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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 6, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 6, 1963
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/ PAGE 4 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, .... i, Blazer Slate; Rich SHEldON Burfien p fir Address: Box 446, Shelton Mailing '°SuOndNe:?UdNT J?'aUnRNf/nIg? r,u,e o 4412 East Breme'ton's pair of 3-run Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Whursday. innings proved more than Shelton could match so the Blazers wound Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington SUBSCRIPTION RATES--S4.50 per year iv Mason County, in advance; Outside Mason County, $5.00 Member of National Editorial Association Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association COPY DEADLINES RURAL CORRESPONDENCE AND NOTICES IV[onday I0 a.m. DISPLAY ADVERTISING Tuesday noon SOCIETY NEWS Tuesday noon PICTURES AND NEWS --- Tuesday 5 p.m. WANT ADS Wednesday I0 a.m. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER -- William M. Dickie PLANT SUPERINTENDENT Jim Shrum OFFICE MANAGER -- Lodema Johnson NEWS EDITOR Alan Ford SOCIETY EDITOR -- Marj Waters OFFICE ASSISTANT -- Mary Kent ADVERTISING MANAGER Barbara Nelson PRINTERS -- Russ Stuck, Dave Thacher, Asa Pearson, Jerry Stiller, Charles Schwarz. L. , ( i ,,, . .i THESE WERE THE BURDEN-BEARERS Now thaffthe peak is past and we've all had a chance to catch our breath, a calm and collected review of the 19th, Mason County Forest Festival is in order. It was a dandy, no argument there. That it was such required more than luck, though luck is an essential element in the realm of weather. Many un- kind things have been said about the weather this year, but all was forgiven after what turned up a week ago last Sat- urday. Success was bred through hard work and good manage- ment, along with good breaks. To these people, then, the community owes great gratitude for their vital parts in the 1963 Forest Festival: CLIVE TROY. who as president of the Forest Festival Association in his second year did an outstanding job of co- ordinating all the many facets of this big community event and through unselfish devotion of his time and energies made those fcets mesh smoothly into a well-jelled whole; ROY DUNN and LES SHELVER, who as co-chair- men of the festival's biggest and most painstaking single facet produced another outstanding Paul Bunyan parade; ROY KIMBEL. 1flAX SCHMIDT, GIB RUCKER, JACK KIMBEL (and probably a few others l for putting together another highly entertaining Loggers Sports Show; SHELTON R-OTARIANS as a group and BUD LYON and EINAR OLSOE in particular for at long last restoring the forest festival membership button sale. an important up their 1963 junior high baseball season in defeat. 8-4, at Bremer- ton last week. Lefty Rich Burfier, d was nicked for/distance hits in East's two big innings, a dou-b]e and triple in the first, and a triple sand- wiched between singles in the fifth. Another triple accounted for East's solo marker in the fourth. The final East tally was produced in the sixth on a walk. stolen base and sipgle. Blazer runs came in solos. Dave Winn tripled and Bob Masteller singled him home fn the second: Tom Marshall singled and moved to third on two following walks, then scored on Scott Swisher's in- field out in the third: Jan Donald- son walked with bases full to force home MasLeiler, who had al- so waisted in the sixth; and Mas- teller scored again in the seventh on Dick Knautz' single after walk- ing. The short score: R H E Shelton 011001 1---4 5 1 East 300 131 x 8 10 1 BatteriesBurfiend and Swish- or; Ftedderjohn and Tomren. $ * :l BURFIEND LEADSItITTERS Rich Bur/lend. gfh grade left- handed pitcher, led Blazer batting figures for the 1963 season with a .300 average on three hits in 10 at bats. Dave Winn. infielder, led in four ether categories, however, with 28 at-hats, five runs. six hits and seven runs batted in as well as hitting the only triple and home run of the season. He also shared with Scott Swisher having the most railings played