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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 6, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 6, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1963 SIELTON--MASON COUNVIY JOU]NAL -- Published in "OhrLtmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE ]7 HOME are looking for With a piece You can realh in peace ano t lovely reined- long stretch ot beach which We can ar- insnect in - $13,500 this is e offered HURRY! d and is very Lke car, boat. ave you as is a nice home with extra wall in Utility, show- and it's all $7,500. DUNN LOOK! trouble maintain- repairs need- in the huge rips- Full l!ent yard. at the very a buy." DUNN __ YOur trailer, comfort ? You won't extras thls seen it. pond, tall features kitchen, Thermo2 heat and attrac- and the bUNlv built 4 bed- secluded ear garage, and a nice a Well ood con- Now is N BANK plumbed red- on love- the accent op, carport, expansion. t $9,000.00. a look. bUNN -- up, Why not era( you've You'll home easy to like many fea- fireplace, plastered. and ward- Wood kitch- nice patio, Well land- price is .I]UNN ?OR 426-4601 Legal Publications NATIONAL FOREST 'rlM1H,]]g FOR NALE S()UTI! FORK 8KOI(()MINH 1962 No. 3 Public notice is ilercby given that pur- snaal i o t}le provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 273. 78th Congress (58 Sial. 132-16. U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and tile Cobperative Agreanlent for tile t,Iana - g'enlcnt oI the Participating Forest Properties in tile Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of Amer- ira and the Simpson Thnber Company, dated December 12. 1946. all merchan- table tintber nmrked or designated ior cutting on an area embracing 507 acres. more or less. within Sections 31. 32. 33, 36. T. 23N.. R. 5W.. partially surveyed, Section 31. T. 23N.. R 5W.. unsurvey- ed. Sections 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 12. 20, 29. T. 22N.. R. 5W_ partially surveyed, Section 28. T. 22N. R. 5%V. surveyed, Sections 25. 26. 36. T. 23N. R. 6W., nnsm'veyed. Sections 12. 13. T. 22N., Real Estate EXGEPTIONAL VALUES THERE'S NOTHING BETTER THAN COUNTRY LIFE Located only ten minutes from town on the Cole Road. Three bedroOms brand new forced air furnace, just installed large liv- ing room with fireplace double garage. Situated on one acre, so you have room to roam. Couldn't get a better buy than this for $12,500. SIX MILES OUT Country living at the very best describes this wonderful home. Neat and attractive 2 bedrooms plus a den--electrict heat--lovely kitchen-- complete patio with fire- place. Yard is in excellent shape. TWO car garage. Extra house can be used for guest cottage. Priced for $12,500. "NEED A FARM? HERE IT IS" 10 full acres--creek running through--barn, large livingroom has cheerful fireplace. Roomy kitchen. Three bedrooms and a possible fourth. Excellent condi- tion for only $9500. WHY PAY RENT--BUY THIS! Low down payment and small monthly ,payments will get you into this home. Two bedrooms and a possible third. Just re- cently remodeled and very little left to do. Living room is brand new with lovely fireplace, all pan- eled. Kitchen has lots of built-ins. This home is partially furnished for $6500. OWNER TRANSFERRED -- MUST SELL QUICK This chic and appealing home Is ready to move into immediate- ly. It has had superb care. Three bedrooms, carpeted living room with fireplace. Modern, easy-care kitchen with dining area Easy to heat. Big garage with lots of storage room. Outdoor patio and fenced yard. Nice neighbor- hood. A steal for $12,500. LOCATION DOWNTOWN ROOM GALORE! Just two blocks from City Center. Large living room with room for dining area. Compact, modern kitchen, formica count- ers. Utility room handy to kit- chen. Two bedrooms down and one large, roomy one upstairs. Fenced yard. Separate garage. All this for $9,000. TRAILER-BOUND FAMILY This convenient home has two bedrooms, living room. roomy kitchen, utility room, electric heat. Completely furnished for nly $6500. Better hurry on this one. ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate -- Insurance H'F..RB -- Phone 426-8272 -- DICK SUE DANIELS DONALD (Bean) DANIEL8 426-3434 Preferred Properties by Waterfront Realty Ave. Call 426-8277 OWner offers this impressive FOUR bedroom for sale or lease. Featuring }tuality room has carpeting, drapes, and love- abundant closets and storage; 2 baths; new kitchen. The setting is secluded and landscaped yard and has excellent beach. Call today' ER? m Angleside home on excellent lot; needs payment on full price of $4500. URyt With three bedrooms and easy to maintain patio, yard, and workShop-garage. closets and storage. Carpet and $8950. FHA terms available, wide for a farm with as lovely and home! It's almost new with many comfort, and security, including trn, excellent well and pump, with the and fenced. Very close to town. ISLAND warm water swimming, 2-bedroom sum- ar enough for summer fun' Ideal vaca- with hard to find quality. Cash or -- do you have a good 2-bedroom on this large 3-bedroom home? Then be away! Near schools and stores, this big living room; fireplace; dining e kitchen; and a large attached garage. gs Call -- .................... 426-4000 ....................... 426-8162 Legal Publicat'ions " R. 6V.. nnsurveyed, and secti(m 26. T. 22N., R. 6W.. partially sl 'veyedV M., Skokomish Block ,{astiu County, ShclQm C,)oporali\\;'c Snstained Yield (Jnit. Olympic National For(st. Wa,l]- ing ion. will h sold t. the Sinlpson Tinlt/er Conlpuny. Seal tie, Washington, nil June 17. 1!163. The cslhlla/cd volull|es are: 29.100 M board feet of Douglas-fir, 00 1,'1 l)oard feet of 'estcFn rcdcedar and 5,700 { board feet of western llelolock and other Sl:)eems, The lninl- mum acceptable bid per M board feel is as follows: Douglas-fir $17.70 wes- tern redcedar $10.45 and western ben]- lock and other species $11.10, This in- cludes tim following rates, per M board feet ['or StUlnpagc ( inchldin deposit for sale area betterlnent). $3.00 base rate plus all additional $14.30 for Doug- las-fir. $10.05 for W(!SIOFll red cedar. $2.00 base rate plus an additional $8.70 1or 'estel'll ben]lock and other species and $0.40 for Mash disposal for all spe- cies, The prices bid for stumpage shall be e,)nsidered as tentative rates snbjee! tO quarterlyealendaradjnstnlent upward or downward by 0.5 of tile difference between {lie avers ge of tile nlonlllly Douglas-fir region ]n(_]iees. as calculat- ed 1)3' tile Forest Service for tile three Drevious n)onths, and the following base indices: Douglas-fir 114,36 (El, xvctern redcedar None. "western hem- lock and )ther species 91.68 (A). Sucla adjustntents in the price for stonlpflge shall be applicable to timber scaled during the tllree-months period follow- ing the quartet' for which the adjust- lnent is computed. In no event, how- ever. shah tile payn/ent rates for each quarter be less that tile base rates as stated above. When tile adjusted rates by species are rower than the base rmes. lhe difference between the total dollar value of the timber cut at ad- justed rates and at base rates will be recorded for each species. The stunl- page rate for any species will not be increased above the base rate mltil the subsequent adjusted rates above base rates for all species develop an accumulated total dollar value in ex- cess of the total recorded aecuumlated diIference for all species. If requested by the State of Washington of by Ma- son County or by any person deemed to have a reasonable interest in tile proposed sale, or in its terrns, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor. Post Office Build- ing. Olympia. Washina-ton on lhe 7th day of June, 1963. at 2:00 p.m. PDT. Re- quests for public llearing will not be considered unless received in the of- fire of the Forest Supervisor, Post (fir- fire Building, Olympia. Washington, on or before May 27. 