June 5, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Hood Canal School:
,L,,. ,, ,, , ,, ,,i , ,.
Classroom Work Is Being
Completed Here This Week
. Teachers are winding up the
year's classwork tomorrow. Next
week will be used for tests,
checking in of library and class-
room books, cleaning of lockers,
paying fines, and fimdly Krad-
uation for the ninth graders.
This week Miss Jones' ninth
grade English finished a unit on
"Great Expectations". A film
was shown in conjunction with
the story.
Miss Jones' eighth grade girls
are closing out a home econo-
mics project in sewing of skirts
and blouses while the ninth
grade girls are completing their
dress and blouses.
The seventh grade drama
class is doing some oral read-
M r s. McDowell's seventh
grade science class azl Mr.
Johnson's eighth grade science
class are viewing special fllnm
dealing with outer space. Their
space mitts are of special inter-
est because of last week's moon
flight which they saw on TV.
Mrs. McDowell's seventh
grade art class is working on
natural scenes drawn in pastels.
Tomorrow will be a field day
at the junior high. Students
ed. June I1-$1.50 car load]
ing Kong vs. Godzilla,' I
Champagne Murders"
:,flxatld come dressed to enjoy
themselves. As was stated be-
fore, pets are to stay hem.
Teachers will start to check
text books for unnecessary da-
mage. Fine slips will be made
out and turned into the office
before June 6. Students must
pay fines before school is out.
This year's district family out-
lng will be held at the John
Pill home after sch()l tomorrow.
fore, pets are to stay home.
Parents please have your
children bring home all the gear
they have taken" to school and
deposited there. The janitors will
be most indebted to you for this.
The Bookmobile people have
reported to us that there are
nearly 200 books still not check-
ed in to them. Please look
around the house and return
any school library or regional
library books you may find at
Senator Robert "Bob" ILidder,
Democrat, 35th District, King
Cotmty will be graduation speak-
er at the Hood Canal ninth
grade graduation next Wednes-
day at 8 p.m. June 11 in the
H(x)d Canal Gym. The ninth
grade class has Debbie East-
gard as valedictorian and Jan
Goodpaster as salutatorian. Ma-
ny other awards will be given
as well as chairman of the
school Board, Charles Linder
giving out the graduation dip-
Ridder, In the 1969 Legislature
prolx)Sed, the number of school
districts in Washington be cut
from 339 to between 130 and
150. Mason County, under the
plan of Sen. Ridder, would have
been one. school district. The
bill died in committee after a
full house hearing held in the
The Kindergarten class had a
field trip to the zoo and aquar-
ium at Pt. Defiance last Tues-
day. The children, parents and
prschooler spent the entire
day enjoying .the antics of the
mdmals and the excellent dis-
plays of marine life. Those par-
ents attending the trip were
Mesdames ttarry Coles, Don Cu.
Ilk. Joan Friedman. l.)arrell Ho-
gan, Bill Hunter, Richard Done,
IIalu)ld Drake:, Tom Pulsifcr and
Gerald Richart plus the teachers
Mesdames Jack Grubb and John
Pill. One brief rain shower was
the only thing tha kept the trip
from being a perfect outing. A
sincere thanks to all who help-
FOUR YOUNG PEOPLE from the local Assembly of God
Church will be members of the Northwest Youth Choir
which will travel across the U.S. and into Canada on tours
this summer. Left to right are Kenneth Kempton, Beverly
Brenn, Melody Lyon and Mergene Lyon. The young peo-
ple will be divided into two groups, one going throughout
the Northwest United States and parts of Canada and the
other along the Eastern Seaboard from Boston to South
Carolina. Mergene Lyon will be on the eastern tour and
the other three on the northwest tour. The tours start
June 11 and conclude July 3. They are part of a group of
120 young people who will be taking part in the choirs.
Shelton High School:
Graduation, Senior Party Scheduled For Tonight
Graduation will be held to-
night in the High School Gym-
nasium starting at 8 p.m.
Afterwards the Senior Class
Party will be held at Top of
the Ocean in Tacoma, start-
ing at 11 p.m. with a by.fret
suPinr. There will be games,
and snacks provided. The Sweet
Rolle will provide entertainment
and music.
Top of the Ocean is a cruise
boat which was redone and
moored in Tacoma.
