June 5, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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! 5 words or less -- $1 .$0
• I 0 cents for each additional word over I S.
• FOUR (4) insertions for the price of
THREE (3).
• Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday .
For hie For For hie For hie Personal Pots, Uvostock Pots, Uvostock WoA Wanted
:ULARS -- SPORT, USED ALUMINUM siding. Call FURNITURE, TOOLS, dishes, 1970 HONDA CI 70, excellent IF DRINKING is causing a TOY FOXterrierpuppiesf0rsale. 6-WEEK-OLD Siamese kittens. LICENSED CHILD care. Want
move in closer -- after 6 p.m., 426-8683. C6/5-12 appliances. Come browse at the condition. 426-2792. Z6/5 problem in your family, call Teann Kennels. Phone 426-6152. 1129 Railroad. G6/5 your children to have special care
~-- Bushnell quality --
ter. P5/15tfn ~E--M--~ Hillcrest Second Hand Store, -~-~ AI-Anon, 426-3072, 426-4535, or FS/29tfn ~----------- ~ and fun this summer? Call
----~ ~ 1325 Olympic Highway South. BALED FIRST crop alfalfa in 426-2551. T5/ltfn ~ 1 MALE, 2 female poodle pups, 426-2589. C5/15tfn
SAWDUST, bark. 426-1374 before 6:30 p.m. 1_6/5 Will feature old glassware and field. Phone Port Angeles ~ HOLD YOUR h6rses and have good homes only, $40 each. Will
depression glass beginning June 457-3930. P6/5-12 SHELTON FAMILY Planning them shod. Julie Olli be old enough in 3 weeks. Call VERY RELIABLE and
or 943-9845. LS/15tfn MOVING SALE: Tables, chairs, 6th. Buy and sell. 426-2469. Clinic, 3rd Monday each month, Horseshoeing, 426-8774. 426-5600. G6/5-12 experienced teenager wants
babysitting and light
) ENGAGE~ homemade boat, do-it-yourself H5/29-6/5 1963 TER RY trailer, good class held 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m. O5/15-6/5 ~ housekeeping your home. $25 for
materials, toys, doghouse. ~ condition, $850. Rt. 5, Box 189, Call 426-4407, Mason County
Ching wedding band, Saturday 10-5. Arcadia Road, 1 SEWING MACHINE trade-ins. We Skokomish Valley. C6/5 Health Department, for MANY LOVELY dogs, cats and hound. 1V2 years old, spayed. 5-day week. 426-2641. S5/15-6/5
new. Will finance " mile, lefthand side. M6/5 have zigzag sewing machines, all other household pets available Good with older children.
ional appraisal for brands, from $29. All are DAVENPORT, $15. Recliner, appointment. S4/3tfn through the M.C.C.F.A. Call 426-1275 after 5:00. T6/5 LICENSED CHILD care, will take
e purchaser. Consider ~~ guaranteed and credit is available. $15. Freezer, $100. Setter puppy, ~ 426-5600. G5/22-6/12 child for nights. No infants. Call
eed hay, chest-type engine, $100. '66 Chevelle front Central Sales, 877-5798. $25. 66 Oldsmobile, $300. everyday prices -- old treasured AKC REGISTERED old English 426-2589. C5/22tfn
letal roofing material, end, '65 Chevelle body, best C5/29-6/19 Across from Lake Nahwatzelboat photographs --restored to FOR SALE or trade, two hound sheepdogs, all shots. Male 7
:l-burning stove or make offer. Call after 5 p.m., 877-5352. launch. Z6/5 original condition. Photo Center, pups, 14 months old, good months, female 6 months. Best
offer. Call after 5:30 p.m., live in if needed. Phone 426-3041.
