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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 12 For Sale WOOD F)R SALE -- Any size or any type. Phone 426-1124. J 5/15-6/5 Pets, Livestock K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 8/31 tfn YOUNG GRAIN fed steers ................................................. cut and wrapped. Expert cut- ting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S 3/27 tfn 1000 QUALITY business cards only $7. Best prices also on all business needs, including let- terheads and envelopes, Speed- Eze Duplicator, 105 No. Co- lumbia, Olympia. 352-0420. S 6/5 tfn 48" ROLL-A-WAY bed with coil springs and spring filled mat- tress, good condition. $35. 426- 2148. P 5/15 tfn MOBILE HOME FURNITURE We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furni- ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. 4/14 tfn LIKE NEW 6 h.p. Tore lawn tractor with grass catcher. Used about 10 hrs. New $465, asking $350. 426-3503. G 6/5 GOING ON VACATION? Leave your dog with us if 20 Ibs. or over. Mel-Rue Kennels, 426- 2387. N 5/29-6/5 Mobile Homes 30 FT. ANGELES trailer. Ideal home for home away from home or construction workers. Phone 426-8764. C 5/22-6/12 Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for un- wed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls ac- cepted. Florence Crittenton tiome, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178. 8/29 tfn For Sale TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Oisen Furniture, 4th and CoDa. 4/14 tfn FOR SALE ...... Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Cen- ter. 6/5 tfn FOR SALF. .... Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tfn FOR SALE ....... Black, chrome studded parade saddle. Will consider smaller saddle in tragic. Phone 426-6152. F 5/15 tfn GARAGE SALE 1.203 Railroad. Friday, June 6, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. W 615 INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPET, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 different colors at GiBes Fur- niture, 4th & Cota. 426-4702. O 8/1 tfn BALDWIN UPRIGHT piano, ex- cellent condition $150.00. Ph. 426-2544 or 426-6819. B 6/5 WALL-TO-WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates You're always welcome at el- sen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn IF CARPETS look dull and drear, electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 6/5 FOR SALE or Trade  Gas winch, 2 floating drums. Ph. 428-2718. W 5/22 tfn FOR SALE: Bolens Garden trac- tor, blade, disc-harrow, culti- vator, 2% h.p. heavy duty. Garden and Craft pcs. drift- wood. Misc. craft material. CR 5.2210 or 426-2389. K 6/5 FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Zlegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163. 5/25 tfn KIMBALL ELEC. ORGAN. Two manuals, theatre style, Leslie Speaker, Sacrifice, owner mov- ing. Phone Brokers: BR 2-5282 Tacoma. 5/29-6/5 1969 ...... Dial and Sew If you or anyone else you know are interested in a good buy on a sewing machine, I have a 1969 model Dial and Sew zig zag sew- machine that I will sell for COLOR T.V. See at Olsen Furniture 4th & Cote 426-4702 Htl t t tt Immediate Delivery N HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replaoement Warranty WATER HEATRR The Hotpolmt Custom Glslslisa wster baster pr#vldeg tbo slSJ o mute Jn automstl¢, safe, effl- eleat operation. And best of sJl, It is balrl by |@ year task relp4Nmqmt warranty. Eells & Valley Appllanoe Center 2nd A Cote 8t. Phone 426-4H3 Complete Home Furnishln Center Sporting Goods GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252. 2/15 tfn OMC and MER CRUISER stern drives. Evinrude and Homelite motors. Factory-tralned me- chanics. Hood Canal Marina, Union. 898-2252. 