June 6, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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6, 1963
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Picture 1890 &hool Dedication HOOD CANAL SCHOOL HEWS
i ¸ ii( i i!
-&SSThis old picture shows the
first school built in the Matlock
School was near the site of the
School and the new build-
er construction. Left to right in
arl Ford, Judd Simmons, Andrew
of God's care.
Which show
mlng all drug de.
are entitled?
can be listed.
free to our
you an an-
m today and
It's free.
ill Store
" Railroad
With the start of a new school
building for the Mary M. Knight
School at Matlock. the school an-
nual this year carries a section
on the history of the school.
Included is a picture of the first
class in the first school built ix
Carl W. Hoisington, a teacher
at the school the past year. has
w?itten an article on what prob-
ably happened at the dedication
of the first school.
By Carl Wl Hoisington
Foremost in the minds of pion-
eers in this country after prepar-
ing a suitable family shelter was
the building of a school in order
that their children might read
the word of God and be properly
educated to fulfill their obliga-
tions as citizens m a wgorous and
growing democracy. In that. re-
spect, the first settlers of the Mat-
lock area conformed to the gen-
eral pattern by erecting a sub-
stantial log schoolhouse in the
year 1890.
IT WAS NOT necessary to fin-
ance the building by floating a
bond issue the lush forests ha'd
not yet been violated by the hand
of man and there was no shortage
of suitable materials. Abundant
timber was growing on the build-
ing site and perhaps none of the
logs had to be transported more
than a few hundred yards. With
the usual pioneer spirit of com-
munity cooperation and the use of
a few common tools such as the
axe, saw and adz, the construction
of an adequate school for that
Sharp, Louis Linton, James White, Charley Ford,
Bill Bither, Susie Carstairs, Bessie Ford, Dave
Carstairs, Nellie Endicott, Verne Endicott and
Hannah Linton. Standing in the doorway is the
teacher, Miss Cora Gilutccha.
(Photo courtesy of Mary M. Knight School)
period was not an insurmouhtable
There must have been rejoicing
wh-en the school building was final-
ly completed and ready for occu-
pancy. Certainly there was some
sort of dedication ceremony and
it is only through pensive reflec-
tion of the imagination that we
may reconstruct what likely took
place on that momentous occasmn.
since the adults who participated
have long ago passed to the Great
Old trunks were opened up and
suits packed in moth balls were
removed, aired and tidied up a bit:
the ladies pressed their pleated
skirts, blouses and leg of mutton
sleaves -doubtless many wore bus-
tles as such attire was still in
vogue. Transportation was on foot.
or on horseback: perhaps the
more affluent arrived by buggy or
some other horse-drawn vehicle
much to the envy of their less for-
tunate neighbors.
TttE PROGRAM surely opened
with everyone standing to sing
the Star--Spangled Banner. follow-
ed by a prayer of dedication and
thanksgiving. After a couple of
hymns sung to the accompaniment
of a parlor organ, there would
have been talks by one or more
comrmmity leaders, a local belle
sang Jeanie With the Light Brown
Hair. or some other Steven Fos-
ter favorite and some friglened
and self-conscious youn;sr, er re-
cited Patrick Henry's famous
speech or Lincoln's Gettysbm'g Ad-
dress in a halting and stuttering
voice. A closing hymn and prayer
would have concluded the formal
The pioneers had apatites and
it was unthinkable that any such
affair should terminate without a
sumptuous banquet served by the
ladies, each striving to outdo the
others in the preparation of tasty
pies, cakes, and other pastries. Of
course there were huge platters
of roast vemson, stuffed chick-
ens or wildfowl, baked salmon and
possibly some bear steaks. In ad-
dition there would be all varieties
of fresh and home-canned veget-
ables, salads, jellies, sweet spiced
and sour pickles, mountains of
mashed potatoes, bowls of rich
gravy and fresh loaves of aromatic
s Up To More Efficient
IJ00e ,0f Your Power Dollar
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mportant things brings
assures you of fewer
a your power service.
, 4-H NEWS
Shelton" Valley Clovers
The hclton Valley Clovers 4-H
Club met May 16 at the home of
Mrs. E. Evers, their leader.
