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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 7, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 7, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Garbage when the 2 0 - y e a r Continued from page A-1 c o n t r a c t rq ....... with A1- Allied Waste to Mason ~~Nii~ ...... ~!~ii~;~i~ lied was County to install a new .....~,~ ~ ~i up, loading weigh scale at its |~~!i] "This is transfer station. ~ effectively The contract also stipu- a $15 mil- lates that the company will lion, sev- haul no less than 25 tons of Rick solid waste per truck. The county will be charged $56 .per ton for trailer weights under 26 tons, and $35 per ton for trailer weights of more than 26 tons. "This gives us ... some rate stability," Moore said. "It's not going to drive an increase in our rates. It does give us stability, like I said, and a level of comfort that is consistent with how we've been doing business in the past." However, some other area garbage and recy- cling companies expressed frustration that the county chose not to go out to bid en-year Frederickson c o n t r a c t that has not been offered to bid," said David Baker, executive director of Wilson Recycling and former solid waste manag- er for Mason County. Representatives of solid waste companies expressed interest in bidding for the contract, but said they did not have the opportunity. "After taking comments, there was no formal re- quest for proposals (RFP) or bids. They were allowed to go into negotiations that were not part of the bid process or RFP process," said Eric Johnson, repre- senting Waste Manage- ment. "There was no for- mal request so companies represented here today did not have the opportunity to come forward with any- thing that could address any of the contractual is- sues that you were ask- ing your contractor to ad- dress." Rick Fredrickson, rep- resenting Mason County Garbage and Recycling, also commented on the con- tract and asked if the com- mission was planning not to privatize solid waste op- erations in Mason County, since it planned to vote on a seven-year contract for solid waste hauling. Tim Sheldon said the contract had nothing to do with any discussion of privatizing garbage collec- tion in Mason County and expressed his support of the contract. "I feel comfortable with Deaths Continued from page A-1 on March 26. Christopher D. Thor- son has been charged with murder after authorities say he killed his wife Van- essa Thorson with a shot- gun near Lake Cushman on April 12. On May 15, Terra Dit- tmer was killed in a car week. Sound economic times are Byrd said this is the not improving. Those eco- worst stretch of violence he nomic times are putting ad- can remember in the county ditional stress on the popu- since 2005. lation," he said. According to the state'sThe increased crime rate Uniform Crime Reports, is taking away resources in Mason County experiencedlocal law enforcement nor- six murders in 2005. mally used to investigate However, from 2006 untilday-to-day crimes like theft March 2012, Mason Countyand illegal drugs, Byrd said. reported only two murders. "It's taking a lot of our fi- Friday morning's mur- nancial resources," he said. der/suicide brings the count Last month, the Ma- crash. The driver, Dylan to sixdeathsruledhomicide, son County Sheriffs Of- Burke, was later charged between March 26 and June rice renewed an agreement with vehicular homicide and 1 -- less than three months, with sheriffs offices in four pled not guilty. • Byrd attributed the rise neighboring counties to de- Then on Memorial Day, in violence region-wide to fine mutual aid agreements. Charles Sydney Longshore the continuing recession. "We're solidifying our allegedly murdered Tyler "We're seeing across thepartnerships with our sur- "Red" Drake and Anitrea state and even farther that rounding law enforcement "Roxy" Taber. He was dr- there's an increase in vio- agencies ... it allows us to rested Friday after elud- lence, there's an increase in bring more resources to bear ing authorities for nearly a homicides. Overall in Puget on these particular shoot- ings so they can be resolved quickly, thoroughly and effi- ciently," he said. "It's a give moving ahead today," he said. "Some deals are ne- gotiated and they are very good deals. Having a long- term contract I think is in the best interest of the citi- zens of Mason County." Some citizens at Tues- day morning's meeting also expressed concern that the contract had not been reviewed by the county's Solid Waste Advisory Com- mittee, which has not met in more than a year. Moore suggested that having the committee re- view the contract might help allay concerns of the public and of competing solid waste companies. "If it's not going tobe ap- proved today that would be the appropriate next step," he said. Brian Matthews, interim public works director, sug- gested the commission go out to bid on the contract during Tuesday's meeting. "The better bid may be better for the county," he said. "It's a consideration --something that's fair for everybody. It gives every- body a chance to drive the cost down, we don't know unless we see those bids." However, the commis- sion decided to take action on the contract during the meeting on Tuesday. Commissioners Sheldon and Steve Bloomfield voted to approve the contract. Bloomfield originally proposed extending the comment period on the con- tract by two weeks, but vot- ed to approve the contract without the extension. Commissioner Lynda Ring Erickson abstained, citing her candidacy for po- sition 2 in the Legislative District 35, and potential conflict of interest. This newspapei: has been the leading source of Local Political news and information for more than a century. If you're a candidate for office you should advertise here. For the most credible and most cost effective way to get your message out to the voters, call us today! Shelton-Mason County and take relationship but W .r SuDD ~ it's something that we've (~e~; '~ o~[o ~ had to do to ensure public A ~:~ ~ ~,e¢TMI~ ~.~.. IL ...... ~:~,.~ ~ ,becauseSafety in all of our countieSwe all have limited " Call us today at 360-426-4412 or stop in our offices at 227 West Cota in Shelton ~ ~ ~F~ "~ ~ resources ...... ' .... Lewis-Mason-Thurston~ IllWF~ ~'~Area Agency on Aging Caring for someone with Dementia. ; " : : :: : i GENTLECARE Workshop June 12 & 13, 2012 9AM to 4PM Learn Dementia specific caregiving and communication skills. I Send your note of congratulations Create a home plan to manage stress without distress. .,, to your favorite 2012 Mason County Graduate in the Journal! . For more information or to register call: 360-664-3162 ext. 102. $25 includes lunch both days. Single spot- Kathy w .... You DID it! ~ Funded by the OlderAmericans Act and the State of Washington ~ ~ ~ Love, Mom & Dad P.S. ~ Go look in Ge~d: d~o * * " the driveway, .................................................................... i!iii!!ii:i!i!iil ii OLYMPIC COLLEGE ;;:Double spot -fl! Your Family .z: is So Proud of You! I Paid by by Citizens for Darrel Andrews I F- RO. Box 1640 • Shelton, WA 98584 I Grandma & Grandpa Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, June 7, 2012 - Page A-7