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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 6, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 6, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 14 . BI-1T]LTON:"-MA0N C0!.YN&apos;.TY JOURNAL--.Pnblished in "Ch istmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Tlmr Social progress makes the well- being of all more and more the business of each. --Henry George NEW BLUE OX FRI. - SAT. - ONLY OPENS 6:45 Former Shellonian Honored in Yakima Maj Harold R. Anker. United States Marine Corps, was Parade Marshal of the armual Memorial Day Parade in Yakima May 30. A former Sheltoniter Major Anker rode at the head of the parade in an open car with his family. Major Anker is presently sta- tioned in Yakima as Izmpector-ln- structor of the Fifth 8-inch hIow- itzer Battery of the Marine Corps Reserve and he is Ccmmanding of_ fleer of the Armed :Forces Re- se"ce Training Center: on 16th and Talmma Avenues in Yakima. Living in Yakima:with the Ma- jor are his wife and three child- ren. He is the son of Mrs. Ole An- ker of at. 3, Shelton and a bro- ther of Mrs. William Carlson of at. 3. He graduated from high school in Shelton and from Pacif- ic Lutheran University before be- coming a career Marine. Journal Wanl Ads :Pay MASON COUNTY'S DINERS GUIDE EAT OUT OFTEN We Take Pride in Our HOMEBAKED BREAD and PASTRIES • Complete Variety of DINNERS • SEAFOODS GATEWAY CAFE 5 me su a 8h. oa the Obnpi' tlJghWaY BREAKFAST- LUNCH  DINNER . PrAm¢..Rb and Steak • ,ae¢ • Homemade Pies Dinner Parties Invited Open daily 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. MAMIE'S GRILL  o, rm=,ie mw.r ziorth on Mountain View BREAKFAST  LUNCH  DINNER Special Dinhers Daily -- Fried Clams -, Oysters • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime • WE MAKE OUR OWN PIES! RAU'S CHICKEN DINNER INN t a Cn,o. on the Canal -- our specialty -- • BUTTER FRIED CHICKEN • SEAFOODS • CHOICE STEAKS We SpecialiZe in Banquets Phone Union 898-2322 Higlway MINOR'S A & W DRI ymplc N. o Mt. View "COME AS YOU ARE, WE SERVE IN YOUR CAR" " • FOOD and DRINK ORDERS TO GO HAMBURGERS & FRIES FOOT-LONG HOT DOGS LAKE CUSIIMAN RE on Lnlcn°m' t ,,/ Dine Over The Water in the Panoramic Dining Room ,l< . CHAR-BROILED STEAKS /f- . SEAFOOD .CHICKEN + tf U Cocktails in the LIARS' DEN Banquets- Parties \\;-/ Phone 877-5388 for reservations if desired I males East WALT'S ROBIN HOOD LODGE of Vlllon on me C.nai An ENCHANTING ATMOSPHERE FEATURING • HOME MADE PIES AND PASTRIES • QUALITY FOOD AT REASD;NABLE PR|GES • BREAKFAST SERVED ANYTIME MILLO'S DINER on ood C.n.I ne.r U on Iighway I01 BREAKFAST -- LUNCH -- DINNER Our Specialty • BROASTED CHICKEN (finger-licken' good) We feature SEAFOOD. too! Phone 877-9488  Take-Out Orders! DAIRY QUEEN -mmtStla Shelton Recognized as THE place for thick SHAKES and smooth SUNDAES, and :NOW from DAIRY QUEEN'S kitchen HAMBURGERS and FRIES, Phone d26-8091 FOR YOUR VERY WARM WELOOME AT OUR OPEN HOUSE LAST SATURDAY So cial Even ts Society Editor • Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 High School Spotlight MRTIN FELIX will be stirring with the top ten group at Irene S. Reed graduation ceremonies tomorrow night. His plans for the future irt¢lude a political science course at the University of Washington starting in the fall. Tomorrow night is a big night in .the tile of Irene S. Reed high school seniors. Among the group gzduating is Martin Felix, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Felix. He is one of the top ten in the Class of '63. Martin has enrolled at the Uni- versity of Washington for the fall quarter. He will major in Poli- tical Science. Mason county has been this 5'8", 195 lb. senior's home several years. He was born June 25, 1945 in Pretoria, Republic of South Afri- ca. He came to the United States at the age of seven where he liv- ed in Baltimore, :Y£d. for a while before coming to the Pacific Nor- thwest. The Felix family makes its home. on Mr. View. Martin has no brothers or sisters. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. Thespians and Honor Society are the school organizations he be- longs to. His subjects this year wet'e civics, biology, chemistry, honor's English and debate. His hobbies include politics, a mineral collections and plants. His parents hve a greenhouse anti Martin enjoYs helping them take care of it and work in the garden. gWG,,Assistant Director Named ' ..... Keep Washington Green Direc- torl Barney O. Furseth, announ- red the appointment of William L. :hassey as Assistant Director of "the Association. Massey-is a graduate of Frank- lin High School, Seattle, Wash- ington, and the University ot Washington School of Communica- tions. F.ursetk stated that Massev will help in: the Organization of fol;est fir lreveRtion cmpaig]ts, partic- ularly in Southwest Washingtou. Furseth said that S o u t h west aWaShingtoa is an extremely haz- rdou fire area because of wind thrown trees and debris that lit- ter the, gXound from last Falls COlumblls Day windstorm. GOIA)EN AGE CLUB The Golden Age Club will meet at 12 noon next Thursday at the Memorial Hall for a potluck lun, thegn. About 60 members attended the ast meeting. The Tune Toppers played for dancing. ,., o When 'the destination is desirable, epecta.tion speeds our progress Mary Baker Eddy Your reception makes us all the more eager to serve you with Natural Gas as quickly as we possibly can because we know you are eager for it, too. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR DOOR PIZE WINNERS Mrs. Buford Rose 621 South 10Street A GAS LIGHT Mrs. Ruth Price 710 James Street 12 pc. OVENwARE SET Canal Amaranth Installs Officers During May Mrs. Susan Cheatham was in- stal!e<l "is royal matron and Dess Haines. royal patron, during an open meeting of Canal Court, Or- der of Amaranth. in the Union Masonic Temple May 11. Other elective officers installed to office for the ensuing year in- chide: Mrs. Mattie Backlund. as- sociate matron; Fred Martin. as- sociate patrou; Mrs. Evelyn Nieh- olson, secretary; Mrs. Hattie Huntley, treasurer; Mrs. Edna Haines. conductress: Mrs. Erna Martin. associate COllCltlCtlSS: Mrs. Freda Smith. marshall in the East; Mrs. Mamie Kaare. nltr- I sbal in the West: Mrs. Vlorenee I Hientze. stan:lard bearer: Mrs. Do- ris Bearden: prelate: Mrs. Marie Turner. truth: Mrs. Maybelle rill- son. faith: Mrs. Eva Simmons. wisdom: Mrs. Frances Radtke. mu- sician: Mrs. Emnm Lee. historian; Edward Radtke. warder; Thomas Turner. sen!inal and Martin Smith trustee for three years. Martin Smith was installing of- fleer assisted by Mr:. Emily Con- tes. marshal: Loni Larson. aid: Mrs. Addle Schaufler. prelate; Mrs. Ella McCutloeh. secretary; and Mrs. Bea Larson. nlllSlCl;l?l DES BIRTHDAY DINNER SLATED Ellinor Chapter. Order of East- era Star will hold its annual birth- [ day dinner for members only at the Masonic Hail in Union at 6 p.m. next Tuesday preceding the regular meeting. The dinner will be potluck except for the meat dish which will be furnished. Mrs. Mickey Goodwin Les LaBissoniere Island Lake P.O. Box 161 12- pc. OVENwARE SET 12 pc. OVENwARE SET CASCADE NATURAL GAS CORP. New Shelton Office,at 122 8outh 3rd Street ELECTED 'TO CWSC OFFICE M I SS JANICE DEMMON was recently el e ctefl president of the Spurs, a Wom- an's Honorary, at Cent ral Wash- ington State Col- lege. Miss Oem- man is a 1962 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J o h n Oemmon, S he I- ton. Southside Family Has Visitors FTom North Dakota, California By Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOUTHSIDE- Southside Eagles 4-H Club members met May 23 with all 4-Hers attending the meeting and worked on table set- ting. Cookies were served for re- freshment. Southside Eagles will meet June 6 at 2 p.m. at Kather- ine Bracy's for a short meeting, c0ok-out and a swimming party. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Asche Of Arcadia were Mr. and Mrs. Axel Willardson of La Moore N.D.. Mrs. Wesley Strutz and two children of LaMoore. N.D., Clar- ence Willardson of Twenty Nine Palms. Calif., Anne Marie Hoggar- th, Everett, and Mrs. Mary A1- hugh of La Moore, N. Dakota. The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Asche also visited relatives and friends nd attended the wedding of San- da'a Mattson and Dennis Loert- scher. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Willard- son and Mrs. Wesley Strutz and two children spent three weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. H Asche. MR. AND MRS. VERNE Schuf- fenhauer and family Sunday at- tended the Teitcel family reunion picnic at Centralia. Friendship Club will meet at the home of Vi Danielson June 12 and each member is asked to bring something for the plant sale ann the white elephant sale. The last meeting of the Club was held at Martha Woods. Visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer and family Satur- day evening were Effie Brownfield and Martin, Eva Getty and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schuffenhauer. Live Wires 4-H Club members met, talked about Camp and dem- GRADUATES onstrations. 4-H Club members going to Puyallup with their dem- onstrations are Paula Woods, Kar- en Brewer. Ruth Trotzer. Sally Wolf and Patty Nell. At the last meeting members judged skirts. reported Barbara Cook. SUNDAY EVENING visitors ot Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sehuffen- bauer and family were Gary Brownficld who is with the Coast Guard, Pearl Brownfield, Mabel ;Bishop, Mike Brownfield and Keith Satterthwaite. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauers Aunt and .rncle Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vv'hit- comb of Manchester stopped Sun- day and visited on their way JANET LENTZ graduated last Thursday from St. Mary's Acad- emy, Toledo, Wash. Miss Lentz, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lentz, was class president during her senior year. She at- tended Shelton schools through the 8th grade then again dur- ing her sophomore and half of her junior year. She will attend Olympic college in the fall. WHAT'S COOKING IN WHOSE KITCHEN? / Recipe Favorites Of Count; Residents/ with A REAL TREAT is in store for you when you try Tee Okano's recipe for Teriyaki Chicken. It has a true oriental flavor yet requires only ingredients found in most kitchens, :[: * When Min Okano married his wife, TeD, and brought her to Shelton to live he added a bit or charm to our home city. Her ready smile and cheerfulness have won her many friends. TeD is orginally from Seattle. The Okanos have the Shelton Laundry and Cleaners as well as the Coin-Operated Laundry and Cleaners. TeD used o help with the business but finds her duties as a housewife and mother take up most of her time now. The two Okano youngsters are Marilyn, 11, and Jeffery, 8. Music is TED'S favorite inter- est. She has studied the piano several years and finds special joy in sharing her musical interest with her daughter who is now studying piano. Teriyaki Chicken is the recipe chosen by Teo to share with the readers because tbe ingredients are the ones found in most kitch- ens. TERIYAKI CHICKEN 1 cup soy sauce 1 cup sugar 2 tbsp. sherry wine 2 cloves garlic 1 tsp. MSG ,accent) drop red food coloring Marinate serving raze pieces at chicken in above sauce for two hours. Place chicken in baking dish. Bake about 1 hour lot un- til done) in 400 degree oven. Baste occasionally with sauce. If too moist place under broiler for a few seconds b e f o r e serving. (Enough marinade for 1;. chick- ells ) Cation Is Honored By Credit Union Staff Harry Carlon, who recently re- tired after serving in official ca- pacities in the Mason County Fed- eral Credit Union since 1935. was honored at a party by officials and employees of the credit union Mon- day night. Carlon is the number one mem- ber of the credit union, the first formed in IVashington and Oregon. It was formed as the Shelton Ray- onier Federal Credit Union and was converted to the Mason Coun- ty Federal Credit Union when the Rayonier mill closed. home from the family reunion. Ernest Loertscher Jr. of Clo- qualium visited tke Ray Kratchas Wednesday. Drug in Everg 1924 Irene Olympic Slain Makes It's buy four OLgmPl( @ get the fifth one FREE! MORGAH, EACRETT HILLCREST University of Washington alum. RAMBLER-THE BEST OF +.. RAMBLER ALONE OFFERS ALL THESE EXTRA-VALUE FEATURES Join the TRADE PARADE tO • Double-Safety Brakes • Ceramic-Armored Exhaust System • Supe. rior Performance i Curved Glass Side Windows i More Service-Free MBLER • Deep-Dip Rustproofing • Self-Adjusting Brakes • Advanced Unit Construction • Famous Rambler Economy... and many, many more! Winger of Motor Trend Award: "C= Good reasons why more than 2,OOO,OOO Owners have switched to Rarebit' SHELTOfl HOTOR ¢0., 233 So. 1st., Shelton. Washington