at 57. On the pitching front, Bur/lend won the only two games the Blaz- ers captured this season, pitching 36 1,/3 innings. Barring x'erage ab r h rbi ave, Bur/lend 10 3 3 6 ,300 Downing 7 3 2 1 .286 Barrom 20 2 5 5 .250 Marshall 6 3 4 1 .250 Bryant 16 2 4 1 .250 Knautz 4 0 1 1 .250 Masteller 9 3 2 2 .222 S. Swisher 23 3 5 4 .217 Winn 28 5 6 7 214 Armstrong 5 1 x 0 .200 Sparks 6 2 1 0 .167 DeMiero 7 1 1 0 .143 Cole 15 1 2 1 .133 Donaldson 5 1 0 1 .000 Preppernau 5 0 0 1 ,000 Fredson 8 0 0 0 .000 M. Swisher 5 0 0 0 .000 Pitching Statistics ip r so bb w l aspect of the financial structure of the forest festival, to Bur/lend Swisher the high plateau of success it once held. Many others, of course, made large contributions to this 1963 festival, so many that it is impossible  to cover each individually. However, The Journal wishes to toss a special accolade to two youngsters who made their debuts in festival ranks this year, SUE GILLILAND and JOHAN- NA GOLDSCHMIDT, who were assigned, as members of the publicity committee, the task of preparing stories and getting pictures of the pioneer loggers Who Were thefesti- val's honored guests. Sue, a junior, and Jo, a senior, at Irene S. Reed high s.chool and members of the journalism class, managed some- how to give a great deal of time to this assignment and still keep up with their school responsibilities. We have a-strong hunch the community will be hearing more from these young ladies in the future. So, not only to these few key figures, but to all who helped make the 19th Forest Festival what it was among the finesthcse words of appreciation are but an expression of the feeling The Journal knows the ehtire community shares as it proudly, reviews its big annual celebration. The lawyer who collected $25 in advance for advice to a client and then advised him to break out of jail is shy on ethiesso shy that he might justifiably be called a shyster lawyer. "'Exceptions prove the rule"and wrec'k the family budget. @ @ $ The reason President Kennedy doesn't know exactly how to solve al the many problems that confront him is that he doesn't listen in on conservations of cof]ee-breakers dis- cussing these problems. 36 1/3 21 51 27 2 2 8 11 5 8 0 1 /inn 6 10 4 5 0 1 Maste]ler 3 1/3 14 3 7 0 1 Bryant 1/3 3 0 1 0 1 Gollegiate Action Seen By Former Shellon Athletes Six college and university ath- letic teams were bolstered during the past school year by former Shelton Highclimber athletes. The University of "Washington, University of Puget Sound, Seat- tle U., St. Martins College, Olym- pic College and the' U.S. Coast Guard Academy were represented by 16 former Climber luminaries. UPS teams had Harley Soiners, football; Wayne Carlson and Scott Elliott. basketball; Roy Kimbel, baseball; Joe Wingard, track and Denny Hinton. tennis. Both Somers and Kimbel were sidelined most of the season with various injuries although both let- tered the previous year. Carlson and Elliott played on the Logger junior vaxsicy mainly, although Carlson logged considerable time with the varsity in a non-letter winning effort. Wingard ran the mile and two-mile races for his track letter and Hinton played fourth man on the varsity tennis team Morley Preppernau, Pete Bue- che and tars Sjoholm earned let- ters on the Olympic track squad. Buechel also played football. Mike Olson and Kent Johnson were the third and fourth men respectively on the Ranger net team. Jerry Bloomfield and Corky Pe- terson saw considerable starting action for the St. Martins basket- ball team. Bloomfield was also a starting hurler for the diamond team, Former prep all-starer Greg Ver- million was a frequent starter on the SU Chief tan hoop squad last season. Laurie Somers lettered in var- sity basketball and track at the Coast Guard Academy in New London. Conn.. this year. He gave up football, which he played in his freshman year. to devote more time to basketball. It payed off too. as he was the leading scorer and rebounder on the team. He als9 set a new Academy high jump record this spring. John Sells. the small but pow- erful former Shelton shot putter, competed on