4/3 tfn 14 ft. STRIP-BUILT boat, good condition, 12 h.p. motor with trailer. Phone 426-2148. See 417 So Second. P 6/5 tfn 18 FT. GOOD SOLID BOAT, $90. Phone 426-8723. B 5/22-6/12 FOR SALE .... 16' ski boat, 75 h.p. motor, new trailer, like new. Phone 426-2229. W 5/8 tfn FOR SALE: 150 cc Honda 64 model. Completely rebuilt. See at Rt. 3, Box 570, Shelton. B 6/5 16 ft. SEA SWIFT boat with 28 H.P. Speed Twin Evinrude. Less than 100 hrs. on motor. Can be seen at Gibler's Cove Resort, Spencer Ike. P 8/5 14 ft. COWAN MARATHON rac- ing boat, over 50 m.p.h. Won 13 trophies past 2 years. Owner in service, $125.00. 426-8503. N 6/5-26 Lost & Found REWARD for lost Siamese cat, female, blue collar, and limps. Call 426-4105. S 6/5-12 7 ft. POOL TABLE, like new, $80.00. Call 426-3002. W 6/5 LOST OR STOLEN 10' alumin- um punt, blue, south end of Harstine Island in April. W. E. Watts, 1105 Minor Ave., Se- attle 98101. W 6/5 Help Wanted WANTED -- Local man to work on golf course. Apply at Ike IAmerlck Course. V 5/15-6/5 DENTAL RECEP'IONIST ca- pable of assisting, experience md. Wrtta. Box 50,. c/o CAREER OPPORTUNITY, will train man for sales position, Shelton area. Fringe benefits, 2 yr. finance plan. Metropol- Ran Life Insurance Co. Call 352-0581, eves 491-2127, FOR SALE or trade: 500 gallon K 5/22-6/12 fuel tank. Want to buy 14 ft ................................................ boat trailer. 426-6286. W 6/5 tfn VO LOTS. 50x112 each, $2,- 550.00 for both. 941 Cascade. *J 5/22-6/12 HAYNES BROTHERS upright piano in good coati/t/on for $100. 426-4729. T 6/5 COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negativee only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Z I • g I e r' • Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17 tfn 6-YEAR BABY CRIB, good, firm mattress. $30.00. Phone 426- 1529. P 6/5-tfn REPOSSESSED  1 year old Lwrey piano $650. Cost new $805. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota. 426-4302. J 12/12 tfn FOREST FESTIVAL Parade pic- tures in color available by or- der, see our window display. .iegler's Studio and Camera Shop, 124 No. Second. 6/5o12 SIMPLICITY MOWERS and till- ers. See now at Mike's McCul. Ioch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28 tfn COCKER PUPS, $10. Good all: around boat, $80. Square dance dresses and shirts. 426-4981. D 6/5 REMOVE EXCESS body fluids. Flu/dex tablets only $1,49 at Nell's Pharmacy, Franklin Square, Shelton. 6/5-12 SMALL ANTIQUE pump organ with bench. Good working con- dlUon. $125.00. Call after 6:00 p.m. 426-4653. L 6/5-12 GARAGE SALE Friday, June 6, 10 a..'n. - 2 p.m. Bunk bedm, life Jackets, mlac. 2422 Washin ton et. F 8/5 Help Wanted WOMAN SECRETARY needed by McPherson Realtors at Al- derbrook Golf and Country Club, Union, Wash. General of- fice work, some typing, no shorthand. Apply in person. Mc 6/5 GIRL TO LIVE IN to help in the home. Call 426-3848. SALESMAN: Part or full time life insurance agent. Train at $150. weekly with 102 year old highly respected life insurance company. Write Equitable of Iowa, 1712 6th Avenue, Taco- ma, Washington 98405. 5/29-6/19 Business Opport. FOR LEASE --- Shell Service Station, good location, high gallonage. Call 426-3322. G 6/5 tfn Miscellaneous For Rent FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom un- furnished apartment. Also 1 bedroom furnished apartment. Holly Hill Apartment. 426- 6593. 5/22 tfn ONE BEDROOM house for sale on Angleside, corner lot, good retirement home. Phone 426- 6122. Mc 5/29-6/19 H 2/13 tfn ...................................................... ................................. MASON LAKE 4 bedroom sum- mer cabin and dock. Phone 426-6902 or Seattle CHerry 3- 2997. R 5/22-6/12 Real Estate BEAUTIFUL LAKESIDE lot, perfect location on Lake Isa- bella, adjoining creek. Lot is partially cleared. 