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1963 I]ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown U.S.A."., Shelton. Washington PAGE 5 t
Family Welcome
Daughter And Family
and i
Ellen. and
Smith last
Smith and
Linda arrived
Ala. where
stationed the
Smith and
their trail-
Parked at the
for the next
leaves soorl
in Korea.
were din-
r parents' home.
at the Daw-
were the
Mr. and
of Portland,
and Grandpa
out over
to try their
their limits,
Seattle, Ta-
ste well rep-
Aberdeen to
Jack Set-
and chil-
ruee Ansar-
on her foot last Saturday to re-
move the nail from ier toe. Mrs.
Everett Sellers dropped by Satur-
day to visit with her.
Entertaining guests Saturday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Springer when they had a visit
from Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth How-
ard of Matlock. and Mr. L. F.
Cook of Montesano.
Mrs. Sam Ogg and children.
Shelton, Mrs. Hazel McCallum. Se-
attle, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Widener of Brady were all Satur-
day evemng guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley.
A1 Tupper's birthday was cele-
brated at dinner last Saturday ev-
ening with family and friends.
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Ford w-ere visited by Mr.
and Mrs. Leroy Booth and family.
Driving down from Bremerton
were Mrs. Paul Webster and son,
Terry and Robert and Wally Ward
to be Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper vis-
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Byron McClanahan. Shelton, after
attending the funeral of Mr. Mc-
Clanahan's brother. Dale McClana-
Lake Nahwatzel and Matlock
area lost one of the few remind-
ors of the old days of logging,
when "Lightening", Chappell and
Chappell logging hoi'se passed
away last week.
Dr. Edwin Hewitt, professor of Mathematics at
the University of Washington, displays the Phi
Betta Kappa key to four Southwestern Wash. stu-
dents who were initiated into the national scholas-
tic honorary recently. The students, from left to
right, are Nels Laulalainen and Robert Coldwell,
Longview; William Briggs, Shelton and Katharine
Graham, Aberdeen. All of the new .members had
at least a 3,5 grade point .average obt of a possi-
ble 4.0
Dayton Ladies Club To Have Next
Meeting June 18 At Community Hall
a sur-
lgene Joy
, Ore., in
on the
sons, John
oil the
as Week-
and dough-
the Junior-
a few
ley home.
Week sonle
visit 'friends
by their
.r. and Mrs.
Y When they
spent the
going out
Mrs. Sam
• With
ring a day
and a }ittle
ir trip last
I Ms. Art
Mr. and
SOme of
and trees
over to
Weekend guests at the Frank
Cooper home were. Eddie Holmes,
McChord Field and Frank Coop-
er, Jr., Payne Field. Mr. Cooper,
Jr. left Sunday on his special, as-
signment in Turkey for four
' Mrs. Cooper attended a Tuber-
culosis Association dinner at the
Alderbrook Inn asguest of Mrs,
Vern Davidson last Tuesday.
The bookmobile, representi.ng
South Puget Sound Regional Li-
brary, will have a summer sched-
ule serving the Lake NahwatzQl
area. It will come every other
Friday, wkh the exceptions of hol-
idays, starting on June 21, making
its stop at the Resort around 10:15
a.m. Lake residents may obtain
books for themselves or "their chil-
dren without a library card.
To Lale To Glassify
MOTHF, R AVAILABLE for baby sit-
ting pre-schooler week days ill her
fenced home. Phone 426-2009.
w 6/6-20
,FURNISHED-two room cabin for rent.
outside city limits. $25 per roD. Phone
426-4276. C 6/6 tin
TWO BEDROOM HOME [or sale on
five acres of Christmas tree land.
seven miles north of Shelton on
101. Call after 6 p.m. 426-8842.
FOR SAL] Hidden hideaway, nest-
led andd tall evergcens, This at-
tractive two bedroon] honle is lo-
cated on four acres just minutes
from h)wn. Only $8.800 with 15%
d6wn. Call Mann Real Estate 426-
6592. IV[ 6/6
man to rent neat. clean, one bed-
roon] downtown apartment partly
furnished. $42.50 per roD. Call Kuri
Mann Realtor. 426-6592. 6/6
rigerator in good operating shape.
