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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 5, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 5, 1975
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| POEM O O0 O 0 0 O 0 0Q0 0 O 0 0 0 ,l~lP Editor's note: The following inspirational poem was written by George Washington Carver: Figure it out for yourself, my lad, You've all that the greatest of men have had; Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes, And a brain to use if you would be wise, With this equipment they all began. So start from the top and say, "1 can." Look them over, the wise and the great, They take their food from a common plate, And similar knives and forks they use, With similar laces they tie their shoes, The world considers them brave and smart, But you've all they had when they made their start. You~can triumph and come to skill, YOU can be great if you only will, You're well equipped for what fight you choose; You have arms and legs and a brain to use, And the man who has risen great deeds to do Began his life with no more than yOU. YOU are the handicap you must face, You are the one who must choose your place. You must say where you want to go, How much you will study the truth to know: God has equipped you for life, but He Lets you decide what you want to be. Courage must come from the soul within The man must furnish the will to win, So figure it out for yourself, my lad, You were born with all the great have had, With your equipment they all began, Get hold of yourself and say: "l can." I.# s NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Board of Commissioners Mason County Fire Dist. 5 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Mason County Fire Protection District 5 will be held in Allyn Fireball, 7:30 p.m., June 11, at which time the commissioners will discuss specifications and issue a call for bids for one or two buildings to be used as firehalls. The meeting is open to the public. John Lowell. Secretary to the Board 6/5-1t NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO APPROPR lATE PUBLIC WATERS STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: That EARL LINCOLN CONSTRUCTION, INC. of Bremerton, Washington on May 2, 1975 under Application No. G 2-23812 filed for permit to appropriate public waters, subject to existing rights, from Well in the amount of 150 gallons per minute, continuously each year, for Community Domestic Supply. The soq.rce of the proposed appropriation located within NEV4NE~ of Section 2, Township 22 N., Range 2 W. W.M., in MASON County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Regional Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 within thirty (30) days from June 12, 1975. 6/5-12-2t Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt +_-- B&D BULLDOZING CR5-2195 CR5,2113 River Tracts SOME WOODED SOME PASTURE 5 ACRES & LARGER REID REALTY BE LFA I R SHE LTON ore By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421 911m- .IBm- .~m- 4111lib .IIIB~ ~ .lip .1limb .9111~ .elm. qlml~ ~llm...ll~ ..Ialb .,lm~ .Imlb .llmll~ State Park head ranger, reported that they had the largest crowd ever recorded for a Memorial Day weekend. Six hundred thirty-three camps were occupied with 3,010 people. On Sunday the beach area had 5,321 vacationers. All in all, 14,566 souls occupied the park at one time or another during the three-day weekend. A litter note added by Ranger Winslow was the amazing volume of cigarette butts alone that comprise litter in the park area. In one pick-up time, three 32-gallon size garbage can bags were filled with cigarette butts and some other small litter. The indestructible filter accounts for much of the volume. Should all smokers be required to wear a shoulder or belt type ashtray7 Dorothy Ballard has become a full-time resident of Lynnwood Beach after retiring from a 28-year stretch at Boeing in Seattle. She was given a great going-away party by fellow employees. The Ballards were the former owners of Ballard Snooze Junction. e in Timberland Regional Library's travelling library, our friendly Bookmobile, is now on its summer schedule, beginning June 5. Bookmobile day on the North Shore is changed from Wednesday to Thursday. Tahuya has been added as a stop. Dates for the summer are: June 5 and 16, July 17 and August 14. Stops are Tahuya Firehall, 1:10 to 1:30; Livingstons (Box 310), 1:50 to 2:30; Tiger Lake, 2:50 to 3: 10. The Bookmobile is a great social affair at our stop here, where you meet friends and neighbors and make new friends. Acquaintance is renewed with librarians and drivers. Also, an amazing amount of current and standard reading material is there for the taking. Orders are taken and books mailed if they don't have what you want. Art prints are available to widen your artistic horizons. Memorial Day weekend (the first) turned out to be a real holiday with cooperative weather. Judging by traffic on the North Shore, cities must have been deserted. Avery Winslow, Belfair Since the process of school budgeting has evolved from a dull pastime of local officials to one of impending interest for nearly everyone from school supporters to taxpayers, a new publication from a state agency should become as popular as TV Guide in the next few months. The Washington State Research Council, an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan, fact-finding agency, has compiled the "Citizens' Guide to School District Budgeting." It more or less tells you everything you've wanted to know about school budgeting but were too discouraged with the legal prose of the Revised Code of Washington to find out. Copies of this report can be purchased for $1 from the council in Olympia or they can be borrowed from any Timberland library. The report is located in each library's pamphlet collection which includes many government and private industry information pamphlets. The report begins with a few requirements of school boards when making out their budgets: all meetings must be publicized in • ;:'. :? ~?: FOURTH AND FIFTH GRADERS at Belfair Elementary have been building rockets during their recess and lunch hours in preparation for a big blast-off held last month. Above some of the students and teachers involved in the project try to spot one of the rockets which has just been shot into "space." Before shooting the rockets, they were judged for workmanship, with Steve Ferguson coming first; Julie Kadra, second; Jeff Harmon, third; and Keith Jensen, fourth. Runners-up were Jim Sellers, Mike Ison, Matt Thomas, Tom Newman and Joe Grable. EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE • Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum • Crematory 5505 Kitsap Way ES7-7648 Bremerton, Wa. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Radial Steel White Walls THE 40,000 MILE TIRE A LIMITED QUANTITY AVAILABLE AT THESE LOW PRICES SALE PRICE * F. E. T. BR 78xl 3 $57.00 2.16 ER 78x14 72.00 48.41 2.55 FR 78x 14 76.50 51.03 2.67 GR 78x14 79.50 52.77 2.89 H R 73x 14 84.50 56.62 3.09 GR 78x15 80.50 2.96 HR 78x15 87.50 3.17 JR 78x15 91.50 60.73 3.31 LR 78x 15 93.00 61.86 3.46 *Plus applicable federal & state taxes installation & balancing $3.00 per tire NORTH SHORE GARAGE BelfaSt 27S-2868 426-6572 Vz mile W. of Belfair State Park I Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - June 5, 1975 I e ii • advance and open to the public. Documents of school boards come under the public disclosure laws and the public has a right to inspect them at any time. The study includes required calendar of steps in the budget preparation. The process begins with the preliminary budget, which must be submitted by May 10, to the final certified copy filed with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction by the first Monday in October. The report goes on to explain the recent changes in school district budgeting such as the new methods for the distribution of property tax. It outlines the eight major sources of school district revenue and warns that this section is usually inadequately studied by the public. A list of questions concerning revenue review is included. The report explains how school district expenditures should be listed and made available to the public, specifying how much is to be spent for all programs from vocational to basic education and food services. Perhaps the most interesting section is the last which features 13 tables of statistics• These tables break down figures for each of the top 75 first class school districts in the state. The statistics include enrollment; assessed valuation of property per pupil; local, state and federal revenue per pupil; special levies revenue per pupil; and expenditures for basic education and special programs• It also lists by district, percentages of change in enrollment and faculty. And last but not least, the study compares the average salaries for these school districts. Smokey Says: Save trees from destruction by wildfires.* BETTY Z'IMMERMAN, formerly of Belfair, learns proper exit from a Huey helicopter. She has replaced her former hobbies and jeeping with skydiving. She finds being "airborne"' definitely the exciting. Photo supplied by U.S. Army. It was back to school for Armas and Annie Makela in attending the alumni gathering for the 50th anniversary of Centralia College. Open house was held May 24 for some 200 guests to register in sections divided according to school years at the student cafeteria. Many old friends were among the old-timers attending. At the evening athletic all-star banquet, 75 men and women from school years of 1925 and 1 975 were honored. Sports honored were nine for the men and three for the women. Annie Manberg Makela was one of the 24 women to recieve a framed certificate for her participation in basketball and to be named a member in the college golden anniversary all-star athletic team. (Hazel Gillespie was also named and will receive her certificate in the mail as she was not at the banquet.) A highlight of the reunion for the 1930 graduate was Annie being on the school TV station. Tribute was given by local newspapers of her alma mater being the oldest in the state, and a "first" in the pioneer days of founding junior colleges in this state. Centralia College began with classes held on the third floor of the high school for one-half day. PE was at the early hour of 7 a.m. in order to use the gym before high school classes• There were 38 students, with teachers doing double duty teaching upstairs and downstairs. When asked more about those student days of the thirties, Annie remembers working for room and board during the depression days. Five members were in the first class to be graduated from the college. It's best wishes all around when friends can carry out delayed honeymoon plans and have the good company of a favorite mother-in-law joining the fun. Now that the duties of raising a family are done, Mrs. Ida lson will join Mr. and Mrs. Don Beeber Sr. for a trip to Hawaii. The Fortners of Bear Creek will house-sit and take care of the Beeber pets during the vacation. With the Beebers' daughter Gwen living in the islands and for their arrival, be a beehive of activitY' times to all of you. There are times neighbor will call. phone number or of giving a news item. 1 couldn't answer at can do so now, hoping of use ,to someone way. The telephone runaway kids to let know they are o 1-800-231-6946• An opel take the call and strings attached. It is a number and a neat way a message to worried THEFTS REPORTED An outboard the stolen from a storage boat from the South Shore residence, to a complaint filed sheriff's office. A large miniature spruce reported stolen from a Belfair Cemetery May 28, Twin Size Sets Full Size Sets Queen Size Sets 3 Piece From O0 SOME MISMATCHED MATTRESSES' PRICED AS LOW AS $29.00 5 Piece O0 From IIIII Over 75 Dinette Ill 5 different groupings. Hex, square, coffee with doors In stock 7 piece from ..................... 88 Some tables slight imperfections on finish Several Colors Several Styles Priced As Low As F You're Not Shop- ping Warehouse Freight Sales You are Not Best