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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Harstlne: Was recently presented to Gnl S(  )   t¢ 63&apos;4 area. by the local VFW Auxili:try. Tim by the leaders of the Scout group. Left / ++ lht School: ( to right are Mrs. Irene Goldsby and Mrs. Mirja lh'idges, Scout leaders, and Mrs. Maggie egg and Mrs. Beulah liar- risen, VFW Auxiliary representatives. Take Four.Day Trip To Vancouver Island Island Didn't Sink Or Sag From Weekend Crowds PAINTER left early By CARaMEN YATES sas, and into Nebraska where they stopped for a visit wih • HARSTINE --- Although the Mrs. Townsend's father at Hyan- Island was heavily invaded both by car and boat we're happy to report that it apparently didn't sink. (didn't even settle) or crack or even list noticeably when all the traffic lined up at the ferrylanding to leave Sun- day evening. I,:ven the holes much too num- erous to count dug all along the outer perimeters of the /S- land by ardent seafood lovers after the various wlrieties of clams and the elusive geoducks didn't seem to affect the buoy- an(..v of our Ishmd. And people were sure coming out of the woodwork 1(> take a(twmtage of the series of extremely low tides which oerm'ed all three days. Those same low tides also ran some interference with the ferry scimdules. The broken ramps at low tide make it im- possihle to get off the ferry if the schedule happens to occur at the same time of a run. And lest there be any doubt these figures should convince the most skepti<'al of our readers. The ferry hauled 651 assorted types of transportation over the three day period. And breaking that figure down we find 194 for Friday; 250 on Saturday and nis. From there they headed west through Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon and back to Washington and to Shelton and home. Down Ballow way Frances Madge had as her weekend guest her close friend, Lois Let- dig of Portland. Saturday at the Hitchcock home their son, Lyle schmid. and his family and some friend Down at the Hole-in-the-Wall spending the past year attend- son has a new granddaughter. ing the University of Stanford The proud new parents are Dor- in Florence, Italy. Also out was othy and Phil Chapman. The Mary Adams. Pete Duffield on- new addition, not yet named, at- joyed the weekend at his folks rived June 2 at 2:35 p.m. and cabin. The Otto Goldschmids weighed in at 10 pounds, one were happy to have their two ounce. She joins two sisters and college age daughters, Lisa and two brothers. Johanna with them for the hoU- Four students well-known to days. Also joining them was most /slanders are graduating Otto's mother, Mrs. Gus¢i Gold- this year. Thursday, will see Ed Waite of the Island and the Bar- nett twins, Phil and Dave of of theirs from Olympia arrived by boat for a picnic. The Lloyd Goodwins took their cruiser, the Achates and joined two other couples, the Howard Yules on their boat, the Yule Seas anti the Bill Mallows on their boat the Impulse for a cruise to Port Ludlow where they spent the major part of the weekend an- chored in a 'jewel' of a cove which is being developed by the Pope and Talbot Co. They dug clams and pryed oysters from the banks and had a wonderful seafood cookout together. Celia Glaser had all her Washington children home for the holiday weekend, with son Dick from Shelton, son Joe from Bremer- almost without exception every property owner was on the Is- land for the holiday weekend. Out of the approximately 150 or so owners there were only about three or four who couldn't make it this past weekend. And although there probably were about 500 people in the pool over the weekend if one was to count the in and outs individ- ually, the Crafts reported that the pool was never really what could be considered crowded at any time with only about 30 in at any one time. The Lindberg family down at the Lagoon had 43 friends and relatives at their place alone. Coming the great- est distance were Frances and 207 on Sunday, making the mid- vacancies of the grandchildren Seattle, Shirley Craft's mother, die day, surprisingly, the bus- that couldn't make it to the Is- spent a few days with the Crafts test one of all. Anti one count hind on this particular weekend, last week. Shelton