~'4998 eves. D5/29tfn P6/5 250 OSSA dirt bike, 1972, $250. B5/29-6/5
.... 426.1718. M5/29-6/5 TANDEM BIKE, like new, $50. 426-6163. P4/3tfn * breeding. Call evenings 426-2735. 426-8100. H5/22-6/12 --~ B6/5-12
iDA CL175, $595. 16' 16' TAHITI hi-perf ski boat
at, 65 h.p. Mercury; w/trailer, 455 CI Olds/jet. Never ~t'~ b-b-~th Call after 5 p.m., 426-3514. A6/5 GEO RGE VALLEY_~ Furniture
and Appliance the best night FOR SALE -- 2 family milk cows, DOG CLIPPING and grooming. DAY __-.__CAIilE
gentle. Call 426-8646 evenings. For appointments, call Mrs.
1,495. Schwinn 26 a bused. $3,195. 426-5765, electric and kick starter, built C H R Y S A N T H EM U M S -- spot in town -- bealy mattresses. F5/22-6/12 LaMont, 426-4164. L9/17tfn
~ike, $90. 426-6245 523-7609. N5/15-6/5 with opening like girl's bicycle so well-rooted, named varieties, 3/14tfn Songs, games, cra-ftS.
younger children are able to ride. 4-inch pots, 50 cents each. Only
B5/29-6/19 WOOD FOR sale, alder, maple or $150. 877-5497. B4/24tfn on Friday across from Casa de LOSE WEIGHT safely and fast WEANER PIGS, $25. ~.. ~, ~ox Starts June 2.
Canal. K6/5 with X-11 Diet Plan, $3.00. 155, Shelton. 426-4758. W6/Stfn Farnl Slaughtering Monday-Friday
hER DRAPES with fir, split and delivered, $30 per
cord. Call 426-2701. C5/22tfn
Valance, 84x45, $40.
1973 30' fifth-wheel trailer, many
ALARMS. Call for extras. 877-5412. C5/22-6/12
3-M Alarm
Nelson, 426-6867. 1967 15' Thunderbird camping
ick installation, trailer, sleeps six, excellent
condition. 426-2293. K5/29-6/5
trade, Saanen/Alpine
dehorned. Also
:ockerels, ducks. Call
~,LE June 5th, 6th and
pp.m. First house
heasant on old
426-2276. M6/5
GHT piano. Bundy
condition. Call
Istered, $95 or best
7 p.m. 426-3762.
SALE, Friday only,
a y crib, backpack,
:. Reasonable. 2320
"- 2030 Laurel, Friday,
9-6. Rain or shine.
and fishing gear, auto
chains, lighting fixtures,
box and cable, 4 house
furniture, CB
tow bar, tools, hand
more. C6/5
and retail
Top Soil
Ifter 5:30
4/1 7 tfn
Top Soil
! Quty Bark
Building Materials
* Sand & Gravel
* Crushed Rock
* Ready Mix
service available for all brands.
Central Sales, 877-5798.
WOODED LOT on Angleside.
426-6510, 426-2691. B5/29tfn
GARAGE SALE -- Thursday,
Friday, Sunday. 2 miles out
Arcadia Road. Wiring,
housewares, men's clothes, 13.6
freezer. L6/5
NEW GAS or diesel tanks, two
500-gallon 12-gauge tanks and
one 675-gallon 10-gauge tank.
426-9320. P6/5tfn
The Pot Shack
1 Mile East of Union
on Hwy. ! 06
Picnic Tables Bird Baths
Flower Pots Planters
Macrame Hanging Pots
VITAMINS, GRAINS, bakery and
dairy products, all your health
food needs. Old Healthy's Natural
Foods, First and Railroad,
426-5158. O4/17tfn
picture tak!ng easy -- yet give you
beautiful pno~os -- Photo Center,
426-6163. P5/ltfn
BARGAIN TABLE- Misc. items,
some V2 price. Photo Center,
426-6163. P3/6tfn
Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on
continuous aluminum gutters.
426-8201. S6/14tfn
ROOFING -- NEED a new_
composition roof? For free
estimate call Norm Bunko at
Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn
FRAMES -- FRAMES -- frames.
