June 5, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Homes Mobile Homes legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications legal Publkations Legal Publkations Legal Puklimtiom
ornot. Olympia Mobile Trailer wiring. Sway control, FOR SALE, OLYMPIC FOR SALE, OLYMPIC TRUSTEE'S SALE That the Board of County PORT OF HOODSPORT defendant in and to the following
3813 Pacific, Lacey. jacks, brakes. The Hitch Shop,N A T I O N A L F O R E S T, NATIONAL FOREST, SKOK 74, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Commissioners will hold a public HOODSPORT, WASHINGTON described property, situated in
b..011/14tfn, 4814 Iiacey Blvd. 491-6150. WYNOOCHEE 74, -3 (5408) HEX 7 (5410) SALE, located that the undersigned trustee will Hearing on their intention to Sealed bids will be received by Mason County, State of
~--- H11/28tfn SALE, located within T. 22N., R. w th n T. 22N., R. 5W., and T.on June 20, 1975, at the hour of grant an Emergency Budget the Port of Hoodsport at the Washington, to-wit:
STOCK of used mobile ~------- 7&8W.; and T. 23N., R. 7&8W., 23N.,' R. 5 and 6W., W.M., 9:30 o'clock, A.M., at Lobby,Extension to the District Court's Hoodsport Fire Department, Tract 11, Benson Lake No. 2,
$2,495, easy terms. 12x70 3-bedroom mobile home, W.M., partially surveyed. Public partially surveyed. Public notice is Fourth Street Entrance of Mason 1 9 7 5 b udqet, in amount Hoodsport, Washington, until Volume 4 of Plats, page 110,
Iobile Homes, 3813 good condition. Matlock area. notice is hereby given that hereby given that pursuant to the Country Courthouse, in the City $5,664.00 ($5,380.50 from the 2:00 P.M., June 19, 1975, for the records of and situate in Mason
Lacey. 456-8890. 426-6931. G5/22-6/12 pursuant to the provisions of provisions of Section 5 of Public of Shelton, State of Washington, State Grant and $283.50 Countyconstruction of Public Mooring County, Washington, levied on as
Section 5 of Public Law 273, Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. sell at public auction to the matching funds which will be Floats, at Hoodsport, Washington, the property of said defendant
78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16,132-16, U.S.C. 583-583i, Sup. 4) highest bidder, payable at time of derived from District Court fines at which time and place said heretofore named, to satisfy a
"~'----"--'" judgement, amounting to Eleven
UI-UII' U.S.C. 583-583i, Sup. 4)and the and the Cooperative Agreement sale, the following described real and forfeitures)to be utilized for proposalswill be opened and Thousar~," and no/100 Dollars,
• Cooperative Agreement for the for the Management of the property, situated in the County salary and benefits for said publicly readaloud.
Management of the ParticipatingParticipating Forest Properties, in of Mason, State of Washington,Probation Officer from June 1,Plans and specifications and attorney s fees of $---, the cost
Forest Properties, in the Shelton the Shelton Cooperative to-wit: 1975 through December 31, form of contract documents may of suit and interest, in favor of
Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit Sustained Yield Unit entered into DESCRIPTION: 1975, in their Office in the be examined at the office of plaintiff, plus Sheriff's Fees.
!~ entered into by and between theby and between the United States PARCEL 1 -- Lots 7 to 20 County Courthouse, at the hourR E I D, M I D D L ETO N & Dated this 6th of May, 1975.
United States of America and the of America and the Simpson inclusive and Lot 32 in Block 103 of 2:30 P.M., Monday, June 9, ASSOCIATES, INC., Consulting DAN W. McNAIR, Sheriff
Simpson Timber Company, dated Timber Company, dated of Hood Canal Land & 1975. Engineers and Land Surveyors, /s/CarolynGruver
December 12, 1946, an estimatedDecember 12, 1946, an estimated Improvement Co. Addition to Any interested person may 324 Main Street, Edmonds, CIVIL Deputy
23,800 M board feet of timber 16,300 M board feet of timber Union as recorded in Volume 1 of appear to be heard either for or Washington, or at the Shumate ATTORNEY:
marked or otherwise designated marked or otherwise designatedPlats, page 9; TOGETHER with against the granting of the residence at Hoodsport, William R. Garland
for cutting will be sold to for cutting will be sold to the south half of that part ofEmergency Budget Extension. Washington, and a set thereof 207-209 Dietz Bldg.
