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Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1975
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Mrs. Dale Stonecipher D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 J.A. Davis 275=2080 275-2032 Tree Wo,k. g BELFAIR make reservations on dogfish charters out of Tacoma. in 275-3345 & Pat's OF ALLYN MEMBER OF NORTHWEST 5TEELHEADERS Cortand Certificated Fishing Pro Shop Hours: Wed. thru Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Belfair Fireplace Shop Special Glass Fire Screens • Free Standing Fireplaces • Custom Built Fireplaces 275-6165 NEXT TO BELFAIR HOME CENTER Brenda Beeber wed in Bremerton church Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee Stonecipher are making their first home at 3346 Ward in Bremerton. They were married on the evening of May 17 at Summit Avenue Presbyterian Church in Bremerton. Officiating at the double ring service was Pastor Melvin R. Unruh. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Beeber Sr. of Belfair and his parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Stonecipher of Bremerton. The white bridal gown was of dull satin with a scooped neckline with tiny seed peads on the lace applique bodice and bell-shaped long sleeves. The hemline of the hoopskirted gown and the long veil held by a Juliet cap had matching lace applique trim. The bride carried her aunt's Bible, which has been part of many family weddings, with pansies arranged on the cover. Mrs. Claudia Stonecipher was matron of honor with Kathy Ison and Karen Fortner as bridesmaids. Dawn Fortner, niece of the bride, was flower girl. They wore picture hats and pink empire-waisted gowns and carried a single carnation, pink, yellow or lavender. Jacqueline and Barbara Parmely, cousins of the bride, were candlelighters and wore picture hats and gowns of lavender and yellow. Best man was the brother of the groom, Gerald Stonecipher. Ushers were Cleo Stonecipher, Jr. and Don Beeber, Jr. The ringbearer was Robert Parmely III, cousin of the bride. Donn Nelson was organist and Elizabeth Hunt was vocalist. The four-tiered wedding cake was made by the bride's sister, Karen Fortner, with decorations of pink roses, fresh pansies, cupids, and was topped with bridal figurines. The cake was served by a great aunt of the bride, Jessie Pannely, and Karen Fortner. Assisting at the reception were Patricia Dills and Kathy Ison at the coffee and tea table, and Nellie Parmely at the punch bowl. Nieces of the bride, Bonnie Fortner and Karen Ison, wore identical pink checked gowns and picture hats to give the wedding scrolls from small baskets. Joanne Stonecipher and Vanessa Beeber were in charge of the gift table, with Jennifer and Jeanette Green for the guest book. Out-of-town guests were from Toppenish. These included former Belfair residents Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Parmely, great uncle and aunt of the bride; Mrs. Georgia Parmely and Mrs. lea Beeber, grandmothers of the bride; Mr. L Mason Lake By INGA MARIE ST. CLAIR Notice: the Ladies Auxiliary of Fire District 5, Station 3, met May 28 and voted to have only one meeting during the month of June, the night of June 25. This will be a very important meeting and all members are urged to attend as they are in the process of selling the fireboat as advertised in this issue. Only one meeting will be held in August on the 13th at 8 p.m. to plan for our bake sale. Important to all who live here and weekend visitors, the hours of our popular bake sales held twice a year have been changed to begin at 10 a.m. 'ill 2 p.m. unless all items are sold earlier. This past weekend AI and Lela Rodewald attended the wedding of their grandson, Spec. Michael Rodewald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis B. Rodewald of Tacoma. The bride, Renae King, is the daughter of SFC and Mrs. Jerry L. King of Nisqually Valley. The wedding was held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the reception was held at the Amvets Hall in Nisqually Valley. Twelve girls of Junior Girl Scout Troop 456 recently enjoyed an extended trip to Victoria, B.C. paid for by the efforts of these girls selling calendars and Girl Scout cookies. They would like to thank everyone who made a purchase to make this trip possible. The girls were picked up at the Grapeview