the UW Frosh track team this spring. KqHHHHHIHHHHHHW,'qHHHHIHHflHHHHHHIHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-  OUTDOORS ! IN MASON COUNTY =- |||l|||||||l|||||||ll||||||l||l|||l|ll|l||||l|ll|||||||ll|ll|||l|l|ll|ll|ll||l|||l|||l|lh SALTWATER REPORTS SKIMPY Although current reports are slight, indications are that Hood Canal fishing is improving. Re- ports have it that there may be a run of large kings coming in from the Straits. judging from the in- creasing number of big kings be- ing taken around Neah Bay. Foul weather early thi3 wee1€ kept many boats off the water. The Seals will hold a drawing for a diver's wet suit at the P.U.D. building June 10 at 8:30 p.m. TRAIL INFORMATION AVAILABLE Latest information on the con- dition and use of specific trails in the National Forests may be obtained at forest supervisor or district ranger offices in the ar- eas of interest in Washington and Mike Pier had the biggest re- Oregon. ported salmon of the week, a 19- 8 king Friday out of Hoodsport Marina. Smaller fish went to Charles Dahlman. 3-6 May 28. anu 4-3 May 30; Ole Kjonaas, 2-3 ana Don Summers. Jr.. 4-2 May 30: Jack Grubb. 5-8 May 26 and Har- vey Greenwood. 6-12 Sunday. In the only fresh water report Tom Nelson caught his limit ot silvers at Lake Cushman Satur- day. LEAVE FAWNS ALONE At this time of year when young deer, bear and other wild animals are found in the woods, the State Game Department issues its an- nual reminder that it is unlawful for any person to keep game ani- mals or birds ifi captivity. While most persons take am- reals home with good intentions, they fail to realize that they are lessening the animals' chances for survival. Once raised in captivity, the animals forfeit their chances to survive if returned to the wild• SEALS DI/E AT WESTPORT Huge ling cod and about 30 crabs were the prizes of the Hood Canal Seals diving club at it held its monthly dive at the West- port jetty Sunday. Dick Fuller received conforma- tion that his 7-0 brown rock fish qualified as a new state record. The fish was taken off Hoodsport in 30 feet of water without the use of Scuba equipment. Fuller played host to several diving representatives of the Y.M. C.A. from eastern Washington last , week. Dean Perry joined the group which was looking for the favor- ite lairs of the octopi in the ca- nal. National Forest trails are open to two-wheel vehicles except where closed under Secretary of Agri- culture regulations. Person using vehicles on trails open to such use do so at their own risk. the Forest Service said. Safety of in- dividuals and conditions of trails cannot be guaranteed. Forest Supervisors give public notice and post restrictions for each trail closure within their for- est. The supervisor office for the Olympic National Forest is m Olympia. OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST RECREATION REPORT Shelton Ranger District All roads are open for travel. Trail maintenance has begun on the Wynoochee. Fishing remains slow on the South Fork of the Skokomish River, but some good catches have been made with na- tural bait. Many young deer are being spotted along roads and logged units. The fire danger has eased greatly due to cooler tem- peratures and rain. Hoodsport Ranger District All roads are now open. A new 10 unit picnic area was opened at Seal Rock Campground on Hood Canal this week. The units are on the water and afford access to the public oyster beach. The fishing conditions: Lake Cushman -fair to good; Lena poor; Hamma Ham- ma River--poor: Elk and Jeffer- son Lakes fair to good. The snow is at the 4500-5000 foot level and reducing rapidly. Rhododendrons are still blooming at the lower elevations along Hood Canal and all the larger drainages to 2000 feet. Recent rains have lessened the fire danger. GOLF CLUB CALENDAR KELLY KLOUTERS GAIN Thompson and Pop Hulbezt GOLF LOOP TOP RUNG [ The semi-final matches this Oliver Kelly's squad squeezed lweek pit the Pauley brothers and onto the top rung in the tight their partners against one another 19th Hole Golf League race last with the Holt-Rice team facing week as the schedule entered its Price and Hanson in the other final two weeks of play for this match to determine the finalists. season. ' 'v • With-a nifty 8-foil10 perform- aneW.