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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 7, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 7, 2012
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'Odds are good' Shelton theaters can pay to transition By KEVIN SPRADLIN ,{~6. fi r~ @~' ~ ? (z,1~o YJ.C o f ~.Tt. ty. CO h~ ;t Kathy Beimer managed the Shelton Cinemas on Franklin Street for more than eight years and has been involved with the mov- ie industry since the early 1970s. The industry's transition to a digital platform from the current 35-millimeter film format is putting that streak in jeopardy. Hollywood is mandating theaters across the country switch to a model on which it is more affordable to dis- tribute its movies. Unfortunately for small- town theater owners, the transition is a costly one. New digital projectors must be purchased for each screen. Shelton Cinemas has two and the Skyline Drive-In Theater, located on Brewer Road, has one -- albeit much larger -- pro- jector.The Skyline is one of five remaining drive-in the- aters in Washington, Mayes said. For each screen, the cost to convert ranges between $50,000 and $80,000. "For little town theaters, this is money they don't have," Beimer said. Together, the two the- aters employ two full-time managers and nearly two dozen part-time workers. As of the end of this year, Hollywood movies wilt be available only in the digital format. "I can tell you that a number of small-town the- aters are going to go away," said Dorothea Mayes, a film buyer for a consortium of in- dependently owned small- town the'aters ifi ~he region. .~M'ayes also owns the two : theaters "in SheItbi~/ "It is extremely expen- sive," Mayes said. "It really needs to be converted to- ward the end of the year, or Journal photo by Kevin Spradlin The platters on which theater workers currently place the 35-millimeter film will soon become obsolete as Hollywood transitions to a digital distribution platform. we're in danger of literally business," Beimer said. running out of the film that "We'll be closed." we currently use." Mayes is optimistic that Mayes said such a transi- won't happen. She said in tion has been talked about order for efforts to raise the in the industry for moreneeded funds to be success- than a decade. Many small- ful, there needs to be com- town theaters thought, or munity support. hoped, Mayes said, that it For other theaters, was justtalk, such as the one in Port In other cases, some Townsend, Mayes said the agreed there would be a community has rallied to transition but there were no help raise part or all of the details. No one knew what money necessary to pay for equipment to invest in. the conversion. "It's really more difficult "It has a social value in than saying, 'why weren't a small town, beyond the you ready,' when you don't movie itself," Mayes said of know what to invest in."local theaters. "We do want The two theaters are nowto be a part of the commu- caught between the prover- nity. I think we do contrib- bial rock and hard place, ute. Somehow, I feel like it And if the money isn't would be good for the corn- raised, "then we're out of munity to realize that." i~:!/~iii!i!i~ili! i i:ii;¸ i:i:i; ;!; :i a iii! County, Seniors and their excellent care and services of your high standards and dedication:we are aliveraie 1' Call Kathy Burbidge at (360) 426-2600 for a free lunch and tour 900 West Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584 I INDEPENDENT LIVING ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE SH E LT(')NMASONCOU N ['¥ mmmmmmmmmmz ~111 i SKOOKUM CREEK TOBACCO F/4CTORY OUTLET 38#= 42 254 Baskets Continued from page A-2 a sidewalk and part of a street. There were no traf- fic control plans in place, Michael said. Michael said the dis- cussion over potential issues started after last year's basket hanging. He thought the conversa- tion was left that a permit would be required with the bucket trucks and chamber implementing "minimum traffic control" measures. Commissioner Mike Olsen said he was "kind of disappointed" that "the leader of the chamber phrases it like he does." Olsen described the let- ter as partly "political." Olsen acknowledged an existing divide be- tween the chamber and the city "and these things don't help." Mayor Gary Cronce said he could "see both sides" of the issue -- after all, the baskets were being placed in order to beautify the city -- but that codes must be enforced. Cronce said he under- stands that some busi- ness owners might not understand some of the technical nuances of city code -- or the reasons for them. Michael said he hoped to have a memorandum of understanding signed by the chamber and the city before the hanging bas- kets needed to be taken down. The memorandum would outline each side's role in the process and ex- plain any permit-related issues to be addressed by the chamber. Afresh coat of paint r~ .... i:! i~i :5¸:" Journal photo by Natalie Johnson City road crews were out giving sidewalks a fresh coat of paint on May 30. Bob Miller painted this curb on Cota Street. TR mis : ADITIONS ................. COMPLETE STILL OFFERING FACTORY 2NDS SALE ON TRADITIONS ONLY! Sale offered on Traditions Additive-Free and High Air lOOs MONSTER ENERGY Come Try Our NEW DAILY Buy one 16 oz. can for LUNCH SPECIALS i f239 &geta 2nd Call FREE Sandwich, Chips, & 22 oz. Soda Budweiser & Bud Light Rockstar oz. 3 cans for $ Reg. $2.19 per can STORE LOCATIONS • OPEN LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! KTP - Intersection of HWY 101 & 108 • Open 6am daily KTP Express- 3850 Old Olympic HWY [ SU~GEO'~,I-GE'NER~'i:S'~/AR'N[NG'I'S-I~n-oki~'Ig"By-+" Steamboat - 6233 Steamboat Island Rd. I Pregnant Women May Reeull in Fetal Injury, hPremature Birth, And Low Billh Weight. "Cartotl sales only, while supplies last .................................... 2" ................... O Subscribe to 1[$ She!t°niMas?n C[ ounty ....... n Sports Classifieds O Community News 227 W. Cota St. • Shelton, 98584 360-426-4412 Shelton-Mason County Journal - I hursday, June /, ztUi Z - Page A-_4