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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, June 5 Anonymous, 8:30 Library. Club luncheon, noon, Cafe. Club, 6:45 a.m., Chapter No. p.m., Baptist Church. ranis Club of Mason Seniors, noon, Senior Club dinner, 6 p.m.; meeting, 8 p.m., raocratic Central mittee, 7:30 p.m., County Recreation iation meeting, 8 p.m., Town Rounders, 8 Without Cancer," a 7:30 p.m., Timberland Barracks 1462 and , noon, Memorial Hall. League, 7:30 p.m., DeRoche. class parents' meeting, Room 310, Shelton June 6 of Commerce board 7:30 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. Post and Auxiliary, 8 Hall. June 7 Arts and Crafts ral, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Park. chic card party, 7:30 clubhouse. by Jobies, 10 a.m.-2 cap. Y, June 8 churches invite you the church of your Big Fours, 7 p.m., fairgrounds. ets on Parade," pet and adoption program, Loop Field, 12th and June 9 No. 3 commission l P.m., PUD conference :entennial committee P.m., Senior Center. commission meetng, COurthouse. Bridge Club, 7:15 ~Pic Reindears, 7:30 Judy Otto. ounty Salon No. 508 7 p.m. potluck, eting, Memorial Hall. Garden Club, 12:30 land Lake home of 10 cheon, noon, meeting, 2 DObbers, 10 a.m., Fir board meeting, 8 p.m., council meeting, extension office. Lodge, 8 p.m., airport of Honor, 8 p.m., Chapter OES, 8 p.m., Hall. Credit Women, ,nd Inn. Menu nu for Shelton & High Schools LUMBER LUMBER! served daily JUne 9-16 ~" Macaroni and buttered peas, rolls, bread and Dinner soup, ch, apple crisp, Double burger ith sliced tomato, des, milk. Cook's choice, sticks, baker's aSserole dish, fresh milk. ~ill be a cook's lunch served Music Club hears quartet The new home of Judy and New officers elected during John Stone was the setting for the the business meeting are J Shelton Music Club May meeting, president, Jana Baxter; Members and guests were vice-president, Pauline Barrom; Mason County Hospital Elks, 8 p.m., at the lodge, noon, Union firehall, entertained by the Recordersecretary, Romola Gallagher; and District commission meeting, 8 Soroptimist Club, 8 p.m., Eagles Lodge and Auxiliary, 8 Quartet assisted by the Shelton treasurer, Edna Webber. Thelma a.m., at the hospital. PUD conference room. p.m., airport hall. String Trio and vocalist Alice Puhn was co-hostess. NARFE picnic, 1 p.m., Family planning class, 7 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Colyar of Olympia in ensemble The April meetingwas held in Walker Park. p.m.-9 p.m., Health Department. Ming Tree Care. work of Henry Purcell. May Winiecki's home with Juanita Overeaters Anonymous, 7:30 Board of Realtors, 7:30 a.m., Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Participating musicians were Henderson and Ruth Smith p.m.-9 p.m., Timberland Library. Timbers Restaurant. Timbers Restaurant. Sue Buchholz, Kay Atwood, assisting. Mrs. Winiecki played a Tops Washington Chapter No. Stuart Atwood, Arthur Hixson, group of piano solos and the Wednesday, June 11 Thursday, June 12 313, 6:15 p.m., Baptist Church. Helen Palmer, Lou Cowles, Mary string trio also performed. Kristmas Town Kiwanis Club,Overeaters Anonymous, 8:30 Kiwanis Club of Mason Ashford, and Mrs. Colyar. Hixson 6:50 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn. a.m.,Timberland Library. County Seniors, noon, Senioralso played several harpsichord Fragrance Union Ladies' Civic Club, Center. numbers. It was roses, roses all the way. Robert Browning RENT the Ma the bulldog of Rotary Tillers JUST ARRIVED! Make tough tilling all but effortless. Remember we have * Weed Mowers * Lawn Thatchers * Sanders & Sand Blasting Equip. *Complete Painting Equipment On Hillcrest (open 7days a Week)42-°-] 091 g I I I1 FROM WASHINGTON- GROWN, WHOLE CHICKENS AT A BUDGET BUY. ............ LB. CUT-UP STEWING CHICKENS .•.LB FINEST QUALITY S SLICED BACON ......... LB. RATH THICK SLICED BACON ...... 2 LB. PRG $2.75 HORMEL WRANGLERS s RANGE BRAND FRANKS, BIGGER, SMOKIER, COARSER GROUND .................... LB. A FAVORITE WITH WEIGHT WATCHERS ...................................... LB. 000 El! 19 SAVE ON U.S.D•A. CHOICE BEEF AT SHOP-RITEII LEAN GROUND RIB STEAKS BEEF coN5,STANTLY 98 u, , PURE AND FRESH ........ LB. SAVORY STEAKS .................. LB. 98 SPENCER STEAKS U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS GOURMET STEAKS .............. LB. RIB Rq U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS ROASTS ................. LB. 98 !59 U.S. CHOICE BEEF BLADE CUTS • " ° ° ° ° ° ° •'*'°°o,-.*,,,,-,LBo U.S. CHOICE BEEF VALUE TRIMMED .LB. CHICKEN, TURKEY, SALISBURY ................ 11 OZ. PKG. GRAPE JUICE WELC.'S 5 5 .......... 12 OZ. TIN MORTON'S ....... B OZ. PKG. WHETHER YOU BUY ONE CAN OR ONE CASE YOU'LL SAVE BY STOCKING-UP ON YOUR FAVORITES CANNED FOODS THIS WEEK AT SHOP-RITE! ! MONTE KETCHUP QUALITY KETCHUP ................. 14 OZ. BOTTLE DEL MONTE GARDEN PEAS ....................... 16 I HUNT'S TOMATOES WHOLE PEELED ...................... 28 OZ. TIN STEWED TOMATOES CONTADINA .................... 141/2 OZ. TIN CASE OF 24 . 8.25 CASE OF 24 . .8.25 CASE OF 24..10.20 CASE OF • .7.85 LADY ELBERTA HALVES OR SLICES .... L .... 29 OZ. TIN MANDARIN ORANGES DUCHESS ........................... 11 OZ. TIN GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS DUCHESS ........................... 16 OZ. TIN APPLE JUICE TREE TOP .......................... 46 OZ. TIN PARADE FRENCH STYLE ................ 16 (. Z. TIN CASE OF 24.. $14.05 r CASE OF • .5.85 CASE OF 24 . •8•75 CASE OF 24, .5.85 CASE OF 24 . .5.90 TOOTHPASTE COLGATE ...... 7 OZ. GROOM & CLEAN HAIR DRESSING ........... 41/2 OZ. ARRID XX ANTIPERSPIRANT .......... 60ZS. TUBE $1.29 $1.07 PARADE HALVES BARTLETT oeeeee oe *oee° ..... 16 OZ. TIN PARADE ....... 16 OZ. TIN DEL MONTE GREEN BEANS ............. 16 OZ. TIN OVEN-BAKED BEANS • • 28 OZ. TIN CASE OF 24 ....... $8,75 CASE OF 24 $6,85 CASE OF 24 .... $7.75 CASE OF 24 ... $15.75 TOMATO JUICE PARADE QUALITY ............................ 46 OZ. TIN PEANUT SHOP.RITE CREAMY OR CHUNKY ............ 36 OZS. • FOLGER'S COFFEE REGULAR, DRIP, PERK ............... 3 POUND TIN R VEoTS NUOOEToS.uHD G $1.69 OREO COOKIES NABISCO COOKIES ............................ 15 OZ. PKG. Harold's Bakery LBRAISIN GERMAN CHOCOLAT$-r READ LI::Fin '¢ CAKES EACH e speci " " decorated cakes for all oc sions. Phone 426-3377 FRESH SOLID HEADS ...... EACH o..., 2/25 ONIONS ........ BU. AVOCADOS CALIFORNIA CALAVOS ............ EA. PEACHES FIR,, OF THE SEASON ................... LB. /i CARNATION ....................................... PINT ROMAN ME AL BREAD ° WONDER BREAD ............................. 221/20Z. LOAF HOSTESS TWINKLES $ ........................................ MULTI-PACK • PURE COOKING OIL •24 OZ. BOTTLE SHOP-RITE CUBES ...... POUND WHITE OR ASST'D FACIAL TISSUE ...... 200 CT. BOX ORE-IDA • • 2LB. PRICES EFFECTIVE: JUNE 5,6, 7--LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED INC 126-4282 t on Hwy. 101 GRANNY SMITH EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE .................. . LB * ooo * STORE WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DALLY 9 TO 8 i•i Thursday, June 5, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page