1963. Dated May 13. 1963 Lloyd G. Gillmor. Forest Super- visor. Olympic National Forest. 5/16-23-30 6/6 4t Real Estate Real Estate WHAT A BUY! This eye-catching home is loca- ted on a large lot in a quiet se- cluded setting. Look what you w(ll get. 3 bedrooms-one with four built-in bunks, large den with a beautiful stone fireplace, cozy liv- ing room, spacious kitchen-dining area and partial basement. Out- side you will find a large cemented basketball court and carport-stor- age shed. Just $8800 with con- tract terms. ANGLESIDE-VIEW Here is a charming 2 bedroom home located on a choice //2 acre Angleside view lot with good gar- den area and several fruit trees. You should see the handy kitchen, the dxcellent view and the many other fine features. This week's best buy at $6,750 with very easy contract terms. OWNERS TRANSFERRED Must sell their dandy 2 bedroom home with terrific mountain and water view. Everything has been well kept, from the kitchen with ceramic tile to the large carport and storage area. Just $7,500 with the easiest of terms. LOOK! The owners of this big four bed- room home have been busy paint- ing so you won't have a thing to do but move in. Best of all it will take just $500 for down payment and closing costs. Extra large rooms including rec room and sep- arate dining. Lots of storage. F.H. A. appraised at $11,000. BETTER THAN NEW! ! Just completed and what a home. This attractive 2 bedroom home has been remodeled from top to bottom: You will find a new root, new paint inside and out, new cabinets, carpeted bedrooms, new wiring and fixtures, plus many other outstanding features. Even the drapes are included for just $7,850. Call Vince Himlie today. LET'S LOOK This heine of homes is now vacant so you can see it anytime. You will enjoy calling this home yours as it is quality built throughout. TrU- ly a family home with 3 spacious bedrooms, re( room and 2 baths. Located on a family sized lot. See it today. You can take quick pos- session. CHOICE WATERFRONT You must see this choice water- front tract, just minutes from town on Hammersley Inlet. 150' of waterfront with one of the finest beaches anywhere. There is a 45' mobil home, large sundeck, plus a double carport and utility room. Good all-weather road, excellent drilled well and even a small year round stream. You will quickly see the value at $15,000. LAKE NAHWATZEL 100 ft. of choice frontage with lots of growing timber. Good depth, nice beach. Just $6,000 with $1,000 down. HARSTINE ISLAND 125 ft. of low bank frontage with excellent view of Mt. Rainier. Nicely wooded. Sandy beach. Road to property. $6250 with terms. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME 1"21 Railroad Ave. SHELTON EVENINGS CALL VINCE HI MLIE---426-6501 KU RT MANN--426-3228 Legal Publications Stale of V3Sllillghlll I)I.:PAIUrMENT OF NA'rI'BAL 11 I';N( )I T I{(!ES Berl L, ('oh', Comnlissi.ner of I'ui)lie JA|nds NOTI('E ()i," AI,I': OF VAi,I'AI}I,I,: MA'rl,:RIAI, ON NTA'I'I,; I,ANI) Notice is I/ol'cby glx'('n 1list oll Tuesday, the 251h day of Junf', 1963. couuneneinM al It'll ,,'ehJ('k in the fol'e- noon I)l" sad d tV. al the Port Olltlhard, District H,,adqtlal'lers, hJcated at Pori Orcltard. County of Kitsal). Slate of \\;Vashintoa. by the Distrl('t Adminis- trator (Jr said District. the 1troller on the following described slat(' land will h., sold lI pul,lie auction lO 111( hiKlwsl bidder to-wit : Alll)lieaiion No. 2g:162 EIfendahl Pass No. 4 loeaied approxi- mately 4 mil,.s west (,f Belfair. The sale is con p,)svd of all iinll)cr nnlrkod with yell,,w I)aint. bounded by marked sale area l),lundary and Elfendahl Pass road. on part SEI.; I)f Section 22 and parI EI ()I' Section 27. all ill ToD.rn - sllip 23 North. Ran-e 2 West. W.M.. cent dining' 192 at.lies, nlol'e" ill' b'ss. comprising approximately 184.000 bd. ft of Douglas fir. Minimun] aeeol)tallle bid: $2.300.00. Tilnl)er will be sold (m a cash (I} l • "i ]1 - stalhnenl ll]an basis. Tinlb(.r nlusl be t'enJoved prior to Deeenlbor 31. 