all graduate at Shelton ttigh. Then next week Suzan Glazer will graduate from Lin- coln High in Tacoma on Tues- day evening. Incidentally, the High School Choir honored Phil Barnett by presenting him with their Inspirational Trophy. A week ago yesterday Ilene Cruikshank flew up from Moun- tain View, Calif. This past Mon- day she returned to California. The trip was to consult with her husband, Jack on the house they are building across the road from Ilene's brother, Jim Mc- Auliffe. Abou mid-July she and the children will be moving to the Island permanently, water Marine exhibit and oth,,r to be out of touch with the The total amount ()f news places of interest. They pic- social reality and served to nicked anti listened to a band ostracize him and his group from ton, daughter, Helen Franich Allen Bacon of Monterey, Calif. On the Southwest end of the from Taconm and daughter, Mar- The Bacons are spending a bliss- Island a goodly number of the garet Simmons from Olympia fully quiet week this week follow- property owners migrated from and most of their families, ing the bustling holiday week- the cities, some with friends to School friends filled some of the end. Mrs. Ann Condow, of spend a leisurely weekend re- concert in Beacon Park; had meals in restaurants of inter- est, swam, went I)owling, and on the final night saw a pro- duction of "My Fair Lady." May 29, the High School at- tended the play, "Shelley", at Govern- the University of Washington. Parliament The play expressed ideas some- But- what akin 1() our IllOre ;iI'i('u- s, Mdme. Tus- late college students' ides; , the under- though Shelley's ideas proved e(hlca- ncouver Island. ferry route Juan Islands by boat Port An- htxing at their summer homes. Albrecks, and Bakers. The Bar- nett family was joned by Dor- othy's brother, Bill and his wife from Portland. The two families enjoyed lots of boating over the weekend. T h e y traveled to Mudd Bay, Carolyn Bay, into Olympia for a bit of shopping, a trip clear around t{atine and Steamboat Islands. Saturday Elaine and Bob Ire- land and the youngsters, j()ined by Bob's sister and her family from Everett called on Elaine's mother, Claire Wingert for sev- eral hours. of the boats in Jarrell's Cove Down at :Island Shores a good The Aria Wingerts had their that were literally beach to share of the l)roperty owners oldest daughter, Lena Tober and heach Iotalled approximately were on the scene. The Prestons her family from Vashon with 125. Itowever, any number could of Auburn moved a mobile home them over the weekend. Kath- be correct as the boats were to their newly acquired lot, 17- arine accompanied them as far constantly on the move making B just prior to the Holiday as Vashon and then went on into it difficult to get a truly accu- weekend. Johnny and Lucille Seattle for her first visit with rate count. About 60 Ix)Ms were Johnson have been spending the her newest grandson. The new counted at the State Park on past few weeks since they at- baby is the son of Lewis and S(luaxin island, rivd getting their lot on the Melita Wingert. About the middle second addition ready for their of the week Arlo will drive to Johnson, Rex C. Nell, Sandra that is available on a weekend mobile home. They left this Seattle to pick up his wife, Anne Perkins, Judith Ann Spring- such as this past one is almost week to go to I_mita, Calif. to Katharine. er, Kenneth James Stodden, News just came that Lee Carl- they s a w Soggy Thursday Night hto A Sueny Friday soc, iety. The conclusion portrayed the (lestruction of an ostracized idealist. May 29 there was a public hearing on the preliminary bud- get. Sunday at 8 p.m. baccalaure- ate services were held in the library. The Rev. Robert Cary What a even- like a got rained us went camp- to get and its SOme of us the rain. Not and like to take this opportunity to bags. offer get well wishes to him. chang. We hope to see him out in the first Thurs- sun soon enjoying the retire- SOme of us ment that he has most defin- er the next itely earned. The Hales would , Thursday like all of their friends to know because by how much they have greatly ap- weather preciated the special attention Change of they .have received during camp- Hales struggle with his health. a sym- The store has been