / berry, Strawberry Marble, Butterscotch Filbert , ,,I.4,, . J,' .... /w,rs. vvrgnr s JU For .. or Cherry Chocolate Chip UU///I lull I) In roly oag "-- ' Half 7nc Fresh Donuts P2d sewrrihrb 8 for2 White or 22 .o:. 7 Gallon U 7 V Whoa, toot O en Joy Bread Eskimo Kreme Cooler "'o, 59   / ,. " ttaltb and Beaut Aids. ,,o, (. "+; Ice Cream Bars c,;,;.:.. "o'. 59' C....c..,.-... ^,....:..:.. ,eu..r g7 ..,L ' . JUI'V'vty /"%3kJI/lll +' voJue JU  " "   -- -- v 6+ . 7 • Ice Cream Sandwich o,0 59 ,.. r .,. .. . so •  t/____ll • .,. aTeway/ootnpasTe o .n vugu,aaes in auce Safeway Toothbrushes '&" ';:,",9, Iol41r Sliced Groen lenes,__ __  Jel4ir Ires(lit & g . e • • - t • , , / Save BII. :--,.,,-,.,., n. ) .,,.,.,,,,..,, re.-nc batewav Mouth WaSh ;0, ,_. zO m,, i'l '" } l.€l..S.<e ekr.dlJ . " __ ' 0  Ileltw )oe. 9-0,. Pkg.  I' )  T-.. I.. r" : .. _ C L. ..... +2+_ TM +" -€ /' ___ I , U , JIF'Jtc €--:--___L .C,+omSo. ¢ /IUIV /111% @IlUlIlUUU uc . u • .,,rany= Juoce + LL oHm°an Ibl.ok|Ool. pkg ZY " +Dr' .... Multi le P0 y7 • " LhewaoTe P of " 1 Tater Tr t 4. Sl Safeway Vntamnns Sav.+ Grape Juice o,'; 6 ;°; $ ea s o, '+:i (cCOPYRIGHT 1960. SAFEWAY STOR:S. INCORPORATED Royal Satin Shortening ure ,, Vegetable Con 59 c Sno-White Table Salt ,o+oor +So. ,od,.+ .g 10  Black Pepper C+wn Co'onYGround 33 Safeway Coffee Pre-Ground l-lb. 2-1b, bag $1.25 Bag 65  Edwards Coffee """*'. ,+,b -,.. o co. 71  • .r i Oranges J Apples GNr:TenSImdhlb. 29+ } :: ;'v ::.:::.'"'1 1 € I Squash .:",°::'o, + 19 + lb. II • Otis ' t +, ............ I Spunach st.: p 2Bah, 29 Tender Be?t Greens 2ao,,.29  Roasted Peanuts 'E. ,. 49 | Bunch Radishes ," 2 ...19  Spring Carrots '': 'p 2 . 29 € Green Onions ,n 2 .o...19  Lime Juice ...m. 2 .o. 35  Po 12 - Sholton-Muon County Journal - Thursday, June 5, 1969 White Magic Bleach ForCIothes Liquid Detergent Mag,cWhite O.s,.. 45 c Dishwashing Cam .... .Swh,,.M+c.n IIUllU 35-oz. size 441,7 White Magic Spray Starch o. can55 c Fabric Softener wh..M+ a. For Cla+., s,,. 5 7c Brocade Pkg. Deodorant Bar Soap ,oo,,Bag o,+49  B-oz. OKc Ctn. ,L/ 15-oz. C,n. 39  B-o,,7Oc Pkg./7 Pt. On25  Half pi., 29 c Ctn 99  Lucerne Yogurt .,a.,ee Flavors Lucerne Gelatin Salads "'" Varieties Parmesan Cheese o,.,ne Grated Lucerne Cereal Blend .on Dairy Lucerne Whipping Blend ,,on Dairy Blossom Time Milk .aoo.o,.. Fresh d Ido'l Nu Ma e Sa a n '4::39* d -n o Man arn ranges ::::. 5'=Sl °° Dairy-Delicatessen Values. Household Values/ Safe- C White 49-0z. C Sharp Cheddar Cheese o, +.89 Heavy Dut X Detergent Mag,c .g+49 Mild or C White 49-0z. c Safeway Club Cheese +..e.ta + 79 Low-Suds Detergent ag+c + 49 Choice of Liquid Gal. Size 38 c Busy Baker Saltines ':,':. =25 c M . ,, F,u,-Pu,, ,o+;; 23' arsnmallOWS Miniature ". r" __ k I'' I Busy Baker Vani' a 2:!-" 49` r-resn rig oars or. WholeWheot I',; • sa,e+oy :315  Lucerne Canned Milk Prrduct - 15.o,. $1 00 D ---L r,.., it- _1 egular Live "lr Can loocn i.,/1( fJoa orChi'cken If" , --. .v +o.,o./7 € " Ozark pkg' Lharcoal grnquets Brand Cut Up Fryers o%%n +39' ", Fresh Halibut Roast +59' Sliced Bacon So fe -?;s N;I'.:  any Ib" 75' Beef Rump Roast u:+: + _,,9B' D___l___ n___. okShou,.rCu, /V' . .. , ,o,.+, ++.59 Beef Roast'+?c,?:'; 89c 15mogna r,++, ;,., " +, % eo les C - - sate*or r ,el -r-- it +, Beef Stew 0°0++ , 89 Salam +,.,+,..o oa, .o,,.,*,, :h .... 98 " O,o, too.. '=,': 0  Smoked Sausage Beef Steak  ...... ++ + 1 Lnnks 0'  C * " Breaded • I1 - Ground Round ,. 89 Fsh Stucks ..+r.,.,+ .1o' , • Cho.ce C " d .. t- Short Rbs .., ,, 35 Kppered Co %