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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 6, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 6, 1963
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6, 1963 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 30URNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 13 BIBLE SCHEDULE 30MMUNITY A) '1 P.M. 4'RAN CHURCH 10. 14 " 2:30 P.M. COMMUNITY 10. 14 " 2:30 P.M. E LUTHERAN ,',10 . 21 11:45 P.M. EMBLY OF 7 21 P,M. E GOSPEL 21 12:00 CHURCH " 21 Junior 12:00 & Sr-Hi) • 9:15 P.M. CHURCH 14 11:30 A.M. ALLIANCE RCH - 14 " 2:30 P.M. ;SEMBLY 10. 14 ,M,. 12:00 Rexall Phone 426-4642 Club Matlock Man Is In The Veterans Hospital In Seattle For Treatment Sy Jora Hearing MATLOCK -- Homer Adams, a Matloek Granger, is m the ¥.A. hospital in Seattle and would en- joy a line from friends. His ad- dress is: 4435 Beacon Ave. So,. Seattle 8, Room 406 East. c/o V.A. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFoer and sons Jerry, Dennis and Ricky, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murphy and daughter Kathy spent the weekend at Hob River camping, Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman spent from Wednesday until Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shelton. Mrs. L. F. Cook of Montesano called on Mrs, Augusta Portman Wednesday mormng. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmamr spent Memorial Day at Centralia and then called at the Senior Ros- smaier home in Rochester. MISSE NANCY and Margaret McGarvie attended the horse show in Seattle Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGar- vie. Mr. and Mrs. John McGarvie and Mr. and Mrs. Alec Taylor and family, the latter from Tacoma, spent the weekend camping in the Olympics above Quinault. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier went to Olympia Saturday after- noon to visit their new grandson nine pounds--who was born on Saturday to Mr. and Mrs., Arthur Sharp. The Rossmaiers also visited Mrs. Lucy Sharp• Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley at- pp tended Baccalaureate services at Shelton Suuday evening. Sam Val- ley graduates from Shclton high ' i : I school Friday. tile y Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley '; acht spent Friday evening h Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaBrec, and then spent Saturday evening with the GLASS TO US Rodger Spalding family. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Smith and daughter of Vancouver. are spend- ig this week at the I. C. Ford home. THE LcROY BOOTHE children of Hoquiam spent the weekend with their grandparents. Mr. and :Mrs. I. C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Walko of Cloquallum. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Helmer- ick of Aberdeen, and Mr. Louis White were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash, and drop-in guests were the Ralph Both.rock family later in the af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and sons Dan and Pat were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz. The occasion was Wayne Hoilatz's birthday. ROBERT STODDEN and Wayne Hollatz graduate this week from Grays Harbor Jr. Business Col- lege. Congratulations to Bob and Wayne• Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kinmerly and family of Shelton calledat the Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. home Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin vis- ited the A. C. Anderson family at Port Orchard Sunday and attended the South Kitsap School Baccal- aureate services Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Cook and on our "know how" to save when it comes to glass cause we know what we are you can be sure we'll do it McNEIL WORKS family of Aloha, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer and daughter Judy and Janice called at the Kenneth Howard home Sat- urday. Earl Hewer: 4. of Montesano spent Sunday with his brother and fam- ily, the Kenneth Howarda. Mrs. Esther Howard and the three DeNichiols boys of North Hollywood, Calif., came this week to spend a month with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard and family and Mrs. Esther Howard will also visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Caulfield of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crabtree. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lund of Shelton visited the Crabtree home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmey- er Sr., had a going away buffet dinner Suniiay in honor of their son, Gene. who leaves June 6 to join the Marines. Those attending were the Ray Kimmerly family, the Dick Hopkins family, and Bob- by Cox of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston and son of Rime, Barbara Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hansen. Here's Another Quality Product BUILD HEALTH Allyn Couple Parents Of Son Born May 25 By Judy Von Osten ALLYN A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Valley of Allyn. He was born May 25 and was welcomed home by four old- er brothers, Tony, Jay, Cary and Tarcey. Sorry, as yet Y-don't know his name or any other details. The Allyn float with Princess Connie Wolfe tied for second place. One of Allyn's oldest and most ac- tive loggers, Bill Morgan, also rode on the float. Bill has been logging in these parts for over 30 years• Many thanks goes to all those who worked on the float so hard to make it the success it was. Special thanks goes to Elaine Ko- walcyzk for driving to Seattle for . material, Congratulations to A1- lyn and all the folks who made the float a success. THE FIRST, second and third grade of Allyn spent their field trip at Point Defiance last Wed- nesday. They reported a good time was had by all. The Allyn-Victor Fire Depart- ment won the Walt Eddy trophy back from Belfair this year. Tiffs is the second time Allyn won the trophy since it started three years ago. Walt Eddy, retired fire chief from Belfair donated the trophy three years ago, Congratulations Allhm-Victor firemen. Sorry to hear Allyn-Vietor women were beaten by Belfair Women's Aux- iliary for the third year. Allyn school's fourth, fifth and sixth grades went to Natley Val- ley :Monday. and on a tour through a subnmrine. MRS. BARBARA Wynn's sister, and family, Mrs. Hank Snellgren and four children arrived from Newport, Ore., last Saturday to spend some time with them. Her husband, Hank, is presently em- ployed at Kirk's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock of AI- lyn celebrated their 30th annivers- ary last Tuesday. Their daughter, Mrs. Don Young of Shelton. had them in for dinner to help them celebrate. Mrs. Earl Terrell and Mrs. Steve Boyce of Allyn helped with the Strawberry Festival in Tacoma, sponsored by the Marie Hazen Guild, Orthopedic chib. This is a yearly event for the guild. Af- ter they were finished all the members had a potluck dinner. _IR,. AND MRS. SAM Clements have returned home after two weeks' stay at Port Angeles vis- GET DEGREES Ring relatives and also at West- Keith Richard Dickey and Jim port fishing. Sam caught three Degnan Wilson of Shelton received small ones. degrees from Oregon State Uni- "Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reels of versity, Corvallis. June 2. Dickey South Colby stopped by to visit was graduated in the School of with Mr. - and Mrs. Earl Terrell Science and Wilson received a Dec- Saturday evening. tot of Philosophy degree. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bradley celebrated their 27th wedding an- Journal Want Ads Pay dtnnerniVersarYand the]aStnghtWednesdaYout, with FRIDAY EVENING, May 24 at 6:30 the members of the Victor Ladies' Club met at the Victor Store to attend dinner at the "Beachcomber" restaurant in Port Orchard for their annual get-to- gether for an evening out. :Mesdames Patti Schilllnger, Beverly Archer, Marilyn Emma Dahl, Helen, Yoshihara and Pauline Bradley, stated they had a delicious dinner and a wonder- ful time. SUNKIST ORANGE NECTAR Member Washington Athletic club -_ - _ - _ _ - With a positive GUARANTEE of VITAHIN ¢ new SUNKIST ORANGE NECTAR to sed orange.juice. Better flavor.., bet- :olor... real economy. Each 8.ounce supplies the minimum daily adult require- natural vitamin C derived solely from 0rnia Orange Juice. Kamilche Community Church Plans Vacation Bible School June 17-21 TSAP.MA$ON DAIRY r0V Q Your Farmer Neighbors • Phone 426-4473 Baptist Bible School June 10 The Bible school at the First Baptist church, 5th and Co- ta Streets, has been divided into two separate sessions for this term. Vacation Bible school, for children four years old through 6th grade, will meet in the morn- ing, 8:55 a.m. to noon, and the Teen Bible Club for Junior High and Senior High young people, will meet from 6:50 to 9:15 p'.m. These two schools will begin June 10 and continue daily, except Satur- day and Sunday, until June 21, So many good things have beer, planned especially for the pupil. ¢ in both schools to keep them busy happy and enthusiastic. In addi Lion to their daily activities b Bible study, . handcraft, singing special surpmses, contests, etc.. they will have the opportunity t( meet four CBFMS missionaries. Monday and Tuesday of the firs', week, Dr. and Mrs. Doug Stave ]Yissionaries to India, will tee their story of their work of pre paring young men of India t¢ smwe as pastors c€" churches. The: will also present special musk for the schools. Thursday and Friday of the firs', week, :Miss Alma Kludt will bc sharing