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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 6, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 6, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 2 SITELTON--MASON COUNTY :10UPNAL---Publihed in "Christ?7astowh U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, You Should Know... GLINT WILLOUR IT'S EASY TO PUT OFF BUY- ING LIFE INSURANCE BUT IMPOSSIBLE TO P R EV E N T THE COMING OF ITS NEED. Marriage Licenses Applying" for marriage licenses at tle Mason County Auditor's office this past week were: Robert F. Steiner, 29, Lakebay, and Grace J. Raspone, 26. Brem- erton, Lloyd E. Prouty, 19, Shelton. and Sally L. Dorman. 17, Shelton. Potluck 9inner For Shellon Music Club The ShelLon Music Club will meet at 5:30 p.m next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. R'tlph Hot- ton for a potluck dinner. The Shelton Music Club is a- Timothy McIntyre. 21. Gig Har- filiated with the State and Nation- bar. and Arbella Brown, 16. Port a] Federation of Music Clubs. Orchard. Ray Lee. legal. Shelton. and Olive Addington, legal. Shelton Gall Fuller, 17. Shelton. Darwin J. Yackulic. 22. Seattle, Richard Roberts. 16. Shelton. and Joan Yarr. 22. Seattle. ' and Dana Albrecht. 15, Shelton. Robert Brewer. 21. Shelton. ancll "'WHO'S WHO" IN MASON COUNTY YOU CAN WIN $34.00 THIS WEEK IF YOU CORRECTLY I 9ENTIFY "WHO'S WHO" AND FIND ALL THE CLUES! ALL AWARDS PAYABLE IN "JOURNAL SCRIPT MONEY". REDEEMABLE FOR MERCHANDISE AT ANY SPONSORING STORE. Rules: 1. This is a family fun contest! One entry per per- son (family of four could submit four entries). Any- one may enter unless a mem- ber of your family is em- ployed at the Journal. 2. Nothing to buyuse any slip of paper for entr}( blank. Not necessary to b present to win. Not neces- sary to be a subscriber to the Journal to enter. 3. WHO'S WHO may be anyone in Mason County. Clues for his (or her) iden- tity will be found ONLY in ads of sponsoring merchants (either those, below or else- where in the paper). If, by coincidence, the name of the WHO'S WHO (or other facts about him or her) hap- pen to appear in news items, editorial mat t er or other places in this newspaper, these will not count as clues in this contest, 4. To enter, write down the name you think WHO'S WHO is. List all the clues YU can find in all the ads of Sponsoring Merchants in this iSSUe. Y0tl must list all these clueS. Don't ;f0rget to add y#ur name and address. Then drop your entry id the box 10rated at the Spon sating Merchants whose ads are heavily bordered in tiis issue. 5. There is no other place where entries will be accept, ed. Mail entries will be ac- cepted only from families RESIING OUTSIDE A- SON COUNTY. Mail these entries to merchants whose ad is heavily bordered. Any member of the family may bring in all the entries for that family. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. 6. This w e e k's contest starts when you receive this issue and closes at 5:00 p.m. Mo_ ndy. 7. At that time, (5:00 p.m. next Mopda'y) all boxes will be taken to one of the three stores, and a draw ng wi(I be held at approxirnately 5:00. The first entry drawn which co r r • ¢ t!Y identifies WHO'S WHO will win $4.00. If THAT entry also lists ALL the clues hidden in ALL ads of Sponsoring Mer- chants, a BONUS of $30.00 Wil! be added. Whenever this BONUS is not won, it will he added to the BONUS TO- TAL for the following week, and will continue to grow until it is won. 8. Every possible precau- tion will be taken to prevent typographical e r r o rs that might be mistaken for clues, but errorless typography CANNOT BE G U A R A N- TEED by anyone. The pub- lisher of the Journal will be judge in all questions, ana his decision is final. Family participation gives you a better chance to win the jackpot--your wife or husband or some bright- eyed youngster MAY spot a clue that you miss] Got any Perry Mason in you ? Think you can outwit the contest? , . . Remember, you can't win if you don't enter. HARRY COLE MOBIL SERVICE "We Grease To Please" 410 N. 1st St. Phone 426-3906 KITSAP-MASON DAIRY "Good Milk Is Good Food" • Milk & Cream • Ice •ream • Cheese • Butter Third at Grove 426-4473 NEIU$ PHARMAOY "BETTER VITAMINS FOR LESS" Fourth & Railroad Ph. 426-3327 Wheatley & Keary COs "Service and Quality First" in PLUMBING  HEATING SALES & SERVICE CONTRACTING 317 S. First Ph. 426-4553 , -- J I ........ Beckwith's Exclusive Dealers For 129 Railroad 426-3283 PREPP'S REXALL STORE Green eyes 'In Business for Your Health' SH ELTON, WASHINGTON MERV'S TI:RE GAP "Recapping Specialist" "SAME DAt RECAP SERVICE" First & rata 426-8104 I D & E ENGO FINE CAR SPECIALISTS IN: • Front End Alignment • Lubrication • Minor Repair "Shelton's Newest & Nicest" Shelton Ph. 426-8002 I II I Les Fields Auto Paris INC. Complete line of Parts for All Cars & Trucks Automotive Machine Shop Tools  Batteries 229 S. First 426-3351 SALES -- SERVICE  RENTAL TV  RADIO  APPLIANCES = RIIDIO ELE(TRI( Fourth & Cota 426-6602 "Your Satisfaction is Our Business" I FOR OVER 24 YEARS IT HAS BEEN Laughter comes easy Mc'Oonkey's for Drugs FREE PARKING AT EVERGREEN SQUARE 306 Railroad 426-3456 1 Rex Floor Coverings Floor, Wall Coverings & Counter 1723 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-2292 Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Oil Burner Service Gutter & Downspout Supplies BOON'S SEE OUR NEW LOCATION .... 1916 Olympic Hwy. No. 426-3483 123 South 2nd St. MELL CHEVROLET GO. "QUICK SERVICE" CHEVROLET -- OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC 426-4424 First & Grove . r , 426-6311 "LOOK TO THE FINEST FIRST" AT Yachts in "Pillbox" Eells & Valley APPLIANCE CENTER 123 So. Second 426-4663 th Qentury hriflway "Where Every Customer Is Impot" HILLCREST M. and S. Food Store QUALITY FOOD- LOW PRICES Free Delivery 120 Cots 426-4892 Farnum & Lilly Loitz, New Owners Winprd's Sporl Shop Complete Hunting and Fishing Supplies All Resident & Non-Resident Licenses 2210 Olympic Hwy, N. 426-8672 PEh00EV'S AI-WAYIi Fi RIBT QUAI.ITf Just say... "Charge it !" SH ELTON MILLER'S DEPARTMENT STORE "Friendly Service Since 1895" Morgan- Eacrett Lumber • Building Materials • Pittsburgh Paints • Builder's Hardware "If It's Lumber, Call Our Number" On Hillcrest 426-4522 Hobby---yachting_ Lem Warren Refrigeration GIBSON -- TAPPAN SPEED QUEEN -- REFRIGERATION &, ALL APPLIANCE SERVICE "IT'S THE SERVICE AFTER THE SALE THAT COUNTS" 127 S0. 2nd 426-2445 Shelton-Mason County Journal • Since 1886, Mason County's Most Complete News & Advertising Coverage • Job Printing Phone 426-4412 Social Even ts Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-44]2 ACCEPTS ENGAGEMENT RING THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss Annemarie Riske to Mr. Merv C. Hooker, son of Mr. Chester R. Hooker and the late Mrs. Hooker, has been made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Riske. All are of Shelton. Both of the engaged couple are graduates of Irene S. Reed high school. Miss Riske attended Seattle Pacific col- lege and is now working as a receptionist in the office of Dr. Cunningham. Her future husband is employed as a postal clerk at the local post office. No date has been set for the wedding. Susan Aho Wins Nursing Scholarship The Ladies Auxiliary of the Shelton General Hospital had its annual spring luncheon at Alder- brook Inn. Susan Aho was the re- cipient of the nursing scholarship. She drew the lucky ticket for the money doll which was won by Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Oltman. New officers elected for the coming year are: President, Mrs. Rudy Oltman: 1st v-ice pres., Mrs. Jack Connelly; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Frank Hcuston: secretary, Mrs. Frank Travis. Jr.: treasurer. Mrs. Clarence Lady; and corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. Edwin Lovell. It's A Date Today, Thursday, June 6 Navy Mothers Club. 8 p.m., Me- morial Hall. Class of 1948 reunion planning meeting, 8 p.m., home of Mrs. Ray Cook. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. 40 &  Voiture 135 June prom- enade, Lake Cushman Resort. 6:30 p.m. Friday, Jtme 7 ISR Class of 1963 Commence- ment exercises, 8 p:m., high school gym. LDS church rummage ,sale, 9 a.m., PUD building-. WCTU meeting, I p.m.. home of M:rs. Olive Quartier. Class of 1963 all-night party, Shelton Golf Clubhouse, after com- mencement. Saturday, June 8 FOE card party, 8 p.m., air- port hall. LDS church rummage sale, 9 a.m., PUD building. Drivers license examiner, 10 a. m. to 5 p.m.. police station• Sunday, June 9 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Junior Legion baseball, Shel- ton vs. Burien, 1:00 p.m., Loop Field, two games. Nurses Schedule June Meeting The regular meeting for the Washington State Nurses Asso- ciation. District No. 22 will be held next Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Frances Fox, 1531 Adams streeL. New officers will take charge and an interesting program will be presented. Honored guests will be the new 1963 Kirl graduates who have cho- sen to follow the nursing profes- sion. They will be invited to ask questions so members are warn- ed to be prepared to give them help. Any R. N. wishing a ride may call the hostess at 426-3588 or Ed- na Loughnan, 426-4600. Dirt Dobbers Plan Outdoor Demonstration The next meeting of the Dirt Dabbers Garden Club will be pot- I luck lnuchcon at the home of Mrs. Helen Baker next Tuesday. Mem- bers are to meet at the PUD building no later than 9:30 a.m. In case it rains the meeting will be held at the PUD building. Mrs. Gene Sherwood will demonstrate outdoor flower arranging. Three members drove to the South Kitsap County Club at Bremerton May 27 to a Cross Sound District meeting. Mrs. Ma- hie Goodwtn won two blue ribbons and Mrs. M. Johnson one blue rib- ban. Mrs. M. Imhoff also attend- ed the meeting. Shelton General Hospital M'r. and Mrs. Harold Demmon, 654 Dearborn. a boy, May 29. ISR CLASS OF '4B There will be a meeting of mem- Monday, June 10 County commission's 10 a.m,, courthouse. Coin club, 7:30 p.m., PUD build- ing. Tuesday, June ll 4-H leaders council meeting, 8 p.m., Extension office. FOE No. 2079 joint installation of officers, 8 p.m.. airport hall. Kiwanis club luncheon, noon, Memorial hall. School board meeting, 8 p.m,, Evergreen school. City commission's neeting, 2 p.m.. city hall. Ellinor chapter OES birthday dinner, 6 p.m.. Union Masonic hall. Shelton Music Club potluck din- ner, 5:30 p.m home of Mrs, Ralph Horton. Dirt Dabber Garden Club pot- luck luncheon, meet at PUD build- ing at 9:30 a.m. WSNA meeting, 8 p.m., home of bers of the ISR Class of 1948 at meeting, 8 p.m, tonight at the home of Mrs. Ray Cook for the purpose of ma- king final plans for the upcoming class reunion. FERRY RECEIPTS Receipts from the Harstine Is- land Ferry for the week ending June 1 were $362, the Mason Coun- ty Engineer's office reported. Frances Fox. Junior Legion baseball, She!ton vs. McCleary Town Team. 6:00 p.m., Loop Field. Wednesday, Jmm 1 Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. Thursday, June 13 Golden Age Club, 12 noon pot- luck. Memorial hall. Rotary Club luncheon, 12 noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Hood Canal Federated Woman's Club ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST Hood Canal Woman's Clubhouse- Potlatch SUNDAY, JUNE 16 9 a.m. - 2 P.m. $1.25 plate Impressive Ceremony For ESA Inslallation Of 1953-64 Officers Mrs. Bill Kimbel was installed as president of Beta Zeta Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha. at a candle- light ceremony conducted by Past President Mrs. Floyd Ridout at the home of Mrs. Dick Hollancl Monday evening. Mrs. Ridout m- stalled the following officers for the 1963-64 term: Mrs. Bob Set- bert vice president: Mrs. Bill Schirmer recording s e c retary; Mrs. Glenn Sowers. corresponding secretary: Mrs. Bob Walden. trea- surer: Mrs. Ray Rice. parliamen- tarian: and Mrs. Floyd Ridout. junior past president. Following the ceremony, the new officers presented