1963. On or before June 25. 1963. at 10:00 oacll biddor nlust make a lnini- munl del)(Jsit of $230.00 plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee. or a total of $235.00 in the fol'ln of cdsh. I)loncv order or certi- fied chock Said deposit shall eonstI- rule an opening bid at the appraised price. Upon award or this sale. fhe re- spective deposits sllaI1 1)e relurned |o Ill( unsuccessful bidders. The Dnrchas- cr nlllSt ])ay the I)alance ])e|ween tile bid deposit and the full bid price (511 the dny of sale• or nlay, il" the pur- ehas(r so eh.{.lS at t]lP tiule (,f sale pay a'n additional snlount. 1(5 1)l'ing" tile fetal amount of the deposit, ex- clusive of fees. to equal 25C¢ of lhe fnll bid l/rice hased on the cruise esiitnate, provided that such deposit shall not ha less than $2,000.00. This balafic nlay 1)e paid Ily persona check Ul)on award' of sale, pure]laser 1Ylusl also  furn sb n cash bnd (f $500.00 in the flJrnl i)f casll, nloney ardour or cer- tified cheek. Io Eulralltee eon!plianee wi|h all terms of the bill of sale. All cheeks, lnoney orders, etC, aI'o to be nlade payaIAe tn the Connnissioner of Public Lands. Accessibility: Via county road. Conlplete eontraot and Sl)ccifications may lm examined at Port Orchard Distrie! Headquarters. County Audit- or's office, and office of Commissioner of Public Lands. Olympia. To bc sold at Port Orchard District I{eadqnarters, on Tuosday, June 25. 1963. at I0 o'clock Anj" sale wlfich has l)con offered, and for which no bids are received shall not be relffered until it has been re- advertised. If all sales cannot be of- fered within the specified time on the advertised date. the sale shall con- tinue on fhe foIIowina" day between the hours of tcn o'clock a.m. and four o'clock p.m. Said tinlber on said land will be said for not less than the appraised value. as appraised by the Comn]issioner of Public Lands in the nlanner provided by law. a notice of which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of Mason county, and District Adminis- t]'ator of said district. Terms of sale are: cash or install- nlent plan basis. BERT L. COLE Con missionel of Public Lands 5/30-6/6 13-20 "4t Wanl Ads Pay Off lUl i LaBISSONIERE * &tar Values, * 5 ROOM HOME Just outside City Limits, West. Easy walk to schools. Garden spot. Star Value at $,t.500. Only $500 down. * WELL LOCATED Fine surroundings, Mt. View, 3 lots, all fenced. Nice 2 bed- room home, includes kitchen ap- pliances. G a r age, Immediate possession. An excellent buy to close estate. $6,900 full price. Terms to suit you, * 1960 SPLIT-LEVEL HOME View location. 4 lovely bed- rooms, IV2 baths, modern open design kitchen. Massive fire- place in spacious living room. Charming dining room. 2 ear attached garage. Owners long gone, must make immediate sale. Save over $2,500 at the s a e r i f iee price of $17,500. Shown by appointment. * CUSTOM-BUILT HOME Commanding view. close in; 3 top quality bedrooms, one can double as study. Fireplace in spacious living- room, ele- gant dining room. Daylight basement, rec rooms, laundry, attached garage. Price adjusted to Buyer Market. No closing costs, Terms arranged. SUBURBAN and FARMS * 5 ACRES, 2 MILES OUT South. Drilled 90' well. Use existing 4 room house: build your new home on ideal higher ground. Another Star Value at only $3,850 with $850 down. * 35 ACRE FARM, CREEK 3 springs, all year stream, Good 6 room farm home. Out buildings. About 5 acres clear. Some timber, cedar, alder, fir. Part fenced. 