H. Parry Jones, 312 Alder. Phone
426-6519, 6/6
Pontiac. $60. Call 426-8838 ai'ter 5
By Mabel Kidd Warren Williams.
and fa-
:eports she
DAYTON - Ladies' Club will
hold its next meeting on Tues-
day, June 18 with Mrs, Cliff Combs
as hostess.
Percy Funk who is now residing
in Oakland, .Calif.. visited Satur-
day in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Leg! Publications
CAUSE NO, 8085
Under General Execution
husband and wife, dba REX FLOOR
COVERING. Plaintiff
individually and as trustee [or her
minor children• Defendant
Under and by virtue of a general
execution issued out of and under the
seal of tile Superior Court of the State
o[ Washington. in and for said Coun-
ty, on the 1st day of Marc.h. 1962.
upon a judgment rendered in said
Court on the 80th day of November
1961. in favor of Arnold Rex and Ber-
nice Rex. hushand and wife. dba Rex
Floor Covering. and against Ida A.
Boquist. aka Ida Boquist. individually
and as trustee for her minor children.
judgment debtor for the' sum of om"
Hundred Forty-One and 15/100 Dollars.
together with attmncy's fees interest.
costs and increased costs, and to hie
dii'ectcd and delivered I did on the
3:Ist day of May, 1963, levv upon all"
the right title and mte,-est of said
judgment d6btor in and to the follow-
ing descril)ed property to satisfy said
judgment, to-wit:
A tract of land in Govt Lot 1 Sbc.
28 Twp 22N. R 1 West. W.M. Ma-
son County. Washington pa 'tic¢llarly
described as folh)ws: I?,e:.* al a point
on theEast linP sd Govt. Lot I which
is 411.36 feet South of NE Cor there-
of: tl. South atg sd East line 50 ['eet
to a car axle lnarkina the NE cot
of a ll-act of land owned by Wilbur
L. Milliron and wife: running th
alg the North line thcrcof West 600
feet and South 82030 , West 266.70
feet to n cat" axle n]arkir.g the NW
cor of sd Milliron tract located on the
nleandcr line: thence North 9°,t5 ,
Wesl alg sd meander lille 50 feet to
6/6-13-20-27 7/4 5t
1. Notice to Bidders
Sealed bids will be received by the
Board of Directors of Shelton Consol-
idated School District No, 309 at the
office of the Superintendent of Schools
located at the Evergreefi School Eighth
and Pine, Shelton, Washington, until
TI , June 20
2:00 p.m., P.D.T.. lursdaJ. "hicl'l
1963. for the General Contract, w
includes mechanic01 and electrical
work,, for the construction of Alter-
ations aitd Additions for Central Kit-
chen Facilities at the Irene S. Reed
High ' School Alder . and. Seventh
Streets, Shelton. Washington, and sep-
arate Sealed bids for kitchen facilities
and equi)ment for the new Central Kit-
chen, and the sid bids will then
and there be publicly opened•and read
aloud. Bidders and 0thers properly in
terested' are invited to be present at
She bid o0ening. ,Bids received after
the time fixed for opening chnnot be
considered, " - "
2. Documepts .... and con
Specifications, inetuaing -Dis
tract documents and drawings, may
he examined at the offices of tile As-
sociated General Contractors in Seattle
and Tacoma; the lan Bureau, Seattle;
Associated Sub-Contractors of Wsh-
ington, Tacoma" and Olympic Plan
Service. Olympia Washington. Bona-
fide bidders may obtain two sets on-
ly at lhe office of the architect, G.
Stacey Bennett, A.I.A.. and Associates,
214 Union Avenue Building, Olympia.
Washington. upon deposiy" of a'eheck"
payable to t, he architect in the amoun
of $2500 fro. each set. Shouli a bi0.der
wish additional sets or parts of sets,
:he may obtain them by paying tle
Cost of reproduction.