Photo Center, 426-6163.
CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional
Foresters, 426-1550. E1/31tfn
Danford. An illustrated book of
verse and prose. $1.95 at the
Journal and book stores.
11' FIBERGLASS sailboat,
dacron sail, aluminum spars. One
year old. 426-3675. P6/5
FINE CLASSICAL guitar, solid
spruce top, case included, $200.
Call evenings 357-5994 Olympia.
carpet cleaning our specialty.
Phone 426-8936. $11/30tfn
Panasonic, Craig, Sony. From
$29.95 up. Photo Center,
426-6163. P2/20tfn
CHAIN LINK fence -- for free
estimate, call Norm Bunko at
Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn
MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at
Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and
Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn
TRADE IN your old furniture at
Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota.
night at the Tropics Ballroom
(Schneider's Prairie). Call
Olympia 866-0866. D3/10tfn
Supplied soil for 25 years.
Skokomish Valley good,
sandy loam or top soil.
Pickups welcome. Will
deliver truckloads
anywhere. Small lot
clearing. Call 426-3735 or
Serving the Hood Canal
area with ready-mix
Lucated in Potlatch
MOST POPULAR sizes of tires
and batteries now in stock. Call
Sears 426-8201. S9/26tfn
8/15tfn CEDAR FENCING. Call
Exceptional Foresters, 426-1550,
_ for free estimates. E5/16tfn
Phone 426-1500
after 6 p.m.
Serving Mason County
• Septic Tanks
• Backhoe Service
• Bulldozing
• G ravel
P.O. Box 37'
Grapeview WA 98546
For The Finest In:
6/1 3t fn
WASHER AND dryer, Whirlpool
8800 series, harvest gold, 4
months old, $400. 426-8562 after
6 p.m. K6/5
GARAGE SALE -- Lots of
clothes. June 12, 13, 14, 10
a.m.-4 p.m. 1923 Summit Drive,
Shelton. R6/5-12
'72 YAMAHA Enduro trail. 800
miles. New condition. 877-5865
after 5 p.m. B6/5-26
3 HEAVY-DUTY trailer axles
with springs, 2 with electric
brakes. 7-14-5 8-ply tires, $75
each or $200 for all. Firm.
426-3275. $6/5-12
CAULK LOGGING boots, size
12E, only worn twice, must sell.
$75 or best offer. Call 426-4328
any time or 426-5139 days. D6/5
IT'S INEXPENSIVE to clean rugs
and upholstery with Blue Lustre.
Rent electric shampooer, $2.
Coast to Coast Store- C6/5
YARD SALE -- Set of weights,
lots of toys, boys' clothing,
books, small appliances, misc. 819
Turner. Saturday, June 7, 10-4.
FREE -- ONE gallon of root beer
to Walter G. Bain, 1423 E.
Ellinor, from Minor's A&W
Drive-In on Mt. View. A6/5
KING SIZE bedroom set, like
new; stereo and records; console
23" color TV; cabinet sewing
machine; lamps, tables, etc.
426-5943. D6/5
CONSOLE AM/FM stereo/phono.
Bicycles. Lawn mower with
impulse start. 426-5845. E6/5
Company -- General contractors,
building, specialize in cement
work, residential and commercial.
426-3640. K6/5-26
HEAVY-DUTY rotovating,
60-inch Howard, 55 h.p. tractor.
426-3648. H6/5tfn
Brummitt. Phone 866-1646.
h.p. tractor, 40"-wide cut,
reasonable rates. Call Bob Brewer,
426-4936. B4/17-6/5
COMPLETE YARD care, no job
too small. Reasonable rates.
JX BRAND country-fresh beef. Mowing, fertilizing, edging, etc.
Phone 426-3325 weekdays. Call 426-2701. C5/22-6/12
426-2806 evenings and weekends. ~-- -----
J2/27tfn " _ CRUSHED ROCK for your
driveway or the permanent
PHOTO ALBUMS -- large variety sol ution, concrete paving.
"- magnetic plastic pages, Graystone, phone 426-3344.
scrapbook -- refill pages carried. G12/7tfn
Photo Center, 426-6163. P5/ltfn PRESERVE THOSE precious old
1972 21' E-Z Loader trailer,
$500.426-4775. W5/15-6/5
CUR R N CAULK boots, size 9Vz,
like new Call 877-5561. $45.
B5/15-6 "
68 300 Honda, good shape,
rebuilt engine, $300. Call
426-2653 $5/15-6/5
HD-10-AC DOZER, $2,500.
426-6685. K5/29-6/19
photographs with fine art copies.
Twenty-five years experience.
Dean's Studio. 3/7tfn
AUTO PAINTING, reasonable
prices. Also trailers, etc. All work
~uaranteed. Phone 426-4322.
202 Cota St. R7/20tfn
Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn
CHAI%I SAW sharpening, speedy,
accurate, precision grinding. Now
at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest.
Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn
Ammons Septic
Tank Installations
Phone 426-3153
Zigzags, buttonholes, design
stitches, etc. Sold new, $445.
Yours for only $145. Credit,
erms and trades available. Central
Sales, 877-5798. C5/29-6/19
14" DE WALT radial arm saw on
trailer with 100' 4-8 dropcord,
$250. 426-3381, Ext. 311; home
426-2052. $6/5
18-GALLON auxiliary fuel tank
for boat or truck, gauge, never
S6/5.~~ Lew's Tree Service
1956 15' fiberglass boat, trailer,
1973 40 h.p. Evinrude, $700.
426-1374 before 6:30 p.m. L6/5
PIANO -- WALNUT spinet
console pinao to be picked up and
Tree Topping
Tree Removal
Stump Removal
Phone 426-2064
Shelton, Washington
• Repairing Modern and Antiques
• Precision Scope & Sight Mounting
• Shotgun Choke Alterations,
all gauges.
• Shooting Supplies
Warren A. Girard
Route 2, Box 7eS Phone 426-250t"
sold in this area. Will sacrifice to
responsible party. Cash or terms.
Also organ with automatic
rhythm. Phone 206-CH3-9270 or
write Credit Manager, 612 SW
152nd, Seattle, WA 98166.
UTILITY BIKE trailer, 1200 lb.
capacity. Custom-built. 877-5865
after 5 p.m. B6/5-26
7th & Park Street
2/1 ltfn
Reduce excess fluids with X-Pel,
$3.00. Evergreen Drug.
WELSH MORGAN mare for sale.
426-6247. W6/5-12
Used ~rs
1970 CHEVROLET Impala 350,
V-8, power steering,
air-conditioning, 2-door hardtop,
$1,500. 426-2539. G5/29-6/5
1974 DATSUN 13-210, excellent
condition, 4-speed, RWD, R/H,
low mileage- Call after 5:30 p.m.,
426-8100. H5/22-6/12
'61 FORD 1-ton flatbed truck,
'62 6.cylinder motor, 4-speed,
$500. 426-1374 before 6:30 p.m.
1971 DODGE Dart Swinger,
automatic 2-door, $1,~595. Call
426-2771 after b p.m. R6/2
1962 CHEV truck, $350. Rt. 5,
Box 189, Skokomish Valley. C6/5
1969 DODGE Charger, fair
condition, $600. Any interested
party please call 426-8674. C6/5
1963 JEEP Wagoneer, 4-wheel
drive, 17,000 miles on rebuilt
engine. $1,095 or offer.
426-3361, 426-5418. H6/5
1967 MUSTANG, 6-cylinder
stick, 21 mpg, runs good, needs
some repairs. Good work car.
$650 or best offer. 426-6162.
1956 DODGE pickup, V-8, runs
good, good tires, $300. Call
Union 898-2748 for information.