426-4884. M 5/22-29 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE be- ing remodeled. Large shop, drilled well. On 3 acres, two miles from Shelton on good road. Call 426-6769 after 4 p.m. ]9 5/22 tfn $25 REWARD for information resulting in arrest of driver of small car using driveway and lawn on lot 14 at Fawn Lake as a race way on Saturday night May 31. Right front fender and bumper probably dam- aged. Write Box 500, c/o the Journal. 6/5 Trades WILL TRADE a 50 gallon hot water tank for a 40 gallon ta- ble top. Used Dank. 426-1354. W 6/5.12 Work Wanted SEWING AND IRONING, rea- sonable rates. Phone 426-6258. H 5/22-8/12 • For :Rent FOR RENT -- Two bedroom un- furnished house, space heater, $65.00 per month. Write Box 100, c/o the Journal. 5/29 TRAILER HOUSE for rent. Call 426-3169. B 5/29 tfn FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bedroom home on Arcadia Road available June 15th. $100 plus utilities. For appointment call 426-1042. R 5/29-6/12 EXPERIENCED Head Cook and Cook's Helper for YMCA Sum- mer Camp. July and Aug. Room & Board plus sal. No drinkers. Prefer married cou- ple. Write Aberdeen YMCA, 320 West Market, Aberdeen, Wash. 98520. 6/5 .................................................. FOR RNT -- Exchange rent on COOK AND kitchen helpers need- 3 bedroom house for repairs on ed. Salary open, excellent hours same. Phone 426-2718. W 6/5 and working codition. Will train ff necessary. Contact Ray $7.95 RENTS a new pano. Sher- Redgere after 4 p.m. at Alder- man-Clay, South Sound Center, brook Inn, Union, 898-2500. ' Lacey. Phone Olympia 491- A 5/15.8/5 3370. S 8/22 tfn sMAI FAMiLY for caretakers[ FOR--NT --Trailer space. House furnished. Call 898-2289 Union. A 8/5 tfn Used Cars Walking distance to town. Car- port and etorage. 426-3242. B 5/8 Lfn H H |,Hit  t t, t H Nye Building Supply Complete Building Supplies Aluminum Screen 0eers Complete w/Closure $11.95 Natural Birch Paneling $3.25 sheet FOR RENT  Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426. M 10/8 tfn Used Cars 1965 cIYrL,ASS V-8 hardtop with wlite bucket seats. Phone 426- 6510. B 5/22 tfn .FOR SALE1963 Rambler Clas- sic wagon. Rurm good, clean, good tires, includes luggage carrier. $400. 426-3004 or 426- 8616. C 6/5 1964 PLYMOUTH SAVOY, clean, good mvchacal condition, slant alx engine, stick shift. Can be yours for only $500.00 cash.. 426-8407. J 5/22 tfn coupe. Both need engine work. Any reasonable offer accepted. 426-2718. W 6/5 1950 CHEV PICKUP, runs good, first $125. St. Rt. 1, Box 25, Union. 898-2545. R 6/5 USED CARS '60 FORD 8tatlon Wagon '67 PLYMOUTH H.T. '66 MERCURY H.T. '65 COMET Sedan '66 FORD Country Sedan '64 RAMBLER Classic 4-Dr. '63 T.BIRD, Yellow '63 DODGE 6-Pass. Wagon k '63 DODGE Sedan '63 DODGE Wagon '63 GALAXIE XL '53 CHEV. IMPALA '62 DODGE Wagon '63 DODGE 4-Door '65 VOLK8WAGEN Bus '62 CHEVY li Wagon '62 RAMBLER Wagon '62 CADILLAC Fleetwood (full power) '60 MERCURY Hardtop TRUCKS' 'ell RANOHERO '841 INT. 4 x 4 '$6 DODGE -Ton '51 INT. Pickup Colonial Semi Gloss Paint SS.25 gala JIM PAULEY'S ] Colonial latex Point $3.65 gala I BOB-- BUS-- BILL [ on the Cole Road J Phone 426.8224  A Railroad 426.8231 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 5, 1969 BY OWNER 3 bedroom home on Angleslde. Two fireplaces, large rec room, carpeting and drapes included. Attached garage, beautifully landscaped with fenced yard, patio. Could assume 5%% FHA mortgage. 426-4512 J 5/15 tfn i, t t PICKERING PASSAGE -- 250' of beautiful beach plus 2 acres upland, $25,000. $ $ * Four unit apartment showing 50% return on $4,000 down pay- ment. $ $ $ Ten units plus duplex showe 100% return on $10,000 down payment. $ $ $ Three Acres  very nice view property, all cleared. $6,600. $ * $ 2 B.R. home, 3 large view lot, nice. $7,950. 2 B.R. home, fireplace, Potiatcl $,950. • @ @ WANTED -- 1 to 5 acres with or without bulidinw. Wanted  40 to 50 acres mitable for Christmas trees. • $ $ Savage Services, Inc. 8tar Route 2, Box 189 Phone 4264584 For Rent NICE SPOT 2 miles from Shel- ton, for mobile home for some- one who doesn't like the close- neas of park living. 