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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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hHeaon School: . Exerc,ses Held For Sen,ors Last Week &apos;Ira_life'me" was th J N. Horsely, Pat Hasten, Lin- were awarded to Teresa Shirk. senti their president, Eileen San- awards assembly also. First I,llingham this last weekend. ,r Jmw'sc=-nt ex-e dy Kelley, Gene Kortman, Bill Crdv, . Betkor ..... w*ls awarded the de to the leadership conference, place to Craig. Becker for the I,yle" Vtn,rd, re, t),ts( ntd" ,."   NM in ,nc ex: Landram Gaylord Monweller faculty f,rensics award Steve on Vashon Island. There are second straight year Second the hundred ard dash eve I |'',  mn ...... ne Randy Maraca Terry M(×)re. Rose won the .... f'tculty music four other leaderhip conferences., place• went to Joel Fortner and ,'rod Thcron Harder .... rt presented lib gY asmm ....... Sargent, Ron Sharer, M i k e f the Class Smith, Mike St:mac, George on a Stolz, Jr., Bill Timm, Rick Val- from Ray ley, Ray Watson, David Weeg- of the man, Ron Wright, Vicki Barber, BOard, in Nancy BaseR, Noreen Black- the public well, Cathy Bullock, Barbara Card, Sharon Davis, Sandi Flea- were ry, Chris Jesfield, Bonnie Lewis, San- Carol Keyes, Wanda Matthews, Craig Sally Metzler, Kathy Miller, c°uncll presi- Dorothy Pruitt, Sharon Ricka- (3. Pirmock, baugh, Carlene Risker, S u e Division of Schiller, Jane Seyler, Jean Sey- ler, Terri Shirk, Shirley Smith, was the Johanna Thompson, and Connie class Wells. diplomas Scholarships awarded w e r e gradutates of Valedictorian award, and Salu- '60, and '61, tatorian award which went to Was the first Dave Fisher and Sandi Fleury. from North Dave Fisher also won the fac- an accredited ulty's leadership award, the Readers Digest Award, the graduates wore Bausch and Lamb s c i e n c e . The 23 award, and the Rayonier Foun- seniors dation Scholarship for $750 a and white year, renewable for four years Caps each of of college. satall gold '69 Connie Wells and Jeff Allen were honored with the Beffalr the Fire Department and Auxiliary , Parkwood Citizenship Award. or a party Steve Bunting was awarded The the faculty service award, Ever- ltovided by green Garden Club scholarships Department ($75), Beach(:omber Garden Club Scholarship {$75), and the St. graduates Gabriel Church scholarship of Michael $250. John The faculty journalism and Steve Bunt- drama awards, Thurston County Warren Medical Auxiliary Scholarship ]bar- ($200), and Shelton General Hos- Is Planned For Students Next Week I(KNI%'IBA Mona Brown field came Sun- (lay ffternoon and spent the day June 11 the with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Schuffen- teachers will bauer, Christine, Nancy, Rod flay for all and Carol Marie. Mr. and M. Kenneth Archer" eltlb Will meet and Mrs. and Mrs. Johnny hQnle of Alma Spencer, Tony and Shane spent Sunday on Hood Canal. was held at Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson May 21. and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Glen on lap Kratcha, Michael and Shelley, home. John Kratcha and Mr. and Mrs. was a Ray Kratchna spent Saturday on leeting. Hood Canal claming. guests of Lord and moth - Floyd and Mrs. Ella Jean came and were and 0( Centra, aunt Mrs. Vern her Mason Education Association Scholarship ($150). Mike Stimac was awarded the North Mason Kiwanis Acitivities Award, and the Belfair Bee scholarship ($100). Sandi Fleury also received the North Mason Kiwanis Activities Award. Johanna Thompson and Nor- cen Blackwell both received scholarships to Mr. ee's Beau- ty School in Bremerton. Jane Seyler received t h e North Mason Girls' Club scholar- ship ($100} and Delta Kappa Gamma scholarship ($150). Rich- ard Hoskinson was awarded the North Mason Education As- sociation scholarship ($150). The North Mason PTA Vocational scholarship of $100 was awarded to Pon Sharer. The Hood Canal Masonic Lodge handed out awards to three outstanding junior girls and three junior boys. Trophy awards of pen sets were award- ed to Chuck Millard, Nikki Wolfe, Jim Kowalczyck and Ei- leen Sande. The honor society chess tour- nament is finally over. Trophies were handed out at the awards assembly to the five winners. First place went to Craig Beck- er, senior, for the second year in a row. Second place went to Joel Fortner, junior. Third place went to John Horsley. Fourth place went to Jack Ridge, jun- ior. Mike Saffer, senior won fifth place. The best actress and best ac- tor awards were passed out last Tuesday afternoon during the as- sembly. The awards again this year, went to seniors. There is no special rule saying they must be given to seniors but they usually do. These awards are voted on by members of the two plays held during the year. This year the gold trophies went to Dave Fisher, senior, for Ms role in "Enter Laughing" the senior play. Terri Shirk, senior, won the best actress award for her portrayal of Dave's mother in the same play. Both Dave and Terrl have been in several other plays dur- ing the past four years. This year the student council elected to send next year's ASB president to the leadership con- fernce at Seabeek. Dave Ma- comber accepted the honor at the awards assembly. WE WILL BE OPEN AND BUYING HUCK- SALAL THROUGH THE TIP SEASON out the state. Horn. The last day of school is June The national math test awards NM had two representatives 11. Washington Evergreen Co. "H" & Monroe St., Shelton 426°4313 i / ,Our Plymouth is the only car in its Class with Unibody constructmn. Rather than just a body "Otted to a frame. Fury III 2-Door Hardtop )) ¢ Hygra de Eo|ogna at salami Ib pkg PAPI TOWELS "SHASTA" White Paper Towels 190 Ct. PKG. C & H Brand "The Finest Qu) ity Always,, n t miss this savings RI 00FRIG. ¢ BISCUITS "PILLSBURY" Buttermilk or Ballard Variety ¢ 8 oz. TUBE SUHKIST ORAHGES Large Size ¢ For . . . . i Table Tops, Mirrors, Alum,num Sash, Shower and Tub Doors, : Storm Doors and W,ndow Glass Replacements of all kinds See . . . SHELTON GLASS CO. ': 710 Cedar • Leroy Dale • 426-1152 Call for Free Estimates , | "Sweet" rg .u.,., 49 € DETERGENT O,a.* Size GREEN,,,F GreenGiantFrench Cut 5/99* -.-..- o, Kit°,°° 0 Sliced tin Niblets KERNEL Who,o Kernel CORN 12 OZ tin 5/99* CREAMED CORN roe.17 ozGiantsize 5/99 € SWEET PEAS Green G'ant o t,n 5/99' HALEY'S CHILI Regular' or .o, 67' 72 oz, FACIAL TISSUE .,,o,, s,, Oo,or, 0o o, ..g 4/99' BARTLETT PEARS oonti 8r.,,d o. 'i: t,,. 3/99' ICED TEA MIX Nestea with Lemon 0 t, , 79' ALUM. FOIL Warovor ,*thro 22' CREAMED HONEY Silver BOW 49 ¢ 20 oz size CORN OIL M=zo,a g., 52.48 LIQ. CLEANER orm,,.,0, 2 oz 77 < (Half Gallon $1.38) size CORNED BEEF "'Y'" ozt,. 59' LYSOL CLEANER o,,e*.owl 6 o= ie 48 € DOG FOOD P.,,.e Var,o,y So,, Mo,t $1.39 48' DOG CHOW Purina 10 Ih Bag FABRIC FINISH Vane sl, ra, 7¢ off 20 oz size HIGHLAND COFFEE (,,, ,. 0 S 1.28 (3 lb tin $1.89) 2 Ih ten . "o*m, o.*",=  CHRYHLER hiest ad w .m...-.- vantage: the unbeatable deal we have for you. WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES KIMBEL MOTORS, INC. * M , * 707 S. First Sf., Shelfon, Wash. . .,M ,o.'rsR..wo . j STORE HOURS Men. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m.: ; p.m. flrr Friday ......................... 9 a.m. p.m. Saturday:. ................... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 00IPlA , rsday, June 5, 1969 County Journal Pag , .5 m