3, Refund. of Deposits
The full amount of deposits foreacl
set of documents secured by bidders
from tlie architect will be refunded
to bonafide bidders upon return of
the documents in good condition to
-the architect's office at or. before tle
time set fpr opening bids. There will
be no refuted for th return of addi-
tional sets or parts of sets, Plan hold-
p,nl. B 6/6 tile SW eor of a tract of lnnd here-
.................................... tofore sold on contract by thP grant-
16 FT. DAY CRUISER. 35 h.p. Evin- ors herein U) Corlland V. Jollnscn
rude electric motor. Tilt-Holslaw and wife: rnn lh alg the Sonlh
trailer and white snap-en cover, 426- line of sd Joilnsen Iraet North 82'30 '
83,14, C 6/6 tin East 300 ft.. nn)re or less. to a lit
CHIIIUAHUA TERRIER puppies f,i: which is 70 ft. south of the North
sale, Inquire 2020 Washington St. line thereof:, th East 580 feet. more
$10 each. A 6/6 or less. to the POB. SUBJECT to
FOR SALE -- 1948 Chevrolet engine pipeline easement as emHained in
and 4-speed transmission. Very good deep from F, M. Sisson & Clara
conditiofi. $65, Inquire 2020 Wash- E. Sisson lo Fred B. Sisson. daidd
ington or 207 Satsop St. A 6/6 Feb. 20. 1923. filed for ve('ord March
F--OR---SA--IE -- One 8 ]:t. over-head 5, 1923 as Auditor' Fee No. 40039 and
recorded iff Book 41 of Deeds ,on
garage door. Very reasonable, Call page 374. records of Mason County.
Were 426-6,515. E 6/6-20 Wffshington EXCEPT THAT portion
by SMALL LUNCH COUNTER and tavern of same lying easterly of State High-
for lease. Shows good net income, way No. 14B.
of Call before noon. 426-3461. •
FOR SALE -- 1962 18 ft. Terry house- I-IEREBY GIVEN. That on Friday. the
trailer. Cost $3.000. wilI sell for 12th day of July. 1963, at 10 o'clock
$250 cash. Star Route 1, Box 195. in_the Forenoon of said day. I will
Grapeview Robert Br'uhahn, sell the above described property, or
6/6-20 so much thereof as may be necessary
F-Oi'¢ SALE --1949 8/4-ton Stude})-'e) to satisfy said judgment, together
pickup..$135. Phone 426-6164. with attorney's fees• interest, costs
ahd inez;eased cost in all amounting
" - , A 6¢6-20
............. (iDOF=HANK S !% to the sum of Six Hundred One and
35/100 Dollars,, plus Sheriff's costs.
The famil: and 'relatives of the late Said sale will take place at the
O. C. I-Iodgson wish to thank all the East door of the Court House at 4th
friends that -sent flowers, cards and & Pine said County and State, and
gifts. A special thanks to the Shelton will be I public auction, for cash in
Valley Grange for the nice lunch, hand to the highest and best bidder.
TheH0dgsoh family Dated at Shelton. Wash.. this 4th
day of June. 1963.
In Student Home °
Sheriff of Said County.
• By Thora Bassett. Deputy
Recent houseguests of Mrs.
Gertrude Scott were her brother
and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Nichols of Apple Valley, Calif.
Weekend guest of Mrs. Bernard
Rishel was Mrs. Mabel Biggs of
Mrs. J. V, r. Rayson is now at
home after a short stay in the
hospital with a fractured arrn and
had as Sunday guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Luhm of Elma.
Saturday overnight and Stutday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eeab
Combs were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Edwards and Larry, Leslie and
Maurice Pearson of Seattle. Join-
ing the group on Sunday after-
n0on for a visit were Mr. and Mrs.
Manley Michler and sons. Olym-
pia. Mrs. Clyde Michler, Los Bo-
zarth and 2Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Combs and family.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Williams and girls attend:
ed the wedding of Gary'.s sister,
Karen to John Price held in the
Methodist church. The young cou-
ple will make its home in Se-
THE J. C. TIBBITS family of
Chehalis spent Sathrday overnight
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dell
Mrs. Cecil McLain and children
were visitors Memorial Day in the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Lemke.
