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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ / / Moose Lodge D elegul00 To Go To Chicago Convention Jl Trustee George Doak of Shel- ton Moose Lodge No. 1684 will serve as delegate €o the gist an- nual international convention of the I.z)yal Order of Moose at MOOSEHI;:ART, June 29 and in Chicago on June 30 through July 3. IIis wife Arlene is to receive her College of Regents Award and her robe. They will be among more than 8,000 Moose men and women attending the convention and the conference of the Women of the Moose. i:ve major activities have been scheduled for the opening day at the Moose City of Children. These include the conferring of the College of Regents degree at 11 a.m• in th field house and the Pilgrim Degree of Merit in the House of God at noon. A gigantic roast beef buffet will be served to all registered con- ventioneers from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Grand opening of the con- vention will begin at 2:30 p.m. at the stadium with Supreme Governor Cecil D. Webster presiding. This will be fol- lowed by a special Mooseheart children's pageant presented by Supt. Walter H• Ketz and his staff. Last, and probably most im- portant, durin.g the day conven- tioneexs will have the opportun- ity to view the newly renovated Baby Village and to inspect the progress being made in Moose- heart Modernization Program. i i j LOWREY Organs & Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Johnny's Music Box Open 'tll 8:30 p.m. Wed. & Thurs. 206 CoLa 426-4302 Byrd, shop-foreman at Camp Grisdale. Master of ceremonies at the awards dinner will be ttans Rotz, logging safety super- visor and an address will be given by David James, vice president-public affairs, Seattle. Also attending the affair will be Egbert Pearson, state super- visor of safety and Herbert Mur- ray, local safety representative both from the Washington State Department of Labor and In- dustries. The :11 truck drivers from Simoson's Camp Grisdale log- ging camp in Grays Harbor and nine men from Camp Covey, awards for ocle year to 15 years of safe driving. Andrew Aarhtts completed a 15 year safe driv- ing record being top man from Grisdale whiel Ernest Lawson's IS year record from Camp Gov- ey topped all the Simpson truck drivers in total years of safe driving. Truck drivers from Simpson'a Barnes, sawmills, with a 12 year safety record and Virgil Miller of the Insulating Board Plant posting a two year record. Steak House NQh at Kn¢nd Center or Ranger Station • Shelton Special! POUND STUK h ' of Potatoes, Soup, Salad and Dessert '2.15 er, Mrs. Frank Risher of Port Orchard; a brother, Robert Rish- er of Be[fair; and several aunts and uncles. Girls Service Organization Girls from the North Mason area are invited by he Brcmcr- ton YMCA to take part in the nation wide Girls Service Or- ganizati,n. GSO is an organi- zation of single girls between the ages of 17 and 30 who part- icipate along with the YMCA as a hostess for dances, pic- mcs, chef nigls, game nights and all around fun. This is an excellent opportunity to meet a special girl is crowned Girl of the Month in recognition of her oufstanding service• In Feb- ruary one girl is selected to reign as Girl of the Year. Along with this honor comes recogni- tion by the community through newspaper coverage, riding in a special float at the Armed Forces Parade and being a special representative to all GSO functions and the national convention held each summer. A formal dance is held for the Girl of the Year and there is also a summer formal and special dances for holidays. WEEKEND Prloes good Thursday through Saturday Only. III / I KINDNESS 14 INSTANT I I .A,. szrTm S @1 O@ I • By Clairol ONLY" AIIIIO Scented Sachet Hangers by Celebrity Royal Stationery. Boxed. In Mod Assorted Colors and Patterns MAALOX Regularly $1.59 99 ¢ Limit I per customer NOW Kindness 20 Instant Hair Setter byClairol 9 . Men's and Women's Wallets by Enger Kress Neil's Pharmacy 5fh & Franklin 