Bremerton, Wash. 98310
Simpson "Fimber Company, Simpson Timber Company, vacated street adjoining Lots 7 to DATED this 26th day of May,obtained upon a deposit of 377-2828
Seattle Washington, June 30, Seattle, Washington, June 30, 18 inclusive on the north; 1975. • $10.00.
1975. The minimum acceptabe 1975. The minimum acceptable EXCEPTING therefrom State BOARD OF COUNTY /p Each proposal shall be 5/15-22-29-6/5-4t
b id per M board feet is: b id per M board feet is: Route No. 106. COMMISSIONERS OF accompanied by a bid bond,
Douglas-fir, $46.17; western Douglas-fir, $10.25; western PARCEL 2 -- Lots 1 to 40 MASON COUNTY, certified check, or cashier's check
hemlock and other coniferous hemlock and other coniferous inclusive in Block 104 of Hood WASHINGTON. made payable to the Port of
species, $2.00; western redcedar, species, $2.17. The road Canal Land & Improvement Co. /s/Ruth E. Boysen Hoodsport, in amount not less NOTICE TOCREDITORS
$41.98; white fir, $2.00. The road amortization allowance on this Addition to Union as recorded in Auditor & Clerk than five percent (5%) of the No. 4593
amortizatior, allowance on thissale is $22.16 per M board feetVolume 1 of Plats, page 9; of the Board. amount of the bid. The check IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
sale is $5.34 per M board feet for for all above species, and may be TOGETHER with the westerly 5/29-6/5-2t shall be given as a guarantee that THE STATE OF WASHINGTON
all above species, and may be adjusted pursuant to the terms of half of that part of vacated street----~ the bidder shall execute the FOR MASON COUNTY
adjusted pursuant to the terms of the t i m b er sale contract, adjoining Lots 18, 19 and 20 on contract in conformity with theIn the Matter of the Estate of
the timber sale contract. Additional deposit required forthe east, together with the north NOTICE OF contract documents if it be LILA S. DURBROW, Deceased.
Additional deposit required for slash disposal is $6.21 per M half of that part of vacated streetTRUSTEE'S SALE awarded to him and shall provide The undersigned is the
slash disposal is $5.54 per M board feet for all above species. In adjoining said property on the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN surety bond as specified therein appointed and qualified Personal
board feet for all above species. In addition there is within the sale south, and together with the that the undersigned trustee will within f ive (5) days after Representative of said estate.
addition there is within the sale area an estimated 295 acres of all south half of that part of vacated on June 6, 1975, at the hour of notification of the award of Persons having claims against the
area an estimated 466 acres of all species logs subject to per-acre street adjoining said property on 10:00 o clock, A.M., at the Mason contract to the bidder, decease(~ must serve the claim on
species logs subject to per-acrepricing which will be paid for at the north; EXCEPTING County Courthouse, in the City The Port of Hoodsport the undersigned, or the attorney
pricing which will be paid for at $2.73 per acre. All of the Alaska therefrom State Route No. 106. of Shelton, State of Washington, reserves the right to reject any or of record, at the address stated
$].94 per acre. All of the Alaska yellow cedar determined pursuant
yellow cedar determined pursuant to public hearings to be surplus to PARCEL 3 -- Lots 15, 16 and sell at public auction to the all bids, and to waive irregularities below and must file an executed
to public hearings to be surplus to needs of domestic users and 17 and the south 80 feet of Lots highest bidder, payable at time of or informalities in the bid or in copy of the claim with the Clerk
needs of domestic users and processors and Included Timber18 to 30 inclusive in Block 105 of sale, the following described real the bidding, of the Court within four months
processors and Included Timber not meeting Utilization Hood Canal Land & Improvement property, situated in the No bidder may withdraw his after the date of the filing of a
• 2 Bedrooms • Full Bath not meeting Utilization Standards, is exempted from Co. Addition to Union as County(lee) of Mason, State ofbid after the hour set for thecopy of this notice or the claim
Sta ndards, is exempted from Timber Export and Substitutionrecorded in Volume 1 of Plats,Washington, to-wit: opening thereof, or before award will be barred, except under those
Timber Export and Substitution Restrictions. Bidders are advised page 9 EXCEPTING therefrom Lot 1 in Block 19 of Hillcrest of contract, unless said award is provisions included in RCW
• Carpeted and Draped Restrictions. Bidders are advised that violations of the Timber the north 20 feet of said Lot 15; Addition to Shelton as recorded delayed for a period exceeding11.40.011.