7 miles S. East. A, bargain at $7,500 with $i,400 down. * 160 ACRE TREE FARM Small creek. Heavy repro- duction: about 70% fir: 30% alder. The alder alone can bring more than $15,000 right now. Cash price $85 per acre• Call John Devereux. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GOING CAFE, HWY. SO. Money-making truck stop; PLUS comfortable 2 bedroom home, all on 10 level acres. Out of town owner says sell ALL for ONLY $8,500 With $500 down. Games alone will pay over- head and make your payments. This offer won't last; call us nOW. CALL 426-4666 LaBissoniere A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th  Shelton, Wash. EVENINGS: JOHN DEVEREUX 426-8544 Legal Publications" I Legal Publications ,, , , ........ CAUSE NO. 8367 NO'rl('E OF IIER1FF'S SA1,E (tF I{ EA I, I,',STATE 1TNDER (';ENEI?.AI EXI£CUTION 1N THE SUPERIOR COURT ()F TttE STATE OF VeASH INGT()N FOR MASON COUNTY. The I'l•u(lential insurance 0. Of An/pl'iea. a Nt!w Jl'S "¥ C )1"p(Jrati 5n, I"laintiff vs. 1RVIN C. DECICIO and MAICIA J. DECICIO, Defendanls. Under and by vii'rue o( 1 gcllelqll execnlif)n issued out of ;tell lieder lhe seal of" i}le Snl)Pl'l(Ir Co!.n'l (|" 1he Slate of VraslJinKIon. in and h)r said COlUIt)', on Ill(" 10th day el May. 1963. upon a judgnmnl rcndtred ill said Court on lhe 10th day of May, 1963, in favor o] The Prud(nlial ] nNurance Co. or Alllel'ioa. a Ne' J el'sey carpi)re!ion. and against h'vin C. DeCicio and Mar- cla J DcCicio. judgnmnt d(tblors for the sunl of Fain' T|tollsand. ()no lhlndred Ninety-Two and 60/]00 Dol- lal's. Logelhcr wiih altorncy's f('(s, ia- tercsI, costs and increased cc)sts, and Io Ill(, directed and delivered. I did (m the 10th day or May, 1963. h'vy upon all Hie ri;ht till( and interest of said judgnlent debtors ill and to llle following described property hi satisfy said .itlda-Illent to-wit : Lots Tw() (2) ant Three (3) Block FoUl" (4), Hiller(st Addititioa to Sbel Ion. Washinglon. according lo ttle of- ficial plat thereof on file ill the of- fire of the Anditor o: Mason County, Washington. NOW THEREFORE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Friday the 14th day () tl J:une. 1963. al 10 o'eh)ck in the forenoon of said day, I will sell /he above described prot)- erty, or :O lnucb thereof as olay be nccessary to satisfy said judglnent t0- gether with atlorney's fces, intel.est cost and increased costs, in all alllounl- ing to the snnt of Four Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-Two and 15/100 Dollars. Plus Sherifrs Costs and Cost of Publication. Said sale will take place at the East door of the Court House at 4th and Pine. in said Connty and State, and will be at public auction, for casll in hand to the highest and best bidder.' Dated at Shelion, Wash.. this I3th day of May, 1963, D. S. CLARK, Sheriff of said County. By There Bassett. Deputy. 5/16-23,30-6/6-:13 5t Real Estate , i 1. NEED A HANDY MAN 3 bedroom home at Uifion over- looking Hood Canal and Olympic Mts. City water, double garage, large lot - $7950 - $1000 down - $50 per mo. 2. LETS GO TO THE COUNTRY 5 acres 2 bedroom cottage, large garage which cost $3000. small stream, timber, good well, 300 ft. black top road frontage Dayton Valley., $4950. Terms negotiable. 3. GRAB THE CAR KEYS 10 acre farm North of Shelton. large farmhouse in good condition. barn, chicken house, nice yard, lots of holly trees, well fenced, year around stream, $9750 - owner will listen to offer, 4. REAL COUNTRY LIVING 7 acres with small partly finished cottage, 300 ft. higlway frontage, lots of ground timber. $3000 - tern2s. 5. LOOK HERE 10 acres Dayton Valley, fine year around stream, borders black top road $2000 - good terms. 6. BETTER TAKE A LOOK 18 acres Agate area, 400 fL. black top road. growing timber,, fine terrain. $3500 - $600 down $35 per month. 7. A STONE CASTLE 10 acres with a beautifully built pumice rock 4 bedroont home. Drilled well. garden space, t00 t. Hiway frontage. Close to school, shopping Center, State Park on Hood Canal. A REAL BIJY AT $15,500. Easy terms. 8. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY 5 acres & 4 bedroom home. drilled well. fine garden area. trees. 165 ft. road frontage. 10 rain. from downtown Shelton $6500. - $3200 -down or submit. BRITE STAR REALTY Rt..1 Box 135 Hoodsport, Wash. Dial 877-5439 Drlnk g/a,00ee 6/6 of Milk every day NO. 3251 NOTI(i,', OF ilEARIN(I FINAL III';PORT ANI) PI';TITION F()i{ I)ITRIBUTION IN TItE SUPERIOI{ COUR.T OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. (IN IqlOIATE) In lh(, Matler of the Estate of VJIL- LIAM ROGAL. Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that TENNA STOCKVELL. Executrix of tile Estat(, of Villiam Regal, deceased. llas filed in lhe office Of the Clerk of said ((/ll'1 ;/ final i'vport and 15e - ti/ion [or distribution, asking the C(,ul'[ h) st'Ill( said l'eporL distribute 1}/e pl'(Jl)erly tO llle persons therelo entith-d anc to discharge l]le petitioner as Execulrix: and thal said I'el)Ol'l and I)etilion witl l" heard on tile 14th day ()t June. 1,(t6:{. al 10:00 o'clock ill llle Joren(a)n OI 1 said day. (,r as soon there- drier as the nh*lt[cr ('an he llcard at the c(,ul't i'oonl of ihe above entitled court, hi thc Conrlll(K1so ill Shclton. Mason Coul%t'. Washill'ion. at "']licl/ /lnlO slid 15htee, any 1)el;soil ilUet,csted In said Estate nlay alJpear and file oh- .]actions th*l't,|o and conlest |he sanle. Deled Ibis 101h day el May, 1963 LAURA M. WAGENER. Clerk el said Court. By Tcekla Vermillion. 4)epllty. GLENN E. CORI2EA. Attorney lor Estate. Bell Building, 121 South Ftmrih Street, Slle]l)n. l,r a Slli n gt on. 5/16-23-30-6/6 4t NO. 272(; NOTICE OF NAI,E OF REAL ESTAT E IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE ill the Matter ol ill( Gualldianstlip of BAkBARA ANN WOLF. A Minor. NOTICE IS HEREY GIVEN that TI-!ORA WOLF BASSETT. ill ller ca- pacity as gua)'dian oi the above named lnln(Jr, will sell at 1)rivate sale and fat casll the ftl]lowillg described real cstatc : An undividcd one-half interest m that ])ortit)n of ttlc M. T, Sinlnlons Donalion Land Claim No. 39, par- iicuiar!y described as Iollows: Conlnlencing a[ thc corner colnnlon to Sections 23. 24, 25 and 26. Town- ship 20 N. lmngc 8 W.W.M. : thence South 89 deg, 47' 55" West. along the south line el said Section 23. 801.88 feet: thence North 16.20 feet to an iron post: thcnce North 1209.17 feet to all iron post aI the Southeast corner of a li0 root tract (sho'wn on Assessor's Books as "18A"): thence North 88 deg. West. 140.15 feet ; thence North 278 fret nloi'e or less• to the nleander line; thence West(r- ly and No)'thwesterly along tlle said lneandcr tint to a pain1 on the beach. which point is West 513.94 feet and North 78.50 feet Ir,ml the 278 foot point last nlentioned and the point (51 beginning of 1he tract of land he,,'el)y describcd: thence south 40 deg. East 186.62 feet; thence Iast 45 feet nl )r( or less, to tile Northwcst corner of a tract Of iand awarded to Alice Stotsbery as a homestead in Probate case No. 1871: ilnmce South 0 ° 17' West along the Vtest lille of said homestead tract. 237 fee(, lo the sonl}lw(st (orner lhcl'eof : 1hence East ahmg th(" sont]l line of said boluestead tract to all intersection with the Weslerly line of a private roadway ; tilt, liCe Southwesterly, ah,ng tbc \\;Vesterly line of said pri- vale roadway to a fork ill said pri- \\;'at(, roadway, which l)oint is South 3 dug. West. 5t0.50 feet fronl the point of bea'innin: thence Nortll 3 d(g. Easl ah)ng i|le easl linc (Jr said private roadway, 540.50 feet more or I('SS. tO the 1)(lint of beginning4 also. suuh portion thereof, if alty, as ntay inchlde tidelauds: also rights to wa- leF for donlestic ilses fl'oln exisling M:atcr SySl qll. Alsb (.aselnent for l't'.dx',,a:v 1(/ Co'drily re, ad. lo tlle ldghest and l)esl bidder. ]=]id nlusl 15e submitted ill writing