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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 6, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 6, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 12 Mr. and Mrs. George Gustafson Bible School will hawL-, on June, Eloodsport Cub Scout Group Holds Program For Parents Last Friday !4OODSPORT ..... Cub Scouts of %&apos;,'k 11 teld their last pack meet- .._:- ,f the year (m Friday in the }]o(lsporl school. The Circus Ib me was carried ()ut with deco- i';;L1OIK-; of large animals rail Gilt of pa.per by Mrs. McDewelt's art cbss, and hung on the walls. The four" dens opened the meeting with a grand march. i)e 2 presented the flag, Then the fun began---.there were trap- eze acts. a clown jumping into a ,tass of water, animal parade and dance a skit of Dr. Kildeer a,"',q Dr. Ben Crazy, and real meat ;rinding machine with a quartet singing "Johnny Vcrbeck's Wien- er Machine," Olter projects for all the cubs and their parents to enjoy were a peep show. fun room and side shc,,:v. Dick Endicott was the mod- e'ator. Awards were presented by Endicott to iVfark Grubb, bear tadge; John Sutton, wolf badge; ;:likc Renner. gold arrow; and Marl< Walmsley, gold arrow. Y'efre:hments of ice cream, pop, and popcorn for the children and coffee for the adnlts was a nice ending to a very entertaining eve- nine'. Many thanks to the Den Mothers who have worked so hard all year to help these ymmg fel- lows enjoy ttmir cub scouting. Monday evening at the Hood Canal Chnrch, students of Mrs. Dick Endicott, Mrs. Wesley Gain ar,d Mrs Helen Cook gave a piano recital. Students pazicipating were Julie Van Laanen, Jenny Jensen_ Yvonne Van Laanen, Susie ]:ollcvson, Tens Jackson, Jeanne Fel-erson. Debbie Rollevson. Mike E, chultz, l;4honda I£ndicott, Bonnie Youngland. Julic McKasson. Na- dine La.rso and Don Bearden, all studying with Mrs. Endicott. PLH)ils of Mrs. Gain who played were Sharon Gain Debbie East- gaard. 13t'ad Bearden, Danny Bol- ender, Kathy Bolendcr and Wen- dy Bolcnder. Sandra Pozorski was the only pupil of Mrs. Cook's in tie recital. Winnic Tweed played hec accordion and is being trained by Dick Endicott. Following the recital coffee and cookies were served to the mm.ts. NIIMJIER H()}IES along the Canal are being readied for sum- met occupation. Some of the folks seen out over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Torger Lee and fam- ilv, Mr. and Mrs. John Eager and children. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lind- berg and children and Mr. and Mrs. "Cisco" Hicks. The latter collple aye ardent fishmmen and spend many winter weekends here a lst]. Miss Judy Shumate was home fram St Joseph's School of Nurs- ling on the long weekend. She has just finished her third quarter ex- it YD, N. Mr. and :Mrs. Maurice Kaare left Wednelay evening by boat for Pleasant Harbor and entered in tte Navy Yard fishing derby. No big fish! They were Joined there by his brother, George Kaare and wife and friends, the Bud }; family both of Bremerton, 'Fhcv )'eturned home Smday in the r3ilt ,%ToPoi. ,bile the first two days were beautiful. Mrs. Jerry Kaare was the hon- o!'eci guest at a baby shomr held m the home of Mrs. Maurice Kaare (m Mon(tay evening. Various games and n picture drawing game were played under lhe direction of Mrs. /¢ike Simmons. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bob Smith. Mrs. Kaare received many lovely gifts needed for the expected baby. Mrs. Lem Roe drove to Wen- atehee Tuesday evening to attend the graduation exercises of her grandson, ]3onald Parrott. She avoided the holiday traffic by re- turning Monday. Jim Dickinson spent last Mon- day in the hospital and was re- lieved of his tonsils. He was up and around Wefore the week was over. Dinner guests at the Max Schmidt home on Thursday were Mr. and Mrs, Tod Schmidt and children of Shelton, Drop-in cal- lers were Mr. and Mrs. George Getty and children from Portland, The Getty's were on a trip around the Olympic Loop. THE THIRD grade Brownies enjoyed an