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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 6, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 6, 1963
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I L PAGE 5 K 1 SHELTONIMASON COUNTY JOURNAl',--Published PICTgRE$ K00'rTN00L Voice.If yoU've wo,der- ha,00,00d the for ed who handled the mb!P ,d- ,years now, us, h;g virtually no dress system during the Loggers ecript, Two veteran loggers sit sport show, here he is-Bob ,,,m- beside him, Ralph SevenS and bel. He is the son of Roy Kimbel, t 8HI Grisdale. i,]an with his fcot chairma n of the show, and has on the "rail" "is another but more youthful logger, Carroll Mercer, and beside him is Jack Kimbel, both members of the sports show committee. in "%hrsfmasown, U.I.A.", Shelton, Washington Seattle Yacht Group Visits At Grapeview Over MemoriaJ Weekend GRAPEVIEW---Beautiful yachts ] cruising into Fair Harbor and its sin;rounding ,waters, added a touch of color and excitement to an oth- erwise gray and, for the most part, colorless lioliday weekend. Four lovely yachts out of Seat- tle made a pretty picture nestled together off the southern shore of Treasure Friday and Saturday. Well-known architect, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Monk were aboard their forty-six foot "T at o o s h" with guests Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rob- iscn. The other three vessels, all designed by Mr. Monk, were the beautiful "Terema" on its maiden voyage with owner, Dr. and Mrs William Pigott, on board. JThe other two craft in the group were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Enslow's "Victory" and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rileys' cruiser, sister ship of the "Tatoosh". Guests were Mr: and Mrs. W. J. Acheson. A visit to the St. Charles Winery was a high mint of their stay here. Indifferent weather did nothing :o dampen spirits of 150 irrepres- sible teenagers who gathered at the "Hash House" on Memorial Day. Miss Carolyn Hash was hos- tess for the group, all graduating rom Wilson High School in Ta- coma. Part-time popular resident Denny Moore was one of the guests. PLANS, LAID WELL IN. ad- vance for a combined family pic- nic on Harstine Island last Sun- day had to be changed when the rain clouds rolled in but Russ and Ruth Wells rolled out the red car- pet at their Stretch Island home and saved the day for the four amilies involved. The Don Pog- :ebas and youngsters, Clem Hells, Don Quereys and five children and ..d Okoneks and son all made the best of the highly satisfactory mbstitute Last Wednesday evening was a memorable one for four of our aommunity'g young people. It was the night of North Mason' High School's Commencement Exercises and they were in its graduating .*lass. Robert Spooner, Bob Pelan, xnd Edanna and Diana Strickland all received their sheepskins in the impressive ceremonies. Our con- gratulations and best wishes. We are proud, indeed, that a 3rapeview young person has been warded a six-hundred dollar Mark E. Reed Scholarship by Simpson Timber Company this .year: Sixteen-year old Rob err pooner is the deserving winner. :-Ie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Spooner. Robert's sister Linda, a 1961 graduate of Iren¢ . Reed High School, is. attending :he University of Washington's School of Nursing, also on a scho- larship. GRADUATING SENIOR, ,:Bob Pelan was especially happy to h.aVe,his father, 1Robert Pelan, St. 0'}and to witness the graduation 2eremonies at North Mason. Mr. Pelan had flown from his job in 3hemya, Alaska, for the occasion ]eparting again the following day. Taking to the air last Friday was another Grapeview resident, Mrs. W. G. Clayton Jr. the other half of your correspondents team Her destination was Downingtown, Pa, and the bedside ofher moth- or, M'rs. Helen Palling, who is ill. A telephone cal'o hubby, Walt Clayton, brought the good news Monday evening that her mother's condition is improving. We cer- tainly hope she has a speedy re- covery and Salli has a speedy re- turn. We were sorry to learn that ,Joe Little of Treasure Island has been hospitalized for the past weq a.t Clinic Hospital in Shelton. Ther- esa Little, who has been carvin9; her own specieJ groove i.u the r'o( between her house and the hospi- tal reported Monday that her hus- band was eeling better. Guests from Seattle, Louis and Lila Ne- uss spent Saturday and Sunday with Theresa and driving in Sun- day to visit with Joe. Howard and Muriel Seiners are the proud owners of a brand nee; fourteen foot blue runabout, which they launched last Tuesday even-• ing. Visitors from sunny California enjoyed the warm hospitality ot their hosts, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rich- ards, if not the warmth of our reluctant sun from Saturday untit Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar: tin drove up from their home in El Cerrito, stopping to view the Grand Coulee Dam before driving on to Canada and finally to Grape- view. Mrs: Martin and Mrs. Rich- ards are long-time friends from North Dakota and