and nlaY be loft with the guardian at 121 South Fourth Strcet, Shelt()n Washington. The sale will bc nmde on of after June 14 196,2. THORA rOLF BASSETT Guardian 6/6 It Hood CanM TRITON HEAD Cottage and guest trailer -- $4500! STETSONS cottage -- $6750! AYOCK BEACH -- Cottages $4950 and up! Beach Homes 3 bedroom and guest house (fireplaces) $27,000 2 bedroom, fireplace, 108 ft. beach $15,500 Off the Beach Beautiful landscaped with creek (Hoodsport) $13,900 3 comfortable 2 bedroom homes to choose from (H oodsport) $4,900 and up. 2 bedroom, garage, storeroom landscaped, creek, 148 ft. beach $18,500 Trailer lots $2000 & up No bank beach lots $200 dn. Cottage at Union $2750. (Call Union 898-2263). IIOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5575 Evenings Walter George-- 0[|ice Manager, broker OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 -- HOME PHONE 426-3530 Roy Ritner, Herb Rotter Associates, Inc. Accounting & Bookkeeping FIVE ROOM HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, garage, Lot 60' x 1_20' -- $5500. FOUR ROOMS, full basement, furnace, fireplace, corner lot, just like new $13,500. LOG HOUSE Two bedrooms, five acres, good well and water. Orchard, small barn, large work shop. Full price $8,500. FIVE ROOM HOUSE, three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat and garage. 60 ft. of waterfront, close to town. $12,000 with terms. 4 ROOM HOUSE ten acres'. 1 acres cleared. Other outbuild- ings $9,500. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, part basement. Priced at $4,000. Down payment $350. FOUR ROOM HOUSE, garage, woodshed, two lots -- $4,000. Down payment of $1000 and $50 per month. THREE BEDROOMS, diing room, fireplace, garage and car- port. Price $18,500. 21 ACRES, SOME CLEARED. Old house, drilled well, $2,800. 7 TO 8 YEAR OLD, 4-bedroom house. One acre of land, spring water, double garage, workshop -- $9,500. TWO BEDROOM HOME, corner lot, hot water heat, fireplace, ,garage attached, on Angleside -- $10,500. Legal Publications NOTI('E OF NALE ()F ('OI"NTY I'IC]{S()NAL I'ROI']CI{T¥ NOTICE IS IfEREBY GIVEN. That l)ursuant h) ;ill ol'dcl' (,f l]le I;oard (,f County Coltlnlissionel's nlade slid ell- lercd on the 20111 day of .%Iay, nt63. Ibel'e will im ufiervd 1"1-)|' sale Lo the hilzhest and best bidder, [,,2' casll by the COLlnly Tl'casuFer al ptlb]i(t tlll('- lltJn at Ill(" 111't)11t deaf el tilt! (_'Otll't House ill Shelton at 10:00 a.ln. Mon- day. June 10. t963, lhe following idcnti- 1 • • , i,trJu , ...... -Legal-Pt NO, 3/61 NOT[('E TO CI{ICI)iTOB IN THE SUPEIIOI COUIT OF THI STATE ()f  VASHINGT( tN I,'Ot :MASON COUNTY. (IN 1" llOlIA T E) TII the lallCl. el thv Estate (,r L(/REN DUKE f{Ot]EP, TS Dc(eas*'d. NOTICE IS liEBEBY GI\\;EN that .tt undo/-siancd has DC(,ll al)DoitttPd slid has (llalified a lil- h]xeculrix of the Eslale ol L()l'ell Duke Ro])erls. deceased : lhat all pc l'S( llS ba VillL " ficd and dea'ibod p(.l'sonal properly; c]ains a'ainst said dectaas(-'d a|*e [lert . each itelu [() 1,cglll al a lnlnilll/nll ])Y r('(tLlil'ed io st'l've Ill, sadie, dilly 1)l'lCe to De seL 1)3' llle ]:oal'd: vcrlfi('d, )ll lhe Ulld'l'siKned Execu- trix or htr attorney or reel)I'd :t[ the ID NO. TYPE OR DESCRIPTION I One BaFbcr (FceII Convt.yol" 2 On(! Coulb. /0' 4" D4 Snow Plow Bhlde 3 One Litth'ford Tarpot Wagon, Mdl 8lHD. St. N,}. 'I 4 (.)he 1-I M Patch ragon 5 Oue David Bradluy Wllgon, .l-wheet 6 One 6" Blade 7 One 3 HP. Sle. Ph. 60 cy., 23(] v. XD 1163 G] Moh)r 8 On(" 5 H.P. 3 Ph.. 60 cy.. 220/ t40 \\;'.. SB2155M Master Motor 9 One Worillington Air Conl- prcssor, St. 77406 10 One Her( t}oat IX{0tor (less Iransnlission I x lI One Andevson V Sllo%v I)iow, Sr. 4E5883 ]2 One Loader Snow Ph/w 13 One Glen Robcris Arc Wel- der. Mdt. 35. Sr Hl10.80 ('y Sgl Ph. 14 One Itongh Sweeper. PTO alIachlneltt I5 One Hough Sweeper, PTO attacbnlcnt 16 One Hi Way Spreader, Model 1% 17 One Hi Vtay Spreader, .Mode] R 18 One Hi Way Spreader. [odel R 19 One Divider Box. GI 20 One Pintle Hook Trailer Hitelt. 