Mrs. May Carey of Portland was
\\;Vednesday through Sunday house-
guest of Mrs. Gertrude Scott.
motored to Kirkland MemoriaI
Day and visited with her Slsters,
Mrs. John Gates and Mrs. Vernon
Visiting Sunday in the Cloqual-
hun home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Anderson were Mrs. A1 Chappell
and childl'en and Mra \\;Valter
Chappell and family.
The John Rock family Mrs.
Clyde Mictiler and {he Cliff Combs
enjoyed a picnic Sunday at \\;Vy-
nooche Fails.
Sunday dinner guest's in the
'Bernard Rishel holle were ]VI . and
Mrs: W. A. Leimback o Hoods-
pot% Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Leim-
back and children and Mr. Joe
Lokebill, Shelton.
The Robert Lemke family of
Seattle spent the weekend at their
Lake Nahwatzel summer howie.
James Schur left fro: Seattle
Thursday to spend a couple days
with his brother, John ad then
return to Langley Air Force
Base in Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ford are now
the proud owners of a rare breed
of dog, Australian Terrier. This
new addition answers to the name
of Charlie.
THE 'PETE Blomfiold
Mclrvin and r and Ts' Allan
, • . Jerry
Bloomfield attended the baccalaur-
eate services Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schuffen-
hauer attended the Teitzel, Nix
family re-union held O.a Sunday
in Centralia at Borer Park. Tlere
was an approximate one hundred
and fifty present. '•
The Ernest Todds of Manchester
were Thursday callers in the L. A.
Todd home.
Tuesday Callers in the L. A.
Todd home were :Mrs. A1 Frazier
knd 'boys, Shelton, and Mrs. Mar-
vin Hewer and Tony of Manches-
The Merlin Rickard's family ac-
compani'ed by 'Mrs. Jim Iester and
Betty motoged to Tacoma Satur-
day afternoon to visit Mr.,/,,ester
at the Mountain View Hospil;al.
Sunday dinner guests Of Mr. and
Mrs. L, B. Pharris was. son and
wife Mr. and Mrs FI'ed Pharris
Seattle. " '
Mvv.e%ne.sday afternoon, Mr. and
---- --V*'. ere Bloomfield anff san,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mclrvin and
Alan and Mr,. and Mi-S. Jerry
Bloomfield hiked into Pine Lake
to spend ,the night mid enjoy, fish-
Mr. and Mrs. L A. Todd called
on Mrs. Signe Kneeland on Sun-
Monday callers in the L. A. Todd
home were :Mrs. O. C. Hodgson,
Harvey and a daughter, Mrs. A. M.
Farr of Boney,. Minn., and Mary
Hitching and the Russell Rickards.
Shelton and the :Merlin Rickards
enjoyed picnicking at XVynooche
Bob, Marcy and Sharon Laney,
.ors who do not submit a bonafide Shelton, were gttests in the L. B.
bid and do not return .the docmfientS Pharris home,
at least tlree days bfore the time Friday evening callers in the
set for opening bids will forfeit the
full amount of tlmir deposits. . , home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schu-
By order of: Shelton Consolidated ffenhauer were Mr, and Mrs. Pad-
Scllool Difilrict No. 309. dock of CleEhlm and Mr. and Mrs.
[ BYclerk. M:S. DORIS K. I-IILLh{AN.6/6_13_20 3t Anion Charlson. Shelton.
ME--About 250 persons attended the open
in the home built by the Irene S, Reed
for Mr. and ,Mrs. Nell Dethlefs.
tells one of the visitors somethin'g
Use is in the 1200 block of Laurel Street,
WINS AWARD--John J. Flow-
er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Len
Flower. Shelton, was recently
presented a $25 award by the
Serra Club of Tacoma for his
first place essay in the annual
vocational essay contest spon-
ed by the Serra Club of Seattle.
He placed first in Division 1 for
fifth and sixth grade boys in
the contest. The contest included
all of Western Washington.
World War IVets
To Meel June 13
Madrona Barracks No 1462.