-"the Kellys supplanted the Jack Grays, who had a break-ev- en 4-for-8 day and dropped to sec- ond. 22 percentage points behind. The Jerry Thompsons 6-for-10) and the Bud Knutzens 8-for-12) both climbed past the Ray Walk- ers (2-for-12} to take third and fourth, while down at the bottom the Jim McCombs (6-for-12) scrambled out of the cellar for the first time ]n weeks. On the individual front unde- feated, untied Sonny Lowe didn't have a match so maintained his perfect record at 12-for-12, unde- feated, once-tied Oliver Ashford picked up another victory to run his mark to 17-for-18, and un- beaten, twice-tied Jim Pauley ag- ain bested his opponent for a 14- for-16 record. The standings: , week season pet, Kelly. ................. 8/1.0 57/98 .582 Gray 4/8 47/84 .560 Thompson 6/10 41/76 .539 Knutzen ............ 8/12 54/100 .529 Walker ............ 2/12 55/108 .509 Faubert ............ 6/10 37/74 .500 Melnelly ............ 7/12 49/104 .471 Price ................ 5/12 48/112 .429 McComb ............ 6/12 42/1.00 .420 Schmidt ............ 0/6 25/62 .403 KELLY 8 -- Oliver Kelly 2, Dick Yeager 2, Andy Tuson 0, Lar- ry Larson 2, Bob Wuench 2. GRAY 4 Jack Gray 2, Bill Francis 2, Laurie Carlson 0, Pol- ly Parrett 0. THOMPSON 6 -- Jerry Thomp- son 0, Purl Jemison 2, Glen Fer- guson 0, Ivan Myers 2, Jud Hol- loway 2. KNUTZEN' 8 -- Bud Knutzen 0, Joe Holt 2, Rocky Hembroff 2, Bob Kieburtz 0, Walt Snel- grove 2, Jim Pauley 2. WALKER 2 Ray Walker 0, Jim Fletcher 0. Fred Stuller 2, Jim Morrissey 0, .Am Cheney 0, Art Bennett 0. FAUBERT 6 Ed Faubert 1, Jack Jet/cry 0, Frank Travis 1, Lloyd Van Blaricom 2. Frank Heu- ston 2. McINELLY 7 L.L. McInelly 0, Oliver Ashford 2. Bean Daniels 2, Clyde Coots 2, Gary Nicloy 1, Don Johnson 0. PRICE 5 -- Buck Price 0, Guy Beckwith 2, Les LaBissoniere 0, Bud Pauley 0, Harry Cole 1. Bert Hoard 2. McCOMB 6 -- Jim McComb 1. Phil Bayley 2, Bob Olson 0, Jack Kimbel 0, Ralph Stevens 2, Bill Dickie 1. SCHMIDT 0 -- A1 Munro 0, * :[: * PRESIDENT'S CUP SIGN-UP STARTED With play due to start June 20. the sign-up is under way for the Shelton Golf Club Presi- dent's cup tournament. This event, sponsored by the 19th Hole Club. consists of three 18-hole rounds of medal play at 85 percent handicap. Finalists are determined after the first two 18 hole rounds, tournament chairman Bud Pauley pointed out. VASHON DUE SUNDAY Shelton's inter-club team will engage in its third competition of the season next Sunday by hosting the Vashon Island Golf Club over the 9-hole Bayshore course. Previous matches have been with Port Angeles and Riverside of Chehalis. LINKS FEMS ACTIVE Shelton's golfing gals traveled to the new A]tondale Golf Club near Gig Harbor last week for in- ter-club play in which Ruth Heust- on had low gross, Helen Rice low net, Nits Kimbel closest to the pin. and Mac Munro fewest putts. This Tuesday's women's day play was cancelled by rain Tee-off time for next Tuesday's play will be 8:30 a.m,, women's team captain Virginia Bayley a- ounced yesterday. Players are re- quested to be at the course by 8:20. MIXED FOURSOMES Rock Chuckers .............. 14V2 51/ Cherry Pickers ................ 13 7 Alley Pups . .................... II 9 Slow Starters .................. 8 12 Gold Brickers .................. 8 12 Twisters ............................ 51/ 14/ High games--Verna Johanson 212, Tax Mikkelsen 211. High seriesVma Johanson 531, Jack Sampson, • 556.: Rock Chuckers 4 (Carl Bernert 482). Slow Starters 0 (Jack Samp- son 550): Alley Pups 3 (Gayle Wentz 367), Cherry lickers 1 (Dean Smith 478); Twisters 2z (Max Mikke]sen 530), Gold Brick- ers 1,/ (Clara Erikson 376). MEN'S TRIO LEAGUE Flintstones ........................ 15 9 Touchables ...................... 13 7 Alley Cops .......................... 14 11 Prairie Roosters ............. 13 12 Vagabonds ........................ 13 12 MIMO ................................ 12 13 Lucky X 9 16 Hopefuls ............................ 