School and motored north to Port Angeles where they were met by members of Troop 108 and escorted to the St. Andrews Episcopal Church. They were treated to a potluck supper and enjoyed a program t ha t w as p resented by their hostesses. The travelers enjoyed a snack before the hour of lights out. They all woke up early and after breakfast a clean-up was held before departing for the ferry that took them on a not-too-enjoyable cruise across the straits. A strong wind prevailed, causing a very rough crossing and many of the girls experienced their first case of seasickness. Needless to say, the chaperones, who were Fred and Grace Hawkins, Jan Marks and Brenda Suprenant, were kept busy making trips to you know where to help and comfort the sick ones. Sue Fulmer and daughters, formerly of Grapeview and now residing in Port Angeles, joined the group and gave a very helping hand. Sue gave them a grand tour around the grounds of the Parliament Building. Other places of interest visited were the Land entertainment. 6Daysl0a.m. to6p.m.,Sundaysl0a.m, to4p.m, and Mrs. Ronnie Cagle and of Little People and Miniature family; Ms. Patricia Phillips and World. After enjoying their lunch :,2, ;~ -~ daughter; Mr. and Mrs. James in a little park, they visited the Lewis. Provincial Museum and the leartt mrte "'" I The bride is a 1971 graduate ......... of North Mason High School and F "Hanover Shoes q -- i Cinderella Beauty Sch°°l' and is t since. 1899 } estmtrant mt employed at the Edie Adams Beauty Salon in Bremerton. The ~ The greatest shoe value on earth! 4312 Kitsap Way, Bremerton groom was graduated from East ( Charles R. Hoem { • Lunch: 11 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. High School in 1967 and is 275-6129 [ m Dinner: 4 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. e, Art of Dining. Closed Sundays [ working as an apprentice painter h~,,~..~, .... ~-,.~.~-~-,- e 'Ember Room' ] at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. ~_ . _ " Restaurant: ES 7-5531 t The bride honored the Catholic Mass '~ p,ano for your ] at 12 noon TOWIN ; 75-2861 tqlyn & Belfair !nn:479-2132 ~ "something borrowed" wedding ......... tradition by having something BODY SHOP LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE 426-1731 ihelton Bayview Mobile Homes The Largest Selection of Mobile Homes" in the Northwest from each of her sisters' weddings, borrowing the Bible carried at Karen's wedding, wearing Gwen's wedding veil, Kathy's diamond pendant, and the diamond earrings of her sister-in-law, Vanessa Beeber. Her favorite pansy flowers were used in the bridal arrangement and have been dried and preserved in a glass-covered container as a gift from her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parmely. * Fireplaces * Block foundations * Anything with masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bonded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Shelton ( uality Rex-Bilt Single and Double Wides Always Display. Consult with Jim Yoest, Burt Wold or I Logan. • Belfair Community Baptist Church, Father Don Piro of St. Gabriel Catholic Church officiating, starting June 15. ...... i-S Sunday Services 8:30 a.m .... Morning Worship 10 a.m .... 2nd Morn. Worship i0 a.m .......Sunday School 5:00 p.m .......... B.Y.F. 6:15 p.m ...... Junior Choir Practice 7:00 p.m .... Evening Worship COMMUNITY P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church phone -- CR 5-6262 Open daily except Sunday 9 to 6 ....... ....... '-- .... GORST 377-4461 I ] I I I I ] I I I i n ,I I FOR QUALITY INSURAN E I With persona, attention and competitive pr'ces. 'i/iill ,ac,"o=~'.'go., lIIlJ Over 50 years of South Shore residence Tommy Pierson and BobSutton "~ Iff- ,4/ffll .... 1 11 IULMER & CO., INC. L lml I)ave's Be!feir Arc* Station t (I : :'IR Offer g°°dPTu:Up~--n-Tahnugr-sD'_r°n~;r~° July !st. M/ : InsuranceandRealEst°te t l I ] 520 Pacific Ave. Br.emerton ES 7-8547 or CR 5-6120 (evenmgsl I .............. CLIP. .............. 