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SELTON I4ON"COU]iY 3)URNAt'Publihed- in 'fOhi:{,tmaown. U.S.A.". he]ton, Washington
Final Distrid Meet
Of Season For FOE
Shelton FOE No. 2079 wa host
for District No. 3 at the airport
hall recently. Ninety men and 134
women were present. This was the
last district meeting until Sep-
Lloyd Lewis has been elected
District chairman. Marie Lewis
had the Pew District deputy and
secretary installed. Deputy Laura
Brown. and Secretary Alice Per-
leins, both of Olympm. and Myrtle
Triplott, Chehalis, did the instal-
Vorna Loftquist was chosen Mo-
ther and Alice Herzog is the new
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LAWN-BOY is the mowingest
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On Hillcrest
i i ,
Olympic DisMct
Garden Club
Board Meeting
The executive board of" the
Olympic District. Wash. State Fe-
deration of Garden Clubs met at
the home of the director. Mrs.
Gerald Hunt. Port Townsend. May
As this district and the Cross
Sound district are to be hostess
districts foe the 1964 convention
in Port Angeles, plans were made
ro' a promotion skit r.o be present-
ed at the 1963 convention in Long-
view in Jfine..Taking pirt grill be
the district members going from
this area Mrs Clail Blank. immed-
iate past director of Sequim, and
Port Angeles Garden Club presi-
dent-elect, Mrs. Jack Plis.'<ett are
in charge.
Again this year the Scars and
Roe.buck Urban Development Fund
has given a substmitial amount
to Washington State Federation
to be divided among the districts
for beautification projects.
Sequim Prairie Garden Ciub ag-
ain this year won the Richfield
Oil Co. sponsored Civic Beautifi-
cation contest for w(,rk on its Me-
mm'ial park and will receive a spe-
cimen tree of its choice.
Mrs. I. A. Ranta of Port An-
geles expressed her appreciation to
the clubs in the district for their
ahnost I00 percent support of the
Scholarship and Memorial fund.
This fund yearly makes available
three scholarships to students in
Washington state in the fields of
I-Iortieulhlre. Floriculture and
Landscape design. A grant is
made eacl summer to a stud-
ent in botany who works With
the State Park program in listing
and classifying the flora and fuana
in a state park.
Attending the meeting from this
area were Iv[rs. G. F. Taylbr, Le-
land, Wash., Mrs. nsgai, P'ddr-
sen, Mrs, Ray -Nordt and M;.
George Tracy of Nordland, and
Mrs. Lee Davis of Port Townsend.
Carolyn A. Edwards, Shelton. is
among the students at Central
Washington State College who will
get degrees at Commencement ex-
ercises June 8.
FATHER MARK Weiehmann presented CYO Boy and Girl of the
Year awards to Fran Demmon and Bill LeDrew at the award din-
ner held last Friday in St. Edward's parish hall. Miss Demmon iS
:!: * 4: *
The Catholic Youth Organiza-
tion held its last meeting of the
school year May 28 with an award
dinner in St ,PEdward'm Parish
Hall. Honored guests Were the
parents and ninth graders, and
Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fenling and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bourgault.
Out-of-town- guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Caldwell. arch-
diocesan adult president, and Rev.
Gerald Moffat. priest director. En-
tertainment was provided by Ger-
ri Gems and Caroln Gardner.
Special awards were presented
to Mrs. Ted Wittenberg, Mrs. Ru-
d Flakus, Mrs. Hem'y Warnes
and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morgan
for their able assistance through-
out the year with the CYO. Bill
LeDrew. president, presented
Charleen Smith. adult advisor.
with a corsage and a gift from
all the members•
lin event of the evening was
the presentation of the Boy and
II I r
SaegerMotor Shop
on Hillcrest Kappa Psi
i I ill i ii i . i
Girl of the Year awards. They
were awarded ty Bill LeDrew, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morgan,
and Fran Demmon, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Demmon. An
Inspirational award was presented
to Denny Cardinal, son of Mrs.
George Cardinal, for outstanding
sportsmanship during Church
League Basketball season.
All retiring officers were pre-
sented certificates and new offi-
cers were introduced. Jim Doerty,
newly elected president, was pre-
sented a gavel by Bill LeDrew,
retiring president.
Deegans Return From
Visit With Daughter
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Deegan re-
turned last week from a visit with
their daughter, Bonnie Jean Ford,
and family at. San Jose, Calif.