outdoor meeting at the home of Kathy Pill Wednes- day after school. The girls did a little swimming and enjoyed the refreshments. On Friday Cradle Roll children with their mothers from the Faith Lutheran churcF held their annual picnic at the home of Mrs, John Pill, About 35 were in attendance. q'ne Hood Canal Pre-schoolers held their picnic Wednesday at the home of their teacher, Mrs, Rudy Schwab. There were 17 chil- dren with their mothers and younger brothers and sisters there to enjoy the day. The children en- joyed playing in Betty's gypsy camp, some of the braver ones swam and she had novelty balloons for all. They all brougllt their own sack lunches and :had hotdogs roasted over the bonfire and cof- fee and punch. The Boy Scouts of Troop ll with leader Bart Robbins and Bud Mc- Dowcll left Friday for a three day hike up the Duckabush river. Duc to the heavy rain on Saturday the trip was cut short and they ar- rived home on Saturday evening. A good time was had in spite of the weather. Earl Donovan has returned from a 10 day visit in Colorado with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hunter and baby were up from Mossyrock for the weekend. Sandra Pozorski celebrated her 11th birthday Sunday. Mrs. Mac Dean spent four days visiting with the Jim Dean fam- ily in Mossyroek. Mr. and Mrs. Art Marshall of Enumetaw were weekend visitors in the H. K. Victor home at Pot- latch. Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer and Billy (Faith Gray) from Pedro Bay, Alaska. arc visiting with her family here for two weeks and will then travel to Texas for a vis- it there with ts family. Mrs. Mike Gwinn and children rode to Portland with Grin Soule for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Eichler. FRANK (;RAY and Miss Barb- are Hags were married in Beav- erton,- Ore. Best man was Jim Radtke. Relatives attending from Potlatch and Hoodsport were Gro- vet Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gray, Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Endicott and Mrs. Pierre Wagner of Bremerton. Friends attending were Mr. and Mrs. ,Harold Sund. Mr. and Mrs. George Yocum, Mr, and Mrs. Ri- chard Bates, Mrs. Andy Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gwinn and Rev. Wesley Gain. The young' cou- ple will make their home in Hoods- port. A family reunion of the Gray family was held at the Oliver Gray home Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab host- ed a picnic for the local hatch- ery families. From the Simpson L¢al Couple Attend Nhfisterial Meeting Mr. and ).rs. John Gill returned Smldav from attending a three-day advanced ministerial ¢dneational and training seminar which was colldueted at the Coontz Junior tligh School in Bremerton. A heart-felt AFTER 26 YEARS of serving the finest people in the world, it was a most difficult de- cision to sever the hundreds of friendships we made with our customers during those years when it came time to retire last week as own- ors of the grocery business we founded in 1937. WE MADE THE DECISION only after satisfying ourselves that our successors are the kind of people who will be able to improve upon the service we strove constantly to im- prove ourselves. SLate Salmon Hatchery were Mr. i and Mr's. Stan Gwinett and daugh- ter; George Adams State Salmon and children. George is a brother to Verne Gustafson of t-looclsport. have just returned from a two- Mrs. Bill Goodpaster, Mrs. Lew Evans, and Mrs. Belle Larson at- week trip to Minor and Devils tended the District meeting of the Lake, N.D., where they visited Postmasters' Associatiort in Toning Hatchery came Mr. and Mrs. Ber- nie Cozettc and family and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Steurer and family; Mr. and Mrs. Harrison DeVoe and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab from the Hood Canal State Salmon Hat- chery. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodpaster and Jan. When the wind came up and rain threat- ened, the group assembled at the Goodpaster home and were treated to a showing of some of Bill's won- derful Alaska pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hicks with relatives, They also visited Sunday. Glacier National Park. Trim was their first trip in their new camp- er and just think that is the only way to go. MR. AND MRS. Charles rb and children of Kelso were week- end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Minty. The Bob lgesbitt family trav- eled to Qfinalt for the weekend to visit with the John Nesbitt family. New residents in Hoodsport are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morris were visitors in Hoodsport Monday. Baccalaureate services were held in the Shelton high school gym Sunday. Students from this com- munity-graduating from Slelton this year are Janice Pierce, Larry Sand, Jim Goodpaster. Judy Nich- olson, Steve Evans, Rosemary Crum13, Donna Donovan, and Judy Strine. Graduation will be Friday evening. The Hood Canal Daily Vacation m [] AS WE LEAVE the business scene we do so with regret because serving you has been both a pleasure and a privilege. But we leave also with a deepseated gratitude for the gen- erous treatment we have received which words cannot truly describe. ALL WE CAN SAY is "Thank you so very much and hope you can sense the sin- cerity with which we feel our appreciation. Jim and Anvina Needham _ sc 10 and run through tne 14ti. Time will be from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The children nmst bring a sack hmch and may buy pop for 35 ccm, s for the week. There will be transportation furnished, with a bus leaving from Union at 8:30 a.m. and private cars will pick tlao children up from the North end above Hoodsport. On Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. a demonstration program will be held with refreshments following. The adults will have a get-togeth- er while the children will have a film and treats, The theme for this year's program is "Traveling Along God's Highway". More in- formation may be obtained by cal- ling 877-5238. LOW COST H(}HE t NEW CONSTRUCTION -- PURCHASE 6 o On Reducing Balances -- No Charges Mason Gounly Savings & Loan TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SHELTON STEAK ? , ..... ! ROAST NF, % gJ:: -. " 1 \\; o.s. ,,c.o,c,, c.O,CE ! \\; SHORT qF, GROUND BEEF SHOP-RITE'S "ARISTOCRAT" OF GROUND BEEF PURE, FRESH & LEAN ............ LB. ¢ STEAK GHUOK STEAKS OR POT ROAST ............ VNF, U.S. "CHOICE" BEEF JUICY AND FLAVORFUL... LB. ¢ ROAST ROUND BONE VNF, U.S. "CHOICE" BEEF, ARM ROASTS, .......... LB. BONELESS BEEF ,CUBES S & W GANNED FOOD • SALE • raCED EES, RED K!#y BEANS, SPINACH OR SAUERKRAUT .................................... APPLESAUCE, CREAM CORN OR STEWED TOMATOES ............................................ FRUIT COCKTAIL, CUT GREEN BEANS OR CUT WAX BEANS .................................................. 6 '1 TINS TINS 1 303 $ TINS "CHOICE" BEEF ........ LB. SHORT RIBS VNF, "CHOICE" BEEF TENDER, JUICY, AND RICH IN FLAVOR. LE/gO////OE Minute Maid Frozen 6 oz. Tin ] ORIg//00i '----"- 5 ASSORTED 46 oz. FRUIT Tins FLAVORS PRESERVES' Sunny 2 Assort, 20 Jars oz. 89 ¢ HOT SAUCE TOMATo8HUNT"o,.,.,,-- 6/49' EVAP. MILK ,,,,,,,, 6/79' MISSION SALAD ........ 14 OZ. PKG. 19' 4 TINS' Sl 3 pKGS.89* WELGHADE ........................ 3 .,s. $1 GOFFEE Fo,.o... = Lb. Tin $1.17 59* Instant 6 oz, 89¢ .............. LB. FISH STIX'  =" $1 FISHERMEN ]IPKGS. GBAGKERS Sunshine Grahams ............................ LB. Box 29* MAOARONI .o oz. 39* PKG, SNOW'S GHOWDER OR M,NCEO CLAMS ................ GEREALS KLOGO ASSORT ......... BISQUIGR "FRESH AS A DAISY" PRODUC " POTATOES TOHATOES GEM ................................ DRY ONIONS MED. L' YELLOW ............................ BRENTWOO0 OR DEUGIA % GALLON HOSTESS ANOTHER "SHOP- RITE" SPECIAL! FOR BEEF STEW 49 , BIG 24 OZ, TIN ................................ ZEE WAX PAPER ................................ 19' TISSUE c.,.o.A.o. Co,ors ................ -Ro,, 29* M01YESS Ro or S,or ............................ , ct. 39* PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 6-7-8. SHELTON LIMIT RIGHTS,