426-8824 m |, Beacon Hill Park. ~dt-er---an- Unforgettable day all were tired but enjoyed the smooth boat ride across to Port Angeles where they had supper at the Hague Restaurant. The girls who worked so hard to enjoy this special trip were Diana Hawkins, Diana Surprenant, Teri Hardy, Jenny Pruder, Becky Knapp, Gennelle Marks, Rrina Morgan, Krysia Hoffman, Kathleen Russell, Sheri Pearson, accompanied by Betty and Marni Fulmer of Port Angeles. If this weather keeps up we can really believe the weatherman and hope that summer is just around that corner. Nice weather over the long weekend brought summer neighbors out and by the looks of the traffic there were a lot of them. Clair and Iola Pfeifer had friends and relatives spend the weekend with them. Robert and I took off and spent the weekend in DuPont, Tacoma and Auburn with our relatives. If you love to read while lolling out in the sun, you could take advantage of the Timberland bookmobile scheduled to b~ at Denny's Marina on June 12, July 3 and 24, and August 7 and 28. It will be there from 1:20-2:20 p.m. A schedule is posted in the store. I wish I knew what that seaplane is doing running up and down our lake. It must be a good practice lake for landing and taking off, but 1 wish they wouldn't come so close over our homes and treetops. But, I guess, or hope, they know what they are doing. PEEWEE PICNIC North Mason PeeWees will hold'their baseball picnic June 12, 6 p.m., in Belfair State Park. All PeeWee parents and children are invited to attend the potluck affair. By MARGARET BARNARD The "Name of the Game" on ladies' day May 22 was "Points." Winners were 1. Lois Burke, 2. (A tie) Dulcie Schillinger and Carrie Harstad, 3. Billie Churchill. On the following week, May 29, the nine-holers played for low net. Mary Scott came in first and Rose Holt second. The 18-holers played for "Better Nine." There were three ties for the winning first three places: 1. Patti Schillinger and Dorine Porter, 2. Carrie Harstad and BiUie Churchill, 3. Sande LePere and Helen Neuhauser. The Two-Man-Best-Ball tournament on May 24 had both good weather artd a good turnout for the event. Winning teams were: low gross, Jim Yoest and Lance Thurston; low net, Ed Okenek and Russ Dahl; second low net - (a tie) Bill Harstad and Russ Schillinger, and Tom Shirbish and Bill Boroughs. Harry Keenan came closest to the pin on number 5 (6' 10") and Jim Baer next with 8'. Jim Baer and Ken Brooks had the longest drives on No. 9. Golf club members are looking forward to the Father/Son (or Mother/Daughter, Mother/Son or Father/Daughter) 1 8-hole tournament next Saturday, June 7. Starting times will be between 8 and 10 a.m. Defending champs for this event are Jinl and Dave Yoest. The ladies' club is going for a visitation to Bayshore Golf Club to play nine holes and to be guests of the Bayshore ladies' club for lunch on June 10. LOST AND FOUND Reports received in the sheriff's office last week included a white and turquoise kayak lost from North Shore May 28, two female toy poodles lost from an Allyn residence May 29, a key in a leather case found in Belfair May 29, two keys on a ring found in Belfair May 31, a white Samoyed with light brown spots lost in Belfair May 29, a gold Irish setter lost from Mission Creek Road May 29. By DOROTHY TOBEY and ANN WESTBERG Memorial Day, regardless of which day it is celebrated, always brings a countless number of people out to the beaches and weekend cabins. With low tides at the same time the clamdiggers are in abundance (sometimes I think there are more diggers than clams) and there is a great increase in the boat traffic. This weekend also is the time when our summer residents come out to air out their cabins and get them in readiness for summer living. The Howard Zehe family of Everett, along with relatives from Detroit, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Zehe of Kelso spent the weekend with the Arthur Zehe family at West Stadium Beach. They had spent some time at the ocean beaches digging razor clams before coming to our area and digging geoducks which must have been a very memorable experience for the Detroiters. Mrs. Maude Rowe and daughter, Mrs. Venus Forsythe of Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, spent most of last week in the area as guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Orin Buckingham and enjoyed visiting other friends they had made while they were residents here some years ago. J'Anna LaBerge celebrated her eighth birthday on May 23 by having a group of school chums over after school for birthday cake and all the other goodies that go along with a birthday. Happy belated wishes to the birthday girl ! On the evening of May 24 a group of 17 friends and neighbors gathered at the Dale Mead residence in Vineyard Cove to celebrate the birthday of Ilene Young (weekend residents of the cove) and the wedding anniversary of Dorothy and Jim Tobey. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sagerson attended the wedding of Ron's niece, Suzanne Sagerson of Spokane, recently. The groom was Bob Love of Idaho who is building a house at West Stadium. He is at present employed with a' law firm in Port Orchard and t~ hopefully planning to set up h~ own practice in the near future. Welcome to our community, Suzanne and Bob. Lois Weymouth added a special touch to the wedding by sending the bride some orchids she had grown. There have been two Indian~ arrowheads found on Stretch" Island recently. Both were foun~ in old vineyards. They no doubt. came in at the time the island was forn~ed by the glacier ages ago. The Francis Eacretts entertained their son, Bob Eacrett and family of Oak Harbor, and their granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gaddis of Seattle, for the Memorial Day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pogreba returned recently from a trip which took them to Pomona, California, where they visited a few days with relatives and went to Disneyland. On their return trip they stopped off at Reno to take in a little night life. Mrs. Orville Kager left last Saturday by plane for Butte, Montana, to visit with relative~ and friends for a few days. She will return with Mrs. Katie Pogreba who will be driving over to spent a few weeks with her son, Don and family. Meanwhile, Orville will be home keeping the garden weeded. Floyd Mathis is one year closer to retirement as he celebrated his birthday on May 23. Commuting to Tacoma to work every day could become very tiring after a few years, I would imagine. Fair Harbor Grange will meet tonight, June 6, for a 6:30 potluck dinner where plans will be made for the picnic and the state convention which will be held in Tacoma June 8 to 1 5. SOUTH PARK COUNTER SPECIAL BUY " 3Ox30 pall Formica or Consoweld 240 lb. Comp. =r'ea" aa . unfinished, berth in stock. u-,.-, EXTERIOR s 14'2 Regular 78¢ Ft. " .... ',-s75, p Ext. RE-.UN 24" I~-ru~wd INTERIOR $ 95 "~ls " " " .... 4 e@ Ft. -, $79s 5 GAL. PERFATAPE, ... ......................... %x4x4 PARTICLE BOARD . q" ROLL ROOFING .............................. " s7" '4" ..AH,Z. " 9' V x4x8 COX SHOP ........... .[. s4' ROOFING SHEETS ,,.,o,-,,,. ..................... ,. 4 %x4x8 T-l-ll POPS ............. ,. ASPHALT ROOF COATING,I®.. " ............ ,. *7"s4' %x4x8 T-]-I1 SHOP .............. ,. *6" SAND OR GRAVEL =,., .......................... . 1 Vsx4x9 T-I-I 1 SHOP ........... . s7" GRAPE STAKE FENCING s6" ilft .................. bdL lx8 RUFF FIR FENCING'''" Ilng~ .......... li., ft. 13' lx6 SELECT REDW )0D ........................ 69' l x6 SELECT CEDAR ......................... . 84' 4x4 CEDAR POSTS '""' ,0 ............ ,. 34' 1/4X4X8 SANDED POPS ................. :_ ,, %x4x8 SANDED POPS ................ .o. W' Vzx4x8 SHEATHING POPS ......... ,, Vsx4x8 SHEATHING POP S ................ ,, %x4x8T-l-11 SHOP ......... .. ¾x4x8 EXT. MAHOGANY ... Sl 9" ¾x4x8 BIRCH END DEFECT ........ ,. q9" INSULATION BOARD """ q" WHITE ...... ~. CEILING TILE .,E . 18' MORITZ TILE i,.i, ,, ..... ,,. 20' CENTENNIAL '"" ............. .. 22' MIRABEAU ,,,,, , . 22' CEILING PANELS "" .,,E .......... . 80' 3Ax4x8 SHEATHING POPS s5's " CEILING PANELS =" $3" DECOILITOII ...... o°. V4x4x8 PARTICLE BOARD ..... - q" BATTERY OPERATED 4 Gallon Por~abla Heavy, Plastic Reg. $7.95 ........... $ 49 Lawn Furniture 72 Ft. L R~ $1.49 ....... 6 Ft. Folding Aluminum STEP LADDER Beg. $ 0.110 ....... ROLLER COVERS 99~ ........ 6 Ft. Heavy Steol FEHCE POSTS $' 2S II I i 2 only Sample !!lH 25% PAN & ROLLER SET Reg. $2.65 ........ I )PE-N 7 DAYS A WEEK . . . MON.-FRI. 8-6. SAT. 8-5. SUN. 9-3 "2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS IN PORT ORCIIARD" Bethel Builders South Park Bethel Reed TR 6.2903---TR 6-2951 TR 1-0501 Folding Patio '- ' 1 $ ....... Sl95°° 3 DAY SERVICE ON WALLPAPER Check out a book and mix and match colors. Not aft items in stock at both stores. Please clll for particular items. HOME CENTER SOUTH PARK CLOSED SUNDAY June 5. 1975 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelt0n-Mason County Journal - Page 5