Dr. Ford has obtained sabba-
tical leave from San Jose State
college for the next year and will
serve as Assist. Superintendent of
Curriculum on Headquarter's Staff
for the Army's dependent schools
in Germany, France, Italy ann
Spain• He and his family will
leave early in July and will be
stationed at Karlsruhe, Germany.
Final plans are made and every-
thing to make the all-night party
for graduating senmrs an occasion
to, naember, has been taken care
Parents will host grads Friday
night at theGolf Course follow-
ing commencement exercises. An
evening of fun, dancing and games
plus a supper and breakfast have
been planned.
Progress is the real cure for an
overestimate 0f ourselves.
---G. Macdonald
Monza Spydor Conve?tibl: ....... ! " .......... :. ; M0n-za Spyder Club Coup=
" ( or high water
K ' .
Vacations go smo0th00 inn Chevrolet ¢orvair
Bring on thoe mountMns! They're ;not so :hlgh and over'or golng dry, because there's no radiator. Corva|r's
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mighty when you ve got Corvmr s gutty sx and rear- eng ne is air COO ed, No concern about brake adjust-
engine traction working On them. _ k : menLs, either, beCauge the brakes idjus
= You scurry p the meanest "grades. ,k' ,., • t.hemselves. Nohing much to think
You move with sure-footed agility on about at all except the good time you re
wet pavement muddy lanes, gravel arid tl___. _ m hdvir/.
other would-be miseries. , fHfVROLfT Like to do that in a Sporty bucket-
And with most of Corvair's Weight seated Monza Club Coupe or Convert-
ible? Like to spring into summer with
a 4,speed stick shift* and Spyder pack-
age* with its 150-hp Turbocharged
engine? Your dealer's got just the
Corvair and the Trade 'N' Travel deal
on it to put you in a holiday mood.
on the rear wheels;you have easy steer-
ing, too, Fact is, the :hmldling's so light
and responsive we don,t, even of:ftr
power steering for thecar. ....
And there's more to feel good about, ....
No problems with your radiator boiling : YOURSHEI/ROLET DEALER'S
.... ....... *Optional at extra cost
1st & Grove Sts. Sheltohr Washington 426.4426
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an ISR junior, LeOrew a graduating senior. Denny Cardina re-
ceived the Inspirational award for outstanding sportsm'mship
during the Church League Basketball season.
Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412
Port Orohard, Belfair
VFW Install New
Officers At Rebil
Nuel Curtis Post and Auxiliary
5372 Veterans of Foreign Wars of
Belfair held its installation of of-
ricers at Retsil recently in con-
junction with Fred B. Needham
Post and Auxiliary 2669 of Port
Installing officer for the auxil-
iaries was Marguerite Minty, pre-
sident of the Department of Wa-
shington and ,V. A. Talbott. 4th
disfCrict commander, had the hon-
or of installing the posts.
Corsages of gold poppies were
presented to the department offi-
cers who were: Marguerite Minty,
department president; Rose Be-
ham and Dollie Parsons. past de-
partment president; Dorothy Price,
4th district president; Edna O.
Hanify, department secretary;
and Nadine Tucker, deputy chief
of staff. They were welcomed by
presidents Sally Natland of BeN
fair and Rose McMillan of Port
Installing ritual was conducted
by the 4th district color team and
gifts were presented to them and
to the installing officer. Gifts were
presented Lo both auxiliary presi-
dents by the members.
Officers installed for Nuel Cur-
tis were: Mrs. Einar Johnson, pre-
sident; Mrs. A. M. Olsen. Sr. vine
president; 1V[rs. Joe Tsehida, Jr'.
vice president; Mrs. Phillip Han-
ify, treasurer: Mrs, James Huff-
man. guard; Mrs. F. M. Greenler,
Chaplain; Mrs. Gordon Sqttire, con-
ductress; Mrs. O. G. Nichols, Miss
Valley Willey and Mrs. Emil Gaet-
aria, trustees; Mrs. Jess Brian flag
bearer; Mrs. lauline Hannegan,
banner bearer; Mrs. Dollie Par-
sons, Mrs. Kenneth Grafidy, Mrs.
O. G. Nichols and Miss Valley
Willey, color bearers; Mrs. Gaet-
ana, historian; Mrs. Myron Polk,
patriotic instructor and Mrs. L. A.
M0ngrain, secretary.
Post officers'are Kenneth Grant
dy, commander; Frank DeMiero,
Sr., vice commander; Jess Brian,
Jr. vice; Howard Collier, quarter-
master; MJa'on Polk., judge ad-
vocate; James Huffman, chaplain;
Phillip Hanify, surgeon; Arvith M.