426-3327 .ms $23,500. be used for maintenance of the i Serving Mason County Continuously Since 1950 The commission also decided Be[fair Public library• ,.,,.. = = -= =_ = = eD.9,. EELLS & VALLEY !:!!ii!!:: up to TRADE IN ON YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR ] !]i] ,,co, s,..,. APPLIANCES • ,JOIN THE BIG REFRIGERATOR SPECIALS! Custom "200" Series Model CTF217H BE]B TV • STEREO • FURNITURE Thur: helton-Mason Count' Phone 4 Iournal 13 con- to at- will meting. hall the pre- Cbha- were cast• al blue and wh'te gowns and to vali- became the eighth official grad- uating class of North Mason Will meet High School. Drivers Honored  Accidelnf t 1: o, Records  .,pany who ,.'ne a:. n total, 155 i nVlng to their =  Presented t ,,' op-foreman " and L. Keith ' ::['-' : : = : : :--'--" : :AID: = : "I! " i THINK A HEARING I WON' i " W ! DON'T GIVE UP[ i , i ........ •  ! a Many people once thought to be beyond the help of hearing aid CAN be helped to hear more clearly with THIS IS AN ARTIST S DRAWING of what the are those which are l)art of the new construe- include new classrooms to replace the present  one of the New Beltones. Let us give you a FREE elec- Will look like. The areas shaded in the drawing  Come to see our representative 000 School : ;pecial Levy Is Voted Down i Mr. Harry Bodenschatz , r I1  i at Eells and Valley Appliance Center I I again June 9 to discuss what RISHER SERVICES the country and make new In order to become a member to raise camping fe(-s to $1.75 I FRIDAY, JUNE ,th I t =e $197000 financial measures must be tak- Funeral services were held servicemen from all parts of of the GSO interested girls are for tents and $2.25 for trailers. If0 el Dist"rmt en for the 1969-70 school year. for PFCClarence I ..... Risher 19 friends among the many• girls asked to contact David IL'. Wil- CRUTCltE8 NEEDED  ben 10 a=m= and 1 p=m. it eated Mav nwrts M&nl g,.wlnll&qPllt! of Belfair, June 3 in Fort Wor- now currently belongmg to GSO. son, Bremerton YMCA Program Belfair Fire Chief Bill De- !Tta I Voter --nr _._z_,,,w;, ,,; ..... ,,.,,,,,; .......... o -- s,-,---'" den, Port Townsend. Risher All events are. well .chal)er°ned• . Director,. . at ES. .7"3741'. ,f°r an Metro has asked that c.itizens $ and ] ,,. f .... T' ', was killed in combat in Vietnam and have recewed many a par- mtervmw. Afte attendmg three who borrowed crutches from the ' 4 voted ...... " ..... -" May 12 He was born Oct 12 ental approwd, funetmns as a guest of the GSO Fire I)epartment please return  t, ' --.- :,,e, n •, ............ Mason H,, h ' , cnoot lviay z5. peaKers [or me .... .. . , . • t' levy, while evening included students Dave 1949 in Pasco and attended Besides entertaining service- g,rls may apply for membersh,p, them.•.The crutches are loaned, , a ' thuya pre- Fisher valedictorian' S a n d v North Mason Ihgh Sch':ol I)e- men at YMC'A functions the BELFAI]g STATE PARK to residents free of charge along cent nee, - .......... , fore entermg the army , , ....... The State Parks and Recrea- wth other equq)mcnt hke wheel EARING AIDS )4- l, [uery, saJulaTo'lan; a(] Gralg .... girls will De pardcipatmg In • . huya pre- Becker ',,den ,,,m, ,-reHdent He is survived by his mother .. ............. ;_ ,, .... . . tion Commiee purchased ajoin- chmrs and h(slntal bowls. rail per- Guest speaker was Thomas G. Mrs. William Gwin of Japan, make-up and hair care. Mere- mg acreage to the Beffair State BOOKER'S BAZAAR  Daniel E. Bruner. Certified Hearing Aid Audiologist Per cent Pirmock .,mervisor to the Divi- " his father Francis Risher :IX of hare reooivc ,)oints for the num- lark May 26. The properw was The Booker's Bazaar will fen- Per cent sion of'Juvenile Rehabilitation. Richland;' his uncle, William ter-of imurs'they'work'on var- l)urchased from Mr. and Mrs. ture Baked Goods this Friday  106 E 4th Avenue, Olympia 357-3521 Students wore the tradition- Risher of Belfair: a grandmoth- ious committees and each month Richard H. Baertschiger for and Saturday. All proceeds will