426-6769. Please call after 4 p.m. E 5/22 tfn 1 -2 BR Apartments $110 Appliances, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Grbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mt. View Phone 426-8663 12/5 tfn Real Estate LUXURIOUS SUBURBAN liv- ing in 3 bedroom rambler o one acre at edge of town. Spa- cious rooms throughout with lots of extras. $24,200. Buy owners' equity on 5 % % con- tract. 426-2651. W 5/29-6/19 H HOOD CANAL COUNTRY $29,500 Duplex, 2 bedrooms in each, with fireplace, 2 car garage. Good depth between highway and beach. 145 ft. waterfront. $ $ $ STORE AT PLEASANT HARBOR Store and gift shop with living quarters. $21,500. Shumate Realty HOODSPORT 877-5576 days, 877-5575 evenings SHELTON 426-8510 PURDY REALTY Wynwood CenterP. 0. Box 410 Gig Harbor  857-2121 In Grapeview -- 120' of High Bank Waterfront with trail to sandy beach. Beautiful view. Large cabin, unfinished, with deck. Also 24x30 garage, unfin- ished. Total price $19,950 and terms. 3 Iledreom fix0r-uppe ee on approx, 3 acres. 350' on County Blacktop Road 2V miles from Shelton on Lake Nahwatzel Rd. Asking price $9,500 and terms. 340' of waterfront in Grapeview with tidelands. 11 acres wooded. Excellent beach. 3 bedroom home. Electric heat. Fireplace. 2 baths. Garage. Drilled well. Beautiful view. Total price $49,500 & terms. Call Julius Stock, 426-6705 days; 426-6911 evenings and weekends -A PRICE FOR YOU- FHA TERMS . . . There aren't many homes sell- in_g on FI-IA contracts these days. We offer this 3 bedroom, 1 bath, and fireplace home on such terms. Even though it is located downtown, there is a small brook in the front yard. Has a 1 bedroom home located on the same property for good rental income or that favorite in-law. $7500 . . . A 3 bedroom home in the down- town area near Loop Field. Does have fenoed yard, garage, and some frult trees. The roof is new and ha gas heat, If you are an avid sports fan, this is the place for you. NIFTY FOR THE THRIFTY How about living in one of tite 2 two bedroom homes and letting income from the second help pay for the invest- ment? Both homes are in pret- ty good shape and ready for families. Owner is willing to carry contract with about $1,- 000 down. The total price is only $9,000 so why walt ? MOUNTAIN VIEW ... Owner had to move because of Job opportunity in Seattle. This leaves his 3 bedroom home for immediate occupancy on the hill, Has carport and small work hop. Only takes about $550 down and the home is yours. ToJ price is down to $10,500. DAYTON . • • How about 3 bedroom borne on about 3 acres with 250' of road frontage ? Real dandy for someone who wants to raise a garden, chickens, or pets. There other neighbors within hol- lering . COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Approximately 8 city lots of excellent business location. Has good existing office space and a variety of other buildings lo- cated on same property. It's difficult to find a piece of property this large and still lo- cated'downtown. Total price is $42,500. This is an existing older build- lag located in heart of down- town area. Office space on 2n floor. Floor space on each level is 25' x 60'. Good location for only $20,500. $750 DOWN . .. Should put you in this older 3 bedroom home on Hillcrest. Has separate garage. Owner is will- ing to carry his own contract with total price being $7500. ACREAGE AND LOTS ... We have a real dandy 5.3 acre site in the Island Lake area. Has drilled well and plenty of frontage on the paved road. In an area of new home construc- tion and will be quite close to the new school grounds. Could be worth quite a bit of money before too long. Invest $7,000 and break it into a couple of pieces. If you need a lot in town, out of town, on the water, or with a good view  check with us. Even have a good view lot in the Shorecrest development with large mobile home in place. We should have some. thing to fit your needs and pocketbook at the same time. FOR RENT... 1 bedroom apartment house in downtown area near Evergreen School. Small but clean. $40/ month. A. ROY DUNN 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 Evenings Call: ! DON BROWN - 429-4388 -- TOM TOWNSEND. 