that violations of the Timber Export and Substitution TOGETHER with the westerly in Volume 2 of Plats, page 39,thirty(30) days. Date of filing copy of notice
Double Compartment Sink Export and Substitution Restrictions constitute breach of half of that part of vacated street records of Mason County, Jim Shumate, Chairman to creditors: May23, 1975.
Restrictions constitute breach of contract and may result in adjoining said property on theWashington. of Commissioners Date of first publication: May
contract and may result in contract cancellation, refusal to east, and together with the north Situate in City of Shelton, Port of Hoodsport, 29, 1975.
Range • Refrigerator contract cancellation, refusal to award other timber sales to the half of that part of vacated street Mason County, Washington. Washington /s/Helen Herzog
award other timber sales to theviolator, and/or debarment or adjoining said property of theEXCEPT those portions 5/29-6/5-2t HELEN HERZOG
Personal Representative
violator, and/or debarment or suspension from bidding on south; SUBJECT to right of waythereof heretofore reconveyed, ~ c/oRobertL. Snyder
suspension from bidding on future timber sales. If requested over the north 30 feet of the described as follows: Attorney at Law
future timber saues: .If requested by the State of Washington, orsouth 80 feet of said Block 105 which is described in that certain SUMMONS 1251/2 N. 5th Street
by the State of Wasnmgton, or by by Grays Harbor or Mason except over Lot 16 in said Block deed of trust dated September 12, NO. 12340 Shelton, Washington 98584
Grays Harbor or Mason Counties,Counties, or by any person 105 conveyed to C. M. Pixley by 1972, recorded September 15,
or by any person seemed to havedeemed to have a reasonable deed dated June 1, 1931 and 1972, in volume of Mortgages, at IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 5/29-6/5-12-3t
a reasonable 0nrerest in the interest in the proposed sale, or in recorded in Volume 55 of deeds, page under Auditor's File No. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ......
proposed sale, or in its terms, a its terms, a public hearing will be page 522 in Mason County; 272928, Mortgage records of IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY
public hearing will beneld inthe held in the office of the Forest EXCEPTING therefrom State SIDNEY L. COOKSON & DOROTHY A. KOMM, No. 4590
Route No. 106.
off ce of the I-ores~ bupervisor, Supervisor, Federal Building, PARCEL 4 -- Lots 4, 5 and 6JUDITH A. COOKSON, his wife, Petitioner, and MICHAEL N. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
Federal Building, Olympia, Olympia, Washington, on the in Block 107 and Lots 1, 2and3aSl?Lr~-nt°r, to TRANSAMERICA KOMM, Respondent. WASHINGTOI~ FOR MASON
Washington, on the 20th day of 20th day of June 1975 at 2:00 in Block 108 of Hood Canal La~Ld T NS. CO. as Trustee, to STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY
June 1975 at 2:00 PM, local time. PM, local time. Requests for Improvement Co. Addition to secure an obligation in favor of COUNTY OF MASON, ss. IN THE MATTER OF THE
Requests for public hearing will public hearing will not be Union as recorded in Volume 1 of RAINIER MORTGAGE, f/k/a T H E S T A T E O F ESTATE OF MARCEL THOMA
not be considered unless received considered unless received in the Plats, page 9; TOGETHER with COAST MORTGAGE CO., as WASHINGTON, to the said FEUCHT, Deceased.
in the office of the Forest office of the Forest Supervisor, M I C HA EL N. KOMM, The undersigned is the
Supervisor, Federal Building, Federal Building, Olympia, that part of vacated street lying Beneficiary.