The camp theme this year is
"Anything Can Happen". "A skit
and chaperones were discussed.
The meeting was adjourned and
refreshments served. A good game
of baseball was played and en-
The next meeting will be held
June 6 at the home of David and
Patsy Miltenberger.
Chuck Brown. reporter
Little Egypt Sew & Sews
The Little Egypt Sew and Sews
4'-H club meet May 22 at the
home of Mrs. John MacRae. The
meeting was called to order by
vice president Karen Sterquist in
the absence of the president.
For the benfit of the members
the secretary read the dates and
atten'dance of ali the member's
previous meetings.
"vVe discussed several ways we•
might earn money for camp fees.
The meeting was closed with the
flag salute and 4-H pledge.
In honor of our only graduate,
who wasn't at the meeting, we had
a piece of cake and a glass or'
Graduation For Ninth Grade Students Is
Held At Hoodsport School Wednesday Night
Graduation exercises for the 9th
grade students were held Wednes-
day at Hoodsport School. Gradua-
tion began at 8 p.m.
Rev. Wallace Belt gave the in-
vocation. Robert Smith handed out
the diplomas.
Linda LaBisoniere was Vale-
dictorian of the class, and Dianna
Timm was Salutatorian.
J. W. Goodpaster, County Snp-
erintendent of Schools, was speak-
er. After the ceremonies a dance
was held at Holiday Beach for the
graduates. Their parents sponsored
the dance.
¢ * *
This week will end a very suc-
cessful school year, however, some
things must be done to make it
It is necessary that all lunch
bills be paid in full as well as any
book fines for lost or damaged
books. Report cards will be held
from students who have not taken
care of their financial obligations
by June 7.
The school library is misqing li-
brary books and many National
Geographic folders that were
bound by the College Place Bind-
ery. These books and folders are
plainly marked as property of
Hood Canal District No. 404 and
we would very much like to have
them returned.
Due to the action of the State
Legislature regarding the financ-
ing of school districts it will be
necessary for this district to
change some practices.
1. By school board action it was
deemed necessary that next year
the school district will no longer
provide students with paper.
2. Each pupil in the school dist-
rict will be assessed $1.20 for in-
structional supplies that will in-
clude scratch paper, penmanship
paper, work book. etc.
By law school districts are to
run their hmch programs on a
non-profit basis. This year with
the rise in cost of food and kitch-
en supplies we find our lunch pro-
gram in the red. As a result of
this deficit in the lunch program
all school lunches will be raised
five cents (5c) next fall.
The school district thus far
has hired two new teachers, Miss
Gale Callanan to replace Mrs. Lou-
ise Jackson and Clifton L. Coulter
to handle the district's music pro-
gram, replacing Dick Endicott.
who has gained employment with
the World Book Co.
Applicants are being" interview-
ed to fill the primary position at
Hoodsport and the eighth grade
teacher-coach opening at the Hood
Canal Junior High.
• $ $
May 31 the sixt.h graders at
Lower Skokomish had open nbuse
for their parents. As the parents
arrived they were guided to the
6th grade room to look at their
children's work. Then they went to
Mrs. Ross' room for a talk and
demonstration on the S.R.A. road-
ing lab system. Susie feDowell
and Susie Morris served coffee and
Supt. John Pill spent Sat1Jrday
at Santa Fair with the Hood Can-
al Bus Patrol at the annual school
Safety Patrol Day. On short no-
tice. six of the nine patrolmen
were able LO make the trip. They
were Julie McKasson. Diane WaN
let. Gary Bryant Pattie Bour-
gault, Ricky Anderson and Don-
ald Rollevson. All students were
treated to rides, lunch and a cir-
Our school's Shclton Journal
staff for this semester is thank-
ful for having the opportunity to
write for the paper.
Donna Reed, Sandi Smith and
Mary Walmsley write the general
news, while the sports news was
covered by Peter Cossette.
Hood Canal sports participation
this year held an all-time high.
