June 5, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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June 5, 1975 |
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S. Allison
S. Allison, 92, died
in Mason General
in Spokane March 28,
Allison was the son of
Allison, one of
first physicians. Dr.
Served as the first
of the state's American
1 Association and
ty of Washington's
was named for him.
was a Whitman
•heat farmer who made
Spokane after his
1940. He moved to
OUnty following his
the former Virginia
a librarian in Shelton
lived at Triton
Canal for several
Id more recently in
, Shelton.
with Oriental Lodge
of Spokane, Mr.
a life membership.
retiring in 1965 from the Aloha
Lumber Company. He had lived
in Olympia since 1970.
Mr. Rozman is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Hazel Rozman of
Olympia; by a son, Jack Rozman
of Portland, Oregon; and by five
Father Cunningham will
officiate at graveside services to
be held under the direction of
Batstone Funeral Home at 11
a.m. Friday in Shelton Memorial
Howard Townsend
The Masonic Lodge officiated
at services held Monday at 1 p.m.
in Batstone Funeral Home for
Howard Townsend, 64, who died
on May 28 in Mason General
Mr. Townsend was born in
Dyersburg, Tennessee on
February I1, 1911. For most of
his life he had resided in the
Shelton area where he was
employed as a crane operator by
Was affiliated with a Simpson Timber Company. He
Lodge in Latah, was a member of Mt. Moriah
He was a member of Lodge No. 11 F and AM.
Community Club. He is survived by his wife,
Mr. Allison are his
of Shelton; a son,
Allison of Baltimore,
grandson, George B.
aad a granddaughter,
Baltimore; also a
Hyslop of Spokane,
her home with the
she was a small
Mrs. Golden (Babe) Townsend of
Shelton; three daughters, Mrs.
Beverly Rank of Shelton and Mrs.
Bernadine Brooks and Mrs.
Virginia Ramey, both of Port
Townsend; a brother, Clyde
Townsend of Olympia; a sister,
Mamie Knight of Shelton; and
one great-granddaughter.
service will be
L0 a.m. Saturday in
C. Boyce
services were held
a Memorial Park at 2:30
Thursday for Harvey
who died May 25 in
at the age of 66
March 5, 1909 in
had lived most of his
and was a
truck driver in the
Mr. Boyce are three
Boyce of Graham,
and Dennis Dustin
)ustin of Idaho; two
Sherri Grossmon
California, and
Knight of Coquille,
sisters, Mrs. Margaret
and Mrs.
of Crescent City,
two brothers, Forrest
and George (Bud)
verend Kurt
officiated at the
Verda J. Wilson
Verda J. Wilson, 80, died
Saturday in her Shelton home.
She was born April 4, 1895 in
Fayetteville, Arkansas.
For many years Mrs. Wilson
was a resident of Whatcom
County where she taught in
public schools. She came to the
Shelton area in 1937 and was
employed as a teacher in
Skokomish Valley and Kamilche
. schools.
She was a member of the
Retired Teachers Association, the
First Baptist Church and the
Skokomish Valley Grange.
Surviving Mrs. Wilson are her
husband, Oswald K. Wilson of
Shelton; two sons, Kyron K.
Wilson of Shelton and Robert K.
Wilson of Roseburg, Oregon;
three sisters, Mrs. Vida Shulmer
of Bellingham and Mrs. Edna
Koons and Mrs. Ura Maxwell,
both of San Jose, California; four
grandchildren; and many nieces
and nephews.
Pastor Arlin Halvorsen
officiated at a service held at 2
p.m. Wednesday in Batstone
Funeral Home.
I. Rozman
' Rozman, who was
), 1904 in Yugoslavia,
in Olympia at the
for many years a
the Aberdeen area,
All the answers
Whatever sceptic could inquire
For every why he had a
Samuel Butler
lirQd,s always has
everything we need for
* Hot Dogs * Marshmallows
* Ice * Groceries * Pop * Snacks
Brad's/Aberdeen Walt & Brad's/Lacey
A group of faculty members
at Shelton High School is
preparing plans for reinstituting
plans for eligibility requirements
for participation in
extracurricular activities at the
school for the next school year
the Shelton School Board told at
its meeting Tuesday night.
The discussion came up when
a member of the audience, Bonnie
Trail, asked why eligibility slips,
which had been used in the past,
were no longer in use.
High School Principal Chet
Dombroski stated a group of
faculty members was meeting to
work out a plan to be
implemented for the coming
school year.
He said the previous eligibility
slips, which had to be signed by
four of the student's teachers, had
been discontinued because of
objections from the teachers that
it put too much pressure on them
in some cases.