Olympia, Washington, on or Washincjton, on or before June between said blocks, together No action is now pending to Respondent: appointed and qualified Personal
before June 13, 1975. The right13, 1975. The right to reject any with the easterly half of vacated seek satisfaction of the obligation Y O U A R E H E R E BY Representative of said estate.
to reject any and all bids is and all bids is reserved. Fullstreet adjoining said property on in any Superior Court by reasonSUMMONED to appear within Persons having claims against the
reserved. Full information information concerning the the west, and together with all, of the grantor's default on thesixty (60) days after the date of deceased must serve the claim on
concerning the timber, the timber, the conditions of sale, and tidelands as conveyed by State of obligations or covenants secured the first publication of this the undersigned, or the attorney
conditions of sale, and submission submission of bids should be Washington lying in front of, by said deed of trust, which Summons, to-wit: Within sixty at record, at the address stated
adjacent to and abutting• on said default is described as follows: (60) days after the 29th day ofbelow and must file an executed
of bids should be obtained from obtained from the District property; EXCEPTING therefrom Failure to pay monthly May, 1975, and defend the copy of the claim with the Clerk
the District RCnger, Shelton Ranger, Shelton Ranger District, above-entitled action in the above of the Court within four months
Ranger D istrict, Shelton, Shelton, Washington, or the State Route No. 106 and installments of $129.00, plus late entitled Court and answer the after the date of first publication
Washington, or the Forest F o rest Supervisor, Federal excepting also, tract conveyed to charges to date.
Supervisor, Federal Building, Building, Olympia, Washington. C.M. Pixley by deed dated June Failure to pay when due the Petition of the Petitioner and of this notice or within four
Olympia, Washington. Dated May Dated May 21, 1975, Wynne M. 1, 1931 and recorded in Volume following amounts which are now serve a copy of your answer uponmonths after the date of the filing
21, 1975, Wynne M. Maule, Maule, Forest Supervisor, 55of Deeds, page522, inarrears: the undersigned Attorney for theof a copy of this notice or the
4 monthly installments P e t i t i o ne r G E R A L D L. claim will be barred, except under
Forest Supervisor, Olympic Olympic National Forest. I n M a s o n C o u n t y,$129.00 @ $516.00 WHITCOMB, INC., P.S. at his those provisions included in RCW
Washington. office below stated; and in case of 11.40.011.
' ~ National Forest. 5/29-6/5-12-19-4t EXCEPT those portions 4 late charges $2.58
• ~ 10.32 your failure so to do, judgment Date of filing copy of notice
Hiway 101 at Taylor Towne • 426-5252
AS, on March 17,
of Mason County
did approve and
No. 485, granting
budget extension
Parole and
ram in amount
which is to be
h a State Grant;
kS, it has since come
the amount of said
has been amended,
is needed in
the funds to be
GIV/='N: That the
nty Commissioners
Hearing at 2:00
ay, June 9, 1975, in
.. 5/29-6/5-12-19,4t
• ~ ;-,P...........,~.~ .~ ,
Legal Publications
their office in the County
Courthouse, to consider granting
an additional emergency budget
extension to the Skokomish
No. 4596
JACKSON, Deceased.
The undersigned is the
appointed and qualified Executor
of said estate. Persons having
claims against the deceased must
serve the same on the
undersigned, or the attorney of
record, at the address stated
below and must file an executed
copY of the claim with the Clerk
of the Court within four months
THAT : A Special Assistance
Grant of $5,000.00 has been
received from the State
Department of Agriculture for the
County Fair, to be used to
complete the plumbing and
heating, and enclosing the new
County Fair Building; and
WHEREAS, there is no
County Fair Budget by which to
expend this grant;
Board of County Commissioners
will hold a Hearing on their
intention to grant an emergency
Parole & Probation Program, after the date of the first
which is being administered publication of this notice or
separately through the Current within four months after the date
Expense Fund for accounting
purposes, in amount $8,235.00,
totaling full 1975 budget.
Any interested person may
attend the Hearing to be heard
either for or against the arantincj
of said emergency budget
DATED this 26th day of May,
/s/Ruth E. Boysen
Clerk of the Board.
budget extension to the County
Fair Fund in this amount, in their
of the filing of a copy of this office in the County Courthouse,
notice or the claim will be barred, at the hour of 2:15 P.M.,
Monday, June 9, 1975, and any
except under those provisions
included in RCW 11.40.011.
Date of filing copy of notice
to creditors: 23 May 1975.
Date of first publication: 29
May 1975.
E xecu tot,
3012 So. Boundary,
Olympia, Wn 98501
Attorney for Estate,
Angle Bldg.,
Shelton, Wn. 98584.
interested person may appear at
said hearing to be heard either for
or against the granting of the
emergency budget extension.
DATED this 26th day of May,
/s/Ruth E. Boysen
Auditor & Clerk
of the Board.
thereof heretofore reconveyed,
described as follows: None.
which is described in that certain
deed of trust dated June 1, 1973,
recorded June 4, 1973, in Reel
104 Frame 500-503 under
Auditor's File No. 279770,
Mortgage records of Mason
County, Washington, from The
Krusz Company, Inc., et el, as
Grantor, to Security Title
Insurance Co. of Wash., as
Trustee, to secure an obligation in
favor of USF Investors, a Georgia
Business Trust, as Beneficiary.
No action is now pending to
seek satisfaction of the obligation
~nf any Superior Court by reason
the grantor's default on the
obligations or covenants secured
by said deed of trust, which
default is described as follows:
Failure to pay at maturity
principal and interest and
suffering liens and encumbrances
to attach to the property.
Failure to pay when due the
following amounts which are now
in arrears: $1,336,127.91 PLUS
interest of $23,753~34 (accruing
at $593.83 per diem).
The sum now owing on the
TOTAL $526.32.
The latest date when defaults
can be cured is June 6, ]975, at
10:00 a.m.
The sum now owing on the
obligation secured by the deed of
trust is $15,920.22 and such
other costs and fees as are
provided by statute.
The above described real
property will be sold to satisfy
the expense of sale, and the
obligation secured by said deed of
trust as provided by state. Said
sale will be made without
warranty, express or implied,
regarding title, possession or
Dated this 29th day of
January, 1975.
/s/Patrick C. Comfort
COUNTY OF Pierce, ss.
On this day personally
appeared before me PATRICK C.
COMFORT to me known to be
the individual described in and
who executed the within and
foregoing instrument, and
acknowledged that he signed the
same as his free and voluntary act
obligation secured by the deed of and deed, for the uses and
trust is $1,359,881.25 and suchpurposes therein mentioned.
other costs and fees as are GIVEN under my hand and
• provided by statute, official seal this 30th day of
The above described real January, 1975.
property will be sold to satisfy /s/Kim A. Boyer
the expense of sale, and the Notary Public in and for
obligation secured by said deed of the State of Washington,
trust as provided by statute. Said residing at Milton
sale will be made on June 20, COMFORT DOLACK,
1975 at 9:30 o'clock A.M. and is HANSLER,'HULSCHER,
the date and hour by which ROSENOW, BURROWS&
will be rendered against you
according to the demands of the
Petition for Dissolution of
Marriage which has been filed
with the Clerk of said Court.
Petitioner's objective in this
action is to secure a Dissolution
of Marriage upon the allegations
stated in her Petition on file as
aforesaid and for such additional
relief as is prayed for in said
INC., P.S.
/s/Gerald L. Whitcomb
Attorney for Petitioner
Attorney at Law
Suite 2, Angle Bldg.,
P.O. Box 869
Shelton, WA 98584
No. 4595
In the Matter of the Estate of
EVA M. SIMMONS, Deceased.
The undersigned is the
appointed and qualified Personal
Representative of said estate.
Persons having claims against the
deceased must serve the claim on
the undersigned, or the attorney
of record, at the address stated
below and must file an executed
to creditors: May 16, 1975.
Date of first publication: May
22, 1975.