Used Can
1967 FORD ~-ton pickup,
4-speed, V-8, good tires. Asking
$1,100. 426-4866. M6/5
1962 CHEV ~-ton with 10'
camper, good engine, good tires.
$1,000. Call 426-2849.
7 LUV pickups
3 Suburbans
5 4x4 pickups
21 pickups
$100 over cost
Call Walt
Capitol Chevrolet
"1 appreciate your business."
Residence 426-2181
Business 3574633
1968 Plymouth S
4 door ................. ...............
1974 Dodge Coronet
Custom 4 dr., 318 V-8 engine, auto. trans., air
conditioning .............................
1971 Chev Vega $,
Wagon ..................................
1968 Buick Skylark S
Beautiful ...............................
1972 Ford Pinto S
2 door, auto. trans. -- red ...................
1970 Dodge S
Dart Swinger .......................... • • •
SHELTON 426-8183
Now is the time
to trade -- we
need used carsl
1974 Mustang ...........................$3,595
1974 Courier & canopy ................... $3,195
1973 Datsun 240-Z ...................... $4,,595
1973 Torino 4-dr ......................... $2,795
1973 Comet ............................ $2,595
1973 VW ... .......... SOLD ............ $2,495
1973 Vega ............................. $2,395
1972 Pontiac Ventura ... SOLD ............ $2,495
1971 Comet 4-dr ........... .............. $1,550
1969 Dodge van ......................... $1,795
1968 Plymouth cony ...................... $1,195
1968 Comet ............................ $1,095
|968 Bonneville ......................... $ 995
1965 T/Bird (restored) .................... $!,995
1964 Galaxie 500, 4-dr... SOLD ............ $ 495
1961 Chrysler 2-dr ....................... $ 650
Mt. View at Kneeland Center
Phone 426-8231
48 month financing available
Custom cutting and wrapping.
Old fashioned curing done and
pepperoni and sausage made.
Livestock bought, sold and
Home Meat Service
Glenn & B. J. Probst
426- ! 643 Ka milche
Help Wanted
REAL ESTATE sales -- If you
have had experience dealing with
people, we need a full-time
energetic, sincere person on our
staff and you may be the one.
Stop in and see "Mitch" at Mason
Cou nty Realty, 724 Railroad,
Shelton. Profit-sharing program
pays you more. Call 426-4486.
NEED A reliable housekeeper,
preferably Friday mornings. Write
Box M, c/o Journal. M5/29-6/5
7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Located on Cole Road
Kay Roher
426-2168 5129-615
Services offered you by the
Washington State Employment
office. Placement, job bank,
applicant testing, industrial
services, labor market
information and financial
assistance for on-the-job
training. And it's FREE
Job service brings together
people needing jobs and
employers needing workers
throughout Mason County and
the entire state. For more
information call Dave "or Tom
at 426.5511. 5/22~/19
buy scrap copper, brass,
aluminum, bottles, glass. Lost
FREE CLASS for unemployed. Lake Road, 426-8626. M5/15-6/5
Sponsored by State of
Washington. Placement serviceWANTED: STAMPS and coins,
included with class attendance, singles and collections. As a
Carole Boe, 357-9309, 943-2365 collector, I can pay more than
evenings. C5/29-6/5 most dealers. 426-8007. P4/lOtfn
salespersonw anted. Top
commissions. Call Jerry Smith
Realty, 426-3361. S5/22tfn
RELIEF FOR Paper route, TNT,
weekends and vacation. Must have
car. 426-6382. P5/22-6/12
3 JOB openings are available with
the Skokomish Tribe. 2 tribal law
enforcement officers and I tribal
CEDAR BOLTS -- Highest prices
paid for quality cedar bolts. Also
finest quality hand-split tapers,
$32 a square. 1-871-3864.
H 5/22-6/12
WANTED -- YOUR junk cars.
