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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AT BUMBERSHOOT, the Arts and Crafts Festival to be held from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Saturday in Kneeland Park, Freshie the Clown can entertain the kiddies while adults may browse the many booths. Pony rides, programs and varied performances will be scheduled throughout the day and a "Little Miss Bumbershoot" will be selected by a drawing set for 2 p.m. Food and beverages will be available. Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will sponsor the event with proceeds to be used for the purchase of playground equipment. e lano Mrs. Loui (Bea) Larson will present students of piano, organ and voice in a recital at 2 p.m. Sunday in the United Methodist Church. Those participating will sl include Jenny Adams, Tim Adams, Kim Baze, Christine Bennett, Shelly Case, Bonnie Chamberlin, Christina Engen, Kathy Fuller, Karen Fuller, Neva Hoepfner, Lori Kimbel, Dan ?lub plans meeting The final meeting of the season for Shelton Garden Club will be held Monday at 12:30 p.m. in the Island Lake home of Mrs. Madeline Bridger. Those attending should bring a sandwich and dessert. Salad will be supplied by Mrs. Bridger and assistant hostess Mrs. Laura Gruver. Following a short business meeting, slides of Europe will be shown. The pictures were taken by Mr. and Mrs. Cash Bridger last year during their trip. Contributions will be accepted toward the collection for the nursng home. Members requiring transportation should meet in Evergreen Square at noon. ;helton pupils ,arrl dc gr )es Seven Shelton students received degrees on May 25 at commencement exercises held at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma. Recipients of master s degrees were Franklin Bruce Baker, sociology; David Allen Dunnington, sociology; Michael Jerome Determan, human relations; Mary Ann Hanlon, psychology; Ronald Edwin Jacobson, sociology; and Samuel Bennett Morton, sociology. A bachelor's degree in nursing was awarded to Marian L. Eveleth. Picnic slated National Association of Retired Federal Employees will hold a picnic at 1 p.m. Tuesday in Walker Park. rec" a J Kimbel, Laura Logi, Lezlie Logi, Candace MacRae, Cheri Orr, Debbie Ragan, Craig Ragan, Elizabeth Reid, Maurice Reintjes, Hal Studer, Jeff Sylvester, Catherine Swenson, Arne Swenson, Kenneth Townsend. Lori Huber, guest artist, will sing vocal solos with her guitar accompaniment. Friends and relatives of these students are cordially invited to the afternoon of music and the social hour following. e le u On May 3 in the Faith Lutheran Church of Shelton Vickie Stuller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuller, became the bride of Vernon Gonzales, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Waldburger. All are of Shelton. Pastor Ken Robinson officiated at the 7 p.m. double-ring ceremony with Fred Stuller giving his daughter in marriage. Old.fashioned lace formed the beaded bodice of the bride's white rayon gown and long sleeves terminated in cuffs of matching lace. The veil, secured by a crown, was trimmed in lace matching that of the dress. The bride wore a cross, an La Leche League Jler, rnon Gonzal heirloom from the family of the groom. She carried a bouquet of white stock, white gladioli and small white roses interspersed with baby's breath of blue and white and tied with blue velvet ribbon. Maid of honor was Linda Stuller, sister of the bride, with Vickie Taylor of Shelton as bridesmaid. Manuel Gonzales was best man with Ruben Gonzales lighting candles. Both are brothers of the groom. Dean Taylor of Shelton seated guests. Mrs. Ted Wittenberg was organist. Vocals with guitar accompaniment were presented by Ken Marshall and Mike Johnson. At the reception held in Hidden Haven Park from 8:30 p.m. until midnight, cake was served by Carol Blucher, aunt of the groom, and by Nancy Selvidge, cousin of the groom. Pouring coffee and tea was Esther Nordstrom, aunt of the bride. Punch was poured by Colleen Hamlin. Sister-of-the-groom Joaquina Gonzales was in charge of the guest book with Marvin Barker and Robin Tibbitts at the gift table. The bride is employed by Mason County Federal Credit Union, and the groom is a Simpson Timber Company employee. Both are graduates of Shelton High School. After a wedding trip to the South, the couple is at home in Shelton. will meetin DeRochet°nighthomeDay