purchased now by Mr. and Mrs. Gib Frisken when who 'also own the Airport Gro- camp cery in Shelton. glory Millo's Diner has also chang- sub- ed hands recently. Mr. and Mrs. week Joel Heinbigner of Hoodsport grind, have been the new managers mg day. for three weeks now. The only to change under the new manag. Would ment will be that the hours are ct of the now from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. the pub- The Shumates celebrated Pa's Bible to each graduate from the Christian Youth organization. June 2 there was a Student Council meeting at 8:50 a.m. and class meetings at 9:30 a.m. June 3, grades 1 - 4 took a fish, sea urchins, and anything fieht trip by train to Point De- among the rocks on the beach, fiance. There was an awards After 23 years Hales Market assembly at 2:30 p.m. has changed hands as of the June 6, Commencement exer- first of the month. Mr. and Mrs. cises will begin at 8 p.m. in Stephen Hale are retiring from the school gymnasium. Those the grocery business and will who will be graduating are be the first tenants in the new Betty Louise Armstrong, Cyn- apartments on the school house this Iverson Brehmeyer, David hill. tIale, as of this writing, Lewis Clevenger, Harl Dana De- fires. Some is in the hospital and we would meree, Karl Reed Demeree, Mar- uncoml)reh,'nd:dfle. But we'll make it ready to bring to Har- Frances Helene Trimble and try to touch hriefly each major stine where they plan to make Cathy Darlene West. area of the Isalnd. And inbe- their permanent home. Judith Ann Springer and San- tween we'll san(iwich the indivi- Pt. Wilson like the res¢ of the dra Anne Perkins are the top dual items that have been re- Island was bustling with activ- honor students. There will be no ceived by phone from Island ity. The John Niemis had their reserved seats, residents, youngest daughter, Susan with June 8, here will be a Fire- First l)erhaps most of the re- them for part of the weekend. man's Ball at the Grange tlall sidenls wouhi he interested to Other guests included the Leo from 9:30 to 2 a.m. Tickets are know where Gone Townsend has Machys of Aberdeen and the what- People oysters. With star birthday this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith with the four children, and Jane with her friend Bob Arnold were there in person to administer best wishes to the birthday Dad. ! o "- . | t Dividends on Sav,ncjs per cent from the Elma Church ()f God, $1.50 per person. Entertainment been during his absence from Bill Rogers of Arcadia. Both gave the address. Teresa Trim- will be provided by "Four Guys the mail route for about htree couples were accompanied by a ble played the prelude, Fran and Grace". weeks. With L)uisville, Ky. as sprinkling of grandchildren. Sun- Trimble gave the invocation, June 9, is the last day for their destination Gene and his (lay Jim Young and his son, Mr. Jurgens played the piano hot lunches, wife headed east via the north Jamie of Aberdeen dropped in sol(), "Ava Maria", Sandra Per- June 10, grades 5 and 6 will route through Idaho, Montana, for a visit. kins read the Scripture, Cathy go to the Coast Guard Station South Dakota, Kansas, Iowa, Further south the Murray Mar- West sang the "Lord's Prayer" in Hoquiam on a firM trip. The Illinois, and then to Kentucky gans were out for the weekend and Jake Trimble presented a High School will go to the where they visited Gene's broth- and had as their guests the er and spent two or three days Jim Favor family. The Morgans seeing the area around Iuis- are happily anticipating the ar- ville. On their way back they rival of their daughter, Lane traveled through Missouri, Kan- back home. Lane has been rs to the tShelton-Mason dividend rate allowed Agency.) in cash, check, your Daily Dividend of for •ix monUm Deposit Boxes /N9 w Available! 00ap00lSa00 =tf t 1St & " ,¢22'2,. ,]!1|1 , , Uepell t Railroad . 