June 5, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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on Hy-Lond
,eal is scheduled
The Shelton City Commission
set 2:30 p.m. June 17 for the date
of a hearing on an appeal from
the Hy-Lond Inn of the rejection
Money limits
• •
camping service
Rising costs are limiting the
ability of National Forest to
provide full services at
campgrounds. This is true on the
Olympic National Forest as
elsewhere, according to Wynne
Maule, Forest Supervisor.
After intensive review of the
situation, Maule felt that
continuing to make most
campgrounds available to use with
less than all the services normally
provided would be preferable to
complete closure of many camps.
To do so, garbage collection
services will be eliminated at all
except fee sites. With user
cooperation this really should
result in little lessening of
enjoyment, said Made.
On these sites, users are asked
simply to take home everything
they bring and dispose of it as
they normally do with garbage
generated at home.
Users will find that much of
their wastes can be disposed of by
burning in their campfire. This
usually reduces volume by 40 to
60 percent. Placing empty cans in
the fire will burn out food
particles and leave only clean,
odor-free metal to pack home.
by the city planning commission
of its request to turn part of its
parking lot into a park.
The planning commission
action came after a hearing on the
The Hy.Lond appealed the
decision to the city commission
which will now hold a hearing to
consider the planning commission
City Engineer Howard Godat
told the commission an
application by the city for
National Flood Insurance was
prepared and ready to be
submitted to the federal
The commission has approved
contracts for three street projects
on which bids were opened
A contract was approved to
Don Makoviney Company for
construction of a bicycle and
pedestrian path on Spring Road
, from North 13th to the high
school at a cost of $6,295. The
firm's bid was low of five received
on the project.
Makoviney was also awarded a
contract for improvements at the
intersection of North 13th and
Northcliff Road at a cost of
$9,973.83. The firm's bid was low
of four received on the project.
A contract for an overlay
paving job on Seventh Street was
awarded to J. D. Shotwell
Company for $10,320. The bid
was the lowest of five received on
the project.
The Sheiton Chamber of
Commerce will hold its June
membership meeting at Lake
Limerick Inn June 12.
There will be a social hour
starting at 6:30 p.m. with dinner
at 7:30 p.m. and the program at
8:30 p.m.
Speaker for the program will
be Kristina E. Harrigan, Assistant
Vice President, International
Kristina E. Harricjan
Banking Division, for Seattle-First
National Bank in Seattle.
Ms. Harrigan was born in
Budapest, Hungary, and fled that
country during the 1956
revolution, going first to Sweden
and then to the United States in
She attended Queens College,
Boston, Massachusetts, and holds
a B.A. degree from Queens
College of the City University of
New York and an M.A. degree
from New York University
Graduate School of Arts and
She started in the banking
field with Bankers Trust
Company in New York and was
with the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York before joining
Seattle-First in 1969.
She has served as international
liaison, economic analyst,
planning analyst, and
international planning officer
before assuming her present
position in 1973.
She will speak on "our
country's general economic
Jacqueline L. McKim was
announced this week as the
Jacqueline L. McKim
A crowd which packed the
grandstands at the Mason County
fairgrounds rodeo arena to
capacity watched the Forest
Festival loggers' Sport Show
Saturday afternoon.
The crowd saw local loggers
compete in 10 events and
watched as long-time logging
show performers Hap Johnson
and Mal Harper performed their
comic falls from the top of the
tall spar tree.
l~jght Carpenter and Roe
Downing raced up the tall spars
and later topped the spar poles.
Paul McKenzie, the logging
clown, delighted the crowd with
his antics during the show.
The show opened with a
ceremony in which the
Bicentennial flag was presented to
the Mason County Commission
and Shelton Mayor Frank Travis
by Supreme Court Justice Chades
T. Wright.
Following that ceremony, a
group of paratroopers from Fort
Lewis put on a skydiving
performance which saw five of
the six jumpers land in the rodeo
Mike McKee was presented a
trophy as the Best All Around
Logger, a trophy he had won in
competition during the
elimination contests May 17.
Winners in the logging show
contests were:
Truck driving: Gene Roessell,
first; John Weatherbie, second;
Dick Wood, third; Curt Hunter,
Alder log chop: Shorty
ChappeU, first; George Pauley,
second; Lucky Rutledge, third;
winner of the $500 Shelton
Rotary Club scholarship.