the old with a small gift. Mrs. Ridout was presented a token of the dembers appreciation for her two years as president. Mrs. Kimbel appointed the ion lowing chairmen to complete her roster. Mrs. Floyd Ridout, edu- cational director: Mrs. Dick Hol- land. publicity; Miss Charleen Smith. social: Mrs. Glenn Sowers. ways and means" Mrs. Ed Dun- bar, welfare: Mrs. Bob Seibert. rushing; Mrs. Mickey Goodwin, jonquil girl; Mrs. Gene White, scrapbook: and Mrs. Harold John- son chaplain..: Mrs. Mickey Goodwin received her jewel pin, with Mrs. Dick Hol- land conducting this impressive ceremony. Mrs. Ridout assisted. The ceremony of transfer was given to Mrs. Walt Carpenter o Hoodsport, and Mrs. Bob Seibert received her 20 year service pin. Both ceremonies were conducted by Mrs. Ridout Following the ceremonies, a short business meeting was held by the new president. A wedding gift was given to newly nmrried Mrs. Carpenter. Meetings for Beta Zeta are not scheduled for summer mouths, but a picnic and dance will highlight these months. Mrs. Mickey Good- win will act as chairman for the dance, in September, and Miss Charleen Smith as chairman for the picnic to be held on July 28, at the Schirmer home on Hood Ca- nal. Special guest for the evening was former member, Mrs. Wayne Herron, now living in Tacoma and affiliated with Epsilon Sigma Al- pha Omicron Chapter there. Mrs. Herron was just elected as Wash- ington State Council Treasurer and 1st Vice President of the Ta- coma City Council. Members adjourned from the Holland home, to the Oyster House in Olympia to climax their last meeting, to dinner. During the din- ner, Mrs. Kimbel and Mrs. Ridout distributed very humorous and clever gifts to each member pres- ent. At the last meeting on May 27, at the home of Mrs. Glenn Sow- ers, members voted to send $10 to the Summer Recreation Funci. A belated baby shower was also held for Mrs. Mickey Goodwin. REV. M the Olympia hO ents. M r. mark, 2402 8pr ] headquarters for a short fur tralia where missionary four and the many Rev. Baker wt her sister, Mrs of Shelton. ROY ed from 1952. After co at LIFE Bible Angeles she r Baker, an A The couple, children, pion in Greenacre, church is national visitor's house in her day evening. friends are between the Reception R.R. Methodist friends are for the Rings McClary ham this Sunday between 4-7 p.m. The WSCS ments. Children t 0¸ The N LOCAL STUDENTS IN THE NEWS MARY L, cRAMER, daugliter of Mr. and ,li's. ltarold Cramer. Shelton, i,; a candidate for the haehelor of arts degree in educa- tion at E: ddrn WashhiKton State Colle'.'e when commence- merit exercises are heh! Friday evening in the college's Memor- ial Fieldhouse. A 1958 graduate of Iren. S. Reed high school Miss Cramer is majoring in mu- sic at EWSC. . * .4.. GEORGIA UMPHENOUR gradu- ated from Washington State Uni- versity at Pullman last Sunday with a degree in Education. Miss Umphenour plans to teach at Clarkston next fall and continue her education at WSU. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Umphenour, Shelton. LORRAINE DEMLER, an IS!{ grad, was recently elected to the office of president of Alpha Chi Omegtt sorority at WUlamette University. Miss lmler will be a senior this fall. She is ma- ioring in history. HA VE A FREE Saeger on "We ServiC# QUALITY USED '62 Chevrolet Greenbrier spts. Wg n" Radio - Heater - 4 Speed Trans. '60 Pontiac Catalina 4 door sed, ...... Rad o - Heater - Automatic Trans. Low Mileage - one owner. '60 Rambler American Station Heater - Standard Tra0smission Real Clean - Top EconOmy '59 Chevrolet Belair "6" 4 dr, Radio - Heater- Automatic Trans. '59 Chevrolet Parkwood Sta. Radio - Heater - Automatic Trans. Power Steering and Brakes '58 Rambler American.2 dr. sed. Heater - Overdrive For Top Mileage HI VALUE USED '60 Willys 4 wheel Drive PickUP ...... Heater - Warn Hubs - Low Mileag e WE HAVE SEVERAL FLATB ED! CHASSIS - DUMPS IN KIHBEL itiOTORS, • CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH • INTERNATIONAL 707 SOUTH FIRST ST. • . . ,.