8helton . * • . o...,o Seattle Science Center. June 11, is clean-up day at scbool. School will be out at 12:15 p.m. The teachers have a work day from 12:30 to 4 p.m. June 12, there will be an all- school picnic from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. After the picnic, the Sophomores are having a "Last Dance" from 7:30 to 11 p.m. in the library. Admission prices are 75 cents for singles and $1 for couples. There will be stereo music and students will be allowed to wear the clothes they wore to the picnic. June 13, is the last day of dell Ada Dudics, Jerry Gale school. Grade cards will be Fillo, David Ray Haddock, Lar- handed out at noon. The teach- ry Edward Harkins, Kenneth ors will have a work day from Merril Howard, Donald Wayne noon until 4 p.m. Forest Festival Parade' COLOR PICTURES Now On Display ZIEGLER'S STUDIO &CAMERA SHOP 124 N. 2nd , ill $101 less than last ................ year00 Impala with comparable equipment. Impala Custom Coupe Match that, anybody. We give you an honest increase in car at an honest decrease in price. Take the '69 Impala above. We improved the ride. Made it quieter inside. Added an anti-theft locking device. Put steel guard rails in the doors. Still, this Impala with a 300-hp V8, "Iurbo Hydra-matic, advanced-design power disc brakes, head restraints, whitewalls and wheel covers is priced $101" less than in 1968. The 300-hp V8 is priced $40 less than last ear's 275-hp. Turbo Hydra-matic costs less. wer disc brakes about half as much. White- walls a little less. Wheel covers about the same. And head restraints are now standard. Upping value and dropping price. That's the way Chevrolet operates. Putting you first, keeps us first. Values *Based on manufacturer's suggested retail pricem including federal Cxc se tax end suggested dealer new ear preparation charges. Mason County SSE Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 i i Auto Parts * Automotive Machine Shop * Parts for all cars and trucks * 24-Hr. Service on Parts Lea Fields Auto Parts, Inc. 229 S. 1st St. 426-3351 Auto Rdiators • Repaired and Rod Out I • Auto Glass In•taUation [ • Body & Fender Repairing and Painting WHITEY'8 AUTO BODY (behind Kimbel Motors) 707Ve 8. 1st 426-3604 Drugs Auto Repairing • Helena Rubinstein • CoemeUos • PremcripUotm • Hypo-Allergic CoemeU NELL'S PHARMACY h & Franklin Ph. 426.3327 Electrical "" I • Falrbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating • Westinghouse Appliance• SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. _419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 Floor Coverings • Linoleum • Tile a Carpeting • ormica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 • Major Overhauls • Brake• & Ignition • Welding & Tune-ups Special Winterizing ED'8 SERVICE 219 80. let 426-11 Masonry Beauty [ • Complete Hair Care | • Wig• - Wiglets - Switches | • Merle Norman Cosmetic• | • Free Demonstrations '| ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON [6th & Laurel 426.4582 I I • Flttplt • All Brick and • Block Work MASON'S MASONRY / Phone 426-2278 Building Supplies • Lumber • Sherwin-Willlam• Paint (Kern-Tone & Kem-GIo) ' • Cabinet Harlware GRANT LUMBER CO. 607 S. l•t 426-6612 Chain Saws- I New and Used • Renta Oregon Chains & Accorles Small motor tune.up & repalr ' Hourt: 8 a.m. to 6 p., dlly Mike's MoCulkmk Shop 2216 Olympic Hwy. N., 426-4689 I IIII Custom Cabinets i ir [ Quality Built Custom Cabinets l Bank Term• Available , I John and Jerry Bunko [ Better Built Cabinets by :[ B & B CABINET SHOP : [, TaS'lor Towne 426-2042 Paint I C and C Paints Co'-Ca-Wall 4) Co'-Ca-Namsl A-Plex • Brella-Pl•x GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 Rental Service .... Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers - Loaders - Ptunps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 U. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Travel • Air - Rall - Steamship • Bu•. Hotel• - Tour • No Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 426-4134 TV Service I • Radio . • Phonograplm • C]3 2-way Radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 I I I _ III Thu sday, June 5, 1,969 ason Count, Journal Building Supplies --1 Insm*anee' " • Sherwtn-Williams / [ "C'IESTER VALLEY Paints-Carpets-Wallpaper | |  Representative • Complete Building Supplies | | GRANGE INSURANCE AS6N, • Plastering & Supplies / I Fire - Auto . Casualty Nye Co. Building Supply l I Phone 433-18 Free Delivery l i Star Rt. I, Box 8& Shelton 426"224 O Qo|e Reed | , ............... Signs ....... ' ' "r ':: ' ' # <:' $:1 ....... l..  3-D Magnetic , Car end Tru©k Signs , W.A. LEIMBACK    Hoodsport .................  Phone 87%5733 17