/s/Gerald T. Feucht
Personal Representative
Route 2, Box 27
Shelton, WA 98584
Attorney for Personal
125 North Fifth St.,
P.O. Box 26
Shelton, WA 98584
WHEREAS, unforeseen
expenses have arisen in the
Miscellaneous Current Expense
Budget for insurance coverage in
1975, due to unanticipated
premium raises; and
WHEREAS, in the judgment
of the Board of County
Commissioners it is in the best
interest of Mason County that
provision be made for such
expenditures as follows:
$1 0,000.00 to cover
additional insurance premium
GIVEN: That the Board of
County Commissioners of Mason
County, Washington, will hold a
public Hearing at 2:45 P.M.,
Monday, June 9, 1975, in their
office in the County Courthouse,
to consider granting said
emergency budget extension.
copy of the claim with the Clerk DATED this 26th day of May,
default must be cured in order to BILLETT of the Court within four months
cause a discontinuance of sale 1600 One Washington after the date of first publication 1975.
without warranty, express or Plaza Building of this notice or within four BOARD OFCOUNTY
GEN E RAL REVENUE S H A R IsN G PLANNED USE REPORTorimplied'regardingtitle'p°ssessi°nencumbrances. Tacoma, Washington 984025/15_22.29.6/5.4t ofm°nths after the date of the filinga copy of this notice or the COMMISSIONERSOFMAsON COUNTY,
er I r ctl to local and tale governments Th~s re ort of your governme 's pl "s published
. Revenue Sharing provides federal funds d e Y ..... p ....... Dated this 10th day of ~---- claim will be barred, except under WASHINGTON
-nq r overnmem s oec=s~on on how the mone wdl be s ent NoIe /~ny complamts ot
". burage citizen participation in determining you g y • p . • , February, 1975. those provisions included in RCW /s/Ruth E. Boysen
:hnlination in the use of these funds may be sent to THE GOVERNM=fuT SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE 11.40.011. Auditor & Clerk
~c~ice of Revenue Sharing, Wash., D.C. 20226. ""-OF MASON COUNTY COMPANY, a California Date of filing copy of notice of the Board.
corporation, successor to SecurityNOTICE OF HEARING 5/29-6/5-2t
, ' -------------~. EMERGENCY BUDGET to creditors: May 23, 1975.
PL ~NED EXPENDITURES GE E ,~,',nn -,,-,,~ Title Insurance Company of Date of first publication: May
.............. v ....... F ~,"~'O./U/ Washington, a Washington EXTENSION
(A) CAT~........... T^" (C) OPERATING /~ on~nm~ r~T,w=,~.u corporation WHEREAS, on January 13, 29, 1975.
E~.3ur~II~O |Ol ...... MAINTENANCE I'OR THE SIXTH ENTITLEMENT PERIOD. JULY 1. 1975 THROUGH JUNE 30,, (TRUSTEE) 1975, the Board of County /s/James L. Simmons NOTICEOF PUBLIC
_ ._ 1976 PLANS TO SPEND THESE FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSES SHOWN. /s/Frank W. Soderling Commissioners did authorize the JAMES L. SIMMONS HEARING BY THE
Personal Representative OLYMPIC AIR POLLUTION
S $ /ACCOUNTNO. 48 1 023 023 FrankW. Soderling, County Auditor, County
~Nv~ -- -- Vice President Treasurer and County Assessor toc/o Robert L. Snyder CONTROL AUTHORITY
buy out Lease No. 04-14-191 and Attorney at Law Notice is hereby given that
PJ~/ROcNI~ENNTAL _~ ~ MASON COUNTY u163 5/29-6/5-12-19-4tLease No. SF-32-411 covering 125V~N. 5thStreet the Board of Directors of the
P, .... - -" = COUNTY AUDITOR f ou r L-5000 Burroughs Shelton, Washington 98584 Olympic Air Pollution Control
CPORTATION S $ POST OFFICE BOX 400 Bookkeeping Machines being 5/29-6/5-12-3tAuthority at their regular meeting
leased through Funding Systems of July 2, 1975, at the hour of
-- SHELTON WASH 98584 NOTICE OFHEARING Leasing Corporation, in amount 10:00 A.M., at the Authority
EMERGENCY BUDGET Office, 120 East State Street,
5 :b $48,773.96; and .