6 14 High game--Dean Smith 219. KEITH DICKEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dickey, Shelton, will graduate from Oregon State University at Corvallis, June 2. Dickey, a 1958 Irene S. Reed high school graduate, is a mathematics major, Steve Hale 0. Ken Broughton 0. High series---Lionel Leman 796, DEFENDING CHAMPS LOSE Alley Cops 5 (Lionel Leman IN CAPTAIN'S TROPHY 796), Hopefuls (Bob Hertz 603); Highlight of the quarterinal Vagabonds 5 (Flor Minoza 626). round of the Team Captain's tro- Lucky X 0 led Dunbar 662); phy tournament last week was the MIMO 3 (Morley Preppernau 734), elimination of the defending Prairie Roosters 2 (Ralph Simpson champs, Bean Daniels and Nonny 681); Touchables 3 (Dean Smith Lowe. 674), Flintstones 2 (Max Mik- Daniels and Lowe, attempting to kelsen 741). take the trophy for the third straight year, lost to Buck Price SERVING IN CARIBBEAN and Gene Hanson. Frank G. Lentz, seaman ap- Joining Price and Hanson in the prentice, USA, son of Mr. and semifinal round were Jim Pauley Mrs. John G. Lentz, Shelton, is and Larry Larson, who ousted Phil in the Caribbear abo ........ • s or- -2 t- tne at- Bayley and Jack Kimbel; Bud tack tran p t USS Rankin. The Ranmn }s Part o  Pauley and Bob Wuench. who ' ' : f Amphih- WINNEIt  I'IL4,FFIC knocked out J'aek Jet/cry and Iv- ious Squadron 10, Which includes ShRT¢ ER ¢ONTE an Myers; and Joe Holt and Ray several amphibious ships engaged [ Rice, who shunted aside Jerry in training and exercises. Merchants Activate y Wit League Pla h 2-1 Vie|cry ,onday A base.-full wa k and a sac]°> rice fly propelled the Shelton Mer- chants to a tritunphant start in their Olympia Fasthall League committments Monday evening in Olympm. The 2-1 victory over BInger's came when Pete Kruger m'ew the free transportation to force Jess Phillips over the plate and Frank Vestal lofted deep enough o right field to permit Bill Nutt to trot borne. Jess was aboard on a walk. Bill on a single, and Dick Cummins slrolled to fill the sacks with one away in the fifth inning. In the bottom half Binger's put across their lone run with the help of a two-ou error following the only two hits Nutt allowed in an other- wise pitching masterpiece. PRIOR TO the fifth the only Binger baserunner was aue to a walk and no others got aboard af- ter the fifth. He struck out 11. The Merchants themselves got only three blows, Dave Swearingen in the sixtl and Nutt his second blow in the seventh, all singles. In four earlier practice games the Merchants posted three victor- ies 21-2 over Rayonier, 6-3 over Highway Department. an 5-3 ov- er the Camms. The loss was by 7-5 to Olympia Merchants. The 5-3 win from the Camms.was achieved on only three hits. but one of them along with five walks sccounted for four runs in the sixth and that was enougn to ov- ercome a 3-1 Camm lead. SWEARINGEN enjoyed a 3-for- 3 record but couldn't stave off the loss to Olympia Merchants. Shel- ton made a gallant comeback af- ter entering the last inning trail- ing by 7-1, scoring four times on two walks, Chub Nutt's single and Phillips' double. A 4-run first inning spearhead- ed the 6-3 victory over Highway during which successive singles by Dick Warren. Bill Sloan, Ron Ahlf and Swearingen got the ball roll- ing. Cummins pitched the victory, as he did the route of Rayonier with a 2-hitter. Phillips rapped a home run. Bill Butt bagged a double and two singles and four runs. The Mer- chants put it out of reach with nine runs m the first frmne. The short scores: R H E Shelton 000 020 0--2 3 1 Binger's 000 010 0--1 2 0 Batteries Nutt and Swearing- en; Rawlings and Michaels.R H 2 E Rayonier 000 020 0 ..... 2 Merch. 940 404 x--.21 10 0 Batteries Morgan and Case- heir: Cummins and Swearingen. Hiway 000 120 0R3 H E1 Shelton 40 000 x---6 7 1 Batteries Dalrymple and Tob- in; Cmnmins. Butt and Swearing- eR. R H E Olympia 200 002 3 7 7 0 Shelton 000 001 4- 5 8 3 Batteries Bert. Budsberg and Hill; Nutt and Swearingen R H E Shelton 100 004----5 2 3 Caroms 020 100---3 5 0 Batteries---Butt -and Swearing- en; Keller and McGrew. Shelton Athletes Shine 'At Olympic Gollege, Two former Shelton Highclim- ber athletes received three of the highest sport awards befitting Olympic College athletes at the OC awards banquet Tuesday. Pete Buechel was named the Outstanding Athlete of the grad- uating class and Morley Prepper- nau was chosen for both the Hon- orary Captain and Inspirational awards for the Ranger track team. Both men are 1961 graduates m Irene S. Reed high school/ Buechel participated in football, track and wrestling during his two years at Olympic. He went to OC on a football scholarshiP. The diminutive Preppernau did just about everything for the Rangers this spring. He ran tte sprints and relays besides partak- ing in the broad jump and hop, step and jump. Several other Sheltonites were accorded letters at the banquet for their spring sport_ achievements. Lars Sjoholm. who ran the mile and two mile races, won his track stripe while Mike Olson and Kent Johnson were awarded tennis let- ters. Olson played third and John- son fourth singles for the Rang- ers this season. Boat 'Glub Travels To Stadium Beach Captain Ray Hash headed a cruise of the Shelton Yacht Club to Stadium Beach over the week- end. Members dropped anchor and had a potluck supper there Sat- urday eve n i n g. Representative craft owners were Don McCuis - ton, Les Hansen. Berwyn Thom- as. Jim Elmlund, EdBecker, Wil- lard Rublin. Joe Gatehell Lloyd Ellis, Bill Windsor. Clint Mifflin, Dick Saeger, Earl Jagnow ano Gene and Glenn Whiteomb from Tacoma. Among Your Merchants RALPH'S MEAT DEPT. CHANGES TO SELF SERVE Ralph's Serv-U Grocery on Hill- crest is undergoing some changes this week, principally in the meat department where the operation is being converted to a pre-wrapped self-service meat counter. Owner Ralph Crabill also recently instal- led additional cold storage units to increase his capacity to stock frozen foods. i Climber Track, Wrestling Top Year's Sport past school term as Sheltrm corn- but sandwiched pleted its first year of Olympic streak of four League competition. Dombroski will be The Shelton High School track swatters as A1 team under the supervision of gard, Gary coach Bob Sund and Larry \\;geir's and Mike Sheedy, Climber wrestling squad were the Snyder. Tim only Shelton teams to emerge ny Bailey, Jim with winning season records, but Landis. to beef they did so in fine fashion, line-up Sund's cindermen ran their con- IT WAS A secutive dual meet victory string the Highclimber to 22. soundly trounced each Olyln- finishing with a pic League opponent and won the gave experience to Olympic Peninsula sub-district classmen durin meet. , paign and he SUND SENT BURLY weight- age will be made win cohmm next' 3 man Gary Combs anff 880 speed lose snch senior merchant Paul Brown to tle state meet in Pullman at the complet- Smith. Gary Joe TCaters. ion of the regular season. Combs Ken Droscher. achieved a sixth place in the dis- signal-caller. chs. while Brown failed to make it into the final round, second team spite his team's Combs was also the Climber The hoop squa point leader, shading- senior hurd- Jim Doherty ler Joe Waters by five points. On- reversal of the ly three other lettermen besides win-loss record. C] Combs and Waters will be depart- found the ing through graduation. They are ment a tough pole vaulter Jim LaMont. miler their potency Bruce Gardner and high jumper eligibility. The George Johnson. had a The grapplers had their best mark in Shelton sports history, the most trouble a 12-3 win-loss record. W'restling hoopmen as the)' c has only been in existance at Shel- combination to ton four years after Jim Talley solid ball play started the ball rolling in 1959. Bright spot Although the Olympic League does ever, g, as sophomo not compete in wrestling, Weir's ry Powell. who bunch met and beat the only two older mates for schools in the conference which mers. The big have wrestling, East Bremerton 10 points per and Port Angeles. Others who BIG BRUCE Crawford. compet- Ron Orr. Bob ing in the unlimiteddivision, be- fery, Brian came the first Shelton wrestler son, plus several to ever make any points in the Harold Wilson's state meet. The senior museleman