The announcement was made
by Dick Oltman, chairman of the
scholarship project for the Rotary
Miss McKim, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKim, is a
Shelton High School senior.
She plans to attend Yakirna
Valley Community College. Her
major has not yet been decided.
She has been active in a
number of school activities
including Honor Society, Pep
Club, Spanish Club, FHA, AFS,
dramatics, forensics, choir,
volleyball, International
Thespians, Girls' Club, Rifle
Team, high school representative
for Movies Take 1 and Take 2.
She is one of the Mason
County Rodeo Queen candidates
this year and rides and shows
and Lon Deyette, fourth.
Keg toss: Jim Mitchell, first;
Steve Torgeson, second; Rob
Settle, third; and Larry Chappell,
Small saw: Pete Harvey, first;
Rocky Howard, second; Rick
Deyette, third; and Walt
Bloomfield, fourth.
Skidder driving: Dennis
Haase, first; Don Craig, second;
Bruce Hopkins, third; and Lucky
Rutledge, fourth.
Big saws: Walt Bloomfield,
first; Gene Anderson, second;
Mike Jonas, third; and Mike
McKee, fourth.
Binder tieing: Tom Coleman,
first; John Weatherbie, second;
Curt Hunter, third; and Russ
Deyette, fourth.
Axe toss: Steve Torgeson,
first; Lucky Rutledge, second;
Russ Deyette, third; and Larry
Chappell, fourth.
Choker setting: Drew Eken,
first; Jim Mitchell, second; Tom
Coleman, third; and Shorty
Chappell, fourth.
Obstacle bucking: Jim
Rutledge, first; Mike McKee,
second; and Tom Coleman, third.
Dark cottage lightened
The soul's dark cottage, bat-
tered and decayed,
Lets in new light through chinks
that time has made.
Stronger by weakness, wiser
men become,
As they draw near to their
eternal home.
Edmund Waller
QUESTION: If Liquinox Grow is
so good, why do I need Liquinox
ANSWER: Llquinox Grow 10-10-5
is a perfect plant food for all plants,
shrubs, trees and vegetables.
However, the secret of good plant
feeding is the control of the
nitrogen. That's why Liquinox
Bloom 0-10-10 is so important. By
taking l/~ Grow and lk Bloom for
your mixture, you have a formula
of 5% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus
and 7tb% potash.
Nitrogen makes growth (stem
and leaves) and green color.
Ph osphorus encourages root
growth, hastens maturity, and
provides hardiness. Potash produces
the finished product and builds
resistance to disease.
CONCLUSION: Feed with Grow
until you have good growth. Then
use ~ Grow and zk Bloom until
your plants bud or bloom. Finish
off with Linquinox Bloom. Try this
on your vegetable or flower garden
and you will be amazed at the
For a thicker, greener lawn use
Liquinox Green 17-7-0, which has a
high nitrogen content for good
growth and color.
All Liquinox products contain
organic yucca extract.
,,,o..,.° $4 95
or bloom) r~g.
Liquinox Applicator ms. $ ].95
Paul's Scarlet Hawthorne 7, to a"... • $6.99
Golden Chain Tree ..... 7,to a' .... $7.50
Crimson King Maple .... 7, to e, ... $12.50
Variegated Box Elder ... 7, to a' .... $7.50
Designed to balance out any stereo sys-
tem, the Sharp SR-162 is a solid-state 4-
dimentional FM/AM Stereo Tuner/Ampli-
fier with a built-in 8-Track Tape Player.
This unit is also equipped to adopt a
monitoring switch to change over to
quadraphonic reception.
Sharp put everything into this unit and
some of the outstanding features include
a selective speaker switch for Off/Main/
Remote/Matrix, bass and treble controls,
illuminated slide rule tuning, AFC for drift
free FM reception, 25 Watt peak music
power, a full range of input/output ter-
minals, lighted FM stereo indicator, push-
button function selectors, and much more.
The built-in 8-Track Tape Player has
a manual program selector switch and
headphone jack. The package is encased in
a beautiful wood cabinet and optional
matching speakers are available.
205 W. Cota
Turn left across bridge, then right at first crossroad sign.
Page 2 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, June 5, 1975
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