the story of her wor among the Gonds, a tribe whict lives in scattered villages in a remote part of India, with the boys and girls of both schools. Then Monday, Tuesday and Wed. nesday of the second week, th( guest speaker will be Cavour E Redfield, a school principal whose next position Will be in the Mor. risen Academy, Taichung, Twai- wan. Thursday evening, June 20, the pupils and teaclers and officcre invite pa:rcnts and'fricuds to at- tend the demonstration program so that the pupils nlay demon- trate a-Id tell what t'hey have done and learned ai]d heard. Transportation service has been phlnned to Serv(, th^ island Lake (iistl, le( pupils ill the • , and the Day- ton district. Thcy will be picked np one-half hour earlier tilden tle l'egqzlai" Sunday School schedule pick-up time. The Sunday School buses will make their regular 131us in the Agate district and on the Cole Road but the Ume will be one- half hem. earlier than Sunday. If fm'ther transportation information is needed, plekse call the church office, 426-8461. KAMqLCHE --- The Kamilehe and Mrs. Herbert Nelson. Mrs. Ar- San Francisco. a cuusm of Mrs. uating from Irene S. Reed higtl Community church will con(lueL a Daily Vacation Bible School June 7-21. There will be Bible lesons songs, crafts---an inspirational program is arranged for cvery day. Boys and girls in this community are urged to attend• This Thursday evening will be the concluding Bible lesson con- ducted by Rev. Dewey Burkett for this time, BeY. Burkett has been a missionary to Australia and has travelled extensively in his tea- ching ministry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nicklin of The Dalles, Ore.. visited Memorial Day and through Sunday with the Martin Otto family. Kamilche folk attending the wedding of Karen Cole. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cole, former residents of Kamilche, and John Price which was solemnized in Shelton Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor, Mr. thur Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. h'a Stanshury, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blaekweldor. MI. AND MRS. EUGENE Tay- lor attended a wedding party on newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. lay El- lison at Mud Bay last Friday eve- ning, Mr. and Mrs, Dan Wood went to Portland Friday and "their two granddaughters Janice and Karen Mainwaring returned with them. Sunday movmng Richard Swanson, fiance of Janice Mainwaring, ar- rived from New" York and Tuesday they will fly to Kisilof, Alaska where they will be married June 8. in the church which is pastored by the bride's father. Rev. Ray Mainwarillg. :Mr. and Mrs. Les Mainwaring of Benton were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wood. Mr and Mrs. Harry Carson of Skokomish Community Church Bible School To Start Its Session Monday Ry Mary Valley SKOKOMISH We want to remind the children of the com- munity that daily vacation Bible School starts Monday at 9 a.m. The Community church has pur- chased a. bus and will be picking up the children each morning for :Bible school and each Sunday mor- ning for Sunday school. Bey. and Mrs. Wallace Bell have returned home after a week of special meetings at Ollala. Mrs. Isaac Stenbevg had as her guests, the past week, Mrs. Ed- win Hepner and children of Burns, Ore. Also stopping by for a short visit was Mr. and "Irs. Arthur Miles of Sweet Home, Ore. Mrs. Miles and Mrs. Stenberg were girl- hood friends. Ml{ r. AND MRS. VERNE Hun- cer and son. Jeff, of Mossy Rock, were overnight gnests of Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Bell, Parry Jones was a Sunday din- ner guest of :Mr. and Mrs: Eric Sjoholm. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn drove to Staircase one day last week, where they met Mr. Vaughn's sister, Mrs. Fred Lessel and husband of Port Angeles, who were vacationing at Lake Cush- man. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dugger are receiving congratulations on a new grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Drake. The new baby, weighing 8 pounds and 12 ounces has been named Richard Brian. It seems red foxes are invading chicken houses in the valley and last week Herbert Jacobsen heal a commotion among his chickens ,and killed a fox, after it had killed three of his chickens. MRS. MOSSIE ROW has re- turned to her lmme in Montebel- lo, Calif•, after an extended visit with her brothers, Jack Coble and Mr: arid Mrs. Roy Coble. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sharer of Allyn picnicked with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson on Memorial day. On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Alex Donaldson drove to East Olympia, where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. C. V, Collins. The conmmnity extends its thanks to Mr. Latzel, who gave his time to the cancer drive and reports more than $100 was col- lected. Mrs. Keir and her brother Al- fred Ribbans of Shelton visited at the Latzel home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Chester Valley ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. George Valley, Sue and Jan to Seattle on Memorial Day where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley. George Berkley has returned home after several days in the Shelton hospital due to an eye injury. MISS CRISTIE Hunter of Dal- las, Ore., is spending a couple of weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richert were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Haldane Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bollinger made a business trip to Olympia over the weekend• Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kortnik of Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jorgenson and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Barkley of Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Nel- son spent a week in the Yakima Valley vicinity visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shea and Mr. and :Mrs. F. M. BarrieR. The Grange Ladies Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Phyl- lis Brown on Tuesday, June 11 at 8 p,m. Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. --Enlerson Jack Jolliff were Friday visitors at the Jolliff home. Sunday cal- lers at the Jolliff home were Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson of Santa Clara. Calif. Mrs. Bertha Fletcher is spend- ing a few days with her grandmo- ther, Mrs. Ida Gilbert in Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Adams and two boys of Puyallup visited Sunday afternoon at the Percy Adams home. Roy and Ruby West and two boys and David rhigener and children had an enjoyable trip to Mt. Rainier Sunday afternoon. Making a trip to Point Defiance Park on Memorial Day were Mr, school in Shelton Friday. They are Etta Mae HarLman, Mike Hall. Mike Lambert. Sue Minigishi. lal; Smith and Allen Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rejmolds of Bartelville. Okla., are visiting at the Matt Reynolds home. ]iTIr. and Mrs. Arthur X¥ood- worth of Union called on Mrs. An- nie Whitener Monday afternoon. Weekend guests at the Frances Simmons home were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Simmons of Portland, Ore., Sunday dinner guests were Mrs. Jess Cornett and granddaughters Elizabeth Green and Ida Green. of Tacoma Mrs. Grace Bartlett of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Mrs. Orville Taylor and Mr. Simmons and four children, Jim, and Mrs. Roy Taylor and two my, Paul, Cheryl and Caryl. sons Mark and Ben. __ ___ -_ Mrs. Bill Owens arid two sons Bill and Mike of Spettsville, N.Y., and Mrs. Gertrude Grate of Black Lake and Karen Grate of Black Lake were Friday evening guests of the Ed Perry's. haveTHE J. V. JORDAN family I SHELTON VALLEY | moved back tO Olympia from • Salem, Ore. I GRANGE HALL i Mr. and Mrs, Ed Pctty spent I Sat, lune,.800 ! Sunday ze,,n.itg,.wjth he Charles I Moulton famil)Ynear Olympia. m Ed Petty and son, Oliver Petty, made a business trip t° Salem" IOregon last weekend. MUSIC BY THE ! Congratulations are extended to I TUNE TOPPERS I the Kamilche young people grad- I q I USED CARS 1958 PLYMOUTH CLUB SEDAN ...... $_ Radio, Heater, Push-Button trans., Engine Rebuilt -- 1957 CHEVROLET BELAIR ................ $695 6 cyl. 4 dr. 1955 MERCURY 9-pass. wagon ........ $595 Radio, Heater, Automatic  Real Clean' 1953 CHEVROLET 4-door ................ $29'5 1953 PONTIAC 4 dr ............................. $295 TRUGK S 1957 DODGE ½ ton ................................ $895 1956 FORD .............................................. $845 3/4-Ton Pickup  New Engine $100 SPECIAL  runs good! 1952 DODGE Std. trans. 1952 Buick GET A '63 DODGE They're Dependable! Guaranteed for 50,000 Miles or 5 Years!l PAULEY HOTORS Front St. & Railroad Ave: .... Phone 426.8183 PRICE BUSTER SALE 50 Ft., 7/16" GARDEN HOSE $199 COLEMAN COOLERS 11'" & 19" PORTABLE ELECTRIC ORGAN =39" Gomplele Line of CHILDREN'S SWIM SUITS & SUMMER WEAR THONGS ALL SIZES i b LOOK WHAT WILL BUY POWER SAW '22 n 18 x 66 1 HEAD SCARF 20 Inch BEACH BALL 2/29¢ COFFEE MUGS 2/29¢ 9V Radio Battery 11 Quart PLASTIC PAlL 2/29¢ Plastic Sponges 6 on Card Ice Tea Spoons WINDOW SQUEEGEE LADLES SANDALS  PLAY BALL CUP & SAUCER 2/29¢ FRICTION TAPE 8 Quart WASTE BASKET CHAMOIS 6 on Card Grapefruit Spoons AROUND NECK MIRROR I OLD FASHIONED DO IT YOURSELF Ice Gream Freezers s999 Also Electric $19,97 BAR BQ GRILLS $5 99- q9" Gomplele Line of Wading Pools Swim Fins Beach Balls Summer Toys S. Hastings, Manager In Evergreen Square