In the seventh and eighth grade
basketball season• ]2 boys turned
out for the full season. In the
seventh and eighth grade football
25 boys Participated. In the sev-
enth and eighth grade baseball 20
boys turned out. For track season
nine boys helped us set a school
record. In the ninth grade basket-
ball 12 boys turned ouL..This made
a total of 78 boys who turned out
for sports, although 30 boys went
in two m' more sports, which left
a total of 48 different boys partic-
ipating in sports. -We have 65
boys in our Junior High giving
us a. 74 percent participation.
May 31 the Hood-Canal Girls'
League held its spring elections.
The new officers for next year
are: President, Mary %Valmsey;
Vice President. Susan Johnson
Secretary, Donna Reed; Treasurer
Bonnie Allen Each of the nomi-
nated girls made a speech on why ira
they wanted the offices. A candfe n
eigltt ceremony followed installa- M
tion of the-new officers.
A gift was presented to Mrs.
McDowell for her help as our ad-
visor for the year. Mrs. Jackson
was also presented with a going
away gift.
What's Doing
Among Our
.======mNmum=nt= ==lmm. I ==mu=l
Frank G. Lentz, seaman ap-
prentice, USN, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John G. Lentz, Shelton, is
in the Caribbean aboard the at-
tack transport USS Rankin. The
Rankin is part of Amphibious
Squadron 10, which includes sev-
eral amphibious ships engaged in
training and exercises.
Army PYL. Dennis S. Gray com-
pleted a five-week aircraft main-
tenance course at The Aviation
Center, Fort Rucker. Ala.,J in
early May. His father. Odell L.
Gray, lives in Shelton.
Larry D. Chapman. aviation or-
dinance third class, USN, son of
Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Chapman, Shel-
ton, serving" aboard the attack
aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea
on a goodwill cruise to Australia
recently participated in the 21st
annual celebration held in Sunday
to commemorate the Battle of
the Coral Sea. The Allied victory
in the famed Coral Sea battle is
credited with stopping the Japan-
ese advance in the Pacific in
World War II and s an annual
celebration in Australia.
S/SgL. John W. Hoffman Clayton,
N. M., has arrived at Williams Air-
Force Base. Ariz. for assignment
with an Air Training Command
unit. The sergeant is the son of
Mrs. Wilma DeLong, Shelton.
Larry D. Chapman, aviation or-
dnanceman third class USN. son
of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Chapman,
Shelton, is serving aboard the at-
tack aircraft carmer USS Coral
Sea on a goodwill cruise to Aus-
tralia recently participated in the
21st annual celebration held in
Sydney to commemorate the Bat-
tie of the Coral Sea.
The Allied victory in the famed
Coral Sea battle is credited with
stopping the Japanese advance in
the Pacific in World War II and
is an annual celebration in Aus-
REMEMBERED--We'eaths were placed at the base
of Shelton Memorial Cemetery flagpole during
Memorial Day ceremonies last Thursday in remem-
brance of the sacrifices made by American war
veterans. Here Agnetha Whiting salutes the flag
after placing a memorial wreath in behalf of the
Gold Star Mothers. Standing at the right are Jack
G='ay, master of ceremonies for the program, and
Boyd Rozen of Montesano. Memorial Day speaker,
who reminded those attending they should remem-
ber the freedom of expression enjoyed Americans
to disagree with their elected officials, to attend
Grange Hews
Progress Grange met recently
with the Shetton Valley Grange
visitors putting on the memorial
servme as the program.
The group will hold one meet-
]ng a month for the duration o:
the summer with the next meet-
ing June 14
Chet and N o rm a Richardson
have been selected by Progress
as delegates to the state meeting
in Port Angeles.
Journal Want Ads Pay
the church of their choice, and the many other
American freedoms were bought at high prices
by those who gave their lives fighting for them,
The Rev. Mark Weichmann gave the invocation,
music for the program was played by a Shelton
school band, a volley of 3 rifle shots was fired by a
Shelton National Guard firing squad, and taps was
played by Phil Cramer, Shelton high senior. Eight
veterans organizations and auxiliaries V.F.W.
and auxiliary, American Legion an auxiliary, World
War I Veterans, 8 & 40. Navy Mothers. and Gold
Star Mothers--placed wreaths at the flagpole.
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