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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 6, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 6, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6; 1963 SIIEL:TON MASON .COUNTY JOU.PNAL-- Pu..b!.!ahe d :in ,:cc!+)'f,72za,tou!n,. U.S.A,"s helton+ W.ashing±on. . PAQE ].5 Couple Friends il Vance Corn- party Friday Haines en- Mrs. Hai'len Ore., these were When they all in Arizona. were Mr, of Port- they all too- flats where pick- This was visitors and they lives. tnd rummage sons, Amar- "at Union a great suc- Who was in to thank ev- so hard to nd Mrs. Sig guests Ma- Mr. nd Mr. and Ceil- Andei, son mo- Wednesday Aunt: con Point raer With tel- Semis and r ie. and her fa- iVrs. Jack Week. Cook and of Taco- .Grandpar- last week. at the Mrs. Clar- Stephen, of Mil- Le Hbuk's and Seen cavil all en- and pick- Dwyer s hospital in ong nicely. ame Staff has been Commun- to be by the dventist the school by Eldon K. local Adven- Who will as- of the one- Churchi [1, rly Town- Iim- Ro- Jackie. members of as instruc- cornlnnity by the said, will 24 - 29. Will be Arthur Lhe ages ot eoaraetics 426-3327 trees leveling erh OUse to Mementoes Bring Memories From Local Demecrals Life Of Former Union School Teacher By Ethel Dalby UNION We are the honored recipient of a letter from a very dear old=time friend, and former resident of Mason County, Mrs. Jean Todd Fredson and of late of Yakima. The letter included two rather priceless keepsakes Mrs. Fredson's epic poem entitled "A Legend of Sthuootdus" and which was written by her many years ago, and also lost for a period of 20 or 25 years. The lost poem was found when Mrs. Fredson moved from her home in ShelLon. and on packing her belongings, to the home of her daughter Betty Austin at Yakima with whom she now makes her home. "The Legend of Sthuook- lns" consists of 28 verses, and is based upon ,an early Indian leg- end she heard as a young woman. when she first taught school at Union. The poem also as do many In- dian fables deals in fantasy, and also some of historic happenings of early times. The tale cente/-ed upon a large rock. located on the beach at Union. south of the for- mer Jessie Pritchard cottage. According to old fables of the Skokomish people, the rock was said to have a power. Ttie ancients on passing the rock in their large old cedar canoes, somethnes came close to shore. "sometimes patting it. and murmuring in delate-- "South wind blow" when they xieret on their way to Tahuya, or the north shore bf Hood Canal, where they had excellent clam beds. 2tnd also cainpihg places vhere they dried the clams they dug, while. ehj0ying a camp out in thor klisquis, or rush Shelters. "Little' Flyb!ow '' and "FlyBlow" ih the narrows, having been a couple of their favorite camp grounds as late as 40 years ago old Hudson Bay trade beads and arrow heads were found scattered in the area of an 01d-time Indian barrel ptace, under the large old madionit trees, by others and also ourselves. The other rare old time relic is a faded old snap shot Mrs. Fredson Look at the float house of the Slocums at Oakland Bay, in 1900 or thei'e abouts. Slocum was said to haw Been the fouhder of the Shaker religion, and which be- lief is now wide spread in Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest Of the old-Lime snap shot Mrs. Fred- son writes briefly, A snap shot. I Look of "Auhty Slocum" and "her man" way back in the 1900's or thereab0uts, when they lived in their floaLhouse at Oakland Bay". The later famed religions leader and discbverer of the Shaker church, is pictured as he sat bare- footed, with an old slouch felt hat atop his head of long dark hair. and worn as long as the pageboy hair style. In his hands +he held a stout cane. His gaze is directed at the camera." Aunty Slocum" as Mrs. Fredson called his wife is of neat appearance, clad in dark hotise dress and with hair pinned back and wo up. She wears a shawl draped across her right shoulder, and although her feet are hidden by her somewhat crouched posi- tion, one feels the lady is wearing shoes. She also has light colored beads on, they show a little at the neckline of her dark dress. The entrance to the. float house is open, and a piece of fish net, perhaps gill net. hangs from a pro- jecting rafter. We rather imagine.the member and leaders of the Skokomish Sha- ker church would appreciate see- ing this old-time print, of their revered leader and founder of the Shaker chm'ch, The poem "A Legend of Sthuoo- klus" begins and also ends with the same Verse. Quot: "The mystic haze and Hood's DIRECTORY Floor averings ................ • Linoleum • Tile • Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 , I . 0tl= out I I • Soldering I I +" N+w or ! I BOON'$ PLUMBING | I HEATING, SHEET METAL I [ 625 S. l s!. Ph. 426-3483 I Florist ........ ,+, ,  IS+ I for all occasions • Flowers EVERGREEN FLORISTS 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 Canal and I All on a shimmering autumn af- teI2100n. Evoked from out the shadows of the past. This story of "Sthuooldus". The stanzas in between are dramatic. and colorful, and also beautifully expressed and written. It is in- scribed to "The Dalbys and Un- ion"-, perhaps Mrs. Fredson real- ly meant--the early name Nell Andersen prefers, Union City. A-little past 93 years of age, this remarkable and loveable old- time school teacher of Union and Mid Skokomish schools of yester- years and at one time County Su- perintendent of schools is mentally as keen and alert as many a youn- ger person Her keen sense of hu- mor makes life enjoyable dispite the faeL that she is having a little eye trouble, and which somewhat limits her painting of delightful aod dainty miniature landscapes of the rural scenery she glimpses from tier window and porch at Ya- kima. It may be said--4he song "I Love Life" expresses the attitude of rs. Jean TOdd Fredson Her former pupils of Masoh County and their children, have a deep regard and affection for this lady. THE MEMORIAL Day weekend which started so lovely and als0 brought out scads of campers to the public parksand cam p grounds on Saturday morfiing, also saw soine of them pretty dgtmp and un- comfortable around camp fires. There were also those, who fina- cusVomed to chill rains and Winds, who like the Arabs--"folded their tents" but unlike them, took off or home in the down pour. Only the seasoned campers or those With cozy house trailers remained for Sunday evening. The new drive-in just outside the state park at Twanoh was a busy place Saturday morning, and will no doubt be a favorite place for children at Twanoh park this summer. The bake sale of the women members of Hood Canal Improve- ment Club at Flag,o0dlast Satur- day morning was a great success. and a near sellout. According to reports by the committee in charge only Llu:ee cakes remained, and these were sold at Union to in- dividuals unable to attend the sale m person. Two young men in a pickup truck declaring themselves lucky to be able to buy a home baked cake. when they stopped briefly near the post office. A total of $42.75 was realized by the sa|es, and a clear protit as friends of the Community as well as mem- bers contributed generously to the sale. The women of Hood Canal Ihprovement club wish to thank those who contributed and also the ones who bought the baked goods. This s a substantial dona- Lion to '+ " the Commumty club. Congratulations are in order to the' pupils of the ninth grade of Hood Canal Junior High School, and who are taking part in the rednesday evening exercises at the SchoOl. From Union they are Margaret Buechel. Diana Tlmm Linda LaBissoniere. Betty Ann Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Francis Ross, Ricky Giles, Mike Moore, Ped Morse, Garry Pierce. Tim Ma- loney of Merrimount, Timm Bry- ant of Nalley Valley. - MR. AND MILS. BILL Tlmni and children Diana and Bill, and their guests Francis Ross and Dennis Olson of BremerLon packed in to the hills near Sequim and the Dungeness river, last Thursday With the intention of camping out over the weekend. The cold wind and rain of Saturday evening ra- ther dampened their enthusiasm, anll they left