Camp scheduled La Leche League of Shelton to begin on June will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the home of Alison I)eRoche at 526 East Fir Street, Capitol Hill. Those so desiring may arrive at 7 p.m. for the presentation of an audio-visual overview on breastfeeding, "Best for Baby ... Best for You." league leader Holly Wonner will discuss the second of a series of topics, "Art of Breastfeeding and Overcoming Difficulties." Mothers will share ideas on preparation for enjoyable mothering experiences. Bridge Club [ winners named [ North-South winners at the I Monday meeting of Shelton Bridge Club were Lynn Rust and I Bob Quimby; Clyde Ruddell and Bruce Kreger; Bob and Lucy [ Geyerman. Winning for East-West were Tom Halpin and Mary Ann Brunswig; Etta Rector and Francis Sanderson; Grace Jessiman and Ted Brodie. All bridge players are welcome to attend club meetings held at 7:15 p.m. each Monday in the PUD auditorium. "Pets on Parade" slated for Sunday People with pets to give away and those" wishing to adopt them will meet at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at Loop Field at 12th and Franklin Streets for "Pets On Parade," a service sponsored by Mason County Citizens For Animals. Worth makes man Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow; The rest is all but leather on prunella. Alexander Pope Girls of Mason County will have the opportunity for fun in the out-of-doors at the annual Mason County Day Camp at Mason Lake to be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day from June 23 through June 27. Included in the activities will be crafts, songs, games, camping skills and nature lore. All girls in the county are invited to attend the Mason Day Camp. Cost for Girl Scouts is $5.00. Non-scouts pay an additional dollar to cover insurance. Registration and fees should be sent immediately to Lela Roller at Route 3, Box 814, Shelton. For further information contact Arline Goldsby, camp director, at 426-2154, or Lela Roller at 426-2168. Parent volunteers are needed for car pools and camp staff. A volunteer lifeguard is also needed to be on duty between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. each day. Jmmmmm~m| Day Camp Registration Day Camp registration and fee should be mailed promptly to Lela Roller, Route 3, Box 814, Shelton, WA 98584. For all your insurance needs.., we're here to help. Commercial Insurance, Homeowner, Farmowner, Auto, BOAT, Health & Life, Pension Plans and Mutual Funds. You'll smile with Safeco. R. Craig Chapman, Associate 506 Franklin St. Shelton Camper's Name Camper's Age __ Name of Parent or Guardian Home Address Telephone I I I I I I I I I I I I I Camper is currently: I I Brownie ___, Junior--------, Cadette__, Non-Scout__ I AI McConnell are now Photo Center Shelton, COLOR PROCESSING * 20 Exposure * Develop and Print Any Kodacolor or GAF Roll Film. Silk Prints Regular $5.19 With Coupon Expires 6112/75 ~ i~ COLOR PRINTS FROM KODACOLOR ROLLS Limit I per customer. 12 EXPOSURE $1.' COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER CASH VALUE 1/20 OF lc Expires 6112/75 ,_.,._ ..__.._._.______._. K(Dg)JI :ilm PHOTO CENTER PRICE C 126-12 3to,is ................... C 126-20 3,o,,s ................... s5" C 135 -20 3 ro,,s ................... C 110-12 3 ro,,s ................... C 110-20 3ro,,s .................... KMA 464 Super 8 Movie 3 ro,,s .s9" 124 N. 2rid • Shelton 426-6163 • Free Parking e es marry )n Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gonzales VFW slates June The next regular meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and Auxiliary will be held Friday, with the department convention scheduled for June 17 through June 21. On May 24, Aberdeen VFW Post and Auxiliary held installation of officers. Attending from Shelton were Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robinson and Colleell The women ceremony as Local VFW attending the conducted by Post and Auxiliary were Mr. and ld~ Swope, Mr. and Sparks, Mr. and Robinson and CollectS' For Fathers Day it's pacesetters that look the part'--- from the ground UP Here's easy-stepping comfort that is out front In style, too, with the bold challenging looks of todaY" In our New Classics, you're off to a great start. And the look alone is enough to make you. • • CLASS,., Now Has 5,227 members. } "The Family Shoe 107 South Fourth St. Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 5, 1975