428.6597 A. ROY tJNN - 426-4601 RATES 15 worde oP less  $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over tI, • FOUR (4) Insertlone for the prior THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 3 p.m. TuesdaY. Wanted to Rent FAMILY OF FOUR needs to rent three bedroom house by July 1. Phone 426-4819. G 5/22-6/5 WANT TO RENT  Two bed- room unfurnished house in Shelton. Phone 426-2888. A 5/29-6/19 Real Estate For Sale PUGET SOUND WATERFRONT AND VIEW HOME Four bedrooms. Excellent family home. Large rooms. Bath and a half. Garden area. Priced to sell. Call 426-8838. B 5/29-6/5 Re E, EXCHANGE -- for Mann, 426-6592. Real ISLAND the Good 6 ACRES of modern near David 172-IA, FOR home. nished or or 428-6819. MR. REALY sTATE '7o these to EIGHTEEN ACRES It's ridiculous that this has not soldand has made the effort to look. It's about half part in tall fir timber. There is a beautiful pica, too. $12,500 and located south-west SPENCER LAKE Here's an immaculate 3 bedroom tiful waterfront. There is a versatile 1 too. This Is a very attractive been searching for quiet, carefree best. Call us for an appointment to see home. CLOSE TO SCHOOL If your family needs .a roomy 4 bedroom budgt you mut .m this one. ' low lnterekt loan mak thls'a right at $10,250. With about $2800 down, be only $85 monthly at 5% interest. HORSES! o lt' That's the first thing about this propeY S/ 171 give you the place for horses. Besides uz", i , 3 bedroom home with buUful knot Y _.,'_i:: big kitchen. It involves 5 acres and a loVmJer t0; i vacy. Ask for a look at this $25,.00 :::: SAVE bier .Wd, i" The cost of duplicating th sprawling ra l fj', youbut--this quite young, well kept lot bargain price of $21,500, all because of a ju 1M. ' well built 3 bedroom with a large rec rcm . iS  all. The big yard is all fenced and the s'-" See it to appreciate it. A NEW HOME IN ISLAND LAKE AREA 10% down plus costs of fore lived in dream home Just turps at special home price. The tract natural landscaping and all utilities Natural Gas. Ask to see this for a re on this year's home is jtmt $23,850. HOOD CANAL WATERFRONT Just south of Union on state highway. and approximately 3 acres of hackles& outstanding Olympic Mt. view. Good |15,000. AGATE ACREAGE 17 acres in one of the fautsst Nicely wooded, level, county road fro: per month at 7%. Total price, $10,250. STAR LAKE WATERFRONT Waterfront lot at a backlot price. off main lake. Cleared and just waiting You won't believe the price, but it's terma. Call in today, and Carl will be ACRES OF ACRES We have the best selection of vest now for a comfortable future. available at our office. HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOOII We have a neat 1  bedroom house with large 1/3 acre lot, out at Totten from the park, where you have full use, beach area. A real buy for $7500, AS GOOD AS NEW . , • For leap than $18,000 you move Into home with I baths, large family fenced back yard with workshop. home as a trade-in. YOUR OWN PLACE ON THE CANAl-. Enjoy the peaceful seclusion of this home in the Potlatch area with 50 at your doorsteps. Fruit tree, ,lel ers. $29,000. HAMMER$LEY BUILDING SITE Approximately 95 feet of let, and about 400 feet in depth stte. Partly wxled and nicely $12,000, with good terms available. HIMLIE REALTY, 1717 Olymplo Highway N. _ EVENINGS CALLZ #| DICK KNAUP 4264110 -- , DAVE THACHER 496-$665  cARl"  DICK BELLING, Cloeing Br VINE HIMLIE, Ilrekel' |