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June 7, 2012 |
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~ ~~' ~ xJ v x.~]'~l~ and brain damage, mean you're a bad person."
.... ~.,:~ :~ ~ "I have never wanted to Apple said he believes the
%~:i ~:~:~i~~~~ I F: ~ ~ Continued from page B-1 harm anybody," she said. "Ivideo was recognized because
~: ::~~/~~ ! ~ ~| can't take that moment back. it has been seen by so many
: i:~:,~'~,~,~,~,~v~f | it was not in time," Fennell It is done." different groups and public
ii A lille S--C"°eletlOll of said. " Apple said i~'s important to safety agencies in Washing,
It was, Fennell noted, "the note that Fennell is accepted ton.
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beginning of the worst experi- as a standout educator in Ma- In all, Apple said, State
ence I've ever had in my life." son County. Farm donated nearly $10,000
Field lived, but barely. Fen- "It can happen to anyone," for club members to attend
nell described his injuries: Apple said. "Just because you conferences in Minnesota and
Broken legs, a broken back make a bad decision doesn'tWashington, D.C.
Continued from page B-1
The other nine fellows include Beth Ash-
ley, education consultant from Mount Ver-
non; Ailene Baxter, a junior high principal in
the Puyallup School District; Andrea Brixey,
a high school teacher from the Cascade School
District; Obadiah Dunham, a junior high
principal in the Northshore School District;
Corrie Freiwaldt, an instructional coach in
the Renton School District; Merrilou Harri-
son, an education consultant in Yakima; Deb
Gribskov, an instructional coach in the Kel-
so School District; Tyler Rice, a high school
teacher in the Mount Adams School District
and Jean Sheckler, an instructional coach
from Tacoma Public Schools.
"We're from all over the state of Washing-
ton," Byington said.
lyzed them," she said. "That only will benefit
me and,my teaching."
Specifically, Byington will do research,
blog, speak at conferences and write about the
"I'm really excited to author an article ...
for a professional education publication," she
said. "I've done a lot of presentations at con-
ferences statewide and nationwide. Authoring
an article is a milestone I'd like to achieve.
They're going to give me the help and support
I need to pursue that goal."
Byington said the resources provided by
Success at the Core are particularly helpful at
Evergreen, which is a bilingual school. At the
elementary school, children take some classes
in English and others in Spanish.
"We have to use cutting edge strategies to
reach all of our students," she said. "[The pro-
gram] has definitely helped."
Byington said being a part of the Success at
the Core program could indirectly help Ever-
For the next year and a half, Byington will green as well.
work to research how the program actually "When more people are aware of ourinnova-
helps in classrooms, tive prograrh and our dual:l~nguage progr'arn, ....
.... only benefit us,~ s~
Ive used (the videos) but I haven t aria- that can e said.
"We have to use cutting edge st'rategies
Noon, Shelton Community Toastmas-
ters will meet for their regular meeting
at Our Community Credit Union, 2948,
Olympic Highway N., Shelton.
Noon-1 p.m., Shelton Rotary will
meet for their regular meeting at St. Da-
vid's Episcopal Church on Third and Ce-
dar streets.
Noon-l:30 p.m., Turning Pointe Do-
mestic Violence Services' Shelton Sup-
port Group will meet in the Shelton office
conference room.
5 p.m., Hershey Track Meet will take
place at the Shelton High School stadi-
um, 3737 Shelton Springs Road.
5:30 p.m.-6:45 p.m., Shelton Tim-
berland Library presents "Page Turners
Book Discussion" for adults. Join in a
discussion of "Beloved," by Toni Morri-
son. For more information call 426-1362.
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p,m., "John's Music
Jam," with John Rosengreen on piano
and Vern Morgus on guitar and harmon-
ica, will take place at Mason County Se-
nior Activities Center, 826 Railroad Ave.,
Noon- 1 p.m., Economic Development
Council (EDC) of Mason County will have
a luncheon at Shelton United Methodist
Church, 1900 King St. Bob Appel, CEO of
Mason General Hospital, will give a pre-
sentation. This event is free.
9 a.m.-3 p.m., Shelton Farmer's Mar,
ket will take place on Third Street be-
tween Cedar and Franklin streets.
9 a.m., The Shelton Nimrod Club
will host their Annual Fishing Derby
for members of Exceptional Foresters
at Batstone's Pond. Call 490-8059 with
11 a.m., Shelton Community Cinema
will show the documentary, "The Collec-
tive Evolution," at Shelton Cinemas, 517
W. Franklin St. Donations are encour-
aged and help SOCK (Save Our County's
Kids) work to bring a Y.M.C.A. to Shel-
4 p.m., A reception to honor Hood
Canal School Superintendent/Principal
Tom Churchill will be held at the Hood
Canal School library.
10:30 a.m.-ll:45 a.m., United Way
of Mason County presen£s a free finan-
cial workshop on credit repair at Mason
County Senior Activities Center, 826
Railroad Avel, Sheiteri~f Advance regis-
tration is requested. Call 426-7374.