Veterans of World War [ and Aux-
iliary will hold their June meet-
ing June 13 at the Memorial build-
The joint meetings will be de-
voted to the selection of delegates
to the State Convention of the
Veterans of World War I and Aux-
iliary in Spokane early In July.
Exact dates will bc announced
The business sessions will be
followed oy a social hour during
which refreshments will Be served
by the ladies of the Auxilia, ry.
Sod Webworm
May Be.Cause Of
Brown Lawn
If spots in your lawn turn
brown, no matter how much )lt
water, check for sod webworms.
It is likely that these caterp'i]-
lars. the .larvae of the lawn moths,
are. doing the damage.
Lawn moth larvae spend the win-
ter in sill-lined tunnels right.in
the base of your lawn grass. Com-
ing,spring, they lounge around, in
their silken tunnels during the
day. At night and on cloudy days
they come out and gorge on the
grass, chewing off blades at the
Getting good control of sod web-
worms pivots on three 'points: Ap-
plying insecticides to lawn turt
in late afternoon, pn t tin g on
enqugh of the il/seeticide, and wa-
tering in the insecticide to put it
Harstine Couple Enjoying Visit
From Daughter, New Granddaughter
By Dnnettc Glaser leave for California in two weeks.
HARSTINE Lois and Jack
Meek finally feel like grandpar-
ents Their daughter, Mrs. Robert
,Vonnie/ Stamborsky and daugh-
ter Suzie arrived on HarstIne Sun-
day from Glasgow. Mont.. for a
month's visit. Little Suzle;s very
anx-ous to mcet Islanders and will
attend the selmol picnic. She is
jusI six weeks old.
Saturday evening Mrs. Gordon
Simmons was the honor guest at a
He will enter Glendale Junior Col-
lege in the fall. Our very best to
you Harlin.
The Hy Burtches and the Ling-
wolds spent the weekend at their
summer homes at Point Wilson.
Jim and Naoma Lohrer had
guests this weekend who arrived
by cruiser. The Walt Lohrers of
Devils Head, the Bingers in their
big Alaskan Hunter. the John
Mallorys and Robert Bakers and
birthday party at
home, Mr. and Mrs. Sid. and Mr,
and Mrs. Nels Baunsgard, Al and
Monica Pridham and Mrs. Buelah
Bassendale. and the birthday girl's
lmsband, Gordon. attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tierney
entertained at a, card party bar-
bceue at their home on the north
end. Those attending were Mr.
and Mrs. George Waite Jr., Gene
Seward. Jack Meeks. James Mc-
Auliffe. Larry Jerrells, Jim Walk-
er, and Helen Lamers. Dot' Smith,
George Howard. Ben Rigney, Har-
tin Jel:x;ells, Dan McAuliffe. Cheryl,
Mike. Jeff, Meeks, Bill, Edd, Dave
and Cindy Waite, Irvie Vingert
and Mrs. Edith Smalley. o
attended a birthday dinner honor-
ing her grandson Bucky Christo-
pher at the Christopher home in
Olympia. She returned Saturday,
bringing grandson Eric. and great
the Simmons their guests.
THE HARSTINE Island school
picnic was held Tuesday. We'll
tell you about it next week as
this is written on Monday. School
was dismissed for the summer on
Wednesday. Ed \\;Vaite, Sue Glaser
and Wands Laur comlleted their
Island education and will enter
Junior High in tbe fall. Our teach,
or, Mrs. Green will enjoy the
sununer at her home in Bremer-
ton. She will return in the fall
Dale McClanahan
Funeral Service
Held Monday
The funeral service for Alfred
Dale McClanahan. 117 East D St..,
was held at 2 p.m. Monday at the
Batstone" Funeral Home. inter-
merit was in Veterans Cemetery,
Shelton. Rev. R. R. Rings offic-
Mr. McClanahan died May 26 at
Edna Bay, near Kitchikan, Alas-
ka at the age of -36. He was borl
October 4, 1926 in Competition,
Mo. IIe was a member of this
community most nf his life. and
had been working in Alaska for
about the past year as a logger.
:He fought in the Korean war.