EXTENSION FURTHER, said buy-ou~ NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S Olympia, Washington, will
~ $ $ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN funds were authorized from the SALE OF consider an amendment to
THAT On March 10, 1975, the Cumulative Reserve No. 2 Fund; REAL ESTATE Regulation One of the Olymptc
¢ Board of County Commissioners NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT STATE OF WASHINGTON, Air Pollution Control Authority
approved an application for a Law HE R E BY NOTICED that the County of Mason, ss. SHERIFF Samending Section 9.01 (G) (3) to
& Justice Planning Grant, in Board of County Commissioners OFFICE provide that no person shall cause
$ ilhh,lll,,,Ih,,,ll.l, ll,,llll.,llh.,ll,,i,lh,llll,lll amount $10,761.00 plus $567.00will hold a public Hearing in their BY V I RTUE OF Writ of or allow any open fire in any area
~ ~L in County matching funds, to be Office in the County Courthouse Execution issued out of the designated by the Authority as an
~TRATION $ $ "' " t, nb used for salary and personal at 3:00 P.M., Monday, June 9, Honorable Court of the State of area exceeding state or federal
~LT t~ -- ~ (D)Submat proposals for fundmg considers o y benefits for a District Court 1975, for the purpose of granting Washington for Kitsap County, onambient air quality st'andards or,
GOVT. $ ~ Probation •Officer for period the following Emergency Budgetthe 30th day of April, 1975, by after July 1, 1976 (proposed
~u~,.- ~ -- ~ tO , A copy of this report, end running~ from June 1, 1975 Extensions to the following the Clerk thereof in the case of chancje from July 1, 1975) state
~ N $ ~ supPorting documents, areopenforpublic=crutiny through May 31, 1976; and CurrentI Expense Budgets for this Shirley C. Richards versus Hobson amb0ent air quality goals for
WHEREAS, on April 1, 1975, purpose: E. Richards, No. 62799, and to suspended particulate.
said application wasapprovedandCounty Auditor $10,472.60; me, as Sheriff, directed and All persons wishing to be
~ 4ENT $ at__ Mason County Courthou, se an executed copy of the Contract Co~,nty Assessor 17,356.18; delivered: heard for or against said proposed
"-I~1 t 0nstruCtaon E) I assure the Secret ry of the Treasury
~i ~ J ~ (E) ASSURANCES (Refe to ' ~ : P - . was received from the State $I~,~'~ '~3Y q6.Treasurer 20,945.18;NOTICE IS HEREBY amendment may attend at said
$ ~ that the non-discrimination and other statut°ryreqmrements ,iSleD in art Eot Office of Community 19/b~*''~TFDthis26thday°fMay' GIVEN, That I will proceed to time and place and present their
t~(~a^. ~ nStr~ ions accompanying this report ~1 be complied with by this rec=pient Development; and 10 761 00 sell at public auction to the views."
-~'V~(~ S ~ r~lme tvVlth respect to the entlllement funds reported hereon WHEREAS, said $ , • highest bidder for cash, within the DATED this 22nd day of
is to be reimbursed to the County BOARD OF COUNTY hours prescribed by law for May, 1975.
~ ~ ra~y~,~v~,~-~"""~~(~-.~ .p~,,.-i,,,~._j, on a quarterly basis from the COMMISSIONERS OF Sheriff's Sales, to-wit, ten o'clock /s/John Rosene
~ ~ S=gnature of Chief Executwe Officer State Office of Community MASON COUNTY, A.M., on the 13th day of June, JOHN ROSENE
Planning, and a budqet is needed WASHINGTON. ]975, before the Court House Control Officer
for the expenditure o-f these funds By Auditor & Clerk door of Mason County, Fourth Olympic Air Pollution
tOt*Ls _ hn Bariekman, Chrm, Bd, of Co. Cmmrso for the above stated purpose; of the Board Street entrance, at Shelton, in the Control Authority
$ Name & Totle-- Please Print 6/5-]t N O W. T H E R E F O R E, 5/29-6/5-2tState of Washington, all of the 5/29-6/5-2t
I hursday, June 5, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35