Will buy complete cars or will
haul away others free if not
completely stripped. 426-2725 or
426-8991. L8/15tfn
management assistant. All three D. H. KNUDSEN Pole Co., Port
j obs will work under the of Shelton, John's Prairie. We bu~/
supervision of the tribal manager, poles, piling, stumpage and lano.
Please contact Skokomish Tribal 426-6350, home phone 426-8914.
Center for further details, P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn
426-5268. $5/29-6/5
JOB OPENINGS -- Must be over
21. Apply between 2 p.m. and 4
p.m., Mill Creek inn. M6/5
BOY OR girl for newspaper
routes, 943-6354. M5/29-6/5
65. Shelton area, full or part-time.
Send name, age, address, phone
number to P.O. Box 747, Shelton.
SELLING YOUR timber? Call
275-6351. O6/5-26
GOOD PRICE for green and dry
cascara bark. Wayne Eves, Rt.
10, Box 94, Shelton.
(Dayton-Matlock Highway -- 4
miles from Shelton.) 3:00-8:00
daily. Telephone 426-4052.
OLD UPRIGHT piano, 426-1718.
position open for a retail sales
clerk. Must be willing to work
weekends and odd hours. Please
contact Mary Andrews at
877-5268 for application form.
I &Fi
LOST SINCE 5/23: solid black"
cat, green eyes, wearing yellow
collar with ~old trim. Very
affectionate, m0ssed very much.
starting salary $504. Must have 426-1319. H6/5
ability to communicate with low
, ncome people, must have
Washington State driver's license. LOST -- CARAVELLE watch.
Black strap. Vicinity Prairie
Application and specific Market or Safeway. 426-1117.
qualifications available at L6/5
Olympia Referral Center, 5826 ~~
Pacific Avenue, Suite G, Lacey, TIME TO travel, so Teddy Bear,
Washington 98503. Applications please come home. Merle Snyder,
close Monday, June 9, at 5 p.m. 426-2470. C6/5
MAN TO repair water lines in a
development, when or if the need
arises. Grapeview area. P.O. Box
62, Grapeview 98546. P6/5-12
FINES WILL fly far and near if
Teddy Bear doesn't appear. Merle
Snyder, 426-2470. C6/5
OPPORTUNITY -- COUPLE, ~----------------~-------w..-_:_-::_
young knolwedgeable able-bodied
to work oyster and clam beach, ~Jmlf~ Of
seafood store and snack bar on
percentage basis. References ~-------------~------~-~Jq-*---
required. Jorstad Creek Trailer I wish to thank the personnel
Park, St. Rt. 1, Box 43, Lilliwaup of the ER room 'of the Mason
877-5857. J6/5tfn General Hospital for the fine
Real Estate Wanted
BUY OR rent home on Isabella or
Island Lake. Seattle 1-634-1326.
WE BUY and sell equities or
contracts. We trade or exchange
homes, farms, waterfront or
acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr.
Mitchell for quotes, bids or
further information. Have buyers
for 2 and 3 bdrm. homes. Mason
County Realty, 8th & Railroad,
426-4486. 8/12tfn
WANT TO buy 2-bedroom home
in $8,000 bracket. Will take an
existing contract if $8,000 will
handle. Mail particulars to Box
10, c/o Journal. H1/30tfn
work they did on May 26th. Out
of the nine children and two
adults, four of the children were
mine. You have a right to pat
yourselves on the backfor a
well done. My thanks again
the Simpson worker who was the
first one at the accident; to Bill
and Lill LaMont, District 5 Fire
Department; to Mason County
Ambulance drivers; to Dr.
Peterson, who was very
overworked; to the nurse named
Kris who kept all the records
straight; and to all the personnel
at the hospital from the laundry
room to the switchboard
operator. Thank you again. A job
well done.
Joe Lauzon
The kindness and sympathy
of neighbors and friends in our
recent sorrow will always remain
with us as a precious memory.
Our sincere thanks and gratitude
for all those comforting acts.
Bill Schroeder
. Thursday, June 5, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 31