Christiansen, advocate; and C. G.
Nichols, Kay Thompson arid L.
AleXander, trnstees.
important Meeting
Tomorrow For 'The
VFW Auxiliary
The next regular business meet-
irig. of the Ladies Auxiliary to the
Veterans of Foreign Wars will be
held at 8 p.m. Friday in 'the Me-
morial building.
Last week hosp{tal chairman,
Jo'Sparks, attended Fecognition.
ceremonies at Afiaerican Lake hos-
pital. She was p'iesented an aware
for her a u x i 1 iary's outstanding
Work this past year. Others t-
t'ending the rbghm with her
were Florence HamlKon Far Rob-
inson, Emma Grassl, Be"nice Jhns-
son and Marian Johnson. A Cas-
cade Council award was presented
to Marian Johnson.
Bernice Jansson, accompanied
by Jo Sparks and Florence i?tamil -
ton, went to Mary M. Knight
school to iue the VFW auxiliary
writing contest awaid to sec0iict
place winner, Donna 'Owen...
A large attendance is urged for
Friday's meeting as no other meet-
ing will be "lield in Jufie. Discu§-
sion will be held regarding De-
partment convention beifig held in
Aberdeen. A report of fihe recent
district meeting • held in Wtnn÷r
will be given 0ffic "
• " " rs elec(ed o
district offides Will also be an-
Attending district meeting were
the Messrs ahd lesdames Charles
Cox, John Jansson, Darrell Sparks,
Merve Smith; Frank B20kett; Bill
Gephart, Wayne Robinson, Larry'
Godwin and Merle VanderWal, Sue
Weaver, Marian Johnson and Flor-
ence Hamilton.
Great steps in human progress are
made by things that delft worR
the way philosophy thought they
Charles F. Kettering.
IWCTU Meeting
Is Tomorrow
The Woman's Christian Temp-
erance Union will meet tomorrow
at 1 p.m. for a no host hmcheon
and program at the home of Mrs.
Olive Quartier. 317 No. 5tl sreet.
The program topic will be "The
Work of Hands and Heart" featur-
ing social service temperance,
missions and spiritual life depart-
The Hood Canal Woman's Club
will hold its annual pancake break-
fast June 16 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
at the Potlatch clubhouse. Price
will be $1.25 per person.
The public is invited to attend
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lincoln
left last weekend to attend their
Golden Graduation 50-year reun-
ion at WasMngton State Unlver-
sity in Pulhnan.
They were the only married al-
umnae couple graduated in 1913.
Mr. and Mrs. George Koch have
returned from a three-wtmk train
trip which took them to DeLand.
Florida and back to Chicago where
they visited with relatives.
They reported a wonderful trip
but were happy to be back in the
Pacific Northwest.
Eagles Joint
Installation 'To
Be Held Tuesday
A joint installation of officers
will be held by the FOE No. 2079
at 8 p.m. next Tuesday at the air-
port hall
New officers to be instailed for
the aerie are: President. Lester
DorseLt: vice president. Fred
Stuck; chaplain. Curtis Cammack:
ndde guard. Earl Leggett: out-
side guard. Ernest SLack: trustees.
Albert C. Lord Lynn Cole and
"Wal!y Dtmdas: secretary, Frank
Marler: treasurer. Winston Ascl:e:
past president. Ray Morkert.
Auxiliary offieer- are: Presi-
dent Jean Dorsett; vice president.
Ruby Lorenzen: chaplain, Myrtle
Swearingen; conductress. I3ertha
Lord: outside guard, Agnes Lund:
inside guard. Bertha Johnson: sec-
retary,. Opal Asche: treamu-er.
Florence l,{arler; trustees. DOl't)-
thy Ead. VVinifred Morkert and
Alice Bariekman: past president,
Virginia Dundas.
Names of two charter members,
Myrtle Glenn and Tins Chamber-
[in, were left out of a t'ecent ar-
ticle reporting the auxiiiary's hon-
)rhtg of past 'madam pve.idenls
and charter lnentbers. Neither
were present, hill they wtu'o iloI]-
wed with gifts.
.................... I
The greater part of pr)gesa is I
the desire to progres-.Seneca
up to
Loans on
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RPM Supreme--an all-season, multigrade
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RPM Special- the only single grade,
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For any Stdndard Oil product, call
g. 0. ,Cole & Sons inc.
113 So, Third 426-4411
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Fresh, cold milk aL mealtime makes your hvorite foods
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