for the comforts of home. They did howeven report tiaving had a wonderful time and enjoyed exploring the Tubal Ca'in copper mines deserted village of early days. Tile last copper bro]ghL out of the mines was said to have been in 1904. They spot- ted an old red B-29 plane wrecked in that area some years ago, and marked with red and black cross to note its having been found. AL the Calm Cove home of Mrs. Edith Edwards are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey of Apache Junction, Ariz. Mrs, Bailay is a sister of Mr. Charles Richardson, son-in- lw of Mi. Edwards, and who are also spending the summer with her. The Gene Johnstones of Phoenix, Ariz., friends of the Edwards fare- s' cot ily have taken the Edward " rage, for the summer. Mr. Frank Boughn is now a membei" of the calm Cove Community and is at home to his friends in his house- trailer place. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Dalby are at the cottage at the Water Wheel place and getting in a little visit with friends and relatives. With them is their daughter, Mrs. Kar- en Shiry and infant daughter for the While. ]Emile Johnson and a friend, Silas Yagle of PotlaLO way, had lg:d hick while trolling near by Thursday morning, returiing With a Couple of nice blackmouth . work guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 Electrical House wiring & rewiring : Electric Heating • Trouble Shooting • Licensed & Bonded Contractor JIM EINARS$GN EbEG. Star Rte. 2; Box 37, 426-6520 Auto Glass salmon, I Christian Science • Expert Installation ,,, ,NC. Are Set ,,.+,+.,,,, Services Draperies This Sunday's service at all Christian Science churches will be ct "God the Only • custom made on the subje : , • free estimates Cause and Creator. ' Golden Text: "Thou are wor- thy, O Lord, to receive glory and hon6r and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were creat- ed" tRey. 4:11). Selections to be read from the Christian Science textbook include these lines: "No wisdom is wise but His wisdom: no truth is true. no love is lovely, no life is life but the divine; no good is, but the good GOd bestows" ("Science and Heel- th wih Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 275). Hear Slate Parly Head Frank Keller Frank Keller, Democratic State Chairman, in an address before the Mason County Democratic Central Committee. em p 11 asized the importance of precinct com- mitteemen a.s the foundation of the political organization. For the dissemination, of educa- tional materiah the newsletter newspaper and radio are effective means o freaehing the greatest number of people. Keller com- mented on the recent State Legis- lature and criticized the coalition He said the Democratic party has been instrumental in bringing the McCarrcn Act up to date. The importance of the Young Democratic Group was stressed and young people must be educa- ted and apprenticed to participate in the senior organization. Keller warned against the en- eroachment of the John Birch So- ciety. He referred. Lo the John Goldmark case in Okanogan Coun- ty and stated that it appears that there may be a favorable verdict. He stated that he .did not know of any ardent democrats Who be- long to the John Birch Society. In deitain e a s t 6 r n Washing(n counties the John Birch society is infiltrating into the P.T.A, . Keller explained election board procedure. During r- mary elections, it is pemissaBle for party workers to copy lists of registered voters and also that. precinct committeemen may in- spe : the poll book§; to see ,h0 has or has not voted. The Democratic Precinct Con{- mitteemen will be honored in th.e near future at a receptioI at the Governor's mansion. Pioneer School Patrol Members Attend Santa Fair At Federal Way By Andy VanderVal PIONEER ..... Well. school is al- most over for another year. Sat- Urday the sctiool bus patrol kids went on a trip to Santa Fair in Federal "Way. Seven boys and girls attended. They were Dick Dodge, Wayne Sushak, Pam Rbbb, Char- lem2 Mikieson, Tami Craig, claud- ia Irwin, and Toifi Olsen. They rode on all the rides and went to the animal