The board voted to award a
contract for the demolition of the
baseball grandstands at Loop
Field to Valdor N. Jackson of
Shelton. Jackson's bid, to pay the
district $250 for the material in
the old grandstand, was the best
of four received.
A contract to put
blacktopping on the shotput area
at Highclimber Stadium was
awarded to Everson Asphalt
Paving, Lacey, for $4,914. The
firm's bid was the only one
received on the work.
Resignations from faculty
members Susan Williams, Susan
Chestnut, Andrea Gryczik,
Carlene Magnuson and Barbara
Minor were approved.
Also approved was a one-year
leave of absence for Bruce
Moorehead, band director.
A contract for one new
teacher, Judy Stark, was signed.
J'y suis et j'y reste. Here I am,
here I stay.
M arshal M acM ahon
Too hte to Qassify
Too Late to Classify
NEW LOW summer rates, $66
month. Bachelor apartments, all
utilities including electricity,
furnished units, newly
redecorated. 426-3509. Simmons
Apartments, 234 South 2nd.
1952 DE SOTO, V-8, near mint
condition, best offer. 426-3767 or
426-8870. D6/5
9-WEEKS-OLD St. Bernard
puppies. 426-1764. EB/Stfn
SCHOOL TEACHER will babysit,
my home, age 6 and above. Call
after 5:30 p.m., 426-6334.
YARD SALE, 310 Laurel.
Thursday and Friday, 9:30 to
3:00. W6/5
8' CHINOOK cabover camper
with jacks, inside needs repairing,
$225. 426-6942. K6/5
FOR SALE -- Lumber carrier for We wish to express our
pickup truck with_swing-out rear heartfelt gratitude for the
bar. 426-1791. SB/b sympathy, kindness and
assistance, also the beautiful floral
FOR RENT. 2-bedroom suburban offerings given us during the loss
of our loved one.
duplex with garage and large
master bedroom. $190 monthly,
deposit and references required.
Contact Himlie Realty, Inc.,
426-2646. H6/5
ODD JOBS. Have truck, will
travel, reasonable rates. For
Mrs. Ted Corey
and family
FOR SALE --'67 Nova, $500 or
best offer, good shape. 426-5350
mornings. C6/5
estimate call 426-4548. K6/5
GARAGE SALE this coming
PUBLIC NOTICE -- Sanitary Monday through Friday. 2332
sewer smoke testing. To Madison Street. Clothes, dishes,
determine possible leaks in the washer/dryer, etc. $6/5
sanitary sewer, some selected
areas in Shelton will be
smoke-tested sometime during the
weeks of June 9, June 16, June
23. Smoke is not harmful, will
not stain or endanger health. No
smoke should enter the premises
unless there exists an open
drainage connection. Report
known open drainage connections
to prevent smoke entry. Report
presence of smoke in building
during testing to the crew
working in the area or call the
City of Shelton Public Works
Department at 426-6133. If your
area is scheduled for smoke
testing, a notice will be hung on
your door the day previous. H. E.
Severson, Project Engineer. (This
is a City of Shelton project
conducted by Consultants
Kramer, Chin & Mayo, Inc. K6/5
CAMPER, 9W, 1973. Loaded,
S.C., on 3/4-ton GMC. 27,000
miles. $3,500. 218 South 8th.
426-6692. D6/5
4-wheel-drive flatbed with stock
racks, needs work. 426-8506.
]970 HONDA 750, includes
farring crash bar, sissy bar, etc.
$1,100.426-3893. J6/5
TV -- 19" Philco B&W with
stand, like new, $50. 877-5252.
COLUMBIA ]2x60 2-bedroom,
] lh bath, unfurnished or partially.
Hidden Haven No. 22, adult park.
426-9441. H6/5
You'll never have a dull time again. Not after you see our
wardrobe of Caravelle fashion watches. Shapely,
colorful, flattering. And, of course, precise. Because every
pretty face and case conceals a precision jeweled
lever movement. So come, put some gaiety on your wrist.
See all the exciting, new Caravelle fashions now.
I ©
D.I ©
A. Clearly high fashion. See-through plexlglass framed case. Red dial and strap. $211.$S
B. Blue is beautiful. Matchins dial and strap. 17 jewels, $39.9S
C. Absolutely e~egant. Bark-textured case, dial and bracelet. 17 lewels. $Sg.gS
D. Very sporting. Depth-tested to 666 feet. 17 jewels. $47.S0
E. Easy,on.the-eyes, Black numerals on a glossy white dial. $34,9S
5th & Franklin
Free Parking
Free Gift Wrap
Karin and Kristen say:
Free Parking
Free Delivery
4th and Cota
Convenie nt Terms
Thursday, June 5, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5