The party was plann(l by the
Seniors' l)arents and the class
Bus transportation will be pro-
vided but those wishing to drive
ary M. Knigh¢ Honors
Hare As Teacher Of Year
By DENISE AVERY plan to return to teach here
' next year," he said.
This year Mary M, Knight Born and raised in Philadel-
got out of the gTOOVe. We else- phia, Pa., Hare attended and
ted a "Teacher of the Year." graduated in 1967 from Andrews
This contest was not based en- University, Berrion S p r i n g s,
tirely on popularity, but on ac- Mich., majoring in zoology and
complishment with the students, minoring in chemistry.
John A. Hare, teacher of jun- He taught one year at Star
lor high and high school sci. CommonweaRh for Boys, a
ences, has been chosen "Teach- school for emotionally disturb-
er of the Year". ed boys.
Hare is married and has no
Since this is Hare's first children. He Likes sports and
year here he was very stir- hiking.
prised and happy to be chosen. He decided to move to the
"I am very appreciative of Northwest because he thought
the warm reception the students he would like it here, which
here have given me, and I he does very well.
Baccalaureate was held June 1
in the Shelton Gymnasium
at 7 p.m.
This was held for all seniors
who wished to attend and their
The Mason County Ministrial
Association planned and organ-
ized the event.
May 29 the seniors of '69 left
SHS forever. They left amlds
loud stomping and laughter yet
there was a twinge of sadness
as they departed from our halls.
Now they are headed for new
horizons which they can con-
A Key Club Banquet was
held at the Hood Canal Women's
Club May 28.
The Banquet was free and to
all Key Club members.
Karen Burgess was named
Girl of the Year at the Award
Assembly May 27. She was
elected from the girls who had
been elected Girl of the MonCh.
The spring sports letters were
given at the awards assembly.
They included gulf, track, base-
ball and tennis.
The GAA (Girls' Athletic A
sociation) and Scarlet S lettem
were also given out.
The new members for the
Honor Society were given their
membership cards and the
sophomores eligible were tap-
The last event of the awards
assembly was the naming of
next year's Pep Staff. They are:
Yell Leaders: Karen Cole, Deb-
by Cox, IAnda Krebs and Deb-
hie Rae; Song Queens: Terri
Bostrom, Chris Systma, Mary
Tabor and Diana Willianmon.
This years Pep Staff included
Yell Leaders Karen Cole, Cheryl
Fleenor, Francie Rice and San-
dy Steenson; Song Queens Los-
Lee Einarsson, Marilyn Okano,
Mary Tabor, and Janlce Witterr-
berg; and Yell Kings Dave
Steinbeck, Doug Wright and
Wayne Sushack.
:: :
Monday Ouiet After
Weekend On Hood
By NANC' VRAHNOS with Mrs.
UNION -- Monday was a Mr. and Mrs.
very quiet day comatmred to the delightfully
weekend. There was he con- Bingley and
stant buzz of the boats on the children drove
way to €.he tide flats and back, They had a
there wasn't a minute that went missed Mrs.
by but what there was a vehi-
not come
cle on the hi.ghway. The tide tng.
flat looked like a crowded beach
on a hot summer day. The only
thing missing was the big beach
umbrella set up to offer shade.
The weekend gave us a taste
of the summer to come.
The weekend meant different
things to different people. Some
stayed home and worked in WED." 7
their yards. Some took advan-
tage of the fine weather and FRI.-T'J0
the minus tides.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce Bat.- 11
and friends Mr. and Mrs. ,Tim
Eaoff of Bremerton one day 1 :$0 p.m. " 4
went out onto the tla for the 8 p.m,- 11
elusive Geoduc. I was the first
time the Eaoffs had gone Goe- 8N." 1
during and were thrilled with
the experience. The couples al-
so brought in their limit.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aldrich
and family with two friends Olvrnpll
came out to the canal by
cruiser and spent the weekend
Bessie and Steve Hale of the
Hoodsport Market Center at HoodS"
port, extend sincere thanks to their
many friends and customers over ths
past 23 years and welcome the new
owners, Neoma and Gib Frisken of
---Bessie & SteVe
Hoodsport Market center
the top quality Latox wag .00int
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Save now on Wallhide Latex Wall
Paint at this never-before low, low pricel
it's the one-coat flat wall paint. No
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Top-quality 9-inch roller and
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1332 Olympic Hwy. S. 426.4S22
Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 5, 1969
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