thoroughly en- joyed their reunion, the first since August when the Martins were last in our area. TWO TALENTED VUNG gen- tlemen from Grapeview made a hit with their parents and friends last Saturday evening when Mar- gie Speck presented her Spring Dance Concert at the Shelton Jun- ior High School. Art and Kira Nicklaus performed admirably m their dancing and acrobatic groups while Mr. and Mrs. Art Nicklaus watched with pride along with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Okonek. Three-year old Billie Cook went Off to Grandma's house last Fri- day and was delighted to be able to spend the night. His mother, Mrs. Dean Cook, picked him up on Saturday and tells us that Bill' grandparents, Mr. and 3ars. How- ard Cook are proudly showing eli a lovely new boat. We happily report, that Web Etherton was well enough to re- turn home from She]ton Genera= hospital Monday after undergoing surgery over a week ago. We send him ore' best wishes for a speidy convalescence. A part-time resident of our fair community, bent on showing o£ his '!summer home", Jim Doerty brought his mother and father,' Col. and Mrs. Walter Doerty out from Shelton last Saturday. Col- onel Doerty, who is visiting with his family briefly between, assign- mnts in Hawaii and Japan en- joyed getting acquainted with hs son's second amily, the Walter Claytons. Firs. 'H o  a r d Seiners and children were also pleased to have a chance to meet this charm- ing gentleman. Harrassed mothers better stock u,p on an extra supply of tran- quilizers!! School's out F4day. Happy day ! S00#,e Plans Tourist [d00rnm00i00n Oee00e¢s Robert E. i:Lo;e, Director of the Department of Commerce-and Eco- nolqaic l)evelepment; i(1 four tourist hlfot'nlation centers located at state ports of entry wil] open May g0 for the 1963 touri.t sea- son. The four limited-season in- form;ttio centers are located in Blaine, Goldendale, Oroville and Tri-Cit{es. They will be open through Sept. 2. These four cent- ers, plus the two year-round cent- ors in Spokane and Vancouver, are oper-q.ted by lhe department's Tourist Promotion Division. This i: the first year tourist informa- ti,.m centers have operated in Gold- enda}e and Tri-Cities. The Tri- Cities center will be located at tile Wallula Junction at the junction of U.S. 2lighways 410 and 395. The Goldendale Center will be on U.S. Highway, 97, south of the city. The inf,)rmation centers are l)ro- vided with literature supplied by the Tourist Promotion Division and communities throughout the state. In addition to supplying basic information to tourists, the centers also encourage visitors to spend as much of their vacation time as possible in the state. POMONA GRANGEThis entry from the Grange won second Place in the Grange Bunyan Parade. HIGH-MAN--Swante Kyllonen always puts on one of the most suspenseful performances of the Loggers show with his demon- stration of old-time springboard tree-climbing. Here he has just dropped the top out of his tree ater making his torturous and breath'taking climb from the ground on the springboards. Past 70 years, Swante has a remarkable sense of balance, works without safety equipment of any kind. --:: ...... .......... } : SPLASHEddie Herron (near- est camera) won this fa!l but Russ Ellison came back to take the next two for the log rolling 6hampionship est Festival Io Saturday ih COMIC ENTRYAnother take-off on the entry in the Comic classification by Rose JackS and Edith Whittle which won second place REVIEWING STAND'=This is part of the group stand after riding in tile parade. On the left in the which sat in the reviewing stand during the pa,  first filled row is Eli Willey, honored as the oldest radeSatui"day. In the bOttom rOW are some of the old loggers who were soorted to the reviewing ( living Ibgger in the county with Mrs. WiHey on his right. [ UNDAUNTED -- A twisting "whirlwind" which kicked up a sizable dust storm on Loop Field Saturday•and slightly worried many of the spectators at the Loggers sport show field held no fear for at least one youngster, seen heading straight for its "eye". It aPpeared to be great fun and all he needed afterward was a good bath. FROM SOUTHSIDEThird place winner in the with Kathy Ness and Leahe Mason County Schools division was this entry from ' logs and Jeanne Campbell the Southside PTO carrying Princess Robin Bakke ing the school banner. 4-H--Riding on this entry from the Mason 4-H Clubs are Mason County Fair Queen Sandra Lyman and princesses Cindy Jackson and. Karcn Smith. Representing are Martin' MoCallum ) # TIMBER--Max Searles (left/ and his fatheri PaUl, ever have been a top felling team, which .hey proved once again Satur- day by winning the tree-fall- • i i ing contest during the Iggers ii: Li ii:Jifi ¸ ..... 7 : /i , ::: 71 Sports Showi Here they watch to see how close their falling tim- ber is coming to the stake they iattempted to hit dead center, They came within a foot. PRINCESSES RIDECo-prineesses from Shelton Junior High School Susan Woods.and ,Susan Har- vey rde on thi= 8helton Lions Club entry which placed second in the Frate vision of the prade.