11 a.m.-noon, Mason County Senior
Thanks for Activities Center, 826 W. Railroad Ave.,
• "0~'.~,o~, to reach a~ of our sty~ents ... (The w,, have an information meeting for
~ program) has def n tely he ped." Grandth°se interestedcanyon andinHoovertaking aDam.trip to the
3 p.m.-5 p.m., Shelton Timber-
~5~ / land Library presents 'Teen Gaming
Lounge" for teens. Play electronic vid-
eo games and have refreshments with
_ n d like a one year subscription friends. For more information call 426-
f Joy i mailed to the following address: n 1362.
~ ~_~ n [ 5:30 p~m.-7 p.m., Peninsula Credit
~.~i ~~J~ I Name: I Union will host Shelton Mason County
~\ ~-7~/ 'Address: u Chamber of Commerce business after
~.~~-',~J$~< (( I ~ I hours at Grove Street Brewhouse. Please
9~j~1¢ ~/~'J'~k n City: State: Zip: , R.S.V.P at 426-2021 or info@shelton-
'\~ ~7.~. ~ _j~ ~/ u . n chamber.org
~2}x~'~~~" ~] I O $37 in County ......... I Tramper Sams, a Mason County Good
~-~l~t ~,. '2 ~' ' ±v*ali w~tn cneck to: n
,W~ I O $51 Elma or Bremerton address Journal n Sam RV club, is planning a three-night
campout on June 12, 13, 14, departing on
n o $51 in Washington State PO Box 430 June 15, at Icicle River RV Park in Leav-
Shelton, WA 98584 [
O$61 out of state enworth. If you are interested in joining
I I us or learning more about our chapter,
.Questions? Call 360.426.4412j call 426-9217 or 427-7189 for more infor-
Grace Baptist Church 0 t 0 os:
Mailing address:
i:]] ... for the faith of the ~ospel ~i P0 Box 1025, Shel~011, ~[ 98504
Times of Services: ~il ~..~ E-Iflai]: past0r@gbcshelt0n.0rg
Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. ~~ ..... gb~s~elt0n.01'g
!]i Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m. ~ Listenon
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m.~fi~ KMAS 1030 AM
............... Wednesday Prayer Meeting ..... 7 p.m.
Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd. ~i~t Sunda~ 9:30. lO:OOam
t t
, 9:30 a.m. 728 l~lroad Ave.
Children and
Worship Service
10:00 a.m.
School 9 AM
Sunday Services
9:OO AM [ Celebration Service
1030 ,~M ] Celebratiol~ Service
Attended Nursery
Children's Classes
4:oo ,M I Gateway to Recovery
Childc'at~. Provided
ADDRESS I 405 S. 7th St..
F • L .... 1212Connection St
a th utheran Church 1 Shelton WA '
A Christ-centered Church T (360)42;-8611
/~Sunday Morning Worship"~ ~ ~ []
/ Traditional-8:45a.m. /
|contemporary - 11:00 a.m. l ~r~k.~t ~-~ * Bible Study
~" J X~%~ Youth Activities
;astt:r BStr ieaV~e ~O 'e:eb .... ww~/.FL~A.~r~
Lutheran Church ................. .................. / ........
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyemdotte Avenue www.sheltonfbc.org see 426-8461
• Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
CoFltei0dlpoYagy ~eFvJee .......... 8:30 a.l~l. Sunday Schoc~ for all a~es
Christian Education ............ 2 9:45 am • NightChurch 6 pm
Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 am • Domingo La Iglesia Bauttsta e pm
S~r~ic~ on Espafi~l
Office 426-6353
• Wednesdays 6 p~
Daycare 427-3165 ,,o~, c,~. ;,W~N~ ~,.~ ~,~, c~
www.mtoliveshelton.org • daevesepm EI.~V,
1113 E. Shelton Springs Road
.......... St:, .... of Shelton, WA 98584
; ........ (360) 427-6998
..... ii~ A place=where all are welcome Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Refreshed-- Restored -- Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton 0ffice phone: 426-8472 • www.sdow.org Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.www.riversofgrace.org
....... 7:30 & 10:30 a.m.Christianity Class ChurchNeW CommunltYof Union
"[2'360-426-5089 9:15 Conversational Bible Study. Saturday 10:30 a.m. Sunday Gatherings
(All are welcome0
I " v'c
Nursery to 2 Yea r-s.
Children's C1 ..... 8:30 and 10:30
SOULFiR~ Vou~H, 6,.-~2~. Grade at the
~ .~o~ ~,~ ~,~.~ ,, ~o h~p Unlon Fir© Hall
.1] p~op~e b~come ~ a~ ~ ~k~¢, through wo,~h~o,
Witness, W,,rf ........ d Work for His KitlNd¢~ro. 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
1360-426:2758 WeaslTe I www.gatewdycf:conl
Page B-2 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, June 7, 2012
web site: www'thenccu'°rg