Doherty will defeated his first round opponent without the muscle for two points, but lost out in Jim Goodpaster an his next match to earn a fifth besides Mike carte place. Coach Andy TU: Heading the list of front-line wasn't too returnees is Ralph Roll who won four wins and the Pacific Northwest A.A.U. 112 there was a pron pound title in Seattle earlier in the group who will the season. Other first stringers next season. returning will be John Cocnran. Junfor first John Miller. Daron Taylor. Joe performed well Snyder, Paul Brown. Tom Lowe. travel to Spok Jim lodgers, Ted Barnes and Den- Ray Walker, ny Fuller. June 28. for a prp" Matlock Grange Captures AwardsIn Forest Festival has something to crow about. They won first place fo rtheir window display which was at the Shelton Hardware and also won the sweep stake prize and a lovely trophy was .given the grange. And on fun night Mrs. Walter Shaw. a Matlock Granger. won the door prize, a hair dryer and the Mat- lock Grange float also took first place Saturday at the Forest Fes- tival Parade. Baccalaureate services were held at Mary M. Knight, Sunday even- ing Rev. Glenn Tilton of Elma Some Local People Not Applying For. Social Securily NEW YORK (Special) A number of Mason County residents will soon be getting windfalls in the form of government pension checks. These payments, unsought and unexpected, represent benefits due them under the Old-Age and Sur- vivors Insurance system. They are entitled to them because of their contributions, over the years, to the OASI trust fund. Then why are they not receiv- ing them? Simply because they did not apply for them. Why did they not apply for them? Because they did not real- ize they were entitled to them. The OASI officials themselves were startled to discover recently that there ta'e more than 1,000,000 people in e United States who are eligible for pensions but axe not getting them. i WHEN IT BECAME apparent that there were more of them than had been realized, they gave their giant computers the task Of finding out just how many an ava- lanche of names poured out of the machines. For every 17 people or so who are receiving monthly pension checks, there is an additional one, it develops, who should "be but is not. " In Mason County, there are an estimated 89 of these non-collect- ing eligibles. They could be receiving any- where from $40 a month, which is the minimum amount paid, to the present maximum of $254 a month. THE AVERAGE old-age benefit, according to the latest OASI fig- ures, is $76.18. On the basis of this average, the 89 local beneficiaries who are on the missing list are passing up payments aggregating about $6.780 every month, or $81,350 a year. Some spot-checking on the part of the Government reveals that there are many reasons to explain the failure of qualified people to apply for their pensions. Most of them didn't think they were eligible, This was frequently so in the case of men and women who continued working beyond age 65. Others thought they didn't have enough working quarters to qual- ify. They were unaware of changes in the rules that reduced the num- ber of quarters needed. A large number of others had the false notion that a person had to be needy to be entitled to Soc- ial Security pensions. Baptist Church ga Graduation will v night at 8 The Mary ing Class is Valedictorian, utatorian. Gene or Student Judy Landis, ces Ayers, Service and Military service. Mr: and Mrs. spent Friday Rodger Mr. and Aberdeen were Mr. and evening. Mrs. J. D. ton spent a few. with her mother gleton Mrs. Edward  Rossmaier Colnbs were gtests of Mrs. Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. of North luncheon Portman and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Augusta Portman were urday of Mr, aw man of Shelton.. Mrs. Au Portman Mrs. L. D. attended the dra Matson Loertscher of ton Baptist inF. Mr, and Mrs. family of folks Ford. The Richard Shelton and Elms their Herbert THE Tacoma spen t drew day evening ily called. Mr, and were Seattle visit Mrs. ly home there. Mr. and family of dinner tree home thdays of Mr ky and Bonnl Smokey