circus. Joyee Olsen elmperoned 'the kids for the day. for his parents, Mr, and lTrs. Jim Sheedy of Piekering Pass Mrs. Bonnie Ells Bonnie Bay ter) and new baby girl or Reuton were home visiting her parents, the James Baxters of Deer Creek, over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Hap Smith of Bay- shore spent the weekend in West- port fishing. They caught two san mon. Brook Stero is staying with the Start Sushak family while his par- ents are in Alaska. The other boys YOUR MORTGAGE PAYMENTS THE EASY WAY ! I Tuesday was Activity Day the kids at school. School started one .hour late. Games were played, a movie was shown and a picnic hmch was served. Out" deepest sympathy goes to Pettyjohn family for the loss of their husband and father. Glen. of Deer Creek. He has lived in tile area for 25 years. Glen Lockwood is in the hos- pital with a broken leg. Iope le is back home again soon. Charles Dodge and Tom Dodge of Agate are leaving Vednesday with their grandparents of Quil- cene, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodge to spend a month in Canada. MR. AND MRS, PETE Vander- Wal and Pete and Marie spent Sunday in Port Tog,-nsend visiting relatives. On the way home they Stopped in Quilcene to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodge. Gu, ests of the Tom Olsen's of John s Prairie are Mr. and Mrs. Les Hodgs0n ahd Mr. and Mr& Ass Hodgson of Minnesota. They eanYe to ttend the funeral o_f O. C. H0dgsdn, and also to visit with friends and relatives in the area. Mr. and Mrs. John VanderVal and Harry Turner of Issaquah were Thursday evening guests of {he Cliff vander'Wal's. MrS. Chris Svenning and broth- er-in=litw of Ohio are lbaving this week on a trip to Canada. We were SOrry to hear of Art Rogers' bad accident last Wednes- day: He was walking across an acid tank on a plank when file plank gave way. He is employed by the Rayonier Mill in Ho¢tUiam. We are glad to hear he is okay. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gaskill, Mrs. Lurch Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Corky Dickinson were Satut'day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Van- der%Val. DAN SHEEDY is home visiting are in Matlock staying with friends. They were only to be gone ene week so you'll hear all about the trip next "v,-eek. T- ' .... ] I H FIFTH AND  WASHINGTON OME OFFICE OLYMPIA IN SHELTON SEE LOAN COUNSELOR KURT MANN -- MANN REAL ESTATE I[ I I I IIH/ -I l 1 Illil T I'M L(.)(.)KING FOR 100,000 SAFE DRIVERS O to tell them about LOWER AUTO INSURANCE COSTS CALL YOUR MAN FROM NORTHWESTERN DICK ANGLE---..HERB ANGLE Angle Agency 4th & RAILROAD PHONE 426-8272 is Oairg M00:000:T°nfh BEEF ROAST U.S. Choice Verifine - Blade Cut ................. |b CHUCK STEAK Ground Beef F res. Le.n .................... Lb. 39 ¢ Easy Carve Rib Roast Beef Stew Boneless Cross- U.S. 1,1i€ Choice Verifine .... Lb. Boneless - Lean Tender Cubes .................... Lb. € U.S. Choice Verifine 7- Bone Cut .... Be Veri,i.e- Jumbo 39 ¢ Iogna by ,he PieD. ............. Lb. Pork Sausage our ow. ako .... ,. 39 ¢ Fillet O' Sole F,asb ' Frozen ............ LB. 59 ¢ Angel Food Oakes s.o,. 3/$1 .............. ' i, Each .ei.uce FREESTONE-SLICES OR A]'I++ MARGARIHE nnUllmne ,,.oz. TR+AYS FRO:2'EN - CHICKEN - , ..... SPREADMI 1 LB. CTNS./ A .... 3/1 +' STELUELL CHU " " " " 'umble Bee , SERVE-U , NK STYLEtUNA ,o;. 4/ 1 AVES-U ,6-OONC T,'s " SODA CRACKERS :.:[b .t'".! ........... :..... ............... ;29* O+LLARS, CLAM CHOWDER Ooxe+ 4/+i 0=LBEAHS .€4 GRAi)E AA i+.Gm e?.°,+..+.?..U..+ ............ ............. ,o,. 45 ¢ 's'::: CORN SHORTENINe+,+;;::nio+ .............. 3Lb55* Wo CORN v! i ' ..... '" '++ - "+ ..... 5 +, , , .......... ,i" F +, ........ +, .... Bathroom .__ wa,or, ,.^€. Tissue Asst + Pak ,€ | --READY NOW:'- g Fresh Produc? o. + vo00u.00 ,, ! UP .6 1 iO , 'UNDAYS + :'." ? .... ONIONS + ................. L, LETTUC +? 2/ 9 P POPULAR MECHANICS IlIrutlu + CHERRIES . 3 +.o .,. o,.,. + q¢ ENCYCLOPEDIA & GUIDE | ................... LB. r Stilt Tim, To Get VOLUME | '--11 / ,.m,,+,o+ .1 ,, 11 " / o.,l oo, 1 , . il-JV¥ I|