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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
June 7, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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June 7, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Aaron Ho'omalu Sawyer and Lauren Joan Wilkins will marry in June in Rich- mond, Va. Sawyer graduated from Shelton High School in 2003. He graduated from North- west University in Kirkland. He currently works for the Sheraton Hotels in Hono- lulu, Hawaii. His parents are Mark and Betsy Sawyer of Shelton. Wilkins is a 2004 graduate from Godwin High School in Richmond. She is em- ployed by Nordstrom in Honolulu. Her parents are Gary and Trish Wilkins of Rich- mond. Medicare and prescription support available Diabetics of all ages can be helped with prescription costs, 'and those using the Medicare system may be eligible for additional bene- fits and services. "Medicare 101 and Prescription Assis- tance" will be the topic cov- ered at the Mason General Hospital Shelton Diabetes Support Group meeting at 1 p.m. on June 21, in the new PUD meeting room, 2621 E. Johns Prairie Road. Two guest speakers will discuss Medicare's Supple- mental benefits and services and prescription assistance services for the uninsured or for those having difficul- ty with Medicare co-pays. Prescription assistance will include all ages, even those not yet on Medicare, and there will be time set aside for questions and answers. For more information call Sue Barwick, R.N., C.D.E. at 427-7332. 2 longtime educators stepping down at Pioneer By KAREN EVERETT [~~ last eight years she Special to the Jour~d ~v~~ has served as princi- pal. With her husband, Stove, already retired, The Pioneer School District is an- Sanderson is looking nouncing the retirement of two long forward to doing some time educators, primary school princi- traveling, relaxing and pal Peggy Sanderson and paraeducator trying new things. As Connie Parish. These two ladies have a an avid gardener, a special connection to each other. Twenty- great deal of her time six years ago, Parish was volunteering in Peggy will be spent cultivat- Sanderson's third grade class as a parent Sanderson ing her prolific gar- when she decided to apply for a job. Sand- den. With four children erson wrote a letter of recommendation and four grandchildren for Parish who started working as Sand- living close by, Sanderson will be kept erson's paraeducator the following year. busy with family fun and activities. After graduating from Washington Since 1984, Parish has helped stu- State University with a double degree in dents achieve success in scho~ as a elementary educatiOn and special educa- general education and special: 'educa- ti0//, Sanderson's ~aching career began tion paraeducator. She has worked with at Hood Canal School in 1975 where she children from second grade to middle worked in the Title 1 Program. The fol- school. Working with middle school stu- lowing year she was hired at Pioneer as dents has been especially satisfying for a fourth grade teacher. After a year in Parish. She feels that middle school stu- fourth grade, Sanderson moved to third dents are more independent and know grade where she stayed for 27 years. The how to take direction well. "Middle school ~ students are special to me as we seem to con- nect well,!' Parish said adding that some stu- dents keep in touch with her after they leave Pioneer. Parish's husband, Chris, has been retired for four years from Simpson Connie Timber Company so Parish she is looking forward to spending quality time with him. Their children, Amie and Duffy, live close by so the Parishes will be able to spend a lot of time with their four grandchildren, Lin- sey, Evan, Jayde and Ashly. As an artist, Parish will be spending time painting, knitting, crocheting and building things. The district and staffwould like to invite the public to a reception honoring these ded- icated educators from 3:30-5:30 p.m. June 14, in the Pioneer Primary School multipur- pose room. Any questions can be directed to the district office at 426-9115. Free septic workshop offered The Washington State University (WSU) Exten- sion Mason County will hold a free septic workshop from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on June 19, at Mason County PUD 3, 2621 E. Johns Prairie Road, Shelton, to help homeowners avoid flushing money down the drain. Experts will explain what can be flushed safely, how septic systems work and what to do to protect this very valuable feature of every rural home. The workshop describes the basic components of septic systems and provides participants a chance to ask questions specific to their own needs. Those attending will receive straightforward in- " formation to help them maintain their septic sys- tems. Attendees will learn what they can do on their own and when to call in a professional. Along with a septic maintenance discount cou- pon, everyone attending will receive a useful print- ed manual they can t~se as a resource at home. For information or to register call 427-9670 ext. 682. Hood canai Marina 5101 E. State Route 106 • Union, WA SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2012 NOON - 3:00 p.m. Free Trial UNION PintA'Si% • Kayaks & Ro'~, • Stand-Up Paddleboards CEP4IER • Water Bikes • Engine Repair & Maintenance • All Your Boating Needs • Dry Storage • Fuel • Moorage etter on obt Fabulous Fashion ... ~::i::::i Fabulous Price it A Unique W .... "s Boutique ~g~!~i:~: -- Visit Our Neighborhood! -- Tue - Sat 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. • Sun 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Core announces candidacy for county commissioner Mark Core recently an- has managed several mil- saster policy that included nounced his candidacy for lion-dollar budgets where a means to expedite the Mason County Commis- projected revenue fore-permit process for individ- sioner District 2. ~ casting is uals suffering a hardship. I Core has 16 years expe-~ critical to understand the importance rience in the retail grocery business ofprotectinglife and safety industry and 18 years ex- s ur v i v- for all citizens." perience in the construc- al while Core is a long-time Ma- tion industry, with 11 having a son County resident, hus- years working for the Ma- negative band and parent who said son County Department of balance isthis is the time for a new Community Development. unaccept- vision in Mason County. He has been directly in able. "I "I have too much love charge of understanding, Mark developed and respect for Mason implementing and enforc- Core many poli-County to sit back and ing all related Federal, cies for continue to watch its mor- State and County code the citi- al decline in the county regulations, including the zens of Mason County," government," Core said. W.A.C. and R.C.W. Core Core said. "One being a di- "I am standing up for the changes I know not only need to be made, but that I am capable of making. I have the skills and knowl- edge to make a positive difference. Where'sThe Fun? To Advertise call 426-4412 Restaurant? Karaoke? Live Band? Night Club? Call 426-4412 to place your ad Award-winning, Call for Parties, nationallyk.... Che[ Xinh Dwelley Meetings, Receptions FRESH AWide Variety0f I & Special SHELLFISH Seafood & Other Meat Dishes i Occasion Lunches DAILYw~ Chef Xinh T, Dwellers A~ian Twist 1360) 427-8709 • Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturday Downtown Shelton • Corner of 3rd and West Railroad www, 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 Madagascar 3 Daily 4:45, 7:00pm Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:00pro Sat-Sun 2:45pm Men In Black 3 Daily 4:40, 7:05pm Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:20pm Sat-Sun 2:10pm • 100% Vegetable Oil, No Peanut Oil • Large Meeting Room Available ~ /L#~7/~ @t~@5~ ~t~tT~g ~}[ Open 7 days, 11am-9pm Lounge Open 11:30am to Closing ii~ii ~r movie infol ~helt0n ,Gates open at 8:00pro, SH0W AT426.4707DUSK II I Fm 6/8 -THuR 6/t4 I ~S.ow ~ I Smoked Ham & Cheese Sandwich w/one side Slow-smoked Traeger BBQ • Ribs • Pulled Pork • Brisket purdy Creek Espresso ~l Est. 1991 6-6 ion-Fri, 7-7 Sat-Sun 15230 N. Hwy, 101, just N of Shelton 426-0157 helton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, June 7, 2012 - Page B-3 I