6" 21 One Peddle Grindstone. ]8" wheel 22 One Mowing attaclunent. Far- nlall. (less arln) 23 eric Anderson S ileal Ph,w, Mdl. T 480. St'. 8A6102 24 One 51owcr. conll)lcte. Far- mall DATED this 20th day of May, 1963. Board of County COTlllnissioners of Mason County, Wasllington. y C. NOLAN MASON Clerk of the Board 5/30 6/6 2t address behtw stated and file Lhe sam,- with tile Clerk of lhe said court. to2other vi||l proof (-,f Sllch s(ervice within six ln(snl}ts after the dale of first tJubtication ,r tllis notice of /he sanl witl be barred. Date t)f first publication: May 30, 1963. FRANCES M ROBERTS Ex('Cllt l'iX. GLENN E. CORREA. Alto]'n)y fo1 Estate. Bvll Building. Shelled. %Vashin ton• 5/30-6/6-1,2-20 'tt MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m, Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (%red.) 7:30 p.m. Robert S. Wick, Pastor Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 pan. Bible Study (%Ved.) .... 7:00 pro. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 t)f" Foursquare Church 910 E. Dearborn Rev. Lewis Wysong, pastor Sunday - 11:00 A.M. Rev, Jack Chase All American Wheel Chair Basketball Player Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Young People's Mtgs, 6:00 p.m. Evening Evangelistic Service - 7:00 p.m, FISHERMEN'S tLBB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd and Cots SUNDAY. JUNE 9 9:30 a.m.Guest Speaker: Paul Olson "Children & Youth Services" a Division of the Dept. of Institutions. 10:00 a.m. -- Topic "A New Offer" FIRST BAPTIST CHgRCH Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, JUNE 9 -- 'J- Broadcast over ,uo0.,c00oo, 1 KMAS 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. "No Substitute Needed" 7:30- Evening Service 1280-11:00a.m. "Living with Ohrist on the Wrong Side of Pentecost"-Series No. 2 Wed. 7:30 p.m.Bible Study and Prayer for the family , , ,j FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated with American Lutheran Church THE METHODIST GHURGH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Minister 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D, Wigton Bible School ........ g:45 a.m. Youth hTeeting 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m, • Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service RRST GHURGN OF GHRIST, SI)IENTIST [ 302 Alder St.. Sheltn, Was.. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.  Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Radlng room located in church. Reading room hourm  to 4 p.m, Mon & Wrt Wed evening 6:45 to 745 SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Full Gospel In Message - Fundamental in Doctrine 130 East Pine Street Mason Younglund. pastor Sunday School  Classes for all ........................................ 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship ............................................................ 11:00 A.M. Christ's Ambassadors .......................................................... 6:00 .P.M. Revival Service ...................................................................... 7:00 P.M. Bible Study and Prayer -- Wednesday ............................ 7:00 P,M. i 7 .... -- ....... . - MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hwy. So. 8= Cascade, The Rev. Gerakl Herman, Pastor Sunday School ................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Class ................................................................ 9:45 ram. Morning Worship ........................................ S:30 a,m. & 11:00 a.m. ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCII Fourth & Cedar, Shelton. Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m.--HoIy Communion. 11:00 a.m,---Divlne Worship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer