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Shelton-Mason County Journal
By EMILY HANSON ~ Fuller said. "We surprised a most of the year as our No. 1 pitcher," Fuller
erniZy@~a~.oncouT~ty.com ~ lot of people and did a really said. "She became really reliable and started
good job. We had some upset to throw really well mid-season. She was a
wins and my athletes wanted very important part of our success this year."
Former Shetton Lady Highclimber Madi- it really bad. It was a lot of Gaa pitched in high school for the Lady
son Gaa helped her college softball team with fun." Highclimbers and said playing for the Red
its success this season. The Red Devils lost 6-5 Devils has been great.
Gaa, 19, graduated from SHS in 2011 and to Clackamas Community "I couldn't have asked for a better coach to
is now a freshman at Lower Columbia Com- College in game one of the play for and my team got really close and we
munity College (LCC) in Longview, Wash., NWAACC championshippeaked at the right time," she said. "We went
where she pitches for the Red Devils softball Madison and lost 7-6 in game two to a lot further than people were expecting us to."
team. Gaa Clackamas. Gaa said she plans to return to the Red
The Red Devils (21-23), coached by Tracy "The tournament was Devils next season and Fuller said she's look-
Fuller, entered the Northwest Athletic As- amazing," Gaa said. ing forward to that.
sociation of Community Colleges (NWAACC) For her performance as a pitcher this sea- "Madison has the potential to be so much
tournament seeded llth. son, Gaa was named to the all-league second better in the future and I'm really looking for-
"We were the only undefeated team in the team for the Southern Conference.
postseason before the championship games," "It's Madison's first year, but she did spend See Alumna on page C-2
Stirling Hart, left, falls off a log while Brian Bartow remains standing
Saturday at Loop Field during the Mason County Forest Festival.
Journal onoIos Dy Emily Hanson
during the logrolling at the logging show on
Josh Stoken, from Hoquiam, sets his
springboard into the pole during the
springboard chop.
By EMILY HANSON tablishing him as one of the premiere
ernily@maso~coun~y.com climbers to watch for." the site states.
Bartow and Hart joined Josh Stoken
and T.J. Bexton. both from Hoquiam,
The Mason County Forest Festivaland Trevor Baker and Brian Ubelak-
logging show entertained hundreds of er, both from Seabeck, Wash.. for the
people with exhibition logging competi- show's events.
tion events last weekend. "It's going good," Hart said mid-way
On Saturday, ~wo world-class tim- through the show. "We've all got our
berspor~s athletes joined more local winter fat still, so we're all a little slow
athletes to regale the crowd at Loop because this is one of the first competi-
Field with their logging prowess, tions of the year."
"This year's logging show had the Hart, who celebrated his 23rd birth-
largest crowd we have had in the eight day the day of the logging show, has
years we have been back at Loop Field," been climbing since he was 4.
Forest Festival Logging Show Chair- "There's a core group of guys who go
man Mick Sprouffske said. "We had around and do logging shows," he said.
more than 600 spectators in atten- "A lot of us go down to Australia to com-
dance." pete during the winter because there's
Six timbersports athletes competed not a lot to do up here."
during the nearly two-hour long show. He said the logging show was a play-
The world-class athletes were Brian ful grudge match between him and Bar-
Bartow, from Grants Pass, Ore., and tow.
StirlingHart, from Mission, British Co- "It's all in fun," Hart said. "The
lumbia, spring board is my favorite, but speed
Bartow holds the world record inclimbing is my best event."
the 60' speed climb with a time of Bartow, 33, said hethoughttheshow
12.33 seconds, which he set in 2005, was going well.
lumberjackworldchampionships.com"It's not raining, that's always a
states, plus," he said. "There're always good
Bartow held the 90' speed climb ti- crowds here and it's a good set up."
tles in 1999, 2000 and from 2004-2009, Bartow has been climbing since he
the website states, was 6 and said he enjoys the spring-
Hart placed second in the 60' and 90' board and the logrolling.
speed climbs at the Lumberjack world "Speed climbing and tree-topping are
Championships last year, the website my best events," he said.
states. During the show, the loggers com-
"In 2010, Hart set a new world record
with a time of 19.64 in the 90' climb, es-
See Show on page C-4
Shelton-Mason County Journal
Lady Owl
heads to new
playing field
em, ily@masoncounty corn
Though Mary M. Knight
senior Linda Cook would
like to keep playing sports
on an official team, now
that her senior track season
doesn't seem
is over, that
"I'm going to try out to
be on the
nity Col-
lege girls'
Cook said.
"If that
Linda work, I'll
Cook go to the
the gym
and play with random peo-
ple. But if somebody wants
me on their volleyball or
track team, I'll go with that."
Cook was a four-year var-
sity athlete for the Knight
Owls on the girls' basketball
and track and field teams
and a three-year varsity
athlete for the volleyball
"Basketball is my fa-
vorite because it's more of
a challenge and it's more
physical," Cook said.
She said she was in-
volved in sports during high
school to ward off boredom.
"][ get bored out here in
the middle of nowhere,"
Cook said. "It's something
to do besides sitting at home
being lazy. I enjoyed playing
with my teammates, too."
Cook recently returned
from her final trip to the 1B
WIAA State Track and Field
Championship at Eastern
Washington University in
Cheney where she took fifth
in the shot put with a per-
sonal best distance of 31'10".
"State track was a blast
because we had three people
go and we were all light-
hearted," Cook said. "Plus,
the meet's always a chal-
Cook is hoping to attend
Gray's Harbor Community
College for the next two
years and then to move on
to a bigger university.
"I'm torn between want-
ing to go to the University of
Southern California (USC)
and the University of Alas-
ka Fairbanks," she said.
"I've always wanted to go
to Alaska and USC has the
No. 1 physical therapy pro-
Cook said she would like
to be a physical therapist
and work in sports medicine
so she can help athletes who
have issues when they play
sports, like she does.
"My ankles always give
out," she said.
Cook will graduate this
Saturday with a 3.88 grade
point average and as the sa-
lutatorian for the Class of
She said she was in
Skills USA -- a student-led
organization that focuses on
careers and student success
-- the MMK associated stu-
dent body and is the senior
class secretary.
"I like being able to help
people and when I was a
freshman, I had really low
self-esteem," Cook said.
"The leadership people
helped so I like to help oth-
When she's not in school
or playing sports, Cook said
her time is consumed work-
ing on the family farm.
"I also mess around with
my family and friends and
that's about it," she said.
Thursday, June 7, 2012 - Page C-i