Survivors include his wife. Carol.
Shelton: three sons. Patrick. Mich-
ael and evin, at the family home;
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
McClanahan. Shelton; a btlmr,
Byron, Shelton.
G. L. Pettyjohn
Taken By Death
and will teach here next year. Glenn L Pettyjohn, 59. died at
We made a bo-boo. It was FIor- the Clinic hospital May 29. He
once, "not. Lawl'ence Jerrells, who made his home at Route 2 Box
will be our new bus driver. John
Hitchhoc] will make his last bus
run Friday, climaxing 21 years as
'Our bus driver".
stine Island grange will attend
the state Grange Convention in
Port Angeles next Week. Still oth-
eys will drive to Port Angeles on
grandson Robbie with hei'. Satur- Thursday and receive the sixth de-
day evening her daugh.ter, Reba. gree.
and Elmon Christopher arrlved for School board will meet Monday
at 7:30 p.m. at the school
Sunday Lois Mocks. Bill 'WaKe
and twins Pat and Vincent Glaser
will celebrate their birthday anni-
versarys. Happy Birthday to eact
of you • from all your Island
overnight and on Sunday grand-
daughter Linda and Bill Walker,
all of Olympia. came and a work
party was soon in progress finish-
ing Grannie's patio.
Harlin Jerrells celebrated his
18th birthday Saturday. Sunday he
attended baccalaureate excreises
in Shelton. Harlin will graduate
from ISR Friday and plahs to
Six Years Of
&hod Part-Time
Brings Degree
Commencement exercises at St.
Martin's College in Olympia
brought to a close six years of at-
tending school part time and wor-
king to support his family in be-
tween for Arlo Wetter of Shelton.
He received his degree in edu-
cation and will next year teach
at Castle Rock, He will start on
his advance education during the
summer session at St. Martins.
He an dhis wife, Mary, have
three children. Suzanne. a fresh-
man at Western Washington State
College, Bellingham,; Rosemary, a
sophomore at Irene S. Reed high
school and Kevin. a seventh grad-
er in Shelton Junior High.
Mr. and Mrs. Wetter were mar-
ried in .Worcestershire. England,
in 1943 while he was serving in
the Cantdian Air Force.
He was later shot down in ac-
tion Over Germany and spent 20
months in a German Prison cmnp.
School Board Sets
June 20 For 6ids
On Gentral Kilchen
The Shelton SchoolBoard. at a
special meeting Tuesday night, set
2 p.m. June 20 for the opening
of bids on a central kitchen to be
installed in the Irene S. Reed
building this summer.
The board approved plans from
G. Stacey Bonnet, Olympia arch-
itect, for the kitchen facihy.
The plan is to have all food for
the cafeterias in the school system
prepared in the single central kit-
Space for the new facility was
availahle when part of the High
School was moved to the addition
to the Grant C.Angle building,
completed last winter.
Begins NeW Job--Ralph Horton,
Shelton began his duties Mon. as
Mason County's Civil efense
Director. He was named by the
county commission last week to
succeed retiring Harry Carlon.
Woman From Denmark Visiting
Brother On Harstine Island 1
By Donette R. Glaser in Hemet, Calif,, and of trips they ]
have taken.
The Bill Glasers of Ta coma
spent the weekend with Bills
mother Ml's, Anna Glaser, Bill in-
troduced his young sons Marc and
Randy to goeduck digging.
ine Waite spent Friday oiling the
road in front of the Yates*, and
with Mason County. Th e m0un - Waite homes on the center road.
tains, rivers and saw water ira- 'The George Waites entertainea
press her greatly. They motored at a Beach Party Saturday night
to Seattle last week and attend- on the beautiful beach of George
ed a 50th wedding anniversarf Howards. Guests were the Jack
party and the scenery, and beatl- ]Y[eeks family, The Dick Sewards,
tiful weather, all made the trip Ken Droscher and Mike Harpe r .
Harley and Ruth Yates and
children of Seattle and Mrs. Flor-
ence Baker, Salem, Ore., visited
the Stan Yates this week. They al-
so met little Lisa Yates and af-
ter much consideration decided
she was just what the family
down Lo the grass crown level. Harstine Miss Johanna ChUtist -
Here's how ---- 'measure your ensen of Copanhagen, Denmark or-
lawn. In the late afternoon, just rived in Mason County Vil Green-
before dusk, dust on five • per land and the north'pole. She went
cent aldrin or heptachlor or toxa- to Los Angeies then 'took another
phone dust. Be sure you apply plane to Sea-Tac where she was
uniformly five pounds of dnst for met by her brother and ister-in-"
each ,000 square feet of lawn law Flo and Eric Christensem
area. Then turn on the lawn sprin- This is Miss Christensen first trip
klers to -soak the :insecticide down to America and she is just thrilled
a long to be remembered thing,
This is the second time Eric has
seen his sister as he met her for
the first time when he made a
trip to Denmark in 1952. She plans
to spend most of the summer here
and Eric and Flo have many trips,
"to the grass crown, level. Repeat
he treatment to catch successive
broods. . "
Have•you noticed he Bear Grass
blooming, among the Christmas
trees north of town. The dr eat,o
creamy-white, flower heads of this
magiaificent member .of the "lily
family, are sc.attred among the
farmed trees. They glow pearly
opalescence a few moments after
As evening shadows fall, it is
very satisfactory to walk among
We are pleased to report no one
was injured and the ear was tow-
ed away Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Saeger, Jan
and her royal Princess Lorna at-
tended the Qn e e ns .Baffquet in
SheIton Thursday night. Lorna,
representing Harstine Sehool was
presented td the Qffeen. They re-
turned by special ferry after the
" The Paul Chaffees entertained
Sunday night with a gory duck
d!nner. The George Wangelins, Ty
Greens, and Jim Lohrers attend-
ed. After the lovely dinner Chaffee
showed coior slides of the Rose
Parade and of their winter home
needed and that she "fills the bill".
BERT DEYETTE and family
visited the Dale Peughs and en-
joyed the nice weather, low tides
and picnic dinner Sunday. Lilas
Garden is up and ier flowers are
just beautiful.
" The Harstine Island School chil-
dren and their teacher Mrs. Green
cordially invite all Islanders, (and
Maintanders toot to attend their
Ammal School Picnic at the Gar-
olds Cove State Park Tuesday,
at 10:30 a,m, This is a I)0L luck
Dm:ing disasters, such as hur-
ricatles and floods, millions of dof
lars in cash have been lost for-
ever. Family assets in the f0T of
Savings Bonds. however, are al-
ways protected since the Treas-
ury replaces lost bonds without
the Bear Grass. Its beauty is re- all in Western Washington ptan-
flected to us in the gorgeous ned. Welcome to America, and Ms-
bloom of hundreds of tiny flowers son County Miss Christensen
in a single head. This is its wor- THERE'WS A ONE CAR roll
th: the thr411.of seeing the util- over accident at saegers Corner
ization of a wild thing withont on the low road Satnrday niglt.
cmmuming it.
The L. A. Todds ,'and Mr. and
Mrs, Eldon Todd and son attended
the baccalaureate service Sunday.
Weekend guests of Mr. arid
Mrs. Hans Lund were Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Bolling and children
of Yakima. Joining the group on
Sunday for picnicking at Stair-
case were the Marvin Ltmds, Bay-
shore, the Jack Ghramms,' Union
Mrs. luth B611ingl nd Rosemary
Knutzen, S]e'fton.
Use Journal Want Ad
162 and had lived in the commun-.
ity for the past 25 years. He worl
ed as a shipfitter in the Bremei
ton Navy Yard. Mr. Pettyjohn was
born March 2, 1904 n Mammoth,
The funeral was hold last Sat-
urday at 2 p.m. at the Batstone
Funeral Home with Roy. Eugene
Knautz officiating. Internen was
in Shelton Memorial Palm
Survivors include his wife. Dor-
othy, Shelton; two sons. Jack,
Olympia, and Barry, Shelton; two
daughters, Mrs. Elaine Poier. Rud-
yard, Montana, and Mrs. MargJe
Knudson, Shelton; three sisters,
3/[rs. Margie McCutlougb, Alame-
da, Calif.. Mrs. Gertrude Cociwan.
Ms.. and Mrs. Fotehman. Calif.;
a brother. A. Pettyjohn, Ontario,
Emery M. Lord
Dies In California
A one-time S h e 1 L on resident,
Emery M. Lord passed away
Tuesday in Downey, Calif, at the
age of 74. The funeral is being held
today at the Rose Funeral Home
in Whittier, Calif.
Mr. Lord. brother to Albert
Lord, Shelton. lived here several
years during the 1930's. He was a
Navy career man, having spent
40 years in the service including
his reserve time. He also worked
part of the tinm as a mechanic.
J. Korzenioneski
Called By Death
John Korzenioneski, Route I,
Box 267, passed away at. the age
of 84 last Sunday at his home.
He was born i Poland on June
24, 1878 md was a retired dairy
The funeral will be held at 2
p.m. I oday, at the Batstone Fun-
oral Home with Father Mark
Weiehmann officiating. Interment
will be in Shelton Memorial Park.
Survivors include 'his wi'fe, :Mag-
dalene, Elma; a son. Henry, Lil-
!iwaup; a daughter, Anna Castle.
Shelton and two granddaughters
md one grandson.
Eatwell Infant
Graveside Rites
A graveside service was held
Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Shel-
ton M:emoria] Park for baby David
EatweII,Clyde Eatxell,infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
The infanL was born May 31
at the Sheiton 'General h0spfl:al
and passed away the same tay,
Appearing on the docket in
Shelton Police Court before Judge
Rolla Halbert Monday night were
Edwin L. Gosser, negligent driving
and violation of safety responsi-
bility act, $35 fine, 10 days in jail
suspended and $50 fine: Inza Sny-
der. drunk in public. $10 forfeit;
Norman Adams. negligent driving,
no operator's license, $110 .{or-
.felt; . ,
John F, Dallam, driving while
intoxicated no operator's license
!aulty equipment continued; Viv-
an l)¢ynkoop drunk in public, $5
orfeit; Richmond Saeger, drunk
a public, $10 forfeit; Kurt Wyn-
mop, drunk in public, $50 forfeit;
ruman Nelson, drunk in public,
$10 forfeit; Harold F. Allen, safe-
ty responsibility violation, faulty
equipn{ent, continued; RusseffRo-
gets drunk in public. $10 forfeit;
Dean :Manberg, no operator's lic-
ense, $5 forfeit;
Chester Leeburg, speeding, $10
forfeit: Clande Eatwell, minor cOn-
suming and drunk in public $25
f0rfeit; Walt Henry Jr., drunk in
public, $10 forfeit; Walter S Hen-
derson, riving while intoxicated,
not guilty speeding, $20 fine; :i-
las Ioffat, drunk in public, $10
forfeit; Wag Henry Jr, drunk in
public, $25 forfeit.
Building permits approved by
the Mason County Commission in-
clude to J. C. Bridger, alteratio
and addition to residence, $3,000;
John J. Pettyjohn, wood cabin
$971; Glenn E. Thontpson. Wood
cabin, $1,000; James Walker WOod
cottage, $1,000: Dr. Geor e Race
wood cabin -1 'on- v,:,'_ g . '
wood cabin, $2,500; Robert W.
Strange, wood residence, $2,500;
Leonard Bonnet, rock veneer on
hnuse. $200: James Hickson, metal
addition t() bam. $2,400; Mary M.
Iight School District, From e"
school building, $84,000; V Theo-
dore Ness rest rooms and shod:or,
$/,000i Herbert Nelson, wood shel-
tel-, $100 and John B, Kelley, re-
mcctel residence, 8?[,000.
Nearly seven million school chin
dren have He opportunity o:phr-
I chase U. S. Saying's Stamps' d
{ Bonds through the Trea, s
[School Savis prog-am. Saving
[Stamps purdhased annuaily
t amomtt t) about 18 m:illion dol-
l iars,