June 6, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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• ii
al Students Lost Lake Families , Local Teacher To
Winning Essay In VFW Contest Was L°n?ler00k:::e?ilies Activities At Belfair Centered L?:ealdT00i:?hh00rnT?tul e
K!1[hn..Shelt°n Students xxere
:!. 'iy t, VV'ashmg.on S-t '
.- ao received degrees
ii " eaent exercises Sun-
Written By Joe Snyder, ISR Student
The Weekend
Around School Ending This Week
Robert J. Sund. a mattmmatics
were Shar-
er arts in ed-
,Orr, bacl)elor of
and Georgia K.
of arts in
Joe Snydcr, 16, was awarded
first place in the VFW essay con-
test at the Irene S. Reed High
Scho6I Awards Assembly last
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Snyder and is an Eagle
Scout and an active member of
the Methodist Youth Fellowship.
:,_:*, He is taking academic courses in
high school and is considering law
1" I II -- __ as a profession.
|l e Second place winner was Donna
-i, V I ] Owen of Mary M. Knight School
;: and third place Sue Minegishi of
::iU ][ mB Irene S. Reed.
I I In[ Ill i Following is S, nyder's prize-win-
,,.. -i i ii i nine essay on ,,What I Can Do
i%t),-- For My Country.
.' Ilm,,, , _ n and , , , .
,. "",. of Television ' By Joe Snyder .
0000ltllll :Rnnm i can best solo country oy
r4; / S'IIU serving myself in these teenage
:i l, GlUlDlllrk years. Our government is a Dc-
'FIlilU mocracy, "of the people, for the
/l'lie e ..... 426-6602 people and by. the people. As
e-duster such, it can onJy ne as strong as
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nsured to $10,000.00 by the F.S.L.I.C.
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Shelton, Wash,
BOXES • Private, Confidential, Economical
erican who betters himself has
strengthened his nation and is able
to give his greatest service.
One of the bestWas."young:
person ca n prepare to. be a good
citizen is to get the best possible
education. Lately there has been
much controversy over the p0ssi,
ble superiority of Russian schoolS.
As a student I can destroy this
possibility by applying myself to
learning. No hool can be any
better than the students who at
tend. rie students must excel
scholastically and must also de-
velo p proper fftitudes.
THE 1 STIJDENT who does his
best: in school is giving his na-
tion his best service, Where would
the, Declaration of Independenqe
have .come from if Thomas Jef:
ferson, hadn't bothered to learn to
write? How long wpuld our na-
tion have. survived without the
Constitution, :which was written
by learned men with the • ability
to express them,elves clearly?
: The student does have. other bb:
ligations besides studying. He
should take an active part tn the
extracurricular ctivities of, his
School: By joining clubs he learns
to, get:,along with others. He be
gins to •understand Democracy and
how it functions. These extra ac-
tivities can help relieve the ten-
sions of .Scholastic •life. They are
also a means of developing one's
self confidence.
When! speak of a good educa-
tion. I include also moral and re.-
ligious training which mUst begin
in the home. Our land was Settled
and our country was founded by
religious men. Faith in Cod'has
comforted and led many .gTeat
men of our country. Our country
is .based on Christian principles
with freedom of religionf0r ai ....
A CLOSE religious Lie gives one
a high moral standard. It is a
fact that all former empires fell
due to moral decay and.corrup-
tion.from within the country it-
self. A belief in God is the grea-
test. deterrant to moral decay. ]
can serve my country, ,by be
a moral citizen and-religiou givc
this high moral standard.
I, as a young American, can
serve my country by keeping in-
formed on current affairs. By hav-
ing a knowledge of the circum-
stances. I can have a better un-
derstanding of the decisions made
by our government officials. I be-
lieve it is the right and duty of
every .ctizen to criticize the gov-
ernment leaders if he disagrees
with a •policy or decision. Timre-
fore, a knowledge of current af-
fairs is essential h fulfilling this
I also feel that young peop
should take an active part in pub-
lie service organizations such as
Boy Scouts, Church youth groups
etc. These organizations help by
giving leadership training and op-
portunities for the older members
to help and guide the younger
Another way rot youth to streng-
then America is being brought
out by President Kennedy and his
physical fitness program. To be
By Doris Ili('kson
IX)ST LAKE -- Jim, Barb ad
little Scott Bm'ell were the four
day weekend guests of the Don
Saegers. During their stay they
joined the Saeger's in a picnic, at
the South fork of the Skokomish
Recent Luncheon guests of the
H. A. Loertscher h0me were San-
dra Mattson. Mr§. Richard Matt-
son, Mrs. Pat Dugger. Dave
Dugger, and Dora Brown. Dur-
ing the luncheon Mrs. Brown en-
tertained the guests with a show-
ing of antique glass.
children spent Friday with the
Clyde Norris family.
Saturday night there was a
"whooping" good time at the Bill
Wivell home, because it was Mr.
Wivell's birthday. Guests of this
party were: Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. hen
Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Layman,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burwell. Mr.
and Mrs. Don Saegar, Maradee
Guyer, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cole,
man and H. M. Wivell St.
tscher of Seattle were the Sun-
day guests in the H. A. Loertsr
eher home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Keefer were
the Friday evening guests of the
Clyde Norris family.
On Saturday the Allen Tibbits
were the guests in the Ctyde Nor-
ris home.
re are sorry to hear that Mrs.
O'Brien is having a minor opera-
tion on her feet, but will be back
to work very soon:
!erq.pe"ent Ore Russet leather uppers • "weat-
. 9e -"=mle split-leather insoles • Cushion crepe
t: =es = NaibLess construction,
ra v' camping, shng, walkhg. Emoy .
,?tloa boots and shoes crafted or the grea
wea h--Urafted for comfort, fit and longez
'. q Red Wing Shoes. - ....
tht 4 ,e in and try on a pair. f€ d.
,nng makes,
sharp mentally one must be In
good physical condition. Turning
out.for school sports is xdellent
and it also teaches teamwor k and
sp0tsmanship. A strong country
needs strong citizens, young, ad
old alike. As a young citizenI can
keep myself physically fit and •thUs
help strengthen America:.
PERHAPS ONE OF the grea..
test services I can give is to help
younger people to become• better.
Few teenagers realize that smart
ler children often lo0k tip?to them
if I set a good example for these
children, then .by helping them,
I have helped America. However,
to set this example, I must always
obey the laws, be courteous, have
& high moral .character.and ShOw
patriotism to my. country.
I can do one more service, >but
I need the help of every young per-
son in the land. The prestige mid
honor of young people has ebbed to
a new 10w in the past fewyears.
The word "teenager" has become
synonymous with delinquent. By
being a better person mentally,
morally and physically, I can help
• aise the reputation of American
youth. It is said that a country's
greatest resource is its . young
people. If I can raise the .stand
ard of young people, then I have
raised the wealth of the country,
Another way to.prepare to be a
valuable citize is to learn about
the _Tnited St.stes, the. traditions;
aud the heritage. We have rich
traditions and an inSpirifig heri.-
tage. By learning of our history
I can understand out present and
help guide our future.
IN SUMMARY, .I believe I can
best sezwe the United States by
preparing to be a future citizen
#nd voter. I must receive an edu-
Cation, for without it I cammt hope
to make' wise decisions in -this
ever-changing world. I need' a re
ligious background for I must
have a belief in God. Without this
faith I will be fuII of uncertainties
and doubts about right and wrong:
I need to take an actiVe part in
school and public affairs, for this
is preparation for a greater 'role
in te future. I need to keep phy-•
sically fit, I need to learn about
our great history. Meal/ important,
though, I must strive to become
a good, moral honest, and patri-
otic citizen. My goal is to be a
person of whom the United State
can be justly proud. To serve in
this way, I must now prepare fo
the future. • :
i i i
By Rachel FTeelin
BELFAIR Much of the ac-
tivity in this c0mmtmity the past
week has centered around grad-
uation activities and the last days
of school before summer vacation.
Belfair is. proud of the 42 North
Mason graduates and the honors
won, and also congratulates all
those responsible for the fine Bac-
calaureate and Graduation prog-
rams and,the mmcessful party at
Alderbrook which closed their high
school years for the seniors.
The closing of the school year
also brings one less happy note
to the community with the de-
parture of the C. Vance Shep-
hards, with Brad, Stanley, terns
and Brian for their new ranch
home near Maupin, Ore.
Since sellinff their property here
Vance and the C. E. Slmphards
have spent several months prer
paring the new home for the move.
The senior Shephards will be spen.
djng a good deal of their time in
trailering, from now on.
Last Sunday Racine Shephard
.was'honored at a farewell coffee
l0ur by members of the Belfair
Community church, where she has
in superintendent of ,the Sun-
day school The coffee tble was
centered, with an arrangement of
Peace loses; with Oregon grape
and horse figtirirms in honor of the
ndW home.,. Pouring were Mrs. C.
C.. Edd 9, Mrs. Jams Wilson, Mrs.
Seth:" IInc'oln; and Mrs. William
The: Shephards have been very
active, ifi local a:ffalrs and com-
munity projects d'uring' some .20
years here, and,their'.many friends
Will, miss them, tholgh wishing
them .erery happiness In the new
home; '
: Their move alsO leaves a vacan-
cy.' on the N0rt Mson school
aii, g-ith ,Douglas Hoppe of the
North,shore, and Dorothy Harper
o$Belfir having filed 'for the
position. :
TWO WEDDINGS of interest to
Belfairites have madenews recent-
ly, 'Miss Sharon 01son, daughter
of the, Cliff Discus Of Rose 'Point
and Bremerton, and Joseph :Fer-
gus0n, of Port Angeles repeatecl
their L x ows before the hey Milton
NeSs at ,0Ur 'Saviour's Luthe'afi
ChurCh in' Bremert0n.: The hride
win'e: a full length gown of Wh)td
lae and net Reed Carried her Jdb s
Daughter's Bible,' topped :wlt ga'rr
dhi.as 'ahd s(ephanotis. Shades of
pier were Worn by the attendants,
who included 'Miss. Mary Thaes
0f:Belfair, and'Mrs. Jim Burts, for-
merly Of this eommunit3r, and now
of- Wh(dby Island.
The new .Mrs. Ferguson is fort
mer Honored' Queen, of the Bel-
fai" Bethel '43,.' Job' s Daughte/-s.
' Miss 'Jane" HermPn of Bremer-
toh, daughter 0f Mrs. Thelma Her-
man of, SioIx"City,-Iov,a, became
the:.bride of Robert HamptOn Bt, lh.
son at a small'wedding last:Tliiig
any -at . the Belfa!r Community
church: The groom s parents 'are
tile'Robert Brinsons oYthe Sbutli
hore .... :
The lride wore a street-'length-
iaeket •-dress of White and beige;
nd rattled a •white Bl'ole with
white orchids:-Her attendant was
Miss Charlotte Brinsonl sister of
the groom. Bernard Whittaker yas
best man for. 'Mr. Brinson: The
hey, Milton Gire officiated.
.T'O GROUP HELD installa-
ti0n of nevg offiS,rs recently, ,The
Women's Missionary Society of the
Belfair community Baptist church
and its circles h0noed the officers
for the coming year wRh ceremon-
!es at which the. f011owing were
mtroduced by the hey. Milton
Gire: Mrs. Rkyrond Medeiro, pre-
sident; Mrs.' Robert Meyer) first
vice president; Mrs. Rc;b6Ft !:.-
Long, Mrs, Robert Shelly and Mrs.
Milton Gire, vice presidchts; ;Mrs.
Elmer SIagle: seCetamj-treamlrer.
Ci,cle officers are WSCS: Mrs.
Jack Dean, president;• Mrs. Them.
Hill, Mrs.
oc mu.&, Azme Cheney, Jr., Mrs. Burr Huzt,
of Sheton Mrs. John Scllrieber, Mrs. Cal poc,
Mrs, Carl Anderson and Mrs. Viola'
• Parents are reminded that chil-
A subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Company, Lots of hair left dren enrolled hz the grades will
formerly Lumhermen',s Mercantile need to bring a sack lunch boca,use
• • o£ Lho" all.dy ,.olb
teacher at Irene S. Reed High
as KingSton, secretary; and Mrs.
Clay Jones, treasurer. Mrs: Gire
and Mrs. Stanley Bradley are co-
chairmen for program.
officers for the. Fireside Cir-
cle are; Mrs. Ivan Holm, president;
Mis. BOb Schwartz secretary and
Mrs. Owen Calloway treasurer.
Mrs. Robert • Shelly is program
chairman. Mrs. Kenneth Spangler
is ehairnmn for the Fellowship
Guild. •
Bible School
June 10.14 1
June 10 will be the opeziifig day
of Vacation Bible School at Faith.
Lutheran Church this 3*ear, ,The
school will be held June 10-14,
from 9.a.m. l o 2:30 P.mi each day
for grades.one through senior high,
and froni 9 a.m. to noon for pre-
Sch001ers. Everyone is ° welcome
and invited to attend; There i§
no charge made for the school,
but there will be a free:will offer-
in accepted during opening ser-
vice each day which will go to
neip aeray expenses for the
school. ,
Thc theme for the sehool this
year is "Teaclz Us To Pray" and
criers a course of study in the
Lord's Prayer. In addition to the
daily Bible\\;study there x-ill bet-
eluded interesting • liand k, ork,
h}nm singing and recreation per-
iods. ..... . .
: Teacicrs for the pre-school de-
partment include Mrs. Vernon
Partlow, Mrs. Thomas O/son, Mrs.
J. C. Thompson, Mrs, Ken Razlf,
Miss Arlene Cheney, Mrs. Won
A/fir and Mrs. %Va.vne Coleman.
Teaching grades one" througl scn-
$HOF, ior high be Mrs. Bob 00,hn.
PHONE 426-815 WI MrS.mmlie.VernMrs.MOr,,S.wa,.ren Mrs. Vh,ce
Barracks 2778 World War I Vet-
erans and its Auxiliary were hosts
when the group held its first year
celebration combined with a mem-
orial service and ehtertained more
than 100 guests fl'om Barracks in
lort Angeles, Port Townsend, Ret-
sil, Paulsbo and Aberdeen. A pot-
luck luncheon was served from a
beautifully decorated table, and
music for the occasion featured
William Herrick at the organ and
Mrs. H. M. Strickland at the piano.
Officers for the group are: H. VL
Striekland, commander; Walter
Onstad, St. vice-commander: Lau-
rence Castleman, Jr. vice comman-
der; George Sumner. chaplain;
Vernon Parks, quartermaster;
Henry DaM, trustee; Adolph el-
son, judge advocate.
Auxiliary officers include: Mrs.
Joe Tschida, president; Mrs. David
Crosswhite, and Mrs. Walter On-
stad, vice presidents; Mrs. Lau-
rence Castleman. secretary-treas-
urer; Mrs. Dollie Parsons, chap-
lain; Mrs. Adolph Olson, conduc-
tress; and MVS: Shar, guaru.
Graduation time brought a num-
ber of visitors to local homes.
Among them was Mrs. Oscar Ed-
land ofStazwood, a guest at the
the John Clappe's. Mrs. Aina An-
derson of Harstine Island was at
the Carl Mattus home, where oth-
er guests were Mr. Ron Leuning
and Miss Caiol Mattus, bOth stu-
dents at the University of Wash-
ington. "
And the very special life gzards
for the Senior party were. Miss
Karen Kovack from the U.. and
Jim Wilson from Linfield. both
of whom.had brothers in the class
of '63.
School has been accepted in the
second year of the sequential surll-
mer institute for experienced high
school mathematics teachers at
San Jose State College, San Jose,
The six-Wdek summer institute
is sponsored by the National Sci-
ence Foundation, under the direc-
tion of the Department of Math-
ematics at San Jose State.
A rummage sale will be held
by the LDS church relief society
Friday and Saturday at the